S U R V I V O R 
Episode 7 – Sleeping Giants 
Jeff: Previously on Survivor:
Tensions mounted at both camps.  At Platz, Brian threatened Lora for her actions at the previous Tribal Council.  At Coble, Kris strengthened his bond with Sylvia.  Dan began to grate on the members of Old Platz, which Kris decided to use to his advantage.  He hoped to swing Amanda and Melissa to vote for Dan.  Meanwhile, Maria and Lora got into a catfight and Mary Ellen began to get pushy.  Will wanted to throw the Immunity Challenge so that he could get rid of Kris, but in the end, it was Platz who lost and went back to Tribal Council, where Kevin followed Maria and Brian in voting out Mary Ellen.
10 Survivors remain.  Who will be voted out tonight?   
Theme Song 
(The sun rises over camp Platz.  Lora's been up all night.  She sits and stares at the fire pit)
Lora: (Narrating)  I went into Tribal Council last night fully expecting to be the one to go.  I just got incredibly lucky that Mary Ellen decided to get all bossy and draw all the attention on herself.  I'm sure it was Brian's will to get rid of her.  If it had been up to Maria, I wouldn't be talking to you right now.
(Brian and Maria get up and come out to the fire)
Brian: (To Lora) Where's my breakfast, b****?
Lora:  You want me to cook for you now?
Brian:  H*** yes.  You're still here because of me.  Never forget that, b****.
Lora: (sighs) Fine. I'll see what I can find…
(Lora gets up and leaves)
Maria:  She's sure falling in line, isn't she?
Brian: (smugly) Of course.
Brian: (Narrating, laughing) Ha ha!  We got the b**** running scared now.  She knows who the man in this camp is.  I've broken her will.  Lora won't dare mess with us again.
(Kevin stumbles out to the fire)
Kevin:  Hey, buddy.  What's for breakfast?
Maria: (smiling) Victory, Kev.  Victory.
Kevin: (disappointed) Oh.  I was hopin' for… pancakes.
Maria: (Narrating)  Ooh!  I'm just SO happy today!  Lora actually thought she could outsmart me.  Well, I showed her.  I hold all the power in this tribe, and the next time we go to Tribal Council, she'll be the one going.  It just feels so good to be in control of this game!
(Cut to Lora angrily hacking at chickweed.  The sun rises higher in the sky)

(Pan down on Coble's meadow.  Kris walks along, reflecting)
Kris: (Narrating) Well, last night Coble avoided its last vote as a tribe.  I like to think that had we gone to Council, I could have ousted Dan.  Still, I'm quite grateful that we didn't go.  Things don't always work out in practice as they do theoretically.
(Kris walks into camp.  The campsite is abuzz with activity.  Will and Sylvia are gathering
firewood.  Dan and Amanda are looking on as Melissa boils a pot of chickweed)
Dan:  I wonder what the reward will be today?  Maybe we'll win a picnic lunch.
Amanda: (impatiently) We just won that.  Besides, we're merging today, so there won't be any reward.
Dan:  Oh really, Ms. Amanda?  Well, we'll just see about that, won't we?
Amanda:  Trust me.
Dan:  (rolling his eyes) OK, whatever you say.
Melissa:  Well, I hope we do merge today.  It's going to be so much fun to have some new people around.
(Will, Sylvia, and Kris approach)
Will:  How's lunch coming?
Melissa:  Just a few more minutes.
Kris:  (To Sylvia) Would you care to join me in a private picnic, milady?
Sylvia: (Giggles) Um, let's eat with the group for now
(Will watches this exchange, frowning)
Will: (Narrating)  Kris is still working this Sylvia angle, and I don't like it.  He's obviously trying to get rid of me.  Trying to do it through Sylvia is just backhanded.  If Kris wants to take me down, I wish he'd do it directly instead of hurting Sylvia.
Melissa:  OK!  Looks like it's ready to eat!
Dan:  Huh?  Is it done?
Melissa:  It sure is!
(Coble digs in.  A Helicopter shot pans from an aerial view of Camp Coble to Camp Platz)

(Lora and Kevin go for Tree Mail)
Kevin:  Um, hey Lora.  Did you and Brian break up?
Lora:  Yeah, Kev.  Like, a week ago.  Let's look at our mail, OK?
Kevin:  Um, OK.
(Lora pulls out what appears to be a map with some text written off to the side)
Lora: (reading) Only one will go
                           To represent all
                           Follow the map,
                           Hurry, don't stall

                           You have only ten minutes
                           An ambassador to select
                           Choose unwisely here
                           And your merge could be heck
(To Kevin)  Let's go!

(The two run back towards camp)

(Will and Sylvia have brought Tree Mail back to camp.
