S U R V I V O R 
Episode 9 – New World Order  
Jeff: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor:
With Maria gone, Brian was on the warpath.  As he became increasingly more violent, disaster was averted by a quick-witted Melissa.  Kris went into hiding, while a new friendship blossomed between Lora and Sylvia.  After winning the reward, Brian took Kevin on a whale-watching expedition, where had a bit too much to drink.  When he threatened Lora, Will made good on his promise and gave Brian a good beating.  After Amanda won Immunity, Will suggested voting for Kris instead of the emasculated Brian.  But at Tribal Council, his alliance voted against his wishes and sent Brian packing for his past misdeeds.
8 are left.  Who will be voted out tonight?  
Theme Song  
. .
(It's still night.  Smallwood returns from Tribal Council.  An
infuriated Will walks far ahead of the rest of the tribe)
Will: (Narrating) I am very angry right now.  It was my belief that the alliance had decided to listen to my reasoning and vote out Kris.  But at Tribal Council, they turned around and did exactly what they'd wanted to do originally and voted out Smiley.  That left me throwing a single, impotent vote at Kris.  I've been made to look foolish in front of my enemy, and my leadership skills have been thrown into question.
(The tribe enters the campsite)
Lora:  I feel so good right now!
Melissa:  Oh, I know!  I'm just on such a high!
(Will grunts and walks out of camp)
Dan:  What's his problem?
Sylvia:  I don't know, but I intend to find out.
(Sylvia and Dan approach Will.  He doesn't look up at them)
Sylvia:  Will, you're angry.
Will: (sarcastic) Ya think?
Sylvia:  Why are you upset?
Will: (angrily) The vote.  We all agreed to get rid of Kris, but lo and behold, you voted out the powerless Brian!
Dan:  You agreed to get rid of Kris, none of the rest of us did.
Will: (pauses, then collects himself) I was led to believe that the alliance was backing my decision.
Sylvia:  Will, we knew you wouldn't bend on this...
Will:  So you lied to me?
Sylvia: Look, we - just, why are you so obsessive about getting rid of Kris, anyway?
Will: (coldly) Why aren't you?
Sylvia: (pauses) I would have supported you.  I know we have to get rid of him eventually.  It's just... I'm not done with him yet.
Will:  Well, that's just lovely.  This isn't some kind of experiment, Sylvia.  It's a game.
Sylvia: (Narrating)  All through this game, I've been loyal to one person, Will.  But last night, I didn't vote with him.  I let Lora convince me that he needed to be lied to, and I feel really guilty about betraying his trust like that.  (pauses) I'll make it up to him, somehow.
(Sylvia and Dan leave Will alone.  He sits by himself and fumes as the night passes.  The
stars race by, and the sun rises.  Will's had little sleep, but he sits on the beach furiously
doing sit-ups.  Amanda studies him for a moment before she embarks on her morning run)
Amanda: (Narrating) Will's really angry about the vote last night.  He thought that we should get rid of Kris, which I didn't totally disagree with.  But somebody, I think Lora, decided that we should go ahead and vote for Brian without telling him.  Like I said, he's pretty upset, and I'm worried about what he might do in the next three days.
(Amanda takes off running down the beach.  Will takes no notice of her, continuing
with his exercise regimen.  The sun rises in the sky, and the camp comes alive.
 Lora tidies up the camp, humming a happy tune.  Will walks by her)
Lora:  Hey, Will.  You feeling better this morning?
Will: (snaps) I'm not sick, Lora.
Lora: (to herself) Guess not...
Lora: (Narrating) See?  This is exactly why Will needed to be lied to.  If he'd known that were going to vote Brian off instead of Kris, he would have just got upset, and there was nothing he could do to change it.  He'll get over it pretty quickly.  After all, it was just one vote...
(Will walks away.  Sylvia approaches Lora)
Lora: (cheerfully) Hey there, Silverware.  What's up?
Sylvia: (solemnly) Um, Lora, we need to talk.
Lora:  OK, what's up?
Sylvia:  Well, it's about the vote last night.
Lora: (tensing up) Oh.  What about it?
Sylvia:  I'm feeling really bad about lying to Will.  He went to Tribal Council thinking we were supporting him, but we weren't.  I'm trying to understand why you were so insistent that we keep the truth from Will.
Lora:  Sylvia, I thought we went over this.  I mean, I like Will a lot, but he doesn't need to know everything we talk about.
Sylvia:  But that's just it.  I think he does.
Lora:  Look, we just lied to him for his own good.  If we'd let him know what we were doing, he would have just got really angry.  This was the second time he'd pushed to get rid of Kris.
Sylvia:  So why didn't we listen to him?
Lora: (getting upset) Because we had to get rid of Brian.  You saw the way he was!  I didn't feel safe anymore!
Sylvia:  We still should have heard him out.
Lora:  Sylvia!  Could you just chill-
(The girls clam up as Kris walks by.  He gives them a glance,
then moves on.  Sylvia leaves Lora before she can continue)
Kris: (Narrating) It would be foolish of me to not realize that I am a marked man.  Last night was merely a temporary reprieve.  If Brian hadn't been such... a b******, I surely would have gone.  Kevin and I are the only ones truly outside of the alliance, and I doubt he even knows that he's in danger.
