S U R V I V O R   
Episode 11 – Fallen Angel   
Jeff: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor:
It was a whole new day at Smallwood after Will's new alliance of Sylvia, Kris, and Kevin voted out Melissa.  And while Lora lived in depression and Dan lived in denial, Amanda was hatching a scheme to fight back.  After winning a team-based reward with Kris, she hoped to entice him away from his new alliance and vote out Will.  Amanda managed to bring Lora and Dan over to her side, but Kris remained indecisive.  It all became moot, however, when Will built fire the fastest and won immunity.  Kris refused to turn on his longtime friend Sylvia, and the alliance held.  Dan was their second victim.
Six remain.  Who will be voted out tonight?   
Theme Song   
(The Survivors return from Tribal Council.  Will and Sylvia
walk beside each other, leading the hike back to camp)
Sylvia: (sighs) I know it's just a game, but I always feel horrible after Tribal Council...
Will: (nods) Yeah, it's tough.
Sylvia:  Dan trusted us, Will!  He stuck by us through everything old Coble went through.
Will:  Yeah, that's true.  But really, don't you think it was about his time to go?
Sylvia: (shrugs) Yeah, I guess.
Sylvia: (Narrating) Voting people off never gets easier.  I try to stay objective in this game, but it's just so hard not to get caught up in all the social dynamics.  Yes, I'm going to miss Dan.  Sure, he had his problems, but hey, we all do.  Really... I think that's what makes us human.
(Sylvia leans in next to Will.  He puts his arm around her.
Pan up to his face.  He's got a little smirk on his face)
Will: (Narrating) I wasn't sad at all to see Dan go.  Oh sure, he was a fairly decent guy, but come on!  He was completely undeserving to win.  I would hate to watch Dan in the endgame.  It was completely my idea to get rid of him.  Kris agreed, and Sylvia and Kevin fell in line.  Until the night Jeff snuffs my torch at Tribal Council, my goal will be to keep the game as interesting as possible.  And if that means getting rid of boring people like Dan, then so be it.
(The tribe arrives back at camp.  The Survivors put up their torches and backpacks.  Lora dumps
her stuff on the ground, obviously quite depressed.  Kevin walks up to her, rubbing his eyes)
Kevin:  Hey Lora, I think it's coming...
Lora: (sighs) What's coming, Kevin?
Kevin:  Oh, wait... here it is...
(Kevin throws his arms up and stretches as he lets out a huge yawn)
Kevin:  Man!  That was a big one!  I must be more tired than I thought.
Lora: (exasperated) Whatever, Kevin.
(Lora walks off angrily, leaving Kevin in confusion)
Kevin: (To no one in particular) They say yawns are contagious.
Lora: (Narrating, on the verge of tears) Why does Kevin have to be so unreliable?  He told us he was going to vote with us at Tribal Council, but then he turned right around and voted with Will and Sylvia. (sobs) I just wanna stay in this game.  After everything I've been through, I really want to win that money.  But I just don't see how that's going to happen now.
(The Survivors split up and prepare for sleep.  Amanda lights a lantern and writes in her journal.  Kevin curls up in the shelter and falls asleep almost instantly.   Kris lies beside him, a troubled look on his face)
Kris: (Narrating) Council did not go at all the way I'd hoped.  Ideally, Amanda's plan to get rid of Will would have succeeded.  But since Will won Immunity, we had to settle for Dan.  True, it was a loose end that had to be tied up eventually, but I'd much rather have taken out my greatest adversary in his stead.
(Kris rolls over and falls asleep.  An aerial shot pans out from the camp.  A lone light is visible from the night sky.  The stars rush by, a gull snatches a fish out of the dark ocean.  The sun begins to rise on a new day.
The camera scans across Amanda's running trail, but she's nowhere to be seen.
Cut back to camp.  Amanda sits in front of a crate.  Her journal sits open atop it.
She frowns and stares at the page, which she's covered in various charts)
Amanda: (muttering) Not even against Sylvia?
(Amanda gets back to writing in her journal)
Amanda: (Narrating) After Dan was voted out at Tribal Council, I stayed up all night thinking about every possible way this game could play out.  And as much as I hate it, I think my only chance of winning the game is against Will.  Over the next three days, I have to find some way to pull him away from his alliance.  Unfortunately, Will and Sylvia are a package deal, so I'll also have to find some way to sway her. (Sighs) No one ever said this game would be easy.
(Will gets up and walks out to tend to the fire.  Amanda
hides her journal in her backpack and approaches him)
Amanda:  Will, can I talk to you before everyone else gets up?
Will:  Sure thing, Duh.  What's on your mind?
Amanda: (whispering) You're in danger.  The next time you lose immunity, Kris will get rid of you.
Will: (nods) Yeah, I suspect as much as well.
Amanda:  Listen to me.  Your only chance is to bring Sylvia and come vote with me and Lora.  If you don't take Kris out, you're through.
Will: (shaking his head) I don't think Sylvia or Lora would be too keen on that.
Amanda:  Just think it through, OK?  I have.
Will: (nods) All right.  I'll keep my options open.
Amanda:  Thanks.
(Sylvia comes out to the fire.  Amanda nods at Will and rushes out of camp)
Sylvia: (groggily) What was that about?
Will:  Oh, nothing, really.  How are you doing this morning?
Sylvia:  Not that great...
Sylvia: (Narrating) This game really starts to take its toll on you after 31 days.  When you're living in isolation like this, you really start to miss all the little things.  Nothing like a little deprivation to make you realize what's really important.  Coming out here, I thought I could go 39 days without seeing my family.  But... I'm really starting to miss them.  This is the longest I've ever been away from them.  Sure, I've got some great friends out here, but you can never really connect with other people the same way you do with your family.
(Sylvia sits down and watches Will tend to the fire.
