S U R V I V O R 
Episode 8 – Farewell to Arms  
Jeff: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor:
The two tribes merged into one, and things were not all fun and games in the newly formed Smallwood Tribe.  Will promised to protect Lora, and would soon have to put his promise into effect.  Due to Sylvia's meddling, Brian and Maria came after her full force.  At the Immunity Challenge, Brian outlasted all the rest to take home the coveted necklace.  Kris attempted to hide in the ranks of the Platz alliance, but in the end the vote would come down to where Amanda and Melissa would throw their loyalties.  They stuck with Will's Coble alliance to vote out Maria.
9 remain.  Tonight, one more will go.  
Theme Song  
(It's still night.  The tribe returns from Tribal Council.  Brian is on warpath.  He thrashes
around camp, looking for something to pound on.  The rest of the tribe can only watch helplessly)
Brian:  I'm gonna f***ing break the first thing I can get my hands around!
Brian: (Narrating)  Gawd!  I was so p***ed off when these motherf***ers voted off my girl Maria last night!  Here we were, having a great time, and this lot of cowards decided to take that away from me.  Well, they still have to put up with me for another three days.  I am not a fun guy to be around if you f*** with me!
(Kris wisely flees into the darkness surrounding the campsite.  Dan's not so bright)
Brian:  You!  Sasquatch!
Dan: (under his breath) Here we go again...
(Brian stomps up to Dan, who warms himself by the fire)
Brian:  You voted for her, spook.  Now you're gonna pay!
(Brian grabs Dan by the collar and lifts him up)
Dan:  Put me down, Brian!
Brian:  Great idea, chucklef***!
(Brian shoves Dan towards the fire.  Will and Lora rush up
and grab him before he can stumble back into it)
Will:  Smiley!  You're way out of line!
Brian: (glowering) My two favorite people...  Time to pay the piper!
(Brian rushes at Will and Lora.  Lora screams, and Will
stands in front of her protectively.  Suddenly, Melissa calls out)
Melissa: (sharply) Knock it off!
Brian: (Stopping) What?
Melissa:  You heard me!  Now, I want you to take a walk and go cool down.
(Brian glares at Will and Lora, then looks at Melissa, who's got her best "mom" face on)
Brian: (pointing at Will and Lora) You'll get yours!
(Brian exits camp.  Melissa helps Will comfort Lora as she cries)
Melissa: (Narrating) I was just sick of Brian picking on everyone.  With him, it's all about "me, me, me."  When I called him on it, I wasn't sure if he was going to obey, or turn around and deck me!  Luckily, he took the night to cool down by himself. (Shakes her head) Absolutely ridiculous...
(Brian kicks and punches at a tree in the dark.  Pan up to the sky.  The stars
race by, and soon the sun is rising over the ocean.  Kris re-enters camp in the early
morning light.  He sneaks by Amanda and Will and takes a spot in the shelter)
Kris: (Narrating) When I saw the situation developing last night, I thought it best I take off and avoid it entirely.  I elected to vote with the wrong side last night, and that brands me as a target.   From here on out, I'm going to have to adjust my strategy.  No longer will I openly campaign to stay.  Instead, I plan to blend into the background, which means no confrontations of any type, and no challenge wins.  With all luck, everyone will have forgotten I exist by the next Council.
(Later that morning, Kris begins to exit camp by himself.  Sylvia spots him and runs after him)
Sylvia:  Hey!  Where you going?
Kris:  I'm off to gather food.
Sylvia:  Well, hey, you want some company?  I'm not doing anything.
Kris:  I appreciate the offer, but this is really just a one man job.
(Kris walks off without Sylvia, who seems slightly bothered by his behavior)
Sylvia: (Narrating) Something's definitely up with Kris.  Usually, he'd jump at the opportunity to spend time with me, but today he turned me down.  He's beginning to take on traits of the traditional loner role.  It's nothing to be worried about yet, but I'll keep an eye on him for further developments.
(Sylvia returns to camp and sits down with Lora)
Lora:  Hey.  What's up?
Sylvia:  Nothing.  What's up with you?
Lora: (laughs) A whole lot of nothing.  There's not much to do out here, is there?
Sylvia.  No.  Not really.
(Lora notices a bag sitting next to her)
Lora:  Check it out.  Mary Ellen's bag.
Sylvia:  Yeah, we never had a chance to get it back to her after we won it.
Lora:  Wanna see what's inside?
Sylvia:  Sure.
(Lora rummages through Mary Ellen's bag.  She
finds her luxury item, some red nail polish)
Lora:  Hey, check it out!  You want a manicure?
Sylvia:  OK.
(Lora does Sylvia's nails, and the two chat it up like old pals)
Lora: (Narrating) I'm really glad Sylvia's out here with me.  It's nice to have another girl I can talk to, you know?
(Lora finishes Sylvia's manicure)
Sylvia: (In exaggerated "diva" voice) Oh, that's just lovely, dahling!
(Will walks by as Lora and Sylvia giggle.  He shakes his head slightly)
Will: (Narrating) I can't stop thinking about the vote last night.  With Smiley immune, we had what may have been our only chance to get rid of Kris.  And yet I couldn't rally my alliance to vote for him.  They were all too focused on getting rid of Maria, and in the end I had to vote with them or risk losing Mrs. Brennit and Amanda.
(Amanda and Melissa scrub pots in the stream)
Melissa:  So you feel OK about voting out Maria?
Amanda:  Yeah.  I never got along with her.
Melissa:  So does this mean we're really part of the alliance now?
Amanda: (nods) Yeah.  Even if it means putting up with Dan for six more days.
Amanda: (Narrating) After last night, we're pretty much members of Will's alliance.  There's strength in numbers, and if Mrs. Brennit and I continue to be free agents, we're going to become easy targets.  We decided it would be best to let Will know that we're officially his allies now.
(Will and Amanda go for Tree Mail)
Amanda:  So we're official members of the alliance?
Will:  Yeah.  And when it gets down to the final six, it'll be every man for himself.  You have my word it won't be Coble against Platz.
Amanda:  Great.
(Will opens up the mail pouch and pulls out the message)
Will: (reading) So you're stranded up here
                         In the wintry north
                         Without any men,
                         Without any forts
                         One smack from a white ball
                         Will leave your arm sore
                         Of course you know,
                         that this means war!
I hope this means what I think it does!  Let's go.