Will holds an open discussion about what the tribe's goals are)
Will:  OK, now do we agree as a tribe that if we have a choice, we want to stay at this camp site?
(People murmur agreement)
Will:  Old Platzes, you agree?
Melissa:  Yeah.  This camp is so much nicer than our old one.
Will:  OK, great.  Tribe name.  Any ideas off the top of your heads?
Dan:  Coble.
Sylvia:  Um, Dan…  That's our name now.
Dan:  Oh, right.
Will:  So no ideas.  OK, I'll just see what I can come up with.
Kris: (breaking in) What you can come up with?
Will:  Well yeah.  I'm the logical choice for ambassador, am I not?
Kris:  And why, per se, are you a better choice than I?
Will:  Well…
Kris:  Hmm?
Sylvia:  Look, we don't have much time.  (Pauses)  I'm thinking of a number from one to ten.
Will:  Five.
Kris:  Six.
Sylvia:  It was nine.  Kris, you win.
(Will reluctantly hands the map to Kris)
Will: (Narrating) I found it pretty convenient that Kris won Sylvia's completely subjective numbers game, but I’m not going to make a big deal out of it.  Ambassador isn't really a very important job.  I will miss out on the one on one scheming with a member of the other tribe, but I guess this gives me the opportunity to strengthen my bonds here.
(Kris loads his backpack and walks to the edge of camp)
Melissa:  Good luck, Kris!  I know you'll make the right decisions.
Kris:  Thanks.  Farewell, all!
(Kris exits the camp)

(Lora's read the Tree Mail to Brian and Maria)
Brian:  "Ambassador?"  Sounds like some kind of boring s***.  (To Maria) You wanna do this, babe?
Maria:  Not really.
Brian: (To Lora) OK, b****.  You handle this.  But don't try to screw us over, got it?
Lora:  Yeah.
(Lora hurriedly packs her bag and leaves with no fanfare.
 Cut between shots of Kris and Lora hiking across the rugged terrain.
Cut to an aerial shot of some stone ruins.  Kris and Lora approach from opposite directions.
They meet, exchange glances, then march towards the fire set up in the middle of the ruins)

Ambassador's Summit 
(Shots of food a table loaded with food and two soft beds set up on a pedestal.
 Lora and Kris approach the roaring bonfire, where Jeff is waiting)
Jeff:  Hey guys.  Welcome to the ambassador's summit.  You guys will now serve as ambassadors for a very important event in your world:  the merging of the two tribes.  Coble, Platz, no more. Tonight, a new tribe will be born under your guidance.  You will sleep under the stars, in these clean beds and by morning, you will have made several important decisions.  Among them, creating the new tribe's name and painting a new tribal flag.  Now because this is a big responsibility, we want you to be well-fed, so you're thinking very clearly.  So if you guys will have a seat, we'll get your food.
(Kris and Lora exchange grins and sit down at a low wooden table.
Jeff brings out a huge pepperoni pizza and sets it in front of the ambassadors)
Jeff:  Tell me this is not gonna be a fun night.  This is first, and there's more to come.  Now, what would pizza be without beer?.
(Jeff pulls out a case of Bud Lights.  Kris grins.  Lora merely shrugs)
Lora:  I don't drink.
Kris:  I can respect that.  Jeff, can we have some sodas, perhaps?
Jeff:  Yeah.  I'll snag you some ice cold Sierra Mists.
Kris:  So, Lora.  Tell me what's been going on over at Platz.  Who went last night?
Lora:  Mary Ellen.
Kris:  Hmm.. So how are alliances shaping up over there?
Lora:  (laughs) It's me versus everyone else.
Kris:  (smiles) That sounds like my situation at Coble.
Lora:  Really?
(Jeff returns with two sodas and two yellow buffs)
Jeff:  Thought I'd drop these off while I was at it.  Your new buffs.
Lora:  Yellow!  How cute!
Lora: (Narrating) I couldn't be happier with the merge color.  I love yellow.  All in all, I'm really glad I got to come to the Ambassador's Summit.  Kris is a pretty nice guy, and we got to eat until we were full.  I did feel a little guilty about eating while everyone else is starving, but not that guilty!
(Kris and Lora dig into their meal.  Lora stops after a few slices
of pizza, but Kris hungrily wolfs down slice after slice)
Lora:  So, what are we going to call ourselves?
Kris: (Chewing) They left us some books of Newfoundland history.  See if anything jumps out at you in there.
Lora:  OK.
Kris: (Narrating) I didn't care at all what our clan's new name was to be.  The name is even less important after the merge than it is before.  From this point on, the only person I owe allegiance to is myself, so any name Lora came up with was fine by me.
(Kris is finally finished eating.  Lora pulls out a large yellow flag)
Lora:  They want us to paint our new name on this.
Kris:  By all means.