Before long, Lora comes out and has a seat, too)
Lora: (coldly) Do we have anything for breakfast?
Will:  There's those beetroots we found, if we want to boil those today.
Lora:  Yeah, do it.
(Will goes off to fetch the beetroots.  Lora ignores Sylvia, staring into the fire)
Lora: (Narrating)  This is so unfair!  There's no one I can connect to out here.  Sure, Amanda's sort of been my friend, but I can't trust her at all.  I've never felt this alone.  If I wasn't so close to the money, I'd just give up and fly home right now.  I just miss my family so much.   If I could just hear their voices and see their smiling faces, I know I could make it through these last few days.
(Sylvia ventures to start a conversation)
Sylvia:  How are you holding up?
Lora: (under her breath) Like you care...
Sylvia: (analytically) Why would you think I didn't care?
Lora: (sarcastic) Hmm... Well, the whole alliance thing was a major clue.
Sylvia:  Lora...
Lora: Just save it, OK?
(Lora turns away from Sylvia.  Sylvia pauses for a moment, then speaks)
Sylvia: Are you homesick, too?
(Lora turns to face Sylvia)
Lora: (softly) Yeah.
Sylvia:  It's hitting all of us, but I knew it'd hit you the hardest.
Lora:  What's that supposed to mean?
Sylvia:  Well, no offense, but you're the most emotional out of all of us.  I wish there was something I could do to help you.
Lora:  Really?
Sylvia:  Yeah.  Of course.
(Will returns with a handful of hard, red roots)
Will:  OK, these might take a while to cook. (Sensing a change in the mood) What up?
Sylvia:  We're just both a little homesick, aren't we Lora?
Lora: (turning away) Yeah.
(Will rolls his eyes slightly as he drops the beets into a pot of water)
Will: (Narrating) People are homesick?  Please!  It's only been a month.  I go for much longer than that without seeing my family.  I don't know, maybe that's just the nature of this game.  People get a little introspective, start thinking they're having a life-changing experience...  Me, I can recognize it as a competition for a million dollars, but I guess other people are a just little more melodramatic.
(Cut to a shot of the roots boiling.  The sun rises
higher in the sky. Kris and Kevin go for Tree Mail)
Kris:  Reward Challenge, Kevin.
Kevin:  Do you think maybe... we'll win a... whale-watchin' trip?
Kris:  Hmm...  I believe that already occurred, Kevin.
Kevin:  Oh yeah...
(Kris pulls out the mail)
Kris:  Shall we read this?
Kevin:  Yeah...
Kris:  All right. (reading) It's been 31 days
                                         Since you landed on this isle
                                         And the lives of those outside
                                         Have continued all the while
                                         This challenge is a-maze-ing
                                         You won't go it alone
                                         If you navigate fastest
                                         You'll receive word from home
Kris: (smiles) "Word from home."  Excited, Kevin?
Kevin:  Mmm... yeah.  I think... probably so.

Reward Challenge:  The A-Maze-ing Race  
(Aerial shot of a large circular maze, comprised of a skeleton of wooden beams with
burlap stretched across to form the walls.  The Survivors enter and approach Jeff)
Jeff:  Guys, welcome.  OK, we are now entering our second month out here, Day 31.  And the one thing that's become very clear is you guys are missing the people that matter most to you in your lives.
Lora:  Yes!  I miss my family so much!
Jeff:  All right.  For today's challenge, we asked your loved ones to write each of you a long, heartfelt letter telling how everything's going at home.  How does that sound?
Sylvia:  That sounds awesome!
Jeff:  Yeah well, unfortunately, writing letters is a dead art form.  We couldn't get any of them to do it.
(Lora and Sylvia groan.  Will nods and smiles knowingly at Jeff)
Jeff:  Yeah, they said that if they were going to talk to you, it would have to be in person.  Heather, get out here!
(A twenty something blonde girl steps out behind a wall of the maze)
Jeff:  Lora, your sister, Heather.
(Lora starts bawling like a baby at the sight of her sister)
Heather:  Hey, Lora!  We are all rooting for you!  You just hang in there, girl!
Lora: (sniffing) I will, Heather.
(Heather stops and stands next to Jeff, who calls out the next loved one)
Jeff:  Kris, it's your cousin, Matt.
(A tall young man with buzzed hair walks out.  Kris
smiles and nods at his cousin and best friend)
Kris:  Ah, Mateo, we meet again.
Matt:  Verdad, Cristobal!  Obviously, you're doing well.  I knew that you'd own at this game.  Keep up whatever you're doing, man!
(Matt stands next to Heather.  Jeff calls out the next loved one)
Jeff:  Kevin, say hey to your sister Kayla.
(A dark-haired, athletic girl comes out)
Kevin: (not at all surprised to see her) Uh... Hey, Kayla.
Kayla:  Hello, Kevin!  We are so proud of you!  We knew you could do it, buddy.
Kevin:  Yeah...
(Kayla takes her spot in the line)
Jeff:  Amanda, it's your father, Richard.
(A lanky farmer with slicked-back silvery hair comes out)
Richard:  Amanda, you are doing a fantastic job!  We're all really proud of you!  We're always keep you in our prayers back home, so you just play the best game you can.
(Amanda smiles slightly and nods.  Richard takes his spot in the line)
Jeff:  Sylvia, your sister Monica.
(A blonde girl who looks similar to Sylvia comes out.  Sylvia smiles and begins to tear up)
Monica:  Sylvia!  Way to go!  You've made it this far, don't look back now!  You can take this game to the end!
(Monica takes her spot next to Richard)
Jeff:  Will, it's your brother and Survivor Missouri alum, Jake.
(Jake comes out, wearing his old Velasquez buff as a headband)
Jake:  Will, they told me to shout some lame encouraging lines at you, but, um, I don't really feel like it.