Reward Challenge:  Snowar 
(Aerial shot of a fenced-in field.  Somehow, the entire field has been covered in snow.  Cut to close-ups
of snow forts, trenches, a pile of snowballs, and a snowman fashioned to look like Sean Rector.
The Survivors enter, looking at the snowy landscape in awe)
Jeff:  Welcome, guys.
Well, it's not very often that we get to play in a cold climate here on Survivor.  So we figured, why not let you guys have a good old fashioned snowball fight?  Now, it is still summer here in Newfoundland, but when you have access to a snow-making machine, it's pretty easy to recreate a wintry landscape.  What we've set up for you here is the perfect snow battle field, complete with snow forts, walls, and plenty of trenches.  There are also piles of pre-made snowballs laying around the battlefield for you to use.
The challenge itself is very simple.  Hit your opponents with snowballs while avoiding being hit yourself.  One clean hit and you're out.  Last person standing wins reward.
Now, to the reward.  Now, I understand that waaay back on Day One, the members of Coble spotted a whale.
Brian:  Right.  I had to rescue Kevin when he tried to swim out to that motherf***er.
Jeff:  Well, the winner of this reward isn't going to just see one whale, but many.  You'll be going your own private whale-watching expedition right here off the coast of Newfoundland.
Kevin:  Oh, sweet!
Jeff:  This is a once in a lifetime chance to see these magnificent creatures up close and personal.  You'll be going out with an experienced marine biologist who will ensure that you'll get the best possible view of these animals' feeding and mating rituals.  It should be a really great time.
Jeff:  All right guys.  You can fan out across the field.  We'll begin on my go.
(The Survivors scatter across the snowfield, looking for cover)
Jeff:  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(The Survivors who haven't found cover scramble to find it.  Lora dives behind a wall.  Kris
ducks into a trench.  For a moment, there's an eerie pause on the battle field as everyone
waits for someone else to make the first move.  Exasperated, Will emerges from his hiding spot
and finds a pile of snowballs.  He scoops up four of them and ducks behind a snowman.
He spots Amanda peeking from behind a snow wall and starts to move towards her.
Seeing his opportunity, Kris emerges from an indented bunker and runs to a snowball pile.  Will
wheels around at the sound of his footsteps.  Kris grabs a single snowball and runs straight towards Will)
Will:  Eat snowball and die!
(Will pelts Kris in the shoulder. He goes down hard)
Jeff:  Kris!  You're out!  Please exit the field.
(Kris gives himself a self-satisfied smile at being the first one out of the challenge.
Meanwhile, Sylvia's crept from her hiding spot and grabbed two snowballs.  She approaches
Lora, who cowers timidly behind a snow wall.  Sylvia peeks her head around the wall)
Sylvia: (singsong) Oh, Lo-ra!
(Lora squeals and runs.  Sylvia laughs and hits her in the butt with a snowball.  Lora yelps)
Jeff:  Lora!  You're done.
Lora: (To Sylvia) Nice hit!  Ow!
(Sylvia laughs and scans the battlefield for new opponents.  Dan's emerged from hiding
to risk grabbing a snowball.  Will's already taken note of him and taunts him to go for it)
Will:  Come on, Dan.  You can make it.
Dan:  Not if you're too fast...
(As the face-off continues, Brian runs to a snowball pile in the far corner.
He loads up an armful of ammunition.  Not far away, Kevin hides behind a wall)
Kevin:  Whales...
(Kevin gathers up his determination and runs for the same pile of snowballs as Brian.
Brian chucks a ball at him and cuts him down long before he gets to the ammo)
Jeff:  Kevin!  That's it!
Kevin: (extremely angry and frustrated) Noooo!  I wanted to see the whales!
Jeff:  Kevin!  Get over here, now!
(Kevin lowers his head and leaves the field pouting..
The face off between Dan and Will continues)
Dan:  I'm not going to get them if you keep guarding.
Will:  Your loss.
(Will lobs a snowball at Dan, who barely dodges it)
Will:  So close!
(Meanwhile, Sylvia sneaks up on Melissa, who hides in one of the snow forts)
Melissa:  Oh!  Get back, Sylvia!
Sylvia:  I don't think so.
(Sylvia tosses a snowball into the fort.  It smashes on Melissa's shoulder)
Jeff:  Melissa.  You're out.
Melissa:  Sylvia!
Sylvia: I'm sooo sorry!
(Brian sneaks along the perimeter of the field.  Will continues to taunt Dan)
Will:  How are you going to win without ammo?
Dan:  So let me get some.
Will: (Dropping his snowballs)  OK.  Go for it.
(Dan makes a run for the snowball pile.  Will pulls a snowball
from behind his back and rockets it into Dan's chest)
Jeff:  Dan!  You're done!
Dan:  You jerk!
Will:  Yeah, get off my field.
(Dan laughs and heads off the field.  Only Sylvia, Will, Brian, and the still-concealed Amanda remain..
Will and Sylvia square off in the center of the field)
Will:  I suppose you want some, too.
Sylvia:  Yeah.  Some blood.
(As the two face off, Brian sneaks towards Amanda's snow wall.  Somehow, she's managed to
