S U R V I V O R 
Episode 10 – The Crusaders  
Jeff: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor:
After Tribal Council, Will was feeling angry and betrayed at his own alliance's lies.  As he pondered how the rest of the game might play out, he decided to shake things up.  Kris, meanwhile, was securing Kevin's vote.  The Survivors were paired off for the Reward Challenge, and it was Amanda and Dan who won a night on the town.  As they lived it up with some unusual locals, Will, Sylvia, Kris forged a new secret alliance.  Lora won the immunity challenge, but confusion reigned as the vote approached.  Will drew Amanda's suspiscion, which she showed through a vote at Tribal Council.  But without more information, Amanda was powerless to stop the new alliance as they voted out the well-liked Melissa.
Seven are left.  Who will be voted out tonight?  
Theme Song  
(The sun rises on a new day.  Amanda runs along the shoreline.
She's pushing herself harder than usual, a perpetual scowl on her face)
Amanda:  (Narrating)  Ugh!  I feel so stupid.  I should have seen it coming a mile away!  I knew Will was up to something, but I couldn't figure out what because of all the misinformation being spread around. (sighs) Will, Sylvia, and Kris outsmarted me, straight up.  They managed to split our vote down the middle, and then they got Mrs. Brennit!  I should have done more to unite the others against Will and force a tie, but I just didn't have the proof I needed to convince them.
(Amanda continues running as the sun rises.  Back at camp,
Will finishes his exercises, a self-satsified little smile on his face)
Will:  (Narrating)  I'm feeling great this morning.  Sure, we had to vote Mrs. Brennit out last night, but it's just a game, and she'll get over it.  This is the kind of thing I've always dreamed of doing on Survivor:  turning on a strong alliance.  I realize it was probably a suicide maneuver, but I did it anyway, just to stir things up.  I've effectively handed Kris the game on a silver platter, since I've now alienated myself from basically every player in this game, but I don't care.  And who knows?  Maybe I'll still make it to the endgame.  No one can be counted out of this game anymore.
(As the day progresses, Will works on building up
the fire.  Sylvia walks out of shelter, stretching)
Will:  Good morning, Sylvae.
Sylvia: (yawns) It's morning all right.
Sylvia: (Narrating)  I couldn't sleep at all last night, I felt so guilty about voting Mrs. Brennit out.  We all really liked her.  She was the heart of this camp, but her likeability was the reason she had to go.  If anyone could work as the glue to hold together a counter-alliance, it would have been her.  With her gone, the other three really have nothing in common.  I don't think I've ever seen Lora hanging out with the other two, and Dan and Amanda flat out hate each other.  It really was the best move we could have made, even if I do feel awful about it.
(Lora shuffles out of the shelter.  She watches Will work on the fire, then glances over at Sylvia)
Sylvia:  Hey, Lora.
Lora: (Coldly) Don't talk to me.
Sylvia: (shocked) Yeah... OK.
(Lora sits down as far from Sylvia as she can and stares into the fire.
Kevin comes out and joins Sylvia, Lora, and Will by the now roaring fire)
Kevin:  Hey buddy.  Do we have any... breakfast?
Will:  Sorry, Kev.  No one's got around to cooking anything yet.
Kevin:  Mrs. Brennit usually makes breakfast.  Where's she at?
Lora: (Angrily) Oh!
(Lora gets up and stomps away)
Kevin:  Is she going off to find Mrs. Brennit?
Sylvia:  I don't think so, Kev.
Lora: (Narrating)  I am so mad at Will and Sylvia!  They got greedy, made a deal with Kris, and voted off Mrs. Brennit, all without telling anyone.  If they were going to turn on our alliance, the least they could have done is tell us.  (begins crying)  The way they lied to us was just so underhanded.  I might have expected something like this from Sylvia, but not from Will. (sobs) Not after he swore to protect me.  He went off and lied to me and betrayed me and now I just don't know what to do.
(Kris emerges from the shelter.  Lora runs by him, crying.
He simply shakes his head and proceeds out to the fire)
Kris:  Lora doesn't appear to be taking the game's latest twist in stride.
Sylvia: (Shakes her head) It's unfortunate.  I wish there was something I could do for her.
Kris: (Narrating)  I have mixed feelings about this new alliance of mine.  My goal all along has been to be the leader of an alliance that I can easily control.  Sylvia and Kevin are easy enough to control, but Will's another story.  He's a rival fox.  I don't trust him one bit.  If he could turn on one alliance, who's to say he won't turn on  this one?  He's quite dangerous, and I'd rather get rid of him sooner than later.  My only other real threat is Amanda.  The girl's too smart for her own good.  I'm unsure of what to do about either of them.  Ideally, they both would have been gone long ago.
(Amanda hangs at the perimeter of camp, watching the group disperse to
gather food.  When the alliance has cleared out, she enters the camp site)
Amanda: (Narrating) Those four think they've got this game wrapped up, and they're probably right.  They have numbers, and if they continue to vote as a bloc, Lora, Dan, or I will be the next to go.  There just has to be some way to fight back, but I can't think of anything right now.
(Dan stumbles out to the shelter.  He approaches Amanda)
Dan:  Good morning, Miss Amanda.
Amanda:  Hey.
Dan:  And how are we this morning, hmmm?
Amanda:  Not good, Dan.  I need to think.