(Will smiles.  Jake takes his place at the end of the line)
Jeff:  All right guys.  Your loved ones have traveled a long way to be present for this challenge, so let's get to it.  For this challenge, each Survivor will be paired off with their respective loved one.
(The Survivors murmur approval.  The loved ones are
allowed to walk over and stand with their respective Survivors)
Jeff:  You'll be running through this huge circular maze, collecting talismans that are located at six different stations.  At each station, one team will be eliminated.  The first station has only five talismans, so the last team to arrive is out.  The second station has only four, so another team will be eliminated.  The last team to arrive at each station is eliminated until only one remains.  First team to make it back here with all six talismans wins reward.  Make sense to everyone?
(The teams murmur "yes")
Jeff:  All right.  Let's get it on.  Line up, wait for my go.
(Each team takes a spot at one of six starting gates, equally spread around the perimeter of the maze)
Will: (To Jake) I have a great sense of direction, so just follow my lead.
Jake:  Dah, OK.
Jeff:  Survivors ready? (doing the arm thing) Go!
(The teams take off.  The first station is an equal distance from each starting point, but the teams that are nearer have to take a more complex route.  Sylvia and Monica sprint through the maze)
Monica:  Keep your eyes peeled for station one.
Sylvia:  Right.
(Lora and Heather are already lost)
Heather:  I don't see anything that looks like a station!
Lora:  Yeah, me neither.
(Amanda and Richard spot the station)
Richard:  Right there!
Amanda:  I see it.
(Amanda and Richard run towards the station.  Will and Jake
round a corner just ahead of them and grab a talisman)
Richard:  Will, Jake.  How you guys doing?
Will and Jake:  Fine.
(Will and Jake run off with their talisman.  Amanda grabs a talisman and she and Richard take off.  Sylvia and Monica soon find the station and grab their talisman.  Cut to Kris and Matt)
Matt: (panicking) Where is it?
Kris:  Stay calm, Mateo.
(Kris and Matt round a corner and find the station.  They grab their talisman
and continue.  Kayla is trying to corral Kevin through the maze)
Kayla:  Come on, buddy.  This is a race.
Kevin: (frustrated) I know, Kayla!
(Lora and Heather finally find the first station)
Heather:  We made it!
Lora:  There's one left!
(Heather and Lora grab the final talisman and continue.  When Kayla
leads Kevin to the station, there are no talismans left)
Kayla:  We're last, Kevin.  That means I have to leave.
Kevin:  OK, buddy.
(As Kevin and Kayla exit the maze, the race continues.  Will and Jake run by a station)
Jake:  Um, Will...
Will: (focused) It's number four.  Don't bother.
(Will and Jake continue on.  Lora and Heather are hopelessly lost)
Heather:  We were just here!
Lora:  This sucks!
(Elsewhere, Amanda and Richard have also become lost)
Richard:  Gosh Darnit, Amanda!  The station we want is back this way.
Amanda:  No, Dad!  I know what I'm doing!
Richard:  Would you stop being so pig-headed and just listen to me?
Amanda: (Rolling her eyes) Fine.
(Will and Jake are the first to arrive at station two.  They grab a talisman and continue.  Before long, Sylvia and Monica also arrive and grab their talisman.  Kris and Matt are the next to arrive)
Matt:  We're third.
Kris:  Let's change that, then.
(Amanda and Richard reach the station and continue on.  Lora and Heather are the last to arrive)
Heather:  I knew it.  We're last.
Lora:  This sucks!  I really wanted to win!
Heather:  Yeah.  I meant what I said.  You just hang in there, OK?
Lora: (tearing up) I will, sis.
(Heather and Lora exit the maze.  The race begins to heat up)
Jeff: (calling out) Big circular maze, guys!
Will: (to Jake) Duh.
(Will leads Jake to station three.  They grab their talisman and
continue.  Sylvia and Monica are the next to arrive)
Monica:  I think the Kraut brothers are beating us.
Sylvia:  Not for long.
(Matt and Kris arrive and grab their talisman.  They continue on.  Jake and Will race
towards station four.  Cut back to Amanda and Richard, the last pair to arrive at station three)
Amanda:  We're last, Dad.
Richard:  Amanda, If you'd gone the way I wanted to- (stops) Well, don't worry about it.  It was good to see you, Amanda.
Amanda:  Yeah, you too.
(Amanda and Richard exit the maze.  Will and Jake grab their talisman
from station four and continue.  Cut to Sylvia and Monica)
Monica:  Four, four.  Do you remember where it was?
Sylvia:  No.
(At station four, Kris and Matt arrive)
Kris:  Still in it.
Matt:  Let's take this one home.
(Sylvia and Monica are the last to arrive at four)
Monica:  Guess this is it.
Sylvia:  Guess so...
(The two hug and exit the maze.  Cut to Will and Jake)
Jake:  Where we headed?
Will: (turning) South.
Jake:  Whatever.
(Cut back and forth between Will and Jake and Kris and Matt. Will and Jake easily
beat them to station five.  They grab the single talisman and continue)
Will:  It's ours.
(Kris and Matt arrive at the fifth station and find no talismans)
Matt:  It's over just like that, man.
Kris:  Indeed.
Matt:  Well, don't worry.  Just take this game, OK, man?
Kris:  I fully intend to.
(Will and Jake grab the final talisman at station six and
jog out of the maze.  The defeated pairs stand around Jeff)
Jeff:  Will, Jake!  The winners!
(Will and Jake exchange high fives)
Jake:  Was there ever any doubt?
(Jeff turns to address the others)
Jeff:  Well, the rest of you may not have won, but I'm not about to let your loved ones leave without one final embrace.
(Each Survivor hugs his/her loved one before all the loved
ones take off.  Jeff turns to speak to Will and Jake)
Jeff:  OK, here's how this is gonna work, Will.  You're gonna hang out, have some lunch, do a little catch-up, maybe have some dinner, you'll be together tonight, and you'll wake up in the morning.  Welcome your new tribe member.  Jake, you can head back to Smallwood with Will.  For one night, you're a member of Smallwood.
