S U R V I V O R 

Hey gang.  Mumbo here.  As many of you may already know, episode seven was a source of endless frustration for me.  I got stuck on it for several months, and the whole summer passed without an update.  During that time, I asked for help in writing.  I asked Imak and Limpderfeck to sit down and write scenes for me in hopes that seeing a completed scene would spark me to finish the episode.  It didn't really work, and in the end I didn't use either of their writings at all.
But that doesn't mean their efforts were in vain.  Oh no.  You see, they gave me a nice little episode seven bonus to share with y'all.  It's tradition.  I present to you now what Survivor Newfoundland might look like if it were written by someone else.
First up is a series of scenes from Imak.  She writes from the beginning of the episode right up until the start of the Ambassador's Summit.

Imak's Submission 
Brian: (Narrating) We got rid of Mary Ellen last night.  That woman should have been gone a long time ago.  It was time for her to get out.
(The tribe walks around camp.  Lora works on the fire, Maria stares at her)
Maria: (Narrating) I don't know why Brian had me vote off Mary Ellen instead of Lora.  I'm pretty mad at him right now.  I don't understand her logic at all.
(Lora glares at Maria)
Lora: Why don't you do some real work instead of staring at me?
Maria: You shouldn't even be around any more!  I don't know why we didn't vote you off last night!
(Kevin walks past Maria, trips over stick on ground, and runs into Maria)
Maria: Kevin!  Watch where you're going!
Kevin: Sorry, Maria.  Didn't mean to hit you.
Lora: Maria!  Why are you so on edge?!
(Brian gets up and separates the two yelling girls roughly.  Lora stomps off into the woods)
Maria: Brian, why didn't we get rid of her last night?
Brian: It's ok, it's all worked out...
Maria: Ok, I'm willing to trust you.  I just don't understand.
Lora: (Narrating) Maria didn't have to be so mean to Kevin.  I don't know what's up with her.  That was totally unnecessary, and he didn't deserve it.

Melissa: (Narrating) Well, it's another day here at new Coble.  We were all just so glad we didn't have to go to Tribal Council.
(Amanda and Mrs. Brant sit on a log by the fire)
Amanda: Mrs. Brant, do you think we can make it?  We're definitely on a better tribe now.
Melissa: Definitely, Amanda!  We're gonna go all the way.  We have Sylvia and Will and Dan, or we go with Kris.  We have all sorts of options right now, and we're kind of the swing.
Amanda: Hmm...I guess we'll see what happens...
(Tribe is now all sitting by fire eating breakfast on logs. Dan tells
a stupid joke, and whole tribe laughs.  Close-up on Kris smirking)
Kris: (Narrating) This whole tribe is very unified.  I'm trying my best to fit in, because it's the thing to do right now.  If we'd have gone to TC, I like to think I could've got rid of Dan.  Amanda and Mrs. Brant are still indecisive, and I could've pulled them over.  They still have loyalty to old Platz, I'm sure of it.  Still, I'm  glad we didn't go.  It gave me more time to manipulate my teammates and make them like me.

(Brian and Maria go for Tree Mail.  Brian reads the poem, then looks at Maria)
Brian: Well, Maria, this is your chance to get rid of Lora.
(They return to camp.)
Maria: Hey, Lora, we got tree mail.  It says we have to send an ambassador to meet with someone else from the other tribe.  Do you want to go?
Lora: Gladly, Maria.
Lora (Narrating): Finally!  I can get away from this place!  I feel kind of bad leaving Kevin here with Maria and Brian, though...

(Sylvia and Dan go for tree mail)
Sylvia: Hey, look, I guess the merge's about to happen!
Dan: Yup.
(Sylvia and Dan take tree mail back to camp)
Sylvia: Hey, look guys! We got mail!
Will: What's it say?
(Sylvia reads poem)
Will: How do we want to decide who goes?  I mean, I would like to, but who else would?
(Amanda, Kris, and Sylvia raise their hands)
Will:  Ok, so the fairest way would be to pick straws.  Dan, can you go get some sticks?
(Dan gets sticks, and breaks them to different lengths. Kris
watches carefully as Dan arranges them in his hands)
Will: Ok, Amanda, you draw first.
(Amanda draws, and gets a stick.  It's long.  She accepts it silently)
Will: Sylvia, go ahead.
(Sylvia draws.  Hers is also long)
Sylvia: Man!
Will: Kris, go ahead.
(Kris draws.  He has the short stick.  Will draws just to be sure)
Will: Ok, Kris, looks like you won.  You'll be our ambassador.
Melissa: Have fun, Kris!  Be sure to eat lots of food!
Will: I'm sure they'll be plenty.
Kris: Ok, guys, see you...tomorrow!
All: Bye!  Good luck!