(Amanda walks away.  Dan frowns and shakes his head)
Dan: (Narrating) I don't know what was up with Tribal Council last night.  I guess the alliance decided it was time to get rid of old Platz now.  I don't know why Will and Sylvia didn't tell me, but I guess that's cool.  Amanda will be next and all, so it's fine by me.
(Dan gets a drink from the water canister and stares at the fire.
Lora approaches the fire, her eyes red and puffy)
Dan:  You OK there, Lora?
Lora: (snapping) What do you think?
Dan:  Hey, what's the matter?
Lora:  Will's the matter.
Dan:  Will?  What did Will do?
Lora:  (scoffs) He dumped me and formed a new alliance.
Dan:  Will?  No, he wouldn't do that.  They must have just forgotten to tell us how they were going to vote.
Lora: (incredulous) Are you for real?  They betrayed us, Dan.
Dan: No!  They wouldn't do that to me.  Me, Will, and Sylvia, we've been through everything together.
Amanda: (breaking in) Well, you're not together anymore.
(Dan and Lora turn around to face Amanda)
Dan:  And how would you know, Miss Amanda?
Amanda:  Mrs. Brennit went with four votes.  (Begins counting on her fingers)  You voted for Kris, Lora and Mrs. Brennit voted for Kevin, and I voted for Will.
Dan:  You voted for Will?  But I thought Kris voted for Will...
Amanda: (shakes her head) No.  Kris is with them now.
Lora:  Us three on the outside?
Amanda:  Exactly.
Lora: (angrily) Oh, this is such a load of crap!
Amanda:  Look, Lora-
Lora: (cutting her off) I'm not in the mood right now.
(Lora gets up and leaves Amanda and Dan.  Dan stares at
Amanda for a minute.  She starts to speak, but he cuts her off)
Dan:  Well, I don't believe you.  You're just trying to break up our alliance, but it's not going to work.  (curtly) Good day to you, Amanda.
(Dan walks away, leaving Amanda to groan in frustration)
Amanda: (Narrating) This is turning into an exercise in futility.  Lora's too depressed over all this to even talk to anyone, and Dan's in total denial over the whole incident.  If I can't even get my fellow outcasts to join up with me, how can I ever expect to turn this game around?  As much as it pains me, I might just have to resign myself to the fact that I'm the next to go.
(Will and Sylvia go for Tree Mail)
Will:  They're going to be gunning for us in the Reward Challenge.
Sylvia:  Yeah?  Well, I'm not gonna go easy on them.
Will:  Let's see what we've got. (reading) Under cover of night
                                                                      Through the shadows you'll glide
                                                                      Two will hunt
                                                                      The rest will hide
                                                                      You'll work in teams
                                                                      To accomplish your mission
                                                                      If you've burned too many bridges
                                                                      A great meal you'll be missin'
Looks like a night challenge.  I'm not even going to hazard a guess as to what it is.
Sylvia:  Sounds like fun, anyway.

Reward Challenge:  The Underground 
(Night falls.  The Survivors approach an abandoned military compound.  Jeff's
waiting for them.  He shines a flashlight in his face and beckons them closer)
Jeff:  Gather round, guys.  For the past ten days, you guys have been competing for individual immunities and rewards.  I want you to forget all about that.  Because for tonight's reward, we're reinstituting the old tribes.    Why don't you guys go ahead and split back up into what remains of the original Platz and Coble tribes?
(The Survivors glance around in confusion, but follow Jeff's command.  Amanda steps
over beside Kris on the right, while Dan, Kevin, Lora, Will and Sylvia bunch up
together on the left.  Lora doesn't seem pleased with the arrangement)
Jeff:  OK, good.  These are your teams for tonight's challenge.  Win here, and your whole team wins together.  All right, tonight's challenge takes place in this abandoned Canadian Mountie outpost, and what it is is basically a game of Underground Church.
These abandoned barracks are completely dark.  The only light you'll have is what little moonlight streams in through the windows.  Two rooms have been designated "Safehouse" and "Jail."  You'll know when you're in one of these rooms by a glow-in-the-dark sign attached to the wall.  Platz will be looking for the jail, while Coble's looking for the safehouse.
The Cobles, as the runners, will be attempting to locate the safehouse and get all of their members there safely.  Platz, as the jailers, will have to locate the jail, then drag all the Cobles back to jail.  To do this, a Platz needs to firmly clamp their hand around a Coble's arm or clothing.  Once you're firmly in a Platz's grasp, you have to go to jail with them.  Once a Coble is in jail, they can be freed if another Coble comes and tags them.  Remember, jailers, you cannot capture until you know where the jail is, or else your captive will go free.
Platz wins the challenge by getting all the Cobles into jail.  Coble wins if all of its members manage to get to the safehouse.  OK, you guys want to know what you're playing for?
(The Survivors murmur "yes")

Jeff:  Winning tribe gets to return to their Tribal beach, where they'll find a catered real American meal from our friends at Hardee's.  Sound good?
Will:  Not really.
Jeff: (Ignoring Will) If you guys will take your postions, we'll begin.

(The Survivors each take a position in a different doorway of the Mountie outpost)
Jeff:  Once you enter the outpost, you cannot leave until the end of the challenge.  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(The Survivors enter the outpost.  The challenge is shot in night vision for our convenience,
so we can see everything clearly, even if it appears pitch black to the Survivors.