Lora: (Narrating) Kris really left all the creative decisions up to me.  He seemed to want to focus more on strategy.
(Lora paints on the flag as Kris watches)
Kris:  So at this point, you're a totally unalligned player?
Lora:  I guess you could say that.  But I sorta want to see if I can rejoin my old friends on Coble.
Kris: Of course, of course.
Kris: (Narrating) From a strategic viewpoint, Lora was really a dead end.  She's made enemies with everyone on Platz, which is the group I most need to allign myself.  Not to say it was an unpleasant evening, but it really did nothing to help my position in the game.
(The sun begins to set.  Lora finishes the flag)
Kris:  Are we done with all of our ambassadorial duties?
Lora:  I think so.
Kris:  All right.  I believe I shall test out those beds.
Lora:  Great idea!
(The two ambassadors crawl into the beds.  They've soon fallen asleep)

(The sun rises over the ocean.  Lora and Kris arrive on Platz beach in a small boat.
Brian and Maria are asleep, cradled in one another's arms.  Kevin's nowhere to be seen)
Kris:  Shall we wake them?
Lora:  I guess we have to.  (Firmly) Brian, Maria.  Get up.
Brian: (rousing) What the f***?
Maria: (groans) What time is it?
Kris:  Get up.  We just have five minutes to gather as many of your things as we can.  Where's Kevin?
Brian:  How the h*** should I know?
Lora:  I'll find him.  You guys grab all the stuff.
(Lora runs off)
Kris:  (Nods) Maria.
Maria: (Nervously) Kris.
(Maria, Kris, and a very groggy Brian run about, gathering up Platz's possessions.  There isn't a whole lot to gather.  Maria wads up all the blankets into a ball while Kris gathers up the cooking supplies.  They're able to gather everything of value and place it on the boat long before the five minutes are up.  Lora returns, leading Kevin by the hand.  He's rubbing his eyes)
Lora:  He was asleep in the woods.  We all set?
Kris:  I believe so.
(The five hop into the boat and begin to row away.  Maria looks back at Platz beach)
Maria: (Narrating) I'm the only player left in the game who's never been to Coble.  I feel kinda sad leaving Platz like this.  I know every inch of this place, and It's kinda scary going to a new place.  But I'm also really excited.  It's going to be a lot of fun to see new things and be around new people.

(The boat approaches Coble beach.  Everyone gathers around to welcome their new tribemates)
Melissa:  Welcome to Coble beach, you guys!  Or are we still even Coble?
Lora:  We'll get to that in a minute.  But first, we have new buffs for everyone.
(Lora and Kris distrubute yellow buffs)
Will:  Yellow?  Por que no, eh?
(Everyone gathers around Kris and Lora to hear the details of the Summit)
Sylvia:  So, what do we call ourselves now?
Kris:  We are now the Smallwood Clan.  The name is derived from Joseph Smallwood, premier of Newfoundland for 23 years.
Brian:  "Small wood?"  F***in' retarded name...  There's nothing small about my wood, is there babe?
(Maria giggles)
Lora: (disgusted) Well, that's our name anyway.  Now...
(Lora pulls a yellow flag from her backpack)
Lora:  This is our new flag.
Kris:  Lora did an excellent job painting it.  I have no artistic talent, so I relented from helping.
Melissa:  Oh!  That is so cool!  Let's hang it up over there!
(The group disperses to hang up the flag.  Amanda looks
at the group in disgust and walks off by herself.
Lora takes Will's hand and leads him away from the group.
Sylvia watches them leave, a satisfied little smile on her face)
Lora: (Narrating) If you told me a week ago that I'd be glad to see Will's face, I'd think you were crazy.  But after all that's happened recently, seeing him again was just a real godsend.
Lora:  Will, you were so right about Brian.  He completely turned on me over at Platz.  As soon as he saw Maria, he dropped me like yesterday's trash.
Will:  Smiley and Maria?  Isn't she married?
Lora:  Yeah, but that's not the worst of it!
Will:  Oh?
Lora: (tearing up) He got really abusive, Will.  When we tried to vote Maria off, he pinned me up against a tree.  I thought he was going to hit me.
(Lora leans in and rests her head on Will's shoulder)
Lora: (sobbing) You'll protect me now, won't you?
Will:  Yeah.  Of course I will.
(Pan back out to Sylvia, who watches the two embrace)
Sylvia: (Narrating) It's good to see that I was right about those two all along.  All their fighting there at the beginning was just a mask for their true feelings.  (smiles) When you've got it, you've got it.
Will: (Narrating) I have mixed feelings about my reconciliation with Lora.  On the one hand, it's good that I've patched up a broken relationship.  But on the other, it's not good for me strategically to have someone depending upon me so closely.  Nonetheless, I promised I'd protect her from Brian, and I'll keep my word.