Jake:  Coolness.
(Jeff pulls out a yellow Smallwood buff)
Jeff:  We've got a new buff to replace that old thing.
Jake:  No thanks.  I prefer this one.
(Jeff shrugs.  The Survivors exit, leading Jake back to camp)

(The Survivors arrive back at camp, Jake in tow)
Sylvia:  Well, it's not much, but it's home.
Jake: (looking around) Oh, it's definitely not much.
(Sylvia mock laughs and walks away from Jake.  Jake
shrugs.  Kris watches the scene and smirks)
Kris: (Narrating) It's certainly interesting to have a new person around the camp site.  I'm acquainted with Jake from high school, but I had no idea of his relations with the others.  It seems that he doesn't get along with Sylvia or Lora, which I find to be quite amusing.
(Will shows Jake around camp)
Will:  And this is our shelter.
Jake:  Pretty nice.  Who built this?
Will:  Oh, Becky was able to cajole Brian and Dan into doing some of it, but mostly it was me and Mary Ellen.
Jake:  Ahh...
Will: (Narrating) It is ironic that I won the reward, since I was really the least homesick person out here.  But now that Jake is here, I'm glad that I won.  It is nice to have a little slice of home out here, even if it is a little weird.
(The tribe gathers around the fire)
Kris:  Are you hungry, Jacobo?
Jake:  Probably nowhere near as hungry as you guys, but yeah.
Will:  We left some beetroot boiling before the challenge.  It should be done by now.
Jake: (Narrating) It's a weird feeling to be out here on Survivor again.  This cast is living a lot differently than we did.  We had our rice just provided for us, so I was able to just laze around all day.  If this cast tried that, they'd starve.  They do have to work for their food, and let me tell you, the meal they served me when we got back was truly one of the nastiest things I've ever eaten. (pauses) And I've eaten cow dung.
(The Survivors gather around the fire.  Will dishes out boiled beetroot)
Will:  Here ya go, big brother.  Try some of this.
(Jake takes a bite, makes a face, and forces himself to swallow)
Jake:  Ugh!  That stuff is awful!  We would've thrown this out at Velasquez!
Lora:  Yeah?  What'd you eat when you were on Survivor that was so much better?
Jake:  Oh, I played old school.  Back when they gave us rations.  White rice everyday for us.
Sylvia: (under her breath) Bet that was nice.
Jake: (nods) Yes, it was.
(Lora and Sylvia roll their eyes at Jake.
The Survivors continue their meal)
Kris:  So, Jacobo, what news of the wide world?
Jake: (shrugs) I dunno.  I don't keep up on news.
Lora: (disgusted) So what do you do?
Jake:  Sit around.  Sleep a lot.  The lucrative life of a Survivor runner-up.
(Lora and Sylvia get up and walk away in disgust)
Jake: (sarcastic) Nice tribe, Will.
Will:  Ah, don't worry about them.
Lora: (Narrating) This is so unfair!  I was this close to having Heather come stay at camp with us, and instead we got stuck with Jake.  He won't tell us anything about what's going on at home...  He's constantly complaining and eating all our food...  This is the worst "reward" anyone's ever won!
(The meal continues)
Jake:  I feel sorry for you, being stuck with Lora and Sylvia.
Will:  Actually, Sylvia and I have become pretty good friends out here.
Jake:  Mind if I ask why?
(Amanda smirks)
Will: (Narrating) Jake doesn't get along with Lora or Sylvia.  The Sylvia thing goes back to when she was a bratty little girl who lived across the street, but she's changed a lot since then.  I think he'd probably like her if he got to know her.  As for Lora, I really don't think she and Jake could ever get along.  Their world views are just far too different.  He never liked it when I was dating her, and he doesn't seem to be too pleased to have to spend a night out here with her.
(Sylvia and Lora do laundry in the stream)
Sylvia:  Lora, I'm really sorry about the alliance thing, OK?
Lora:  I don't want to talk about it.
(There's a long pause)
Sylvia:  Boy, Jake sure has a way of getting under your skin, doesn't he?
Lora: (distantly) Yeah, I guess.
Sylvia:  Yeah...
(The two pause again)
Sylvia:  But isn't he just the most socially awkward person you've ever met?
Lora: (turns to Sylvia) Yes!
Sylvia:  The way he insults you...
Lora:  And then he goes back and tries to... gloss over what he just said.
Sylvia:  Exactly!  He's nothing like Will.
Lora: (laughs) That's for sure!
Sylvia: (Narrating) At least Jake being here has brought about something good.  I really think that Lora and I were able to bond over our us both not liking him.  Maybe we can actually be friends again.  My one goal right now is to patch up that friendship, and I won't stop until I succeed.
(Sylvia and Lora continue to talk about Jake.  As the
sun begins to set, the main group stays by the fire)
Amanda:  How are things going at home, Jake?  Did Cammie figure out where I've been?
Jake: (nods) We knew where Will was, and when you disappeared, too, Cammie had a pretty good idea where you'd gone.
Amanda:  Clever girl.
Kris:  I would suspect that not much has occurred in the sleepy hamlet of Sherman Oaks.
Jake:  Nope.  Boring as usual.  What time do you people go to bed around here?
Kris:  Usually not long after dark.
Will:  Would you like to help me gather some firewood before it gets too dark?
Jake: (sighs) Yeah, I guess...
(Will and Jake go off to collect firewood)
Will:  All right, here's where the game lies:  I'm in an alliance with Kris, Kevin, and Sylvia, with Amanda and Lora on the outside.
Jake:  Right.
Will:  The next time I lose immunity, Kris will take me down, because he fears me.
Jake: (nods) And well he should.