Sylvia begins sprinting through the rooms, looking for the glow-in-the-dark
"Safehouse" sign.  Amanda and Kris meet each other almost immediately)
Kris:  How shall we do this?
Amanda:  We should split up and look for the Jail.  As soon as one of us finds it, notify the other where it is.
Kris: (nods) Right.
(Kevin wanders through the rooms, yawning and rubbing his eyes.
He finds a bedroom, full of bunks, and lies down to sleep.
Sylvia's barrelling through the outpost, making a quick check of every room.  She enters the Safehouse room, but due to the nonthoroughness of her searching style, she misses the sign entirely and moves on.
Lora doesn't care at all about the challenge.  She's just sitting down in the doorway she started in)
Lora:  This challenge sucks.
(Will sneaks around, darting between shadows and generally being sneaky.
 Dan ambles through the rooms, constantly tripping over things.
Kris enters a room.  His eyes are drawn to a glowing sign on the back wall.  It reads "Jail."
He smiles.  Kies makes a mental note of his position, then goes off to find Amanda.
Amanda, meanwhile, has discovered the location of the Safehouse.
She exits the room and flattens herself on the wall right outside of doorway.
Kevin snores slightly as he falls into a deep sleep.  Lora
begins singing to herself as she sits in the doorway)
Lora: (siging) I want it that way...
(Kris passes in the shadows, making note of Lora's position.
Not far away, Dan crashes over a chair.  He lands hard on his hip)
Dan:  Ow!
(Sylvia's become tired of running in the dark.  She leans against the wall, catching her breath.
Will nears the Safehouse.  Amanda watches him approach and prepares herself to strike.
Will walks up to the doorway and peers inside.  He spots the "Safehouse" sign and
chuckles to himself.  Suddenly, Amanda lunges out of the shadows and grabs his arm)
Will:  Hello, Duh.
Amanda: (nods) Will.
Will: (sighs) Lead me to my prison.
Amanda:  Hmm...  I don't actually know where it is.
Will: (gleefully) You heard Anal.  I get to go free!
Amanda:  Yeah, yeah...
(Amanda releases Will, who flees off into the darkness, yelling at the top of his lungs)
Will:  I found the Safehouse!
(Everyone hears Will's cry.  Lora's unimpressed)
Lora: (under her breath) Whoopty doo.
Kris:  Hmm...  I'd best tell Amanda where the jail is.
(Will meets up with Sylvia)
Sylvia: (excitedly) Where is it?
Will: (pointing) That hallway, third door to the left.
Sylvia:  Great!  See you there!
(Dan hobbles through the hallway, holding his hip.  Kevin continues to sleep.  Lora still
sits in her doorway.  Sylvia sprints to the Safehouse and sighs as she's the first to reach safety)
Elsewhere, Amanda and Kris meet up)
Kris:  The jail's the big room in the east end.  You know what I speak of?
Amanda:  Yeah, I think so.  Let's split up and capture some Cobles.
Kris:  Lovely idea.
(Sylvia sits in the Safehouse, waiting for her teammates.  Will searches for Kevin,
Dan, and Lora.  He finds Dan walking painfully through a small foyer)
Will:  Dan, come with me.
Dan:  OK.  But take it slow.  I hurt my hip.
(Will leads Dan towards the safehouse.
Suddenly, Kris leaps from a side room)
Will:  Run!
Dan:  I don't think I can.
(And he can't.  Kris grabs him and drags him off towards the jail)
Will:  Dang.
(In the bedroom, Amanda hears Kevin's snoring.
She spots him in the bunk and shakes him awake)
Kevin:  Huh?
Amanda:  Come with me, Kevin.
Kevin: (sleepily) OK...
(Amanda leads a groggy Kevin through the halls towards the jail.
She passes Kris on his way back from depositing Dan)
Kris:  I know where to find Lora.  Don't let Will or Sylvia free our prisoners.
(Amanda nods and takes Kevin to jail.  Kris walks up to Lora, who's still sitting in the
doorway singing. He leaps out of the darkness and grabs her.  She screams)
Lora:  Kris, you scared me half to death!
Kris:  My apologies.  If you'd come with me...
Lora:  I thought you guys would never get here.
(Kris leads Lora to jail.  Will watches from the shadows.  He runs to
the Safehouse, where Sylvia's staring at the wall in boredom)
Sylvia:  Finally.  I was wondering where everyone else was.
Will:  The other three are in jail.  We have to break them out.
Sylvia:  Great.
(Amanda and Kris roam the hallways, searching for Will and
Sylvia.  Will sneaks around Kris and heads into the jail)
Will:  Guys, I'm here.
Lora:  Um, we don't care.
(Will tags Lora)
Will:  Come on, you're free.
Lora:  I'm not going anywhere with you.
Will:  Would you just-
(Suddenly, Amanda flies into the room.  Will runs around the perimeter, trying to avoid
her.  She tags Lora, Dan, and Kevin, then lunges at Will.  She manages to grab him)
Amanda:  Gotcha!
(Will runs to the door and yells)
Will:  Sylvia!  You're our only hope!
(Sylvia, who's hiding in the shadows, hears Will's call)
Sylvia:  Great.