stockpile some snowballs next to her.  As Brian approaches, she lobs ball after ball at him.
Unfortunately, her aim's not very good.  Brian manages to get right next to her wall.  Amanda's
out of ammo.  Brian steps around the wall and stands over her.  A cruel smile twists across his lips.
He throws the snowball right at her face point blank.  Amanda shrieks in pain as she
wipes the snow from her eyes.  She looks up at Brian with rage, and he simply laughs)
Jeff:  Amanda.  You're out.
(Amanda leaves the field, very angry and crying slightly.  Only three competitors remain.
Will and Sylvia stand directly across from each other.  They each have one snowball)
Will:  Let's settle this now.
Sylvia: (nods) Right.
Will:  Draw!
(Both toss their snowballs.  Will's aim is slightly off, but Sylvia's is true.
Will falls over in an exaggerated death throe.  Sylvia laughs)
Jeff:  Will, you're out!
(Will gets up and walks off the field.  Sylvia tries to see where Brian is,
but he's hidden himself.  She grabs a few snowballs and ducks into a fort)
Jeff:  It's a stand off!
(Suddenly, Brian yells out a war cry.  He emerges from a trench and runs
full speed at Sylvia's fort.  She nervously fumbles with a snowball and lobs a shot at him.
It falls pathetically to the side.  Brian jumps the fort's wall and pegs Sylvia point blank in the head)
Sylvia:  Ow!  You didn't have to do that!
Jeff:  Smiley!
(Sylvia and Brian exit the battlefield.  Sylvia rubs her head, while Brian roars triumphantly)
Jeff:  Smiley, nice work.  You're going whale watching.
Brian:  Fine by me, if it'll get away from these f***ers.
(Brian starts to exit)
Jeff:  Oh, Smiley?  I'm not feeling real good about this...
Brian: (annoyed) What the h*** are you talking about?
Jeff:  I'm thinking you need to bring someone along with you.
Brian: (scoffing) Fat chance!  Like I'm going to bring any of these losers.
Jeff: (sternly) I'm sorry.  You're going to have to make a decision.
Brian: (angrily) What?  Are you deaf, Probst?  I said I don't want to bring any of them!
Jeff: (nervously, but keeping authority) You have to bring someone.
Brian:  You telling me what to do, f***face?
(Brian raises his fists and starts to advance on Jeff.  Jeff
brings two fingers to his lips and lets out a shrill whistle)
Brian: (Narrating) So that coward Probst called in his f***ing armed guards.  Man, I would've really liked to pound his fairy a**.  So I figured that since I had to take someone, Kevin would p*** me off the least.
(Kevin and Brian board the same rickety boat seen in the distress
signal challenge.  Captain Tony Caker meets them on the deck)
Captain:  Welcome to the Gilgamesh, fellas.  We're going to see a lot of whales today, so I hope you're ready.
Kevin:  (excited)  All right!  This is gonna be sweet!
Brian: (bored already) Yeah, great.
(The boat speeds through the North Atlantic.  After a while, it stops in an abandoned cove.  A chill wind
blows from the overcast sky, and Kevin hangs on the railing, staring out at the water in anticipation)
Kevin:  Where are the whales?
Captain:  Patience, my friend.
Kevin:  Hey buddy.  Did you know that the whale actually evolved from a dog-like ancestor of the modern horse?
Captain:  Well, that has yet to be proven.
Kevin:  Yeah...  The early whales had hooves like-
(Kevin's cut off by a massive whale surfacing not far from the boat.  It blows water out its spout)
Kevin:  Whoa!!!
(More whales surface around the first one.  Kevin watches them in awe)
Kevin:  (Imitating the whales sounds) Urrroooohh.  Whooshhhhhh!!!
(One of the whales dives under the water.  A few seconds later, it leaps out,
flying several feet into the air and landing with a huge splash)
Kevin:  Whoa!  Did you see that dude, Brian?
Brian:  Yeah.  It's a whale.  Whoopty-s***.
Kevin: (Narrating) Hey, buddy.  Me and Brian got to go on a whale-watching expedition today.  It was really sweet, dude.  They were spouting, whooshhh!  And they were jumping, (Kevin smacks his hand down on his forearm) pow!  And... that's about it.  But it was awesome.
(Kevin watches whales for the rest of the afternoon.  He's in heaven.  Brian, on the other hand,
is bored out of his skull.  As the sun starts to set, the Captain emerges from his cabin with a cooler)
Captain: Can I offer you boys a beer?
Brian:  Now you're speaking my language!
Brian: (Narrating) First rule of boating:  alcohol is a necessity.  When that ugly little Canadian offered me all the beer I could drink, I was actually glad I won that f***ing reward.
(The boat speeds back to Camp Smallwood.  Brian pounds back bottle after
bottle of beer. He hands Kevin a bottle.  He takes a sip and spits it out)
Kevin: Gross!
Kevin: (Narrating) On the way back, Tony let us have some beer or something.  I tried drinking some of that stuff, and man!  It tasted really bad!  But Brian drank a lot of it and I think he got drunk, probably.
(Night falls as the vessel makes its way back to the coast.
Brian and Kevin don't make it back to camp until well after supper)