(Kevin sits by the ocean, staring in awe at the tiny fish
darting about in the water.  Kris walks up behind him)
Kris:  What are you doing, Kevin?
Kevin:  Watchin' fish.
Kris:  Ah...  Do you know what type of fish they are?
Kevin:  I think, maybe... carp.  Or guppies.  Probably.
Kris:  Interesting.  Say, could you tell me the difference between a fish and an amphibian, Kevin?
Kevin: (thinks for a moment) Well, see, a fish has gills, so it can only breathe underwater, and an amphibian has lungs.  But it lays its eggs in the water, and the larvae have gills...
(Kevin continues to talk as Kris narrates)
Kris: (Narrating) I spent most of the morning chatting with Kevin, trying to build his trust in me.  Only when I felt he was sufficiently "buttered up," did I ask him about the game.
Kevin:  Yeah, Maria was really hot.  Oh yeah, baby... (pauses) I had an alliance with her.
Kris:  Did you?  Let me ask you something, Kevin.  How have you been deciding how to vote?
Kevin:  Brian's been helping me.  But he left last night.
Kris:  That he did.  What are you going to do now?
Kevin:  I think... maybe, you can help me?
Kris: (smiling broadly) Why, Kevin, I'd be honored.
Kevin:  OK.  I'll talk to you before Tribal Council, all right, buddy?
Kris:  But of course.
Kevin:  OK.
(Kevin stares at Kris for a moment, then gets up and wanders away.
Kris: (Narrating) So I've gained Kevin's vote.  I can't see that it will do me much good, but who knows how things could change before the next Tribal Council?  If only I could secure a few more votes...
(At camp, Will sits by the fire, pondering his place in the game.  Dan walks up to him)
Dan:  And what are we doing?  Hmm, Will?
Will:  Just thinking.
Dan:  Oh.  (pauses)  What about?
Will:  The game.
Dan:  Oh.  (pauses) Well, you have fun, Will.
(Dan walks away.  Will just rolls his eyes)
Will:  When you've got so many divergent ideas in an alliance, there's no way any one person can control it.  Frankly, I'm sick of being the figurehead that nobody actually listens to.  This alliance has a will of its own, and the direction this game is taking is boring and predictable.  Kevin and Kris are the next to go, in whichever order the alliance decides to get rid of them.  After that, the core Coble alliance drops Amanda and Mrs. Brennit.  (Sighs) I know I wouldn't want to watch someone like Dan in the endgame... (pauses, then smiles) So maybe I can shake things up a bit.
(Kris enters camp and approaches Will)
Kris:  Salutations, Will.
Will:  Hello, Kris.
Kris:  So, I guess you're finally going to get your way.
Will:  What do you mean?
Kris:  The vote.  I'm next in the pecking order, no?
Will: (bitterly) Yeah, I guess so.
Kris:  Why have you become so deadset against me, Will?  Am I truly so awful?
Will: (taken aback) No!  Of course not.
Kris:  Then why the hate?
Will: (sadly) You think I hate you?
Kris:  I've heard you talk about me.
Will:  No. (pauses) You know what?  I wasn't talking about you.  I was talking about "the enemy."  Somehow, I got so caught up in playing Mr. Alliance Leader that I forgot that you're a human being.  You just sort of became the embodiment of this... vague malevolent force that I had to excorcise from the tribe.  For that, I'm truly sorry.
Kris:  I believe you mean that.
Will:  I do.
(Pan out from the two.  Cut to an aerial shot of the
beach.  Melissa and Amanda go for Tree Mail)
Melissa:  All right.  Today's reward, right?
Amanda:  Yeah.
Melissa:  Let's see what we have.  (Reading) Untie the knot
                                                                              Fill the tray
                                                                              Tip the scales
                                                                              Of fate your way
                                                                              Pick a partner
                                                                              We don't care how
                                                                              Work together to win
                                                                              A night on the town
Ooh!  We'd better show everyone else!
(Melissa and Amanda return to camp with the instructions)
Will:  All right, we're going to be paired off for this challenge.  I assume we want to break into four boy/girl pairs?
Lora:  Yeah, that sounds right.
Melissa:  Great!  How do we pick the pairs?
Sylvia:  Let's draw for it, to be fair.
(Sylvia puts some numbered slips of paper in a hat. She walks
around the circle and has everyone draw.  After everyone's drawn,
they look at their numbers and attempt to locate their partners)
Will:  Who has one?
Lora:  That's me!  Looks like we're together, Will.
Sylvia:  Three?
Kris:  That would be me.
Melissa:  Who has four?
Kevin:  Oh!  Um, I think I do.
Melissa:  All right, Kev!  This'll be the fun team!
Dan:  So you have two, Amanda?
Amanda: (Sighs) Afraid so.

Reward Challenge:  Paired Off 
(Aerial shot of a rocky beach.  Close-ups of an odd-looking scale, a rope tied into a complex knot,
and a pile of large rocks, painted orange.  The Survivors walk onto the beach, two by two and meet Jeff)
Jeff:  OK.  For today's reward challenge, you will compete as teams.  Four teams of two.  The four teams you've selected:  Will and Lora, Kris and Sylvia, Amanda and Dan, Melissa and Kevin.
Your goal today, to tip these giant scales in your favor. To do this, you'll need to use teamwork.  There are two sides of the scale.  The side that is now tipped up has an empty metal tray attached.  The side that is tipped down has a 500 lb weight attached that's tied to an anchor embedded in the beach.