(Sylvia gets up and runs towards the Jail.  Amanda hears her footsteps and runs out to the hall to intercept her.  Sylvia stops, dodges around Amanda and sprints towards the Jail.  As she runs by a side room, a hand darts out and grabs her upper arm.  Sylvia jolts to a stop as Kris holds her firmly.  He leads her to the jail to join her Coble teammates.  Kris and Amanda exchange high fives.  Jeff's voice comes over a PA system)
Jeff:  Platz!  You've captured all of the Cobles!  Reward is yours!
(The players exit the compound)
Jeff:  I believe you know the way to Platz beach.  The rest of you can head back to Smallwood.
(Will and Sylvia scowl as they head back to camp.  Kris and Amanda walk to Platz beach) 
 (There's a fiery glow as Kris and Amanda approach their old campsite.
They enter to find the whole place lit up by torches.  A long table has been set up,
with a variety of Hardee's burgers and plenty of hot curly fries waiting)
Kris:  Shall we eat?
Amanda:  Sure.
(Kris notes that Amanda bows her head to pray over her meal,
but doesn't make an issue of it.  They dig in to their meal)
Kris:  Not the most exquisite food in the world, is it?
(Amanda smiles and shakes her head.  The two chew in
silence for a while.  Suddenly, Amanda breaks the silence)
Amanda:  Kris, why did you allign yourself with Will?
(Kris is slightly taken off guard.  He
considers the question, then answers)
Kris:  He threw me a lifeline.  I'd have been a fool to pass up his offer.
Amanda:  You mean Will initiated the alliance?
Kris: (nods) Something about wanting to stir up the game.  I was merely grateful for an opportunity to save myself.
Amanda:  Really?
Amanda: (Narrating) When I heard that Will was the one who'd started the alliance, I realized that it was something that I could use to my advantage.  Kris has no real loyalty to Will.   If I could only sway Kris to come vote with me, I might just have a chance to stay in this game.
Amanda:  So, are you absolutely deadset about taking your alliance to the final four?
Kris: (shakes his head) No, of course not.  I'm always on the lookout for another opportunity that might be advantageous to myself.
Amanda: (pauses) Well, what if I presented you with another opportunity?
Kris:  I'm listening...
Kris: (Narrating) Dinner with Amanda was interesting to say the least.  She asked me if I would turn on my new alliance and come vote with her and the other outcasts.  It wasn't an entirely unattractive proposition, but I did have my reservations.
Kris:  Ah, but if I did that, wouldn't I lose whichever jury votes I may currently hold?
Amanda:  Maybe.  But that's assuming you get to the final two.  And I really don't think Will's going to let you get to the final two if he sticks around.
Kris:  Excellent point.
Amanda: (Narrating) I really think that I got through to Kris.  He doesn't trust Will one bit, so there's a very good opportunity that he could turn on him this Tribal Council.  I just hope I can rally enough support for the both of us if he does decide to turn.
Kris: (Narrating)  I told Amanda that I'd think about her proposition, and I truly plan to.  At this point in the game, I need to be going over every scenario and decide how I'm going to make it to the final two.  With Will still around, there's a very real possibility that I won't make it.  If I decide that I need to cut him off, the opportunity has presented itself to me.  It all really comes down to which direction I wish to take this game.
(The two finish their meal in silence.  Pan up to the sky)

(Back at camp, Dan and Kevin sit by the fire.  Kevin
excitedly relates some astronomical details to Dan)
Kevin:  -And on July 16, 1994, Jupiter was hit by the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Comet.  And, um, there were over twenty individual impact sites where the comet up broke into pieces.
Dan:  Um, I really didn't want to know that, Kevin.
Kevin:  Yeah... (pauses) And, um, scientists believe that the same sized comet hitting Earth would wipe out all life...
(At the edge of camp, Will and Sylvia speak in hurried whispers)
Sylvia:  What did you want to talk about?
Will:  Kris.  Do you trust him, going off with Amanda like that?
Sylvia:  Yeah.  Why?  Do you not trust him?
Will:  Not as far as I can throw him.
Sylvia: (analytically) Interesting...  Why do you feel that you're unable to trust Kris, Will?
Will:  Um, because he's Kris.
Sylvia:  Hmm... I don't think this has anything to do with Kris.  I think this is more about your own trust issues.
Will: (Sighs) Could we not start with this?
Sylvia:  With what?
(Lora stands in the shadows, watching to Will and Sylvia.  After a
moment, she charges out of the shadows and approaches them)
Lora:  I am so sick of you two doing this!
Sylvia:  What?
Lora:  You two think you're such fair players.  But there was nothing fair about what you did to Mrs. Brennit!
Will:  Lora-
Lora: (cutting him off) Shut up, Will!  I don't want to hear any more of your lies!  You promised you'd protect me!  Some protector you turned out to be!
Will:  Lora, I didn't promise I'd never vote for you.  This is a game...
Lora:  Well, it's a lot more than a game to me!  Maybe you can just distance yourself from people like that, but I can't.  I really wanted to trust you again.  I really did.
(Will reaches to put his hand on Lora's shoulder.  She jerks away)
Lora:  Don't touch me!  And you, Sylvia!
Sylvia:  Me?
Lora:  I really thought we were becoming good friends.  And then for you to go and do this?
Sylvia: (analytically) What is it you think I've done, Lora?
Lora:  Oooh!  I don't have time for your psycology crap!  You two betrayed me, and that's that!