(Brian and Kevin walk into camp.  Brian walks with a visible swagger, while Kevin's still beaming
from his trip.  Melissa, Amanda, Dan, Kris, and Sylvia sit by the fire.  Melissa stands as they enter)
Melissa:  Hey guys!  How was it?
Kevin:  Oh!  It was sweet!  There was this one whale, right?  He goes whoosshhhhhh!!!
(As Kevin excitedly relates the details of the trip, Brian drunkenly heads for the shelter.  Lora's
lying down in the shelter resting.  Brian enters and sees her.  A predatory smile forms on his lips)
Brian: (slurred) Well, look who it is.
Lora: (nervously) I imagine you want to rest.  I'll just get out of your way.
(Lora starts to get up.  Brian grabs her roughly by the arm)
Brian:  Not so fast, b****!  I'd say it's time you start putting out.
Lora: (pleadingly) Brian, please...
Brian:  Did I say you could talk, b****?
(Brian shoves Lora roughly to the ground.  She begins to whimper)
Brian:  Shut up, whore!  You're mine.
(Brian leans down and pins Lora to the ground.  She lets out a scream.
He lifts an arm to cuff her across the face.  Suddenly, a hand grabs it)
Brian:  What the h***?
(Brian wheels around to find himself facing a very angry Will)
Will: (Seething, but evenly) Get away from her, you coward.
Brian:  F*** off!
(Brian takes a swing at Will.  Will easily dodges the drunken Brian.  Brian roars and charges Will.  He tackles him by the midsection and they both fall to the ground.  Brian attempts to get his full weight on Will, but
Will nimbly rolls out of the way.  Will jumps to his feet, and Brian follows.  He prepares to swing at Will
again, but Will beats him to it and slugs Brian in the face.  Brian recoils and wipes blood from his mouth.
Rage fills his eyes, and he charges Will again.  Will lands a nice punch to Brian's nose, and
he drops in pain.  After a moment, he rises again and advances on Will.  Another blow sends him to
the ground.  Unable to learn his lesson, Brian gets up again, only to be felled by Will.
By this time, the noise of the scuffle and Lora's screams have attracted the attention of the
entire camp.  No one makes a motion to stop the fight.  Brian gets up one last time, and
Will lands a solid blow to his right eye.  Brian falls on his face and is still.  Will picks Lora up)
Will:  You OK?
Lora: (quivering) I'll be fine.  (motioning to Brian) What about him?
Will:  I don't think he'll be a problem anymore.
(Will and Lora walk through the group, who part to allow them to get to the fire.  People stare at Brian for a moment, but no one offers to help him.  They all scatter and leave him to nurse his own wounds.  The night passes, and dawn eventually rises above the ocean.  Brian sits by himself in front of the fire)
Brian: (Narrating) Look, just get the h*** away from me, all right?  I don't want to talk about last night.
(Lora comes out to the fire.  Brian glares at her for a moment, until he
notices Will standing behind her.  Without a word, he gets up and walks away)
Will: (To Lora) Coward...
(The morning sun rises high in the sky.  Kris is out in the meadow searching for something edible)
Kris: (Narrating) I couldn't have asked for a better turn of events last night.  Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for what almost happened to Lora.  But with this major confrontation, all eyes in the clan will be on Will and Brian.  One of them will have to go, and I should remain completely hidden.
(Kris continues to search for food.  Suddenly,
a voice comes from behind him)
Sylvia:  Can't find anything, huh?
(Kris turns around to face Sylvia)
Kris:  Sylvia.  How did you locate me out here?
Sylvia:  I followed you.  What's up with you these days?
Kris:  I don't know what you mean.
Sylvia:  Kris, you never used to go food hunting without announcing it to the entire tribe.  Now, you're doing just enough not to appear lazy.  You're disappearing for hours at a time.  If I didn't know better, I'd have thought we voted you out last Tribal Council.
Kris: (chuckles) That certainly didn't happen.
Sylvia:  No, but I'm worried about you.  If this game's getting to be too much for you, I can help.
Kris:  I assure you, milady, I'm fine.
Sylvia: (Narrating) Kris's increasing anti-social tendencies are worrying me.  He says he's fine, and I suspect it might even be part of new strategy on his part.  If it is, it should be fascinating to watch it unfold.  I'm keeping a very close eye on Kris, even if no one else is.
(At Kris's insistence, Sylvia heads back to camp.  A helicopter shot pans across the meadow to an
aerial view of Camp Smallwood.  Amanda's on a water run, and Dan and Kevn are tagging along)
Dan: (Narrating) I don't know about some of these people sometimes.  Kevin seems pretty cool most of the time, but every now and then he does something that makes you scratch your head.
Dan:  So, we're going to get water?
Amanda: (Annoyed) Yes.
Dan:  We're going to boil it, right?  If we don't boil it, we could get sick.
Amanda: (snapping) Have we ever not boiled it?
Dan:  Just making sure.
Kevin:  Oh! Listen to that stream, you guys.
Dan:  Yeah?
Kevin:  Man!  Doesn't that make you need to pee?
Dan:  Um, no.
Kevin:  Well, I gotta go.
(Kevin moves up river a little bit and beins urinating.  He calls over to Dan and Amanda)
Kevin:  Oh!  You guys hear that?
(Amanda tries to hide her laughter.  Dan looks aghast)
Dan:  Kevin?  Buddy?  Seek.. help!
(Melissa and Lora go for Tree Mail)
Melissa:  I wonder what they'll have us doing today?
Lora:  I have no idea.  (reading) So you're strong in body
                                                       But how's your mind?
                                                       Today the answer
                                                       We will find
                                                       Make your move
                                                       You can't go back
                                                       If you can outwit
                                                       You won't have to pack
OK.  It's definitely a mental challenge.
Melissa: (playfully) Oh no!  Everyone here's smarter than me!