(Lora gets her bag and some extra food. [whatever the food may be in Platz]  Maria and Brian sit by the fire looking uninterested.  Kevin watches Lora prepare her bag.  Lora stands in front of her tribe)
Lora: Well, guys, looks like I'm ready.  See you soon.
Kevin: Bye, Lora!
Brian: See ya.
(Maria plays in the dirt with a stick.) 
And that's the end of that.  Next up is a couple of scenes from Limpderfeck.  They take place after the ambassadors return from the summit.  Note that Will was an ambassador here instead of Kris, and instead of moving to Coble, the tribes are moving to a new location.

Limpderfeck's Submission 
(Will runs into camp Coble wearing his new Buff around his wrist and carrying his knapsack.
There is mischievous grin on his face as he makes a hurried proclamation to the camp)
Will: Hey guys, we've got five minutes to pack up everything and hike over to our new beach!
(Kris and Sylvia spring up off the log from where they had been sitting together and go to
the shelter to grab their personal items as Melissa comes out, nearly running into them)
Melissa: We have to leave? I hope the new camp's as nice as this one. Or are we going back to Platz?
Will: We're going someplace new. They gave us a map and told us to come collect our tribes. Let's get the knives and the frying pan together. (glancing around). Where's Amanda?
Dan: (coming out of the shelter) She's off in the woods somewhere.
Will: Well, can you go find her? The four of us can get all the stuff together here, and I don't know where she goes. We've got to leave in a hurry.
Dan: She's right over there in the meadow. So, now that we're merging, are we all going to be Coble?
Kris: (coming out of the shelter with his pack and the machete) Actually, we're going to have a totally new name. Did you choose one, oh ambassador?
Will: I'll wait until Amanda's here to tell you. Where does she go in the meadow?
Kris: Don't worry, I'll retrieve her.
(Kris slides off into the woods as the others continue collecting the gear from
around camp. Dan slowly puts things into his bag next to the fire with an excited smile).
Dan: Wow, it'll be nice to get to meet all the new people from the other tribe.
Sylvia: (Pausing in her work to address Dan). I think the only one you haven't met yet is Maria, Dan.
Dan: Oh, right.
(Cut to the woods as Kris enters a clearing and finds Amanda sitting
under a tree, reading Will's Bible. She looks up to see Kris).
Kris: Our ambassador has returned and bids us to leave. Our departure is imminent. You've got about three minutes.
Amanda: Guess I'd better hurry, huh?
(Amanda rises and starts to move away. Kris reaches over and grabs her
shoulder, spinning her gently around as she passes, causing her to face him).
Kris: Incidentally, have you considered my proposition?
Amanda: (holding his gaze for a moment, and then turning to move towards camp) There isn't time to talk about it right now.
Kris: (watching as she sprints to camp and calling after her) Take your time. 
(Meanwhile, Lora is similarly returning to Platz. She stumbles onto the beach, finding Maria
and Brian lounging near the fire pit, which is looking poorly maintained and full of ash).
Maria: Oh, you're back. Are we going to stay here, or leave?
Lora: We’ve got five minutes to pack up everything we can carry and move out towards a new camp.
Brian: F***. (Looking at Maria) Where's Kevin?
Maria: He's over by the point. I'll go get him. (Softly, to Brian) Be careful with your hand. (She lopes off).
(Lora is rolling the knives up into a shirt to put in her bag. Brian rises and walks up directly behind her).
Brian: So, did you screw me while you were over there playing ambassador?
(Lora cringes and turns around timidly).
Lora: I didn't screw anybody. We just made the flag and made up our new name. Now we've gotta get ready to leave.
(Lora tries to walk away, but Brian grabs her and violently spins her around. Lora cries out in surprise).
Brian: (menacingly) You better be telling the truth, b****. If you f*** with me, you'll regret it.
Lora: (desperately) Brian, let go! I swear, I didn't do anything! Let's just pack everything up.
(Brian lets go with a smile)
Brian: Just don't try getting smart once we're over there.
(Brian turns to collect the water jug, pleased with himself for putting Lora in her place).

OK, that's it.  Um, bye.

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