(Lora storms away.  Will and Sylvia exchange guilty glances)
Sylvia: (Narrating) Nobody trusts anyone around this camp anymore.  First there was Will with Kris, and then there was the whole Lora explosion.  I'm really sorry she feels the way she does.  I wanted to be friends with her, but for now, her abandonment issues run too deep.  I just hope this whole alliance thing doesn't tear us all apart forever.
Lora: (Narrating) I can't ever trust anyone in this game again!  I've made that mistake one too many times.  From now on, it's just me versus everyone else.  (pauses, then starts crying)  But that's not the way I want it to be.  I'm so sick of being alone out here!  Why can't I have people who won't turn on me?  Is it me?  Is there something wrong with me?  (sobs) I just don't know how much longer I can take this...
(Filler shot of the stars rushing by.  The rest of the night passes without
incident.  Early the next day, Amanda and Kris arrive back at camp)
Amanda: (Narrating) If my plan's going to work, I absolutely have to sway Lora and Dan to my side.  I'm going to have my work cut out for me.
(Amanda finds Lora in her usual spot, just staring into the fire)
Amanda:  Lora, we really need to talk.
Lora: (not looking up) Go away, Amanda.
Amanda:  Look, I know you're feeling betrayed right now, but-
Lora: (sharply)  I don't want to talk!
(Lora starts crying softly.  Amanda sighs and walks
away.  She finds Dan chopping some firewood)
Dan: (looking up) Can I help you?
Amanda:  Dan, about this alliance.
Dan:  Uh-uh-uh.  I'm not going to listen to your lies.  I trust Will and Sylvia completely, and you're not going to change that.
(Amanda throws up her hands in frustration
and walks away.  Dan watches her wistfully)
Dan: (Narrating) I've never seen Amanda act like this.  Usually, she's so shy, but she's really opened up in the last couple days.  I don't want to believe her that Will and Sylvia would turn on me, but in my heart, I've got to wonder if she's telling the truth.  Oh well, if she's right, I'm sure everything will work itself out.
(Elsewhere, Will has assembled the alliance for a discussion)
Will:  OK, I've called us together in an attempt to cement this alliance.
Kevin:  We're an alliance?
Sylvia:  Yeah, Kev.
Kevin:  Um, OK, buddy.
Kris:  I don't understand why this meeting is necessary.  We made an agreement, no?
Will:  Yes.  I'm just making sure that no one here is entertaining any other offers.
Kris:  I assume you're referring to me?
Will:  You did have all that alone time with Amanda.
Kris:  Not to worry, Will.  I've given you all my word.  I'm with you for the long haul.
Sylvia:  See?  I told you, Will.
Will: (looking at Kris) Yeah...
Kris: (Narrating)  Will can call all the meetings he wishes.  (chuckles)  He knows very well that this is now my game to do with as I please.  If I desire to take him out, there's absolutely nothing he can do to stop it.  Will's a real threat to me progressing in the game, and this Tribal Council is as good a time as any to get rid of him.  If only that didn't mean siding with Amanda...
(Lora still sits staring at the fire.  Amanda approaches her)
Amanda:  Lora, can you help me fetch some water?
Lora: (sighs) Yeah, I guess.
(Amanda and Lora head for the water hole)
Amanda: (tentatively) You know, I started out playing this game on my feelings, too.
Lora:  What?
Amanda:  Maria and Libby.  I just kept throwing my votes at them instead of trying to form an alliance with John and Brother Bob.  That's how Kris managed to gain control of old Platz.
Lora: (pauses) Why are you telling me this?
Amanda:  Because, I see that you're willing to throw this game away just because of your feelings.
Lora: (scoffs) Like there's anything I can do.
Amanda:  Open your eyes, Lora.  They aren't a tight foursome.  We can still break through.
Lora:  How?
Amanda:  Kris is wavering.  I think I can get him to come with us.
Lora:  And we could get Will and Sylvia back?
(Amanda nods)
Lora:  OK, I'm with you, I guess.
(The girls set about filling up the water jugs at
the stream.  Sylvia watches them from afar)
Sylvia: (Narrating) Ever since Amanda got back to camp, she's been scurrying around talking to everyone, which is odd for someone who's traditionally been such a loner.  I'm pretty sure her new extrovertism is strategy related, so I plan to keep a very close eye on this situation.
(Amanda and Lora finish with the water.  Amanda goes off to find Kevin, and
Sylvia follows from a safe distance.  Amanda finds Kevin trying to catch
a frog in the creek.  Sylvia hangs back, watching the scene unfold.)
Amanda:  Hey Kevin.
Kevin:  Hey, buddy.  Check out this dude!
Amanda:  He's pretty big.
Kevin:  Yeah...
Amanda:  So, Kevin, who's been telling you how to vote?
Kevin:  Um, I think, maybe... Brian?
Amanda:  No, after Brian...
(Sylvia runs up and breaks into the conversation)
Sylvia:  What are you guys up to?
Amanda:  Nothing.
Kevin:  Hey Sylvia, check out the size of this dude!
Sylvia:  Uh-huh.  What were you and Amanda just talking about, Kev?
Kevin:  She asked me about, um... votes.
Sylvia:  Really?  And why would you be asking Kevin about his vote, Amanda?
Amanda:  Like you don't know...
Sylvia:  No, really, enlighten me.
Amanda:  I know all about the alliance.
Sylvia: (angrily) So what, were you trying to get Kevin's vote?
Amanda: (smugly) Maybe.
Kevin:  Do you guys think this might be a bullfrog?