Immunity Challenge – Puzzlor II 
(Aerial shot of a white 10 x 10 grid made up of 100 flat wooden panels.
The Survivors enter and approach Jeff)

Jeff:   First things first. (motioning to some off-screen guards) Smiley, you are gonna hand it over peacefully, aren't you?
Brian:  Yeah, yeah..

(Brian hands Jeff the Immunity Necklace)

Jeff:  The Immunity Necklace back up for grabs.  OK, today's immunity challenge is an old Survivor favorite.  In front of you is a 10 x 10 game board.  You'll each take a position on the perimeter and take turns moving.  Every time you move, you turn over the square behind you, revealing red.  You cannot step on the red squares.  If you find that you can't make another move without stepping on a red square, you're out.  Last one standing wins immunity.
We've randomly drawn for starting positions, so you guys can take your spots.

(The Survivors are instructed to arrange themselves like this:.
 . = Melissa = Amanda  = Sylvia  = Brian  = Lora  = Kris  = Kevin  = Will  = Dan
Jeff:  OK, Melissa's in the first starting position.  She'll move first, followed by Kris, then moving around the board counter clockwise it's Sylvia, Brian, Lora, Amanda, Kevin, and Will, with Dan moving last.  Melissa, go ahead and start us out.
Melissa:  Hmm... What should I do?
(Melissa decides to take a step straight foward)
Jeff:  Amanda, your move.
(Amanda moves to her left)
Jeff:  Sylvia.
(Sylvia moves to her left, which is "down" to the camera)
Jeff:  Make a move, Smiley.
Brian:  Yeah, OK.
(Brian also moves "down")
Jeff:  Lora's up.
(Lora moves diagonally down and left)
Sylvia:  Trick-y!
Lora: (Pointing at Sylvia) Ha ha!
Jeff:  Kris.  Where you gonna go?
(Kris moves diagonally down and right)
Jeff:  OK, Kevin.
Kevin:  Huh?
Jeff:  Make a move, Kevin.
Kevin:  Oh.  OK, buddy.
(Kevin moves left towards the board's corner)
Jeff:  What's it gonna be, Will?
(Will moves diagonally up and right)
Jeff:  OK, Dan.
(Dan moves diagonally down and right.  This is where the board stands after the first turn:.
 . .
Jeff:  Melissa, your turn again.
(Melissa moves straight up again.  Amanda takes another step to the left.  Sylvia moves down, as does Brian.  When Lora's turn comes around, she zigs diagonally down and right, the opposite of her last turn)
Sylvia: (In mock surprise) Wo-oh!
Lora:  You never know what I'm gonna do!
(Kris follows Lora diagonally down and right)
Lora:  I think I'm being followed!
(Kris merely smiles)
Jeff:  Kevin, your turn.
Kevin:  Oh, OK, buddy.
(Kevin takes a step diagonally down and left.  Will moves to the right, boxing Kevin in.
Dan steps up beside Melissa.  The board now looks like this:.
.(Melissa takes another step up.  Amanda moves left.  Sylvia moves left out of the corner.
Brian takes a step down.  Lora zags diagonally left and down, and looks at Sylvia)
Sylvia: (waving her hands) You're crazy!
Lora: (smiling) It's a crazy game.
(Kris follows Lora's move again and moves diagonally left and down.  After prompting from
Jeff, Kevin takes a step up into the corner.  Will moves diagonally up and right to skirt
around the perimeter.  Dan moves up beside Melissa.  Here's how the board stands:.
(Melissa takes another step up.  Amanda moves left once again.
Sylvia takes a step up away from the perimeter.  Brian moves down, and
Lora continues of game of zig-zagging down the board by going diagonally right and down)
Lora: (giggling) Here I come, Sylvia!
Sylvia:  Uh-oh!
(Kris stops trailing Lora and goes the other way, diagonally
left and down.  It's Kevin's turn, but he can't move anywhere)
Jeff:  Kevin!  You're done.  Come join me on the sideline.
Kevin:  OK, buddy!
(Kevin smiles and runs to Jeff's side.  Will takes a step to the right.
Dan moves up beside Melissa again.  The board now looks like this:
.(Melissa continues to march straight up.  Amanda takes a step up.  Sylvia moves up,