.(Pan up to the sun, rising high in the noonday sky.
Maria lies on the beach in a bikini.  Brian is nowhere to be seen)
Maria: (Narrating) Today it was actually sunny here in Newfoundland, so I asked Bri to leave me alone for awhile so I could work on my tan.  It sure is hard to get a little privacy on this new beach.  I mean, first Kris showed up...
(Kris approaches Maria)
Kris:  Good afternoon, Maria.
Maria:  Oh, hey, Kris.  How's it going?
Kris:  Maria, I'll get right to the point.  We had an alliance back on Platz, no?
Maria:  Yeah…
Kris:  Can I still count on your vote?
Maria:  (lowering her voice) Look, Kris.  We had a plan, but it won't work now.  I'm with Brian and Kevin now.
Kris:  I see.  But do you really think three votes are enough in a tribe of ten?
Maria: (pauses) I guess not…
Kris:  I propose that you allow me to piggyback on your alliance as a fourth vote.  Now, I'm not promising anything, but I may be able to secure as many as three additional votes, should you so desire.
Maria:  Yeah! That sounds great!  Rock!
Kris:  So we're an alliance again?
Maria:  Mm-Hmm.  Now, get out of here before Brian comes back.
Kris:  OK.  I'll be in touch.
(Kris leaves.  He passes Dan, who is standing there staring at Maria)
Dan: (Narrating) I thought when we merged I'd get to meet some new people, but I guess the only person I've never really met is Maria.  So I figured, what the hey, I'll go over and talk to her for awhile, see what she's like...
(Maria drifts off to sleep.  Suddenly, a shadow falls over her face.  Her eyes flutter open and
she sees a huge, hulking form standing over her and staring down.  She sits up and screams)
Maria:  Ohmigawd!  It's bigfoot!
Dan: (looking around) Huh?  Where?
(Maria keeps screaming for a moment, until she wakes
up a bit and realizes she's not facing Bigfoot)
Maria:  (relieved) Oh, it's you.
Dan:  Who'd you think it was?
Maria: (laughs) Oh, I-
(Suddenly, Brian races in from the side and tackles Dan.
He pins Dan down and punches him in the face several times)
Brian:  What the h*** did you do to her, a***hole?
Dan:  (crying) Wha- I didn't do anything!
Brian: Then why was she screaming, you little s***?
Maria:  It's OK, Smiley.  Let him up!
Brian:  What'd he do to you?
Maria: (embarrassed) I thought he was Bigfoot.  It's my fault.
(Brian glares at Dan, then gets off him)
Brian:  Yeah?  I can see why you'd think that.  He looks like a f***in' primate.  Don't ever come near her again, you understand?
Dan:  Yeah. I understand, Brian.
(Dan hobbles away)
Dan: (Narrating) Hello, I look like Bigfoot?  You need help, Maria.  And I thought Lora was Brian's girlfriend?  I was busy trying to avoid her, and now it's Maria.  I guess I just shouldn't talk to any of the girls anymore.
Brian: (Narrating) After beating on that Dan kid, I really felt like hitting something else.  Luckily, that goth wannabe Kris was lurking around.
(Kris sits and stares out at the ocean in deep thought.  Brian approaches him)
Brian:  What the h*** are you looking at, freak?
Kris:  Nothing.  Just contemplating the sea.
(Brian kicks Kris in the side)
Brian:  Contemplate that, a**munch.
(Kris rubs his side and watches Brian walk away)
Kris: (Narrating) One would hope that today was an isolated incident, but I fear that Brian has chosen me as an outlet for his rage.  Perhaps if he knew that I was one of his strongest allies, he'd leave me be.  Approaching him is risky however, so I thought it better to gain Kevin's trust.
(Daylight begins to wane.  Kris finds Kevin hitting a pine cone around with a stick)
Kris:  Hello, Kevin.
Kevin:  Hey, buddy.  Hey, you wanna hear something cool?
Kris:  Sure.
Kevin:  The oldest living thing is the Bristlecomb Pine.  There's one in California that's like, 4,600 years old.
Kris:  How interesting.
Kevin:  Yeah...
(Kevin stares at Kris for a minute, then breaks his gaze.  He suddenly turns around and walks away)
Kevin: (Narrating) Hey, buddy.  Today I came back to my old camp.  There are a bunch of new people around  like Kris, and Mrs. Brennit, and Amanda, and um... I guess that's it.  Yeah...
(Melissa and Amanda sit by the fire.  Kevin approaches them)
Kevin:  Hey, buddy.
Melissa:  Hi, Kevin!  What are you up to?
Kevin:  Oh, not too much.  We voted Mary Ellen off the other night.
Melissa: (laughs) You sure did.