Sylvia:  Maybe, Kev. (to Amanda) It's not going to work, you know.
Amanda:  We'll see at Tribal Council, won't we?
Sylvia:  Look, just leave Kevin alone.  He doesn't need you bugging him, right, Kev?
Kevin:  Yeah... Hey, do you think he'd eat an earthworm?
Amanda: (ignoring Kevin) I can talk to anyone I want to.
Sylvia: (menacingly) Wanna bet?
(Amanda gives Sylvia a smug smile and walks away)
Sylvia: (angrily) I can't wait to get rid of her.
Kevin: (picking up the frog) I'm gonna name him "Mary Ellen."
(Dan and Lora go for Tree Mail)
Lora:  Amanda's right, you know.
Dan:  Yeah, I guess.
Lora:  Immunity's going to be really important.  We can't let one of them win.
Dan: (flatly) What?
Lora: (reading) So sparks have been flying
                           'Round your camp, it's true
                           But that's nothing compared
                           To what you're 'bout to do
                           Build a roaring fire
                           Don't admire its beauty
                           If you fail to make a bang
                           You might draw jury duty
(sarcastic) Great.  This ought to be real fair.

Immunity Challenge: All Fired Up 
(Arial shot of a large circle of dust, surrounded by dry grasses.  Seven wooden
pyres stand in a on one side of the circle.  On the other side, there are seven pedestals,
loaded with fireworks.  A black rope runs between each pyre and pedestal.  The Survivors enter)
Jeff:  Welcome guys.  First things first, Lora, I'm gonna need to get that Immunity Necklace back.
(Lora removes the necklace and hands it to Jeff)
Jeff:  Thank you.  Once again, Immunity's up for grabs.  OK, here's the deal:  Today's challenge is race to build a fire.  Frist thing you'll want to do is gather tinder.  There's plenty of dried grasses and sticks located along the perimeter of the challenge area.  You will build your fire under your pyre where there's a fuse dangling down.  Once your fire's big enough, it'll light your fuse.
Once your fuse is burning, you're going to have to keep it burning as it races down its obstacle-filled path.  At some points, your fuse is buried.  You'll have to dig it out of the ground for it to be able to continue.  At other points, it runs through puddles.  You'll have to fill these puddles with sand to continue.  If at any time your fuse goes out, you may relight it from your pyre.
Once your fuse reaches the end of the line, it'll set of fireworks and your flag will raise.  First person to raise their flag wins immunity.  You guys ready to do this?
(The Survivors shout "yes")
Jeff:  Move into your positions.  You'll be using a flint and steel to start your fires.
(The Survivors take their spots)
Jeff:  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(The Survivors fan out at Jeff's go.  Everyone except for Will and Kevin run towards the tinder located at the edges of the playing field.  Sylvia's the first out.  She grabs and armload of dried grass and dashes back towards her pyre.  Kris and Amanda take the time to gather plenty of sticks with their grass, then race towards their respective pyres.  Lora reluctanly picks up a few sticks, then dashes to her pyre.  Dan's the last one to reach the perimeter.  He goes about loading up a massive armload of tinder.
Meanwhile, Will's been busying himself with clearing out his wick's path.  He
paws at the earth, digging his wick out of its first pile of dirt.  Kevin's wandered
over to his pedestal, where he stares in awe at his pile of fireworks)
Kevin:  Sweet...
(As Dan jogs to his pyre with an armload of tinder, everyone else busies themselves with their flints.
Sylvia frantically whacks at her piece of steel, trying to get a spark to land in her pile of tinder)
Sylvia:  Come on!  Come on!
(Amanda calmly and evenly hits her flint against the steel.  Kris does it in much
the same way as Amanda, but can't get a decent spark.  Lora manages to get plenty
of sparks, but can't get her pile of sticks to ignite.  She groans in frustration)
Lora:  You've got to be kidding me!
(Will, having freed his wick from a couple piles of dirt, moves on to the next
obstacle, a puddle of water.  He lifts the wick out and dumps the dirt he just
dug out into the water, forming a muddy land bridge.  He smiles and moves on.
Kevin, meanwhile, has looted his pedestal of all its fireworks.  He
carries them in his arms across the field, smiling broadly all the while.
Dan whacks away with his flint, but can't get a spark.  Amanda gets a spark to ignite
her pile of grass.  She blows on it, and the pile catches.  Sylvia looks over at her and groans)
Sylvia:  Come on, you stupid thing!
(Sylvia keeps hammering away awith her flint, but her technique is all wrong.  Kris
also manages to light his pile of grass.  He carefully adds twigs to it to get it to grow)
Jeff: Amanda and Kris have fire, but it's still anyone's game!
(Will arrives at the final obstacle in his wick's
path and begins digging dirt off the top.
Lora and Dan are still unable to get their kindling to light.
Kevin's taken his fireworks over to his flint and steel.  He
whacks away with his flint, trying to light them)
Kevin: (imitating an explosion) Kracka boom! Boom!
(Amanda's flame grows higher.  She adds the last of her twigs, then gets up
and heads back to the perimeter to get more firewood.  Kris keeps blowing at his
flame and adding sticks.  He can't get it to grow.  It begins to go down)
Kris:  D***!  I need more grass!
(Kris gets up and follows Amanda to the edge of the playing field.  Sylvia, Lora, and
Dan are growing increasingly frustrated at their inabilty to get a spark going.