One member of the team will need to load the orange rocks into the empty tray.  The rocks are scattered along this beach, with the heaviest rocks nearest to your scales and the lighter rocks further away.  Meanwhile, the other member needs to untie this huge knot so that the weight is free to move upwards.  Once you've freed the weight and loaded enough rocks, the scale will tip.  Once the tray touches the ground, a flag will raise.  First team to raise their flag wins.  Now, on to the reward.
The winning team will be picked up at your beach by helicopter.  You'll be flown to a Newfie town, where you'll get to spend the evening in a pub.  You'll be provided with a huge dinner, lots of hearty food, and get to experience a bit of the Canadian nightlife.  You'll come back fully sated and ready for your last 13 days.  Make sense?
(The Survivors murmur "yes")
Jeff:  Take your spots.  Wait for my go.
(The teams position themselves by their respective scales)
Jeff:  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(The pairs get to work.  In most pairs, the girl works
on the knot while the guy goes out to retrive rocks.  Melissa, however,
leaves Kevin to work on the knot while she goes out to find rocks.
Will grabs a nearby medium-sized rock and begins lugging it back
towards his scale.  Lora's having a lot of trouble with the knot.  She digs
at it with her fingernails, but can't get anything to move)
Lora: (whining) Will!  This is tied too tight!
Will:  Keep working it.  I have to get more rocks.
(Lora goes back to the knot.  Dan's grabbed the biggest rock he could
find and is easily lugging it towards his and Amanda's scale.  Amanda's
got a loop worked out of the knot.  Dan drops his rock in the pan)
Dan:  How's it going?
Amanda: Quiet!  I'm trying to think.
Dan:  OK.
(Dan goes out for another rock.  Melissa carries two smallish rocks,
one under each arm.  She approaches her scale to find that
Kevin's just watching the challenge, ignoring his knot)
Melissa: (depositing the rocks) Kevin, I need you to get to work on that knot, OK?
Kevin:  Um, OK.
(Kevin starts fumbling with the knot as Melissa goes back out.  Kris returns
with a fairly large rock and dumps it on the scale.  Without a word to Sylvia,
he goes back out for another.  Sylvia starts to work a loop out of the knot.
Will returns to Lora with another medium-sized rock.  She's
so frustrated with the knot that she's on the verge of tears)
Lora:  I can't even get it started.
Will: (sighs) OK, let me have a look at it.
(Will starts working on the knot.  Lora stands by and watches.
Dan lugs a gigantic rock up the beach.  Kris passes by him carrying a smaller rock.
Kevin's given up on the knot again.  Amanda's got almost half of the huge
knot untangled.  Sylvia pulls out a loop, but her knot is still largely incomplete.
Melissa returns to Kevin with another couple of rocks)
Melissa:  Kevin, you've got to keep this up.  Do you want to hunt rocks for a while?
Kevin:  Um, yeah.  I think so...
Melissa:  OK, go out and bring us back some rocks.
(Kevin starts to wander away.  Melissa calls after him)
Melissa:  Orange rocks!
(Kevin doesn't seem to hear her.  Melissa shrugs and gets to work on the knot.
Dan walks up the beach with another huge rock.  As he approaches his scale, Amanda's finishing up her knot.  She twists the final three loops around each other and frees the rope from the anchor)
Amanda:  Yes!
Jeff:  Amanda's got her knot untied!
(Will, Sylvia, and Melissa look up from their knots in despair.  None of them are close to done)
Will:  I've got this started.  Can you handle the rest?
Lora:  I guess...
(Will runs out and grabs the biggest rock he can find.  He slowly moves it towards his scale.  Dan passes him, carrying a bigger rock at greater speed.  Amanda's now helping Dan in the search for rocks.  She's running out to the outer bounds of the playing field to gather several smaller rocks at a time.
Sylvia works frantically at the knot.  Kris returns with a couple more rocks,
then immediately leaves to gather more.  Melissa works a loop out of her knot)
Melissa:  Where's Kevin?
(Kevin's wandered down the beach, far away from the challenge)
Kevin:  Rocks, rocks...
(Pan back over to the action.  Dan and Amanda return to their scale at the same time, dumping in
several rocks.  Will gets a large rock into his scale.  Lora's not having any luck with their knot.
Sylvia's making some good progress, and Kris returns with another rock.
Melissa keeps plugging away, while Dan and Amanda return with another
load of rocks.  Their scale is moving closer and closer to the ground)
Jeff:  Dan and Amanda are getting close.  Keep at it, Will!
(Will lugs another huge rock into his scale.  Lora still hasn't made any progress.  Sylvia pulls out the
final loops of her knot as Kris returns with another rock.  As he leaves for another, she gets it untied)
Sylvia:  Done!
Jeff:  Sylvia and Kris are back in this game.  Help out your partner, there, Sylvia.
(Like Amanda, Sylvia sprints off to the edge of the playing field to retrieve
some small rocks.  Amanda passes Danon the way back to their scale.)
Amanda:  Hurry, Dan!
(Amanda dumps her rocks, then takes off towards the edge again.  Will returns
with another rock.  His scale might be moving if Lora had done anything on the knot.
Melissa gets closer to getting her knot untied, but Kevin's making no signs of returning with rocks.