(Amanda watches Kevin, smiling)
Amanda: (Narrating) I guess Kevin's somewhat entertaining, but as a whole, I hate having this many people around.  Everywhere I turn I run in someone.  Ugh!  I can't wait until we vote some people off and get a smaller tribe again.  This is going to drive me crazy!
Melissa: (Narrating) I just love having such a big group around camp.  There's always someone new to talk to.  This is the biggest our tribe's ever going to be, so I guess I'd better enjoy it while I can.
(Kevin and Melissa continue to chat.  Amanda gets up and leaves.  She runs off down the beach.
She becomes a silhouette against the orange sky as the sun begins to set.  At camp, Will and
Kris build the fire up in preparation for nightfall.  Sylvia takes Lora off to the side)
Lora: (Narrating) Sylvia wanted to talk to me alone last night, and I was pretty eager to catch up.  We've been seperated for a while now, and I always thought of her as one of my friends when we were Coble.  We started off talking strategy, but then it turned to the men in our lives.  You know, girl talk.
Sylvia:  So, it looks like we're on the same team again.
(Lora gives Sylvia a blank stare)
Sylvia:  You know, with you and Will...
Lora:  Me and Will?  Oh!  No, it's nothing like that!  We're just friends.
Sylvia:  I see.  So you and Will aren't seeing one another?
Lora:  Oh, no.  He just agreed to protect me from Brian. (Sighs) He's such a sweetie.
Sylvia:  Yeah.  So, what's the deal with you and Maria?
Lora: (frowning) The deal is that no good slut turned Brian against me.
Sylvia:  Ah!  So you're jealous?
Lora: (Scoffs) She can have him.
Sylvia:  Then where does this hostility come from?
Lora:  She was just so mean to me the whole time we were over at Platz.  That girl is just not very nice.
Sylvia:  Interesting.
Sylvia: (Narrating) The rivalry between Lora and Maria fascinates me.  They both have strong boyfriends, so it's no longer simple jealousy.  It's my opinion that the rivalry stems from some fundamental differences in their value systems, but I'll have to look into the situation more before I can come to a final conclusion.
.(The tribe eats a meager supper of boiled chickweed, then disperses for the evening.
Amanda and Melissa stay by the fire.  Will watches them from the shadows)
Will: (Narrating) Amanda and Mrs. Brennit have only voted with me once - three Tribal Councils ago, so I'm not sure that they're actually still a part of my alliance.  They represent a unit of two votes, so anyone who can secure their loyalties really has control of this game.  I'm pretty sure that Kris has tried to work them, so I thought it'd be a good idea to talk with them and see where the alliance stood.
(Will approaches Amanda and Melissa)
Will:  I'd like to talk strategy right now.
Melissa:  Um, sure, Will.  What's on your mind?
Will:  OK.  We've had a sort of unspoken alliance since we voted out Libby, right?
Melissa:  Yeah.  I guess you could say that.
Will:  And it was pretty much guaranteed that had we gone back to Tribal Council, Kris would have been voted out, right?
Melissa:  Well... um...
Amanda:  Yeah.  We would have voted Kris out.
Will:  OK.  Now, we've got another Tribal Council coming up soon.  I need to know that I still have your support.
(Amanda and Melissa look at one another)
Melissa:  I don't know if I can promise you anything, Will.  If you're voting for somebody that we're planning to vote for, then of course we'll join you.  But if you go after someone else, you may have to get your votes somewhere else.
Will:  Hmm... Amanda, do you feel the same way?
Amanda:  I don't really know.  We're just going to have to see who wins Immunity.
Will:  Fair enough.
Will: (Narrating) I didn't feel satisfied at all with our talk, but I guess it's as good as I can hope for right now.  At least they're not blatantly against me.
(The tribe crams all ten of its members into the shelter and goes to sleep.
The night passes quickly, and the sun rises on a new day at Camp Smallwood) 
(Amanda and Will are the first ones up, performing their daily exercises.
But Sylvia is also up quite early, watching the shelter expectantly)
Sylvia: (Narrating) As soon as Maria got up this morning, I wanted to talk to her about the situation with Lora.  I simply have to understand what could be fueling such a bitter rivalry, and I don't think I got the whole story from Lora.
(Kris gets up and joins Sylvia by the fire)
Kris:  Morning, Sylvia.  Would you care to accompany me on a food gathering venture?
Sylvia:  Um...
(Maria and Brian also head out towards the fire)
Sylvia:  Um, later, Kris.  I've gotta take care of something.
(Kris looks stunned as Sylvia leaves him and walks up to Maria and Brian)
Sylvia:  Hey Brian, can I borrow your girl for a minute?
Brian:  Yeah.  I guess...
(Sylvia drags Maria off.  Brian grunts and sits down next to Kris)
Brian:  Scram, buttsteak.