while Brian comes diagonally down and left.  Lora continues her zig zag pattern, giggling slightly)
Sylvia:  You keep that up, and you're going to run out of room.
Lora:  Never!
(Kris, in an attempt to end the game earlier, begins to cut the board in half by moving diagonally down and left.  Will takes a step down, and Dan finishes out the turn by stepping up beside Melissa.  The board:.
(Melissa once again moves straight up.  Amanda moves up again.  Sylvia moves left, as does
Brian.  Lora, unable to zag diagonally right because of Brain, has to move down and left again)
Sylvia:  Told you you'd run out of room.
Lora:  Ha!  It was all part of my plan!
(Kris successfully cuts the board in half by going diagonally down and left.  Will continues to hug the perimeter of his area by moving right.  Dan once again steps up beside Melissa.  The board:...
(Amanda crosses Kris's path by moving diagonally up and right.  Sylvia takes a step down,
desperately seeking new territory.  Brian moves diagonally down and left, as does Lora)
Lora:  Sylvia! I can't zig zag anymore!
Sylvia:  I'm so sorry, Lora.
(Kris makes the only move he can, diagonally right and down.  He seems
satisfied to be running out of room.  Will continues to hug the perimeter,
moving diagonally right and down.  Dan steps up beside Melissa.  The board:
 . ... . ..
(Melissa, unable to move up anymore, turns to the right)
Melissa: (laughs) See you later, Dan!
Dan: (flatly) What?
(Amanda takes a step to the right.  Sylvia moves right.  Brian moves diagonally
left and down next to Sylvia, and Lora takes the slot next to Brian by moving
diagonally left and down.  It's Kris's turn, but he's completely unable to move)
Jeff:  Kris!  Come join Kevin over here.
(Kris silently smirks at getting out of the challenge so early.  He leaves the board
without a word.  Will steps left towards Melissa. Dan makes the only move
he can, going diagonally left and down and trapping himself on an island.
.(Melissa moves right,  finding herself face to face with Will)
Melissa: Hi, Will!
Will: Howdoo!
(Sylvia's, Brian's, and Lora's turns are next, but none of them can move)
Jeff:  Guys, I'm gonna make this easy.  The three of you are out!  Get over here.
Brian:  F***!
(Brian stomps off the board.  Lora and Sylvia follow, laughing it up.
Amanda takes a step up.  Will takes a step down, hoping to find more room
away from Melissa.  Dan takes a step down his island.  The board:
 . .. ..
(Melissa steps down, hoping to trap Will.  Amanda takes a step to the right.  Will moves
diagonally down and left to escape Melissa's trap.  Dan takes another step down.  The board:
 . .. . .. ..
(Melissa moves diagonally down and left, trying once more to trap Will.  Amanda moves up.  Will
makes the only move he can, diagonally down and left.  Dan steps down onto his last available square.
The board:
 .. ...
(Melissa takes a step up.  Amanda moves right.  Will is unable to move)
Jeff:  Will, you know what to do.
Will: (grumbling) Yeah...
(Will flips over his tile and heads for the sidelines.  As Dan's turn comes up, he's also unable to move)
Jeff:  Dan!  Join us!  I think this one is foregone.
(Dan walks off the game board.  Here's how it now looks:,
(Melissa's unable to move further)
Jeff:  Melissa, valiantly played out, but you're done.
Melissa:  I was close, anyway.
Jeff:  Amanda!  (Holding up Immunity) You want this?
Amanda: (Nods) Mmm-hmm.
Jeff:  Then get over here!
(Amanda smiles and runs over to Jeff.  He puts the necklace around her neck)
Jeff:  Very nicely done.  Amanda's safe from the vote.  Somebody else is going home.  See you at Tribal Council tomorrow night.  You guys can head back to camp.
(Amanda smiles.  Will looks a little disappointed in himself,
and Brian looks extremely angry.  The Survivors exit)