Sylvia and Kris dump a huge load of rocks.  Their scale dips quite close to the ground)
Jeff:  It's tight!  Sylvia and Kris and Amanda and Dan are really close!
(Dan lugs two huge rocks onto his shoulders.  Amanda returns with an armload of
small rocks and dumps them.  Sylvia drops two medium sized rocks into the scale and
runs out again.  Kris brings back a bigger rock.  Their scale is almost touching the ground.
Dan arrives at his scale with his massive payload.  He drops the two boulders
into the scale, and it drops to the beach.  A yellow flag unfurls and flaps in the breeze)
Jeff:  Dan!  Amanda, get over here!
(Amanda returns to the scale.  She looks at Dan and give him a little smile)
Jeff:  Dan, Amanda.  Nice work.  Well-earned.  I guarantee tonight's gonna be great for you guys.  You can head back to camp.  I'll see you in a while.
(Dan gives Amanda a high five.  After locating Kevin, the Survivors exit)

(The tribe goes about their business, searching the skies for Amanda and Dan's helicopter)
Amanda: (Narrating) It felt great to win another challenge, but when it began to sink in that it was with Dan, I began to have second thoughts.
Melissa:  You're so lucky, Amanda.  You get to leave camp tonight.
Amanda:  Want to go for me?
Dan: (Narrating) Amanda's not my first choice to go out with.  She's always seemed so distant.  She doesn't listen when I talk to her, and I don't really feel like I know her at all after all this time.  But who knows?  Maybe tonight will loosen her up some.
Lora:  Are you guys psyched?
Dan and Amanda: (simultaneously) I guess...
(A helicopter approaches the camp)
Kevin: (Narrating) Hey, buddy.  After the challenge, I was pokin' at the dead bird, and then I heard a helicopter off in the distance.  Usually, the helicopters fly far away, but this one was comin' right at us!  It goes (imitates the sound) Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha... Like that.  And man, I really wanted to ride in it, but they wouldn't let me.
(Kevin stares in awe as the helicopter lands.  Melissa calls for Dan and Amanda)
Melissa:  It's here!  Where are the lovebirds?
Amanda: (mock laughter) Ha ha ha.
(Dan bolts out of the shelter, stuffing clothes in his backpack)
Dan:  Don't leave without me!
(Amanda and Dan board the helicopter.  The tribe surrounds them and
waves as they take off.  Cut to inside the helicopter as it takes off)
Amanda:  There goes our camp...
Dan:  Yeah.  Hey look, there goes our camp!
(Amanda rolls her eyes)
Amanda: (under her breath) This is gonna be a fun date.
Dan:  What was that?
Amanda:  I didn't say anything.
Dan:  Oh.
(The helicopter flies around several rocky cliffs.  The waves break against them.  It's a spectacular view)
Dan:  Are you sure you didn't say something?
Amanda:  Let it go!  That was half an hour ago!
(The helicopter rounds a corner and a small harbor town
comes into view.  The helicopter moves in and begins to land)
Dan:  Hey, look, Amanda!  A town!
(Amanda shakes her head.  The helicopter lands on a paved lot.
 Jeff is waiting for Amanda and Dan as they exit the helicopter)
Jeff:  Guys, welcome to the town of LaFeyette.  If you'll follow me, I'll take you to the pub.
(Jeff leads Amanda and Dan through the little town.  The streets are mostly
cobblestone, and the buildings are made of ashy brick.  The whole town has a sort of
dirty look about it.  All the people they pass are somewhat scuzzy looking.  Jeff stops in
front of a squat building.  A hanging wooden sign reads "Micheal's Bar and Pub")
Jeff:  Guys, welcome to Micheal's Bar and Pub.  Head on in.  We have a table reserved for you.
(The bar is smoky and full of flabby, loud, middle-aged men.
 Amanda coughs as Jeff leads them to a table)
Jeff:  Have a seat.  We'll have your meal brought out to you.
(Jeff leaves)
Dan:  Can you believe this place?
Amanda:  Yeah, what a dump!
Dan:  Are you kidding me?  This place is cool!
(Amanda just groans and shakes her head.  A squat, dark-haired
man of Italian descent approaches the table with a tray of food)
Man:  Welcome to Micheal's Bar and Pub.  Please try the sausages, and consider yourselves lucky I said please.
Dan:  Are you our waiter?
Man:  Try to follow the bubble, you idoit.  I'm not a waiter, I'm the owner.  You would probably know that if you weren't such a NEWF.
Dan:  Huh?  Um, I'm American.
Micheal:  Yeah, an American NEWF.  Ooh, BURN!
Dan:  What?
Micheal: (hollering to the patrons) Let it be known that the person sitting at this table is a NEWF and a caker.  Bam!  Word to your mother!
Dan:  What's a caker?  You're not making any sense.
Micheal:  The person in front of me defies alligators.  Enjoy your meal.  Next time I won't be so generous.
(Before Dan can respond again, Micheal leaves.  Amanda's snickering at the exchange)
Dan:  That guy needs help.
Amanda:  Agreed.
(Amanda and Dan dig into their meal, which consists of boiled sausage,
cold boiled potatoes, some timbits, and milk in a bag to drink)
Amanda:  Ugh!  This food is awful!
Dan: (chewing) What?