Will, having cleared the path for his fuse, sprints towards the perimeter to grab some tinder.  Amanda, Kris, and Will run back to their pyres with their needed tinder.  Kris finds that his fire has completely died while he was out getting grass.  He groans and starts over again with his flint and steel.  Amanda adds the wood to the fire, and it begins to flare up higher, closer to her fuse.  Will joins the rest in the spark-making game.
Sylvia's frantic efforts finally pay off when her pile of grass catches)
Sylvia:  Woo hoo!
Jeff:  Sylvia and Amanda have fire.  It's tight!
(Lora and Dan aren't having any luck sparking their fires.  Kevin walks up behind Sylvia)
Kevin:  Hey, buddy.  Mind if I use your fire to light the firecrackers?
Sylvia: (turning around) Not now, Kev.  I'm busy.
(As Kevin continues to pester Sylvia, Will sparks his grass
into a fire.  He whoops and adds wood to it.  It begins to grow)
Jeff:  Whose fuse will be the first to ignite?
(Almost on cue, Amanda's fuse flares up and starts
to burn at a frightening pace towards her pedestal)
Amanda:  Yes!
(Amanda runs in front of her fuse and starts digging it out of a pile of dirt.  It's soon caught
up to her.  She yelps as the fire singes her fingertips, then fizzles out as it hits the dirt)
Amanda:  Crap...
Jeff:  You'll have to relight it, Amanda.
(Amanda shovels off the rest of the dirt, then runs back to her fire.
Sylvia's fire dies down as she runs out of grass.  She runs towards the
perimeter to pick up some wood.  Will's fire is growing bigger by the second.
Dan finally sparks his grass to life, and seconds later Kris relights his fire.  Kevin
throws one of his fireworks into Sylvia's unattended fire.  There's a loud, screaming
explosion and sparks shoot everywhere.  Everyone turns around to find the location of the sound)
Kevin:  Sweet...
Jeff:  It's only Kevin!  This isn't over, people!
(Everyone gets back to work.  Amanda lights a stick on fire as a torch and runs to her smoldering fuse to relight it.  There's a loud hiss as Will's fuse catches fire and starts racing towards his pedestal.
Kevin gets ready to lob another firework into Sylvia's fire, but she arrives to stop him)
Sylvia:  Sorry, Kev.  You'll have to do that in your own fire.
Kevin:  (whining) Sylvia!
(At this point, Lora's given up completely.  She just watches Will and Amanda.  Amanda's
relit her fuse, but it's moving at lightning speed towards the next obstacle in its path.
Will just walks beside his fuse, making sure it doesn't go out for some reason)
Jeff:  I think this contest is foregone.
(Dan, Sylvia, and Kris look up from their fires.  Will's fuse burns up his pile of fireworks.
They go off in an extraordinary shower of sparks, and his flag flies up)
Kevin: (in awe) Whoa!
Jeff:  Will!
Will:  Boo freakin' yah!
Jeff:  Nice work!  Immunity, brothah!  Turn around here, let me put this on.
(Jeff puts the Immunity Necklace around Will's neck)
Jeff:  You cannot be voted out at Tribal Council tonight.  The rest of you guys are vulnerable.  You can head back to camp.  I'll see you tonight.
(Sylvia hugs Will.  Lora and Amanda look dejected.  The Survivors exit)

(The mood around camp is apprehensive.  Dan and Lora sit silently by the fire, while the
alliance goes about the camp's daily chores.  Amanda watches everyone, a frown on her face)
Amanda: (Narrating) My worst case scenario has come true.  I think Kris was willing to turn on Will, but now that Will has immunity, he probably won't be willing to vote with us.
(Amanda approaches Kris)
Amanda:  Kris, have you given my proposition any more thought?
Kris:  Will won immunity.  There's nothing we can do.
Amanda:  Well, would you be willing to turn on one of the others?  Maybe Sylvia?
(Kris glances across camp at Sylvia, who's laughing
as she talks to Will.  Kris turns back to Amanda)
Kris:  I'm sorry, Amanda.  I just... I can't turn on Sylvia at this venture.  You're going to have to find another way.
Amanda: (hangs her head) Well, thanks anyway.
(Amanda enters the shelter with Lora and Dan)
Amanda:  I'm sorry, guys.  Kris is out.
Dan:  Uh-oh.  That ain't good.
Lora:  Maybe we can work Kevin?
Amanda:  It's worth a shot...
(Kevin's bugging one of the cameramen)
Kevin: (Narrating) Hey, buddy.  I was tryin' to get Terry to let me see his camera earlier, but then Lora and Amanda came and wanted to talk to me.
Kevin:  I bet that thing has a pretty nice zoom, huh, buddy?
(The cameraman ignores Kevin.  Amanda and Lora approach him)
Lora:  Kevin, we need to talk to you.
Kevin: (lecherously) Re-heally, ladies?
(Amanda stifles a laugh.  Lora's all business)
Lora:  Kevin, we want you to vote with us.  Remember when we used to all vote together on Coble?
Kevin:  Um, yeah, I think so...
Lora:  Well, I need you to vote with me and Dan and Amanda tonight.
Kevin:  I think maybe... I'll vote for you tonight?
Lora:  No, not for me.  With me.  Can you do that?
Kevin:  Yeah, probably...