(Amanda wears her Immunity Necklace around camp,
obviously proud of herself for having won it)
Amanda: (Narrating) Ha ha ha!  It feels really good to beat everyone in a mental challenge like that.  I planned out how I'd walk along the edges, then take my opportunity and cut across the middle, and it worked perfectly.  I outsmarted them all!
(Sylvia and Will sit by themselves chatting)
Will:  If I could win just one challenge, I would've liked to win that one.
Sylvia:  Really?  Why that challenge in particular?
Will:  I don't know.  It's just such a cool strategy game.  One of the best mental challenges.  The fact that Amanda beat me bothers me.
Sylvia:  You're worried that you're not the smartest player in the game?
Will: (nods) Yeah, a little.
(Brian's laying down in the shade, a hat over his eyes.  Kevin approaches him)
Kevin:  Hey, buddy.  Uh...
Brian: (Lifting his hat) What?
Kevin:  Um, you never said who I was supposed to, um,  vote for.
Brian:  Huh?  I don't give a flying f*** anymore, Kev.  I really don't.
(Meanwhile, Will's gathered Lora, Sylvia, Dan, Melissa, and Amanda to talk strategy)
Will:  OK, for tonight's vote, I was thinking-
Lora: (Cutting in) Brian, right?
Will:  No, not Brian.
(The group seems shocked by this)
Dan:  Not Brian?  And who do you want to vote for, Will?
Will:  Kris.
Melissa:  Why Kris, Will?
Lora:  Yeah, Kris isn't the one stirring up all the trouble around here.
Will:  Yes, he is.  Smiley has no power anymore.  His spirit's broken.  Now, Kris, on the other hand...
Sylvia:  Will, I must say, your paranoia about Kris is fascinating.  But I'd rather keep him around for further observation.
(Will sighs in exasperation as his alliance discusses life without Brian)
Will: (Narrating) The fact that I'm having such difficulty getting people to vote for Kris is a testament to how much power he really holds.  I just hope I can corrall all of my alliance to vote the right way tonight. (Sighs) For once...