Will:  I need to figure out some way to take out Kris.
Jake:  You said you're aligned with Sylvia...
Will:  Yeah, but she's really close friends with Kris, too.  I don't know if I can get her to vote for him.
Jake:  Hmm...
(Amanda eavesdrops from the shadows.  She takes this opportunity to approach the brothers)
Amanda:  Will.  Jake.  Can we talk?
Will: (looking at Jake) I guess.
Amanda:  Have you given any more thought to my proposition?
Jake: (breaking in) Ooh!  What proposition?  What proposition?
(Will explains Amanda's proposition to Jake)
Will: (Narrating) Amanda had come to me earlier and asked me to align with her.  I wasn't sure about it, because I didn't think we'd have enough support.  Sylvia doesn't like Amanda and Lora's pretty ticked at me.  When Amanda came back to me, I was ready to turn her down, but Jake had a different idea.
(Will finishes explaining the situation to Jake)
Jake:  Well, I say that you guys ought to do this.  It's the only chance either of you stand.
Will:  And what about Sylvia and Lora?
Amanda:  I'll handle them.  Just trust me, OK?
(Will looks at Jake, who nods)
Will: (reluctantly) All right...
Amanda: (Narrating) I'm really glad I had Jake in my corner.  With him there, Will finally agreed to the new alliance.  It's now up to me to get Lora and Sylvia on board, so hopefully I can pull that off.  For the first time in days, it's looking like I just might have a chance of making it to the end.
(Will and Jake talk quietly in the darkness)
Jake:  I want to see you and Amanda in an alliance, but I also want you to make sure you're not committing suicide here.
Will:  Well, I already committed suicide four days ago when I voted off Mrs. Brennit.  I know I'm playing on borrowed time.  I just want to keep it as interesting as I can while I'm still around.
Jake:  Well, this should certainly do that.
Jake: (Narrating) Will jumping ship does concern me, because that's how I got voted out on my Survivor.  Cardinal rule of Survivor is not to betray your alliance.  But the resulting shake-up should really be worth it.
Will: (Narrating) Jake's fears about me jumping sides are really unfounded, I think.  My situation is completely different than his was.  I've already done one major shake-up, and that's what got me into this situation.  Doing it again couldn't possibly make things worse.
(Jake and WIll come back into camp.  The rest of the tribe is already asleep)
Will:  All right.  It's bed time.  I'll see you in the morning before you leave.
Jake:  Yeah.
(Will and Jake take spots in the shelter.  Jake lies awake for most of the night, since he's unaccustomed to sleeping outdoors.  The sun rises on a new morning.  Will and Amanda go through their morning exercise regimens.  Jake sits out by the fire and watches them.  Kevin shuffles out to the fire and joins him)
Kevin:  Hey buddy.
Jake:  Morning, Kevin.
Kevin:  I was thinking about our friend last night...
Jake: (thinking hard) Our friend?
Kevin:  Yup.  I bet he was wanting to come out since the moon's full.
Jake: (suddenly remembering) Oh right, the zombie!
Kevin:  Yeah...  One of these nights, we'll go to the graveyard and dig him up... probably.
Jake: (laughs) Yeah.
Jake: (Narrating, chuckling) The amazing thing about Kevin is his ability to resume a conversation years after the fact.  The whole zombie/Frankenstein thing was our thing we talked about in high school.  The guy never fails to crack me up.
Kevin: (Narrating) Hey buddy.  Um, Jake was here for a while, but uh- then he had to leave.  Like when Mary Ellen left.  And Brian.  And, um, Becky.  Yeah, I guess a lot of people have left...
(Kevin stares at something off camera, then gets up and wanders away.
The campsite is now abuzz with activity as Jake prepares to leave)
Jake:  Five minutes.
(Jake gathers up his stuff and heads for a waiting boat.  The tribe follows him)
Kris:  It seems as though you only just arrived.
Sylvia: (to Lora) Yeah.  A week ago.
(Lora snickers)
Jake:  OK.  This is it, I guess.
Will: (smiles) Give me a hug, brother.
(Jake gives Will a big bear hug.  They hold the hug for a moment)
Jake: (quietly) Don't get stabbed.
Will:  I won't.
(Jake releases Will and hops on the boat.  The Survivors
watch as he hops into the boat and speeds away)
Sylvia:  Glad that's over.
Lora: (laughs) Yeah.
Lora: (Narrating) I am really glad that Jake's gone.  And not just because we don't get along.  There were plans being made while he was here, and I doubt any of them were good for me.
(Sylvia and Lora walk into the meadow together)
Lora:  Hey look!  Wildflowers!
Sylvia:  I've never seen those before...
Lora:  Hey.  Can I make you a necklace?
Sylvia: (smiles) I'd like that.
Sylvia: (Narrating) I really think that Lora and I are friends again.  That makes me so happy.  I didn't want to lose a friendship over something as silly as voting.  If there's anything we learned from seeing our families, it's that people matter the most.
(Kris strolls into the meadow and hears the two girls giggling.  He approaches
and finds Lora putting a wreath of flowers around Sylvia's neck)
Sylvia:  Oh, it just looks mah-velous.
Lora:  Why, thank you.
(The two girls laugh.  Kris clears his throat)
Sylvia:  Oh, hey, Kris.
Kris:  Why so jubilant, girls?
Sylvia and Lora: (in unison) Jake's gone!
Kris: (chuckles softly) Why yes, I suppose he is.
Lora:  That was just really weird having him around.
Kris:  You sensed that change in the mood, too?
Lora: (hesitantly) Yeah, I guess...
Kris:  I think that perhaps plans were being made during Jake's stay.
Sylvia:  What kind of plans?
Kris:  I don't know.  But keep your eyes open, girls.  One never knows what might happen in this game.