Lora:  Kevin, we need you to promise that you'll vote with us.
Kevin: Yeah...
Lora: (Narrating) Kevin's so hard to read.  In the past, I've gotten him to say that he'll vote for me, then he's gone ahead and voted against me anyway.  I think a big part of getting his vote is reminding him right before Tribal Council, so I plan to do that.  If we can get Kevin to come with us, then Will, Sylvia, and Kris are so screwed.
(Elsewhere, Kris, Will and Sylvia meet about the vote)
Sylvia:  Well, I say we get rid of Amanda.  She's trying to stir something up.
Will:  Agreed.  Amanda's our biggest threat.
(Kris looks troubled, but doesn't vocalize his opinion)

Will:  (Narrrating) The toughest part about being in an alliance is always coming to a consensus on who to vote out.  I think Sylvia and I both agree that Amanda's our biggest threat.  She's really become a player in the last three days.  The thing is, though, do we really want to discourage that?  The whole reason I started this alliance is because the game was getting too boring.  Do we do the smart thing and get rid of our biggest threat, or do we keep her around and see what she manages to stir up in the next three days?  I'm really at a loss.

(The sun begins to set.  The Survivors gather up their torches and head for Tribal Council)

Tribal Council # 10   
(The Survivors enter)
Jeff:  We'll now bring in the two members of our jury.
(Brian and Melissa enter.  While Brian bears a scowl, Melissa
is all smiles.  She waves at the Survivors and mouths "hi, guys")
Jeff:  I'll remind you that the jury is here merely to observe.  This is the beginning of the shift in the game, where the power leaves those who are still in it and goes to those who are out of it, so how you vote becomes very important.  Well, it's been a big three days for you guys.  Those who were once in power, no more.  Those who were once endangered, hold the power.  Will, how's it been for you?
Will:  Well, Anal - Can I call you "Anal?"
Jeff:  Please don't.
Will:  OK, Anal, it's a real high, jumping ship from a powerful alliance and completely shaking up the game.  But once you come down from that high, you start to get greedy again and start to think to yourself, "How can I still stay in this game?"  The power shift that I instituted means that anyone could go tonight.
Jeff:  Obviously not a problem for you, since you won immunity.  Sylvia, do you feel as if anyone could go tonight?
Sylvia:  Well, to be brutally honest, Jeff, I feel pretty safe.  Let's face it, this game is all about numbers.  If you have the numbers, you will come out on top.
Jeff:  OK, so let me ask you this, Kris.  As a member of a strong alliance who's just picking off all the others, how does that make you look to the jury?
Kris:  That would really depend on who you're sitting next to in the final two.
Jeff:  Amanda, have you considered who you'd like to sit next to in the final two?
Amanda:  Yes.
Jeff:  And do you have a plan of how you will get yourself and that person there?
Amanda:  No, not really.
Jeff: (nods condescendingly)  Dan, what about you?  Do you see any way that you can make it to the final two without p***ing off everyone in the jury.
Dan:  Yeah, I think I could do that.  You have to play hard, but you don't have to be mean about it.
Jeff:  Kevin, I've got to ask you.  What goes through your head when you decide how to vote?
Kevin:  Um, I think, probably... we think of the name we have to write down.  And then, when you pick up the magic marker, you have to make sure you spell it right.
Jeff:  Riight.  All right, it's time to vote.  Will's the only one you cannot vote for.  Amanda, you're up first.
(Amanda walks up to the voting confessional and votes.  We don't see it)
Amanda:  You're stiff competition.  I just hope Kevin decides to vote with us tonight.
(Will's up next, followed by Dan.  Kris walks up and writes down his vote.  We don't see it)
Kris:  My attempt at an alliance failed, so you're worth nothing to me.  See you on the other side.
(Lora's up next, followed by Sylvia.  We don't see her vote)
Sylvia:  I'm really sorry to do this.  I hope you don't take this too personally.  Um, I guess this is good-bye.
(Kevin's up last.  He pauses for a moment, then
writes down his vote.  Jeff watches as Kevin returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the voting canister)
Jeff:  Once the votes are read, the decision is final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  First vote:
. . .
One vote Sylvia, one vote Kris.
. .
That's two votes Sylvia, two votes Dan.
. .
And the final vote:

Dan, I need you to bring me your torch.
Dan:  Oh man!

(Dan grabs his torch and approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Dan, the tribe has spoken.  (Snuffs its torch)  It's time for you to go.
Dan: (laughs) You got me, guys.
(Dan exits)
Jeff:  Well, sometimes flying under the radar is the best way to win this game.  But not tonight.  I have a feeling that you guys are playing this game in a way we've never seen before, and I find that to be very refreshing.  You guys can go ahead and return to camp.  I'll see you tomorrow.
(The Survivors exit)   
Dan's Final Words: (mock anger) You jerks!  You voted me out! (pauses) No, I'm just kidding.  If this is how you wanted to vote, that's cool.  I guess I just didn't play hard enough.  Susan, I'm really sorry I didn't win the money for you, but hey, at least I'll get to talk to you again, and that's worth more to me than all the money in the world.  You guys have fun.  I guess I'll see most of you on the jury.  OK, later. 
Voting Record
Amanda:  Sylvia
Dan:  Kris
Kevin:  Dan
Kris:  Dan
Lora:  Sylvia
Sylvia:  Dan
Will:  Dan 
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