Tribal Council # 8   
(The Survivors enter)

Jeff:  Welcome, guys.  You've made it 24 days into this game, and at this point you're all guaranteed at least a spot on the jury.  Now, I understand some pretty heavy events have gone down in the past three days, so I'm just going to open the floor here.  Does anyone have any comments they'd like to make?
Lora:  I think I speak for the entire group when I say that Brian is a complete slimeball.

(The group murmurs in agreement.  Brian just hangs his head, making no attempt to defend himself)
Will:  I'm not going to disagree, but I'd like to remind everyone of the larger picture here.  We are playing a game, and strategically, there are better targets than the obvious one.
Jeff:  Really?  Who else would you say is a target tonight?
Will:  As always, the most dangerous people in this game are the smart ones.
Jeff:  Well, Amanda.  As the winner of yesterday's mental Immunity Challenge, do you ever worry that someone like Will might perceive you as being too smart for your own good?
Amanda:  Yeah, it's something that bothers me a little, but not enough for me to not win the challenges.
Jeff: (Nods condescedingly) Sylvia, you always seem to have a good pulse on the mood of this tribe.  As the targets start to become fewer, how do you think the pecking order is going to play out?
Sylvia:  I wouldn't say there's a pecking order, really.  Our tribe is basically a cross-section of society, and with a few obvious exceptions, we all work and function well together.  I think the votes will start to be more about individual tics and eccentricities as the game progresses.
Jeff:  OK.  You guys are about to get ready to vote out the first person that will be a member of the jury.  From here on out, you're gonna vote people out of this game and then turn around and ask them to come back and vote for you to give you $1 million.  Very, very tough game to play.  It is time to vote.  Smiley, you're up first.
(Brian walks up to the voting confessional and votes.  Kris votes next.  His vote is for Brian)
Kris:  Brian, in the short time I've had with you, I've learned to dislike you more than anyone I've ever met.  There can only be two targets tonight, and I'm hoping my efforts this round have left you the primary one.  
(Melissa's next, followed by Lora.  She frowns, then writes
down her vote and returns.  Will's next.  He votes for Kris)
Will:  Kris, I've gone to a lot of work to build up this alliance.  I'm not going to let you come in and ruin all my well-laid plans.  You've made the jury, and I think that's probably far enough.
(Kevin's up next, followed by Sylvia and Amanda.  Finally, Dan votes.  We don't see it)
Dan: (Disgusted) I've never liked you.  There's a right way and a wrong way to play this game, and I've never liked how you went about it.  Good-bye to you, sir.
(Dan returns)

Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.

(Jeff returns with the voting canister)
Jeff:  Once the votes are read, the decision is final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  First vote:

One vote Lora, one vote Kris.
Two votes Lora, one vote Kris.
That's two votes Lora, two votes Smiley, one vote Kris.
That's five votes for Smiley.  No need to read the final vote.  Smiley, I need you to bring me your torch.

(Brian approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Smiley, the tribe has spoken.  (Snuffs his torch)  It's time for you to go.
(Brian grunts and leaves)
Jeff:  Well, I don't often do this, but let me commend you guys on your choice tonight.  Just keep in mind that the decisions are gonna be a lot harder from here on out.  I'll let you guys get back to camp.
(The Survivors exit)   
Brian's Final Words:  Well, f***.  I knew this was coming as soon as I lost that d*** Immunity Challenge.  I was beginning to think none of these pansies would ever stand up to me, but I guess that a**bite Will finally grew some b***s.  Ah, these past couple days have been hell on me anyway.  Part of me's glad to be out, but most of me wishes I was still in there kicking some a**.  All I can say is, I feel sorry for the next person voted out, because they're going to have to answer to me on the jury.  (Grunts) 
Voting Record
   Amanda:  Brian
Brian:  Lora
Dan:  Brian
Kevin:  Lora
Kris:  Brian
Lora:  Brian
Melissa:  Brian
Sylvia:  Brian
Will:  Kris 
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