(Amanda picks at the nasty Canadian food, while Dan packs in plate after plate of the stuff)
Dan:  So, tell me about yourself, Amanda.  Where are you from?
Amanda: (sighs) Sherman Oaks.
Dan:  Really?  I used to have a roommate from there!
Amanda:  Half the people in the game are from Sherman Oaks.
Dan:  Oh, right.
Dan: (Narrating) Well, I couldn't get Amanda to open up any during supper.  I don't know.  I guess she's just a really shy person.
(Dan continues to talk to Amanda as he eats.  She won't
look him in the eye and looks somewhat queasy)
Amanda: (Narrating) Watching Dan eat just disgusted me.  He just shovels it in and lets it hang all over his face.  Ugh!  It's just so disgusting.  I can't even look at his face when I talk to him, because all I can see is those little sausage chunks clinging to his lips.  (Amanda shudders)  The night couldn't be over quick enough.
(Once Dan and Amanda have finished their meal, Jeff
leads them out of the bar.  It's now dark outside)
Jeff:  We're not going to ask you guys to make the trip back to camp tonight, so we've taken the liberty of checking you into an inn.
Amanda:  We're spending the night together?
Jeff:  That's right.
Amanda: (Under her breath) Great.
Dan:  I know you said something that time!
(Jeff leads Dan and Amanda into a squallid inn.  Several rats flee as they're
taken to their room.  The room does at least have two beds and a phone)
Jeff:  I'll see you two in the morning.
(Jeff leaves.  Dan and Amanda sit in silence for a moment)
Dan:  Well, I don't know about you, but I'm beat.
Amanda:  Yeah, me too.
(Dan pulls off his shirt and sits down on the bed.  Amanda stares at his malformed body for a second)
Dan:  What?
Amanda: (disgusted) Nothing.
(Amanda crawls under the covers and faces away from Dan,
disgusted by the sight of him.  Dan shrugs and picks up the phone)
Dan:  You don't mind if I make a quick call, do you?
Amanda: (annoyed) No.
(Dan picks up the phone and calls his wife, Susan.  Pan out
from the light in the inn's window and up to the starry sky)

(Kris moves silently through the night.  He checks to make sure no one's
followed him, then ducks into a secluded glade.  A dark figure waits for him)
Kris:  You asked me to meet with you?
Will: (stepping from the shadows) Yes.
Kris:  What's this about, Will?
Will:  A new alliance.
(Kris stares at Will in shock.  It takes a minute for
the implications of Will's words to sink in)
Kris: You're proposing that you and I work together?
Will:  Exactly.
Kris:  I'm intrigued.  (pauses) But you already have an alliance, no?
Will:  Yeah.  That's really not working out for me anymore.  I want to take this game in a new direction.
Kris: (Narrating) Never in my wildest dreams did I think that the leader of the grand Coble alliance, who'd been pushing to rid himself of me for weeks, would turn around and become my ally.  It seemed so out of character that I couldn't help but question it.
Kris:  How do I know you're not playing me?
Will:  You have nothing to lose.  You'd be next anyway.
Kris:  I guess not.  But we'll need more than just the two of us.
Will:  True... I'll be back.
(Will leaves) 
(Cut back to the inn.  It's now quite late, and Dan's still on the phone.  Amanda lays
on the bed, a scowl across her face as she's forced to listen to Dan's conversation)
Dan:  Honey, no!  I wanted to call you!  I did!  But I lost my phone.  (pause)  I missed you too.  I missed you too.  I love you.  (pause) I love you, too.  (pause) I love you, too.  No, I love you more!
(Dan lets out a yawn.  The voice on the other end yells out angrily)
Dan:  No, honey.  You're not boring! (pause) Of course not!  I'm just tired.  Honey!  No!  You're not boring!  I'm sorry I yawned! (pause) Of course I want to talk to you all night.  (Pause)  I love you too.
Amanda: (Narrating) It went on all night.  "I love you too," "I love you too."  It was the most inane, repetitive conversation I've ever heard, and I was forced to lay there and listen to every word of it.  I've been sleeping on the ground for a month, and this was the worst night's sleep I've had yet.
(Pan out from a perturbed Amanda as Dan continues talking)

(Will sneaks into camp and rouses Sylvia)
Will:  Sylvia, come with me.
Sylvia: (groggily) Is something wrong?
Will:  No.  Just come with me quietly.
(Sylvia follows Will out into the wilderness.  They reach
the glade from earlier, where Kris is waiting)
Sylvia:  Kris? (turns to Will) What's going on?
Kris:  Sylvia, we need you to swear that everything said here will remain in secret.
Sylvia:  Yeah, I swear.
Will:  OK.
(Will begins to explain the plan to Sylvia)
Sylvia: (Narrating) When Will and Kris told me that they were forming a new alliance, my jaw hit the floor.  Of course I'd join them.  I wouldn't miss out on an opportunity like this.  Two enemies doing a complete turnaround and becoming allies?  I want to be right in the middle so that I can observe every aspect of this new development.
Sylvia:  OK.  I'm in.  What do we do now?
Kris:  I've secured Kevin's vote, so that makes us four strong.
Will:  But if the others find out before the next Tribal Council, they could force a tie, and we don't want that.
Sylvia:  So not only do we have to keep this secret from the others, we also have to split their vote?
Will:  Looks like it.