Kris: (getting up) Yes, sir.
(As Kris bounds away, Sylvia and Maria talk)
Maria:  What's up?
Sylvia:  I've been meaning to talk to you about Lora.
Maria: (frowning) What about her?
Sylvia:  I need to know why you two dislike each other so much.
Maria:  Ohmigawd!  You wouldn't believe how nasty she's been to me!  I mean, when we swapped, I tried sooo hard to be her friend.  But she just hated me from the very beginning.
Sylvia:  Interesting.  Any idea why?
Maria:  Obviously she was jealous of my good looks.  I run into that a lot.
Sylvia:  I'll bet.
Sylvia: (Narrating) Even after interrogating both subjects, my results are inconclusive.  There's one final test I need to run, but that can wait till later.
(The day progresses.  Will and Kevin go for tree mail)
Will: Immunity Challenge today, Kev.
Kevin:  Yup.
Will: (reading) So now you're one tribe
                         The next challenge you know
                         A test of endurance
                         Will torture you so
                         The North is quite frigid
                         You'll feel her full fury
                         If you give up too soon
                         You might not make the jury
Endurance challenge.
Kevin:  Yeah.  Hey, um, was that a haiku, maybe?
Will:  No.

Immunity Challenge -  Freeze Out 
(Shot of a run down, barn-like wooden structure.  Close ups horizontal metal pipes,
large exhaust fans.  The Survivors approach Jeff, who stands by the front door of the structure)
Jeff:  First things first, as always, this guy's comin' back.
(Will hands Jeff the Immunity Idol)
Jeff:  Well, let me say, congratulations on making the merge.  The good news: you now have a one in ten shot of being the sole survivor.  Now because we are in individual immunity, the idol's no more.
(Jeff pulls out a butt ugly necklace)
Jeff:  This is what you covet.  Since you're now competing against one another, you have a chance to win individual immunity.  Win it, you alone are safe from the vote.  To win it, you're going to have to withstand one of Newfoundland's most pervasive elements:  cold.
This building behind me is an abandoned icehouse.  In the days of the industrial revolution, ice blocks were cut from Newfoundland's lakes and ponds and stored here to be shipped to the States.  Today, you guys are gonna be stored in here.  Each tribe member will stand on a segment of horizontal pipe, and you'll have another pipe directly in front of you to hang on to.  Using this icehouse's massive fans, we'll pump icy air right at your faces.  Person who withstands the cold the longest wins.  If at any time you fall off your pipe, you're out.
OK, if you guys are ready, we'll head inside.
(The Survivors enter the icehouse and take their
positions standing on the narrow metal pipes)
Jeff:  Immunity at stake.  Survivors ready?  (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(Pan down the line.  Everyone looks to be fairly comfortable.
Kevin grins at the camera and waves)
Jeff:  OK!  Let the cold air in!
(The fans whir to life and a blast of arctic air hits the Survivors.  Close ups show that the airflow is
quite strong.  Hair is blown back and faces flap a bit in the wind.  Kevin shakes his head)
Kevin:  Brrr!!!  That's pretty cold!
(Kevin climbs down off his pipe)
Jeff:  Kevin's out after just thirty seconds!  Who will be the next to go?
(Pan down the line again.  They guys seem to be much more comfortable
than the girls.  Maria and Lora, who are dressed somewhat skimpily,
are visibly shivering.  The cold is soon too much for Maria)
Maria: Ahhh!   I can't take it anymore!
(Maria hops off the pipe and has a seat next to Kevin on a bench on the sideline)
Kevin:  Hey, Maria.
Maria: (Nods) Kev.
Jeff:  That's two down, eight to go.
(Almost half an hour passes before someone else gives up.  This time it's Lora)
Lora:  Ahhh!  It's coooold!!!
(Lora walks away from the pipe and takes a seat on
the bench, as far away from Maria as possible)
Maria: (singsong)  Look who isn't safe!
(Lora glares at Maria, then rubs her hands in an attempt to warm up)
Jeff:  Cold air blowin' in!
(Pan down the line again.  Everyone looks determined.  Jeff brings electric blankets to
Kevin, Maria, and Lora.  Close up on Melissa.  She grits her teeth and rubs her knee)
Melissa:  Oh, my knees...  OK.  I'm done.
(Melissa gets off the pipe and accepts Jeff's waiting blanket.  Another half hour
passes.  Jeff leaves and returns with a tray covered in several steaming cups)
Jeff:  It wouldn't be Survivor without temptation.  Who wants a nice steaming mug of hot chocolate?
Maria: (moaning) Oh!
Dan:  I'm not going to turn that down.
(Dan climbs off the pipe and grabs a cup off Jeff's tray)
Dan:  I love hot chocolate.
Jeff:  It was enough to bring Dan down.  Any other takers?