(Sylvia and Lora nod)
Lora: (Narrating) Kris and Sylvia told me to keep my eyes open, and I'm going to.  I'm not going to let anyone pull anything over on me again.  Seeing my sister made me remember why I came out here to play.  I'm not going to be a doormat anymore.  I will find some way to stay in this game.
(Sylvia takes off with Kris.  Lora stays in the meadow.
Suddenly, Kevin comes running up to Lora)
Kevin: (excited) Hey Lora, wanna see my trick?
Lora: (annoyed) What trick, Kevin?
Kevin: (grins) You'll see.
(Kevin takes a deep breath with his mouth and stares at Lora)
Lora:  Are you gonna do it or what?
Kevin:  I am.
(Kevin continues to stare at Lora)
Lora: (exasperated) Kevin, you're not doing anything!
Kevin:  I'm, um, holding my breath.
Lora:  So?
Kevin:  I can do it for a really long time.
(Kevin continues to stand there doing nothing)
Lora:  You're still breathing through your nose.
(Kevin expels air from his mouth and breathes in heavy gasps)
Kevin:  Man!  That was forever!
Lora: (sighs) Whatever, Kevin.
(Lora walks away)
Kevin:  Next time, I'm gonna do it for... 20 seconds.
(Will and Amanda go for tree mail)
Will:  So, when are we going to make this happen?
Amanda:  After the Immunity Challenge, I guess.
Will:  All right.  Let's see what it is. (reading) So you're stranded in this land
                                                                           Of lumberjacks and timber
                                                                           But no matter what's thrown
                                                                           You mustn't surrender
                                                                           One by one you will fall
                                                                           Until just one remains
                                                                           If you outlast the others
                                                                           You'll make the endgame
The elimination game?
Amanda:  Sounds like it.

Immunity Challenge:  Axe Elimination  
(Close-ups of a hatchet, a clay pot dangling from a rope, the name "Will"
written on its side in white paint.  The Survivors enter and meet Jeff)
Jeff:  Come on in, guys.  First things first, hate to do it, gotta take the Immunity Necklace back.
(Will hands Jeff the necklace)
Will:  It's all yours, O Monkey of Mark.
Jeff: (Ignoring Will) Once again Immunity, back up for grabs.  OK, today's immunity challenge will work a little differently.  Today you win by eliminating the others.  There are 18 hanging pots.  You each have your name on three of those pots.  Those pots represent your immunity.  As long as you have a pot hanging, you're still in the game.  When your pots are gone, so are you.
These hatchets are a traditional part of the Canadian lumber industry.  A skilled lumberjack can split a log with one of these from 50 feet.  All you have to do is break the pots and make 'em fall to the ground.  You'll throw one hatchet per round, and after each round, you'll rotate one spot to the right.  Your goal, to break your opponents' pots before they break yours.  Last one left standing wins immunity.
Take your spots, wait for my go.
(The Survivors line up in front of a large wooden framework.  About 10
feet in front of them, 18 pots dangle from ropes of varying lengths)
Jeff:  All right guys.  Everybody ready?  Take your aim, throw!
(On Jeff's go, the Survivors each toss their hatchets.  Will and Amanda both aim
for one of Kris's pots, but both miss.  Lora chucks her hatchet at one of Sylvia's
pots.  It falls far too short and tumbles pathetically on the ground)
Lora:  Well that sucked.
(Kevin throws a hatchet far off to the side of the playing area.  Sylvia
tosses her hatchet at one of Lora's pots.  She misses.  Kris is the last to throw,
carefully aiming at Will's pot.  He hits it dead on and it shatters into dust)
Jeff:  Will takes the first hit!  Nice shot, Kris.
(Kris smiles and nods)
Jeff:  Everybody rotate one to your right.  (The Survivors do so)  Ready, aim, throw!
(Amanda and Will try for one of Kris's pots and miss.  Lora and
Kevin's throws are nowhere near the mark.  Sylvia is dead on, shattering
one of Amanda's pots, while Kris takes out another one of Will's pots)
Jeff:  Will, and Amanda both take hits that round!  Will, you're down to one pot, man.
Will:  I'm well aware of that, Jiffy Pop.
Jeff:  Don't call me that.  Rotate. (They do so)  Survivors ready, aim, throw!
(Lora, Kevin, and Sylvia miss.  Will misses Kris's pot once again,
but Amanda nails one.  It shatters and crumbles to the ground)
Amanda: (quietly) Yes!
(Kris squints and tosses a hatchet at Will's final pot.  He nails it)
Jeff:  Will!  You're out, man!
Will:  Yeah, yeah...  I know when I'm not wanted.
(Kris grins as Will has a seat on the sideline)
Jeff:  Everyone rotate! (They do so) Survivors ready, aim, throw!
(Amanda nails one of Kris's pots.  Sylvia and Kevin miss their
marks.  For the first time, Kris fails to connect with his intended target, one of
Amanda's pots.  Lora reels back and makes her throw.  It actually shatters a pot)
Lora: (giddy) Yes!  I hit something!
Jeff: (grinning) Bad news, Lora.  That was your own pot.
Lora:  Aw crap!
Jeff:  Kris, you're down to one.  Amanda, Lora at two pots, Kevin and Sylvia sittin' pretty.  Go ahead and rotate. (The survivors do so) Survivors ready, aim, and throw!
(Amanda misses Kris's pot.  Lora and Kevin don't have any
luck.  Sylvia reels back and nails one of Amanda's pots)
Sylvia: (To Amanda) How do you like them apples?
Amanda:  It's not over yet.
(Kris aims and makes his throw.  He shatters Amanda's last remaining pot)
Sylvia: (gloating) Now it is.
Jeff:  Kris and Sylvia team up to take Amanda out of the game!  Have a seat, Amanda.
Amanda: (muttering) Not good...
(Amanda has a seat beside Will, who simply shrugs.  Kevin turns to Lora as they rotate)
Kevin:  Hey Lora.  Watch this!