Sylvia: (smiles) This is going to be fun!
Will: (Narrating) We have our work cut out for us before the next Tribal Council.  Sylvia came up with the idea of a "campaign of misdirection."  We're going to spread out and each lead a different alliance member to think that the vote's going a different way.  If we can keep them from conferring, we should be able to effectively split the vote.
(The meeting winds down as the sky begins to lighten)
Will:  OK.  We can't be seen with Kris, so if we never get to speak again, we know how to vote, right?
Kris and Sylvia:  Yeah.
(The new alliance splits up and returns to camp.  The sun rises
on a new day.  Lora and Melissa are up early and out in the meadow)
Melissa:  What a pretty morning.
Lora:  Yeah... (points) Look at that!
(Melissa looks to where Lora's pointing.  A large
moose has wandered into Smallwood's meadow)
Melissa:  Wow.  He's huge!
Lora: (whispers) Quiet!  We don't want him to charge us.
Melissa:  Yeah, you're right.  Kevin would love to see this, though.
Lora:  You trust Kevin to be careful around a moose?
Melissa: (laughs) Yeah, you're right.
(Melissa and Lora take the long way around the moose and gather chickweed.  Later that
morning, Amanda and Dan return.  Sylvia, Will, and Kris are lounging around camp)
Sylvia:  Hey, welcome back, guys.
Will:  How went it?
Dan:  It was fun.  They took us to this great restaurant, and then at the hotel, I got to call Susan.
(Amanda takes off, glad to finally be away from Dan.  Sylvia soon follows her)
Sylvia:  You OK?  I know Dan can be sorta... well, he's Dan.
Amanda:  Yeah.  I'm fine.
Sylvia:  So, we have the Immunity Challenge coming up today.
Amanda: (smiles) I know.
Sylvia:  You're starting up kind of a winning streak.
(Amanda shrugs)
Sylvia: (good-naturedly) Don't count on winning today, because I'm not gonna hold back.
Amanda:  You've been holding back?
Sylvia:  Not really.
Amanda:  Yeah, I didn't think so.
Sylvia:  What's that supposed to mean?
Amanda:  Nothing.
Sylvia:  You think you're better at the challenges than I am?
Amanda:  You said it.
(Amanda takes off.  Sylvia fumes.  Meanwhile, Lora and Melissa are checking the Tree Mail)
Lora:  Immunity Challenge today.
Melissa:  I can't wait!
Lora: (Reading)  Two at a time
                             Up in the sky
                             Balance is key
                             To getting by
                             Knock out the rest
                             You'd best be tryin'
                             If you're all wet,
                             You could join Brian
Ooh!  This one sounds fun!
Melissa: (laughs) For you, maybe!

Immunity Challenge – Balance Battle 
(Shots of two narrow wooden boards located several
feet above the ocean.  The Survivors enter and meet Jeff)
Jeff: First things first, as always.  Give me that necklace back.
(Amanda hands Jeff the Immunity Necklace)
Jeff:  Immunity, back up for grabs. OK, for today's immunity challenge, we're going to have a balance battle.  The concept is very simple.  Two at a time, you'll start at opposite ends and walk towards each other on your balance beams.  First person to fall off is out.  You'll be given a bamboo pole, which you can use to help balance yourself or to hit your opponent and try to knock them off.  We've randomly picked numbers to decide who will pair off against whom.  We'll work our way through a series of heats until we are left with one.  Big stakes, obviously.  Right now, it's1 in 8.  Win this, you cannot be voted out and you're guaranteed a 1 in 7 chance of being the sole Survivor.  Take your spots, wait for my go.
All right.  First two up. Dan, Will, climb onto your platforms.
(Will and Dan climb ladders onto wooden platforms located at opposite ends of the parallel boards)
Jeff:  I'm gonna say "Survivors ready," you step on your beam with one foot, then I'll say "go," you have to have both feet on.
(Will and Dan nod and stare at one another)
Jeff:  Survivors ready?  Go.
(Will starts down his board, wobbling slightly but correcting himself with his pole.  Dan has a lot of trouble.
He's flailing his pole all over the place.  After two steps, he leans to the left, tosses his pole to the
side in desperation, then plummets into the ocean.  Will shrugs and jumps in after him)

Jeff:  Will wins the first one.  Come back to shore, guys.

(Will and Dan paddle over to Jeff)
Jeff:  Dan, you're out.  Next two! Amanda, Kevin.
(Amanda and Kevin take their spots on their platforms).
Jeff:  Survivors ready? Go.
(The Survivors step onto their beams.  Amanda races
towards the center, but Kevin starts flailing worse than Dan)
Kevin:  Woa-oh!!!
(Kevin drops his pole and falls into the ocean.  Amanda
smiles and walks back to her platform.  She climbs down as Kevin frantically
dog paddles through the ocean.  Jeff sticks out a pole for him to grab)
Jeff: (laughing) Kevin, you look like a wet dog, man.  You're done.
(Kevin pulls himself out of the water, coughing up a little water)
Jeff:  Amanda's movin' on!  Next two.  Lora, Melissa.  Let's see if you guys can actually make it to the combat portion.
(Lora and Melissa take their spots)
Melissa:  Go easy on me!
Lora: (laughs) You're goin' down, Mrs. Brennit!
Jeff:  Survivors ready?  Go.