(No one responds)
Jeff:  OK, I'll just let these guys have at it.
(Jeff distributes the hot chocolate amongst the people on the bench)
Maria: All right!
Kevin: Mmm...  I love it.
  (Pan down the line again.  Kris appears to be in a zen-like state.  Brian and Will close
their eyes and grit their teeth.  Amanda's teeth are visibly chattering, but she looks
determined.  Sylvia also bears a look of determination.  Another half hour passes.
Suddenly, Amanda hops off the pipe.  Without saying a word, she has a seat on the bench)
Melissa:  Yay, Amanda!
Jeff:  And then there were four.
(The four stand silently.  No one says a word.  Kris appears to be completely calm and focused.  Will and Sylvia are shaking violently, but cling to the bar in front of them, determined not to move.  Brian rests his head on the bar in front of him and breathes rhythmically.  Suddenly, Will lets out a roar)
Will:  Arrrrrgh!!!  That's it.
(Will gets down, barely able to walk.  He collapses on
the bench, and Jeff covers him with a blanket)
Dan:  You OK there, Will?
Will: (annoyed) W-w-what do you think?
Jeff:  We're down to three!
(In a matter of minutes, Sylvia gives up also)
Sylvia:  So... very... cold…
(Sylvia takes a seat on the bench and desperately tries to warm up)
Jeff:  We're down to two!  Kris and Smiley!  For immunity!
(Close ups of the two finalists.  Kris stares into the wind, unblinking.
Brian's knuckles are white from gripping the bar in front of him.
Veins pop out on his forehead as he struggles to withstand
the cold for another moment.  The others watch in awe from the bench)
Melissa:  Wow!  How long have they been up there?
Amanda:  Almost three hours, I think.
(The face off continues.  And then suddenly, it happens.  Kris's foot slips off the pipe.
He breaks from his trance and falls backward, just barely landing on his feet.
Brian looks over, turns to the sky and lets out a triumphant yell)
Brian:  I am untouchable!  Eat it, faggots!
Jeff:  Smiley wins immunity!  Your concentration broke for just a split second, Kris.  Smiley, get down here!
(Quivering, Brian gets off the pipe and approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Very well earned.  You are safe from the vote.  The rest of you can head back to camp and try to thaw out.
(The Survivors exit.  Will and Kris look down in disappointment as they walk away)

(The tribe arrives back from the challenge.  Will, Brian, and Kris head
immediately to the fire to warm up, but Sylvia seems focused on another task)
Sylvia:  If I could have everyone's attention!
Amanda: (Under her breath) What now?
Sylvia:  Lora, Maria, I'd like you to come here.
(Lora and Maria reluctantly approach Sylvia)
Sylvia:  OK, good.  This unhealthy rivalry between the two of you has gone on for far too long.  We're going to settle this here and now with a simple exercise.  Lora, you can start.
Lora: (skeptically) What do I do?
Sylvia:  I want you to say one good thing about Maria.
Lora:  What?
Sylvia:  You heard me.  Now go on...
Lora:  OK.  I guess Maria is a pretty girl.  You know, if you like that look.
Sylvia:  OK, good.  Maria, your turn.
Maria:  OK.  Um, Lora's bland looks allow girls who are better than her to get more guys.
Sylvia:  Um...  That's not-
Lora:  Wait, wait, wait!  I have another one.  Maria helps to control the population by spreading STDs to the stupid guys.
Brian: (Looking up) Hey!  You calling me stupid, b****?
Maria:  Yeah, well at least I'm not flat!
(Brian gets up and grabs Lora by the arm)
Brian:  You need a serious attitude adjustment, b****!
(Will jumps up and faces Brian)
Will:  Let go of her, you coward.
Brian:  Make me!
Sylvia:  Stop!  There's no need for physical violence.
(Brian glares at Will for a moment, then looks around.  The whole camp is staring at him)
Brian: (glowering) No.  Not now...
(Brian releases Lora, who runs to Will and cries.  Maria turns
to Brian and mock cries.  They walk off together)
Sylvia:  That didn't go over real well.
Maria: (Narrating) I know Sylvia meant well today, but me and Lora were not gonna get along.  She's been too much of a needy b**** for too long, and I'm gonna be so happy when we finally vote her out.
(Time passes.  The vote draws nearer, and the various alliances begin to discuss their voting strategies.  Will, Lora, and Dan talk at the edge of camp)
Will:  It has to be Kris.
Lora:  Kris?  What's he done wrong?  Can't we please get rid of Maria?
Dan:  Yeah.  Brian's on the warpath for as long as Maria's around.
Will: (sighs) If we don't get rid of Kris now, we'll regret it later.
(Amanda, Sylvia, and Melissa sit around the fire.  Kris approaches them)
Kris:  May I inquire how you ladies are voting tonight?