Lora: (exasperated) What, Kevin?
Kevin:  I bet I can throw it real far.
Jeff:  Survivors ready, aim, fire!
(As Lora, Sylvia, and Kris take their shots, Kevin starts spinning around in a circle.
He releases his hatchet like a hammer throw.  It narrowly misses hitting Jeff)
Jeff: (angrily) Kevin, what are you doin'?  Pots are that way, man!
Kevin:  Oh yeah...
(The other three miss their shots)
Jeff:  Misses all around. (To Kevin, sternly) Don't try to pull something like that again!
Kevin: (pouting) OK.
Jeff:  Survivors ready, aim, fire!
(The Survivors take their shots.  Kevin's and Lora's shots go nowhere.
Kris nails one of Sylvia's pots, while Sylvia takes out one of Lora's pots)
Jeff:  Lora and Sylvia both take hits that round.  Only one left untouched at this point is Kevin.
(The Survivors rotate)
Jeff:  Survivors ready, aim, fire!
(Lora makes a final desperate throw at one of Kris's pots as Sylvia
takes her out.  Kris winds back and nails one of Sylvia's pots)
Jeff:  Lora, that's it.  You're outta the game.
Lora:  Thanks a lot, guys!
(Lora has a seat beside Amanda)
Jeff:  Sylvia, Kris down to one.   Kevin still has three.  Survivors ready, aim, fire!
(Kris aims for and misses Sylvia's final pot.  Sylvia turns and takes out Kris's final pot)
Sylvia:  Whoop!
Jeff:  Nice shot, Sylvia!  Kris, you're done, buddy.
Kris: (To Sylvia) Well played.
Sylvia:  I didn't hear you, because you're in my house!
(Kris smiles and has a seat)
Jeff:  It's down to Sylvia and Kevin.  Sylvia has only one pot left, Kevin still has all three.  Survivors ready, aim, throw!
(Sylvia lines up her shot and nails one of Kevin's pots.  Kevin throws a pitiful miss)
Sylvia:  Two to go, baby!
Jeff:  Survivors ready, aim, throw!
(Kevin bears a determined look on his face.  He winds his arm around several times and launches his hatchet straight up into the sky.  It falls towards the bench where the ousted Survivors sit)
Will:  Incoming!
(The Survivors dive off the bench.  The hatchet lands right where Lora was sitting)
Jeff:  Kevin!  What did I tell you, man?
Kevin:  If I eat the brain, I'll win my team immunity.
Jeff: (pauses) I guess I did.
(As the commotion dies down, Sylvia makes her throw.  She hits another one of Kevin's pots)
Jeff:  Sylvia!  All right, it comes down to this.  One good hit by either one of you could still end this.  Survivors ready, aim, throw!
(Sylvia and Kevin make their throws.  Kevin misses, Sylvia hits)
Jeff:  Sylvia!  That's Kevin's final pot!  Kev, you're out, man!
Kevin: (frustrated) Man!
Jeff:  Sylvia wins immunity!  You are safe from tonight's vote.  Let's see how this necklace likes you there.
(Jeff puts the immunity necklace around Sylvia's neck)
Sylvia:   Liiiiike a glove!
Jeff:  Well earned.  You are safe from the vote.  You guys can head back to camp.  I'll see you in tomorrow.
(Sylvia dances her way out of the challenge area.  Everyone else follows, smiling and shaking their heads)

(Amanda works on her charts.  She has her name written
beside Will's name.  She crosses Will off and circles her own name)
Amanda: (Narrating) This plan of mine is the only way I can win this game.  Tribal Council's approaching fast, so it's imperative that I talk to Lora and get her to go along with the plan.
(Amanda finds Lora resting in the shelter)
Amanda:  Lora, we need to talk.
Lora: (sighs) All right.  What's up, Amanda?
Amanda:  I've figured out a way for us to stay in the game.
Lora: (interested) Really?
Amanda: (nods) We'll take Kris down.
Lora: (skeptically) How do we do that?
Amanda:  Um, well... (quietly) Will's agreed to vote with us.
Lora: (outraged) Will!
Amanda: (nods) Yeah.
Lora: (shrieking) Does Sylvia know about this?
Amanda:  Well, not yet...
Lora:  She's going to!
(Lora storms out of the shelter)
Amanda: (groans) Oh no...
(Lora finds Sylvia and Kris out in the meadow gathering chickweed)
Lora:  I'll bet you guys like to know about what Amanda and Will are planning to do to you.
Kris:  Do tell.
(Lora relates the details of the alliance to Kris and Sylvia)
Kris: (Narrating) According to Lora, Amanda and Will have concocted a plan to get rid of me.  And fortunately for me, it fell completely through.  You see, they'd failed to alert Lora and Sylvia of their machinations beforehand, and loose cannon that Lora is, she came and alerted Sylvia and myself.  Sylvia was quite upset that she hadn't been informed of this scheme that was to involve her, and rightfully so.  Last I saw, she was going off to have words with Will.
Sylvia:  I can't believe he'd do that!
(Sylvia walks off in a huff.  She finds Will sitting on a log, studying his Bible)
Sylvia: (angrily) Will !
Will:  What up, Sylvae?
Sylvia: (angrily) What's this I hear about you forming an alliance with Amanda?
Will: (sighs) Sylvia, don't get angry...
Sylvia:  Don't get angry?  When exactly were you planning on telling me about this?
Sylvia: (Narrating) I am so... mad right now!  Will went over with Amanda and made this whole plan about how he'd switch sides again, and he just expected me to come with him?  That is so arrogant!  We made a deal with Kris and Kevin that we'd take them to the final four, and now he just wants to change that?  I am so angry with him for putting me into this position! (sighs) I don't know what to do.