(Lora and Melissa step onto their beams.  Lora's completely in her element.  She makes it to the center of the beam as Melissa takes her first tentative step.  Lora begins moving towards Melissa's platform)
Melissa:  Oh no!
(Melissa theatrically cowers. Lora gently hits her in the midsection with her pole.
Melissa totters for a second, then falls into the sea.  She surfaces and shakes her head)
Melissa: (mock anger) Oh!  Lora!
(Lora leaps onto Melissa's platform and laughs.
Melissa swims to the shore as she climbs down)
Jeff:  That's it!  Lora moves on.  Melissa, you're done.  Kris, Sylvia.
(Kris and Sylvia move into their spots.  They
smile as they stare one another down)
Jeff:  Survivors ready?  Go.
(Both Survivors move towards the center.  They meet and raise their poles for combat.
Kris thrusts his pole at Sylvia's hip, but she parries with her own pole.  The poles are locked for
a split second, then Sylvia thrusts Kris's pole back towards him.  He stumbles back, then loses
his footing and plummets into the water.  Sylvia raises her pole above her head and hoots)
Jeff:  Kris, you're out.  Sylvia, movin' on.  Nice effort, guys!
(Kris swims in as Sylvia climbs down.  Jeff addresses the group)
Jeff:  Dan, Kevin, Melissa, Kris, you're out.  We're down to these four.  Will, Amanda, you're up first.  Here we go!  This is for immunity, movin' on to the next round.
(Will and Amanda take their positions)
Jeff:  Survivors ready?  Go.
(Will and Amanda start towards the center.  Amanda's much quicker, and she meets Will near his side.  Will lunges at her, putting all of his force behind his swing.  Amanda takes a step back.  Will's balance is shifted forward, but he manages to take a step back and recover.  This time Amanda takes the offensive.  She aims her pole at Will's thigh.  He moves to dodge it, but his balance shifts to the right.  He waves his pole around trying to recover.  Amanda whacks him in the chest with her pole, and he falls backwards into the ocean)
Jeff:  Amanda, you're in the finals.  Will, you're out.
(Will exits the water and goes to the sideline.  Amanda comes down to watch the next match)
Jeff:  Lora, Sylvia.  Winner moves on to the finals.
(Lora and Sylvia take their spots)
Jeff:  Survivors ready?  Go.
(The two move towards the center.  As they meet, Sylvia takes a swing at Lora's chest.
Lora nimbly ducks the swing, and it takes Sylvia a second to recover.  She tries another swing,
this time at Lora's legs.  Lora jumps the swing and lands back on the beam.  Sylvia stares at her in awe)
Sylvia:  That was awesome!
Lora:  Thanks.
(Suddenly, Lora swings at Syvia, nailing her in the chest.  She falters,
then tumbles into the water.  Lora takes a little bow and returns to her platform)
Jeff:  Very impressive.  Sylvia, you're out.  Lora, squaring off against Amanda.
(Amanda looks at her opponent nervously.  Lora just smiles.
The two take their positions and wait for Jeff's go)
Jeff:  Here we go.  For immunity.  Amanda and Lora.  Survivors ready?  Go!
(Amanda and Lora race towards the center.  They meet, but neither
takes a swing.  Both wait for the other to make a move.  After several seconds,
Lora takes the initiative.  She twirls around and brings the full length of her pole
towards Amanda's midsection.  Amanda raises her pole to block.  Bamboo hits bamboo, and
Amanda reels from the force of the blow.  She stumbles back and rights herself.
Lora takes the offensive again, spinning her pole slightly for show.  She takes
another swipe at Amanda's midsection.  Amanda is unable to block, and the blow sends
her falling backwards. She flops into the water, and looks up at Lora in awe)
Jeff:  That's it!  Lora wins immunity!  Get down here, girl!
Lora: (giddy) All right!
(Lora climbs down and approaches Jeff.  He places the necklace around her neck)
Jeff:  Very much earned.  You cannot be voted out at Tribal Council.  Lora, obviously safe.  Everybody else is vulnerable.  You can head back to camp.  I'll see you tomorrow at Tribal Council.
(Everyone congratulates Lora as the walk out)

(There's a general air of confusion around camp)
Melissa: (Narrating) This is really weird.  Usually by now, we've had a meeting to decide who to vote out.  But so far, nothing's happened.  I don't know if there's some kind of disagreement among the higher ups or what, but we really need to know how we're supposed to vote soon.
(Melissa pulls Amanda to the side to talk to her)
Melissa: (whispers) Has anyone told you how we're supposed to vote?
Amanda:  No.  Isn't that strange?
Melissa:  Yeah...  One of us should just ask Will.
Amanda.  I'll do it.
(Amanda leaves Melissa and approaches Will)
Will:  Hey there, 'Duh.
Amanda:  Hi.
Will:  Can I help you with something?
Amanda:  You haven't told Mrs. Brennit and me how to vote.
Will: Vote for Kris.
Amanda:  Kris?
Will:  Yeah, can you pass that on to Mrs. Brennit?
Amanda:  Yeah.  I'll pass it on...
Amanda: (Narrating) There was something about Will's demeanor that made me a little suspicious, so I decided to check with Lora.
(Amanda approaches Lora)
Amanda:  Lora, how are we supposed to vote tonight?