Melissa:  Kris, I'm not sure we can tell you that.
Kris:  Would you tell me if you were going to vote for me tonight?
Sylvia:  I would, Kris.
Kris:  You'd tell me, or you'd vote for me?
Kris: (Narrating) I'm having trouble understanding our new clan's dynamics moving into this council.  What should be two clear cut alliances is actually at least four splinter alliances.  I'm not sure I actually have any allies as the vote approaches, which concerns me.

Tribal Council # 7 
(The new Smallwood tribe enters Tribal Council, where Jeff's waiting)
Jeff:  Welcome to tribal council.  Congratulations on making it this far.  Survive tonight, you're guaranteed a place on the jury and a chance to be the sole survivor.  Let's start from the top.  Melissa, is it a different mindset now that it's not two tribes facing off but now ten indivuduals?
Melissa:  Well, the individual arguments came out in full force today.
Jeff:  Really?  Fill me in.
Melissa:  Maria and Lora had a full scale verbal war this afternoon.  It was awful.  If they were my kids, I would've sent them to time out.
Jeff:  So, would you say the mood of this tribe is hostile, Smiley?
Brian:  If you don't shut your hole I'm gonna get hostile on you.
Jeff: (Ignoring Brian) Will, do big arguments like this help or hinder your game plan?
Will:  They definitely hinder it.  When two personalities clash in front of the whole tribe, the tribe tends to focus on which of the two personalities to get rid of instead of the real threats.
(Kris smirks at this)
Jeff:  Kris, Will mentions threats.  Who do you think your greatest threat in this game is?
Kris: (Pauses) Kevin.
(The whole tribe laughs at this)
Jeff:  You all laugh, but Kevin has made it this far.  Kevin, do you think your non-threateningness itself could make you a threat down the line?
Kevin:  Um, yeah.  Probably.
Jeff:  Amanda, you're another person who's been flying under the radar.  Do you have a master plan at this point, or are you just playing it day by day, trying not to draw attention to yourself?
Amanda:  Jeff, you're ruining my plans!  Stop drawing attention to me!
Jeff:  All right.  Well, in Survivor: Marquesas, we introduced the concept of immunity passing.  When you won immunity, you then owned immunity, and you could pass it on to someone if you so desired.  Not gonna happen this time.  Whoever wins immunity, keeps it.  And so we come to the vote.  The only person you cannot vote for is Smiley.  Anyone else is fair game.  Kris, you're up first.
(Kris walks up to the voting confessional.  We don't see his vote)
Kris:  Nothing personal, you understand.  I'm just hoping you don't have numbers
(Lora's next, followed by Will.  We don't see his vote)
Will:  This isn't really the way I wanted to vote tonight, but sometimes compromises have to be made.  Next time...
(Melissa's up next, followed by Amanda, who gives a little smirk as she
writes down a name.  Kevin votes next, followed by Brian.  He votes for Lora)
Brian:  Payback's a b****, b****.
(Dan votes next, followed by Sylvia.  Finally, Maria votes.  She votes for Lora)
Maria:  Just doing my part to control the slut population.
(Maria returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the voting canister)
Jeff: Just a reminder: once the votes are read, the results are final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  First vote:
. .
That's four votes Lora.
. .
(Maria looks positively shocked)
  . . .
. .
Jeff:  That's four votes Lora, four votes Maria.
And the first person voted out of the Smallwood tribe:
Maria:  Wow…
(Maria grabs her torch and approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Maria, the tribe has spoken. (Snuffs her torch) It's time for you to go.
Maria:  OK.  Um, later!
(Maria exits)
Jeff:  Well, some of you may be thinking, "Old Platz is dead."  But don't count anyone out.  This is still anyone's game.  I have a feeling that over the next three days, everyone's strategy is going to have to undergo a whole lot of change.  I'll let you guys get back to camp.
(The tribe exits) 
Maria's Final Words:  Ohmigawd!  I was so not expecting to go tonight.  I thought we had Lora for sure...  But I can't hold a grudge.  She played the better game.  That's why she's still out there and I'm sittin' here.  So to everyone left in the game, expecially Brian and Kevin, keep playin' hard and kick some d*** a**!  (Giggles)  Can I say that on TV? 
Voting Record:
Amanda:  Maria
Brian:  Lora
Dan:  Maria
Kevin:  Lora
Kris:  Lora
Lora:  Maria
Maria:  Lora
Melissa:  Maria
Sylvia:  Maria
Will:  Maria

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Extra Feature!!!
Just for fun, I'm putting up some scenes from episode seven written by other writers.
Maybe you'll get a kick out of seeing how the events might have
played out in another author's mind.  Or maybe you won't.
~ Mumbo