Lora:  We haven't really decided yet.  I'm pushing for Kevin, just because he's the last member of Maria and Brian's alliance.
Amanda:  Will told me Kris.
Lora:  He did? (sighs) He always pushes for Kris, doesn't he?  I'll have a talk with him.
(Lora looks for Will.  Dan approaches her)
Dan:  Have you seen Will and Sylvia?
Lora:  I'm looking for them myself.
Dan:  Well, do you know how we're supposed to vote?
Lora:  Yeah.  It's Kevin.
(Lora takes off.  Dan gives her a funny look.  The day passes.  Hurried conversations
occur all over camp.  Amanda watches from afar as Lora meets with Will and Sylvia)
Amanda: (Narrating) If Will's trying to pull something tonight, I could be a target.  He's said over and over that he thinks smart people are his biggest threats, and I think I'm probably the smartest person out here.  It does worry me,  because with the tribe in such a state of confusion right now, there's little I can do.  If only I knew exactly what he was planning, I could try to counteract it...
(Before long, the sun sets.  The Survivors pack their torches and head for Tribal Council)

Tribal Council # 9   
(The Survivors enter)
Jeff:  We'll now bring in the first member of the jury.
(Brian enters, glaring menacingly at the remaining Survivors)
Jeff:  Smiley's here merely to observe.  He won't be speaking to you, and you certainly should not direct any comments to him.  Well, we're 27 days in.  That's almost a month you've been out here, living by yourselves.  Will, what's been the most difficult thing for you out here, physically?
Will:  You know, physically, it hasn't been that tough.  I'm a little tired and hungry, but I've been keeping my energy up just fine.  I think that the people who complain about how tough this game is were probably pretty undiscplined to start with.
Jeff: (Nods condescendingly) Lora, has living out here without the distractions of day to day life caused you to come to any revelations about yourself?
Lora: Well, yeah.  I mean, I think each and every person out here has taught me something, but probably the most important thing I've learned is how to survive on my own.
Jeff:  How so?
Lora:  I've just learned to be less reliant on other people.  If I want something to happen, I've learned that I can make it happen for myself.  If you'd told me a week ago that Brian and Maria would be gone before me, I would've thought you were crazy.  But I beat them at their own game.
Jeff:  Kris, hearing Lora talk about coming back after being down, do you think you could do the same thing in a similar situation?
Kris:  I think so, but I've learned that you can't win this game alone.  You need allies.
Jeff:  Melissa, how strongly do you depend on other people out here?
Melissa:  Oh, I depend on each and every one of these people every day.  It's really because we're such a tight knit group that we're surviving so well.
Jeff:  Amanda, you've been somewhat of a loner this entire game.  How do you plan to advance yourself in this game without the help of others?
Amanda:  I don't.
Jeff:  All right, it's time to vote.  You cannot vote for Lora.  Everybody else is fair game.  Dan, you're up first.
(Dan walks up to the voting confessional and votes.  We don't see it)
Dan:  I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I don't like sneaky people.  You shouldn't try to pull something over on me.  I'm smarter than I look.
(Sylvia's next, followed by Amanda.  She votes for Will)
Amanda:  Will, I know you're up to something, and this vote is just to let you know that I'm on to you.
(Kevin's up next, followed by Lora and Melissa.  Will walks
up to the confessional and writes down a name.  We don't see it)
Will:  There is absolutely nothing personal to this vote.  If I'm going to play the game this way, this is the best move I can make to cripple my opposition.  Again, this is not personal.
(Finally, Kris votes.  We don't see it)
Kris: (smiles evilly) I'm baaack.
(Kris returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the voting canister)
Jeff:  Once the votes are read, the decision is final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  First vote:
. .
That's two votes Kevin, one vote Will.
Mrs. Brennit
(Melissa looks shocked)
Mrs. Brennit
Mrs. Brennit
(Dan and Lora look at each other in confusion)
That's three votes Melissa, two votes Kevin.  The final vote:
Mrs. Brennit
Melissa, I need you to bring me your torch.
Melissa:  (trying to remain upbeat) Yeah, OK.
(Melissa grabs her torch and approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Melissa, the tribe has spoken.  (Snuffs her torch)  It's time for you to go.
Melissa: (somber) OK.  Play nice, guys.
(Melissa exits.  Will and Sylvia hang their heads,
while Lora and Dan sit frozen in shock)
Jeff:  Well, this just goes to show that you can never truly feel safe in this game.  You're coasting along, thinking you're sitting pretty, and then, oops, I'm snuffing your torch.  I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next.  You guys can head back to camp.  I'll see you tomorrow.
(The Survivors exit)   
Melissa's Final Words:  Wow, guys...  Did I do something to offend someone?  I really don't understand this right now, but I'm sure that the people who voted for me had a good reason, right? (looks down for a minute, then brightens) Anyway, this game has been a blast.  All the challenges... the people I got to spend time with... it's just been so much fun.  I know that I'm going to be lifelong friends with all sixteen people in this game.  This has truly been a one of a kind experience.  (pauses, then sighs)  Boy, I really wish I understood why I got voted off.  This is gonna just bug me for weeks... 
Voting Record
Amanda:  Will
Dan:  Kris
Kevin:  Melissa
Kris:  Melissa
Lora:  Kevin
Melissa:  Kevin
Sylvia:  Melissa
Will:  Melissa 
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