(Wide shot of Sylvia walking away from Will)
Lora: (Narrating) Well, the whole plot has been put out in the open now, and I hope Will and Amanda get what's coming to them.  I am so sick of people plotting behind my back and using me to try to get themselves farther in the game!  Tonight, I'm not going to stand for it.  One of them has to go home.
(The Survivors pack up their bags and head for Tribal Council)  
Tribal Council # 11    
(The Survivors enter)
Jeff:  We'll now bring in our jury.  Brian, Melissa, and Dan, who you voted out last time.
(Brian, Melissa, and Dan enter.  Dan has a black eye, no doubt administered by Brian)
Jeff:  They'll be gathering information, ultimately that'll help them decide which of you will be the last one standing.  Looking at our jury, would it be safe to say that they're all victims of an alliance, Kris?
Kris:  I would be lying if I said they weren't.
Jeff:  How are your alliances holding up?  Do you think they can make it for the long haul?
Kris: (shakes his head) The alliance is finished.
Jeff:  Interesting.  Will, you created that alliance, didn't you?
Will:  Yes.
Jeff:  That's what's puzzled me.  Here, you've got your game plan, seems like a sure thing, and then you turn on that.  What's the benefit of jumping ship?
Will:  Logistically, sometimes you can't ride an alliance all the way to the end.  Other opportunities present themselves, and if you don't exploit them, you're gone.
Jeff:  Amanda, how good would you say you've been at exploiting all your opportunities in this game?
Amanda:  I was running on autopilot for the first half of this game.  But now that it's coming down to the wire, I've realized that I have to take every chance I can get to stay in the game.
Jeff:  Lora, Amanda's just said that she's willing to do anything to stay in this game.  Does that threaten you in any way?
Lora:  If she was fighting on my side, it wouldn't.  But since we're all playing for ourselves...  Yes, it's very threatening.
Jeff:  Kevin.  For all the conniving that everyone else is doing, what's keeping you around?
Kevin:  Um, I think, no one's voted me out yet.
Jeff:  Very true.  OK, it's time to vote.  Only person you cannot vote for is Sylvia.  Kris, you're up first.
(Kris walks up to the voting confessional and votes for Will)
Kris:  Your plan might have succeeded, had you done a better job keeping it under wraps.  I have numbers tonight.
(Kevin's up next, followed by Amanda.  She votes for Kris)
Amanda:  I'm sticking to the plan, even though I don't think there's any way it'll work now.  I was so close, too!
(Lora's up next, followed by Will.  Finally, Sylvia votes.
She puts her vote in the canister and returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the voting canister)
Jeff:  Once the votes are read, the decision is final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  First vote:
One vote Will, one vote Kris.
That's two votes Will, two votes Kris.
(Will nods, seemingly accepting his fate)
Look at this,
(Will mouths "Kris?"  He turns and looks at Sylvia, who smiles and shrugs)
Jeff:  For the second time in Newfoundland, we have a tie.  OK, for those of you who don't know, here's how a tie-breaker works:  Will and Kris will not vote.  Everyone else, voting again.  I would strongly suggest that it not come down to a deadlock, because if it does, it'll come down to what's in this bag. (Jeff pulls a black bag from behind his seat) Four orange rocks, that's safe, and one yellow rock, which means you're out of the game.  If you can't come to a decision as a group, everyone's vulnerable.
Kris: (quietly) Game on.
Jeff:  OK, before we revote, I'm going to give both of you guys a chance to plead your case.  Why should the tribe keep you around over the other person?  Will?
Will:  I suppose it had to come down to this eventually. (turns to Kris) This game's not big enough for the both of us.  I'm not going to tell anyone that they have to keep me.  If you vote me out to avoid the rock, I completely understand.
Jeff:  All right.  Kris?
Kris: (looking at Amanda) If anyone were to switch their vote, I would be most appreciative.  I could guarantee that that person would have a spot next to me in the final two, which I believe would be a desirable position.  Do as you please.
Jeff:  OK, we'll have a revote.  You will vote for either Will or Kris.  Just a reminder, if we remain deadlocked after this revote, we will go to the rocks in the bag.  Lora, you're first.
(Lora votes again.  She votes for Will)
Lora:  I don't appreciate all the scheming you're doing behind our backs.  I can't believe I once trusted you!  I'm willing to risk going tonight just to get rid of you.
(Kevin's up next, followed by Amanda.  We don't see her vote)
Amanda:  I'm doing what I have to do to win this game.
(Finally, Sylvia votes.  We don't see it.  She puts it in the canister and returns)
Jeff:  I'll read the tie-breaker votes.
(Jeff leaves and returns with the voting canister)
Jeff:  First vote:.
Jeff:  Two votes Will.
Final vote:
(Will braces himself)
(Will looks back at Sylvia, genuinely touched.  Jeff sighs and sits down)
Jeff:  All right.  Well, it looks like you guys couldn't come to a decision as a group.  That means everyone's vulnerable.  It's now out of your hands.  Here's what's gonna happen:  Starting with Amanda, you'll each grab a rock.  It's important that you don't look at it.  When I tell you, you'll put your hands in the middle, then open them up.  Here I come.
(Jeff gets up and holds the bag over Amanda's
head.  She reaches up and grabs a rock)
Jeff:  Orange is safe, yellow means you're goin' home.
(Jeff moves around the circle with the bag.  Will, Lora, Kevin, and
Kris draw their rocks.  Jeff returns to his podium and puts the bag away)
Jeff:  Put your hands in the middle.  3, 2, 1, reveal.
(The Survivors open their hands.
Kevin has the yellow rock)
Kris: (shocked) Kevin?
Kevin:  That's, um, yellow.
Jeff:  Kevin, grab your torch, man.  Bring it over to me.
Kevin:  Um, OK, buddy.
(Kevin grabs his torch and approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Kevin, in this case, the rock has spoken.  (Snuffs his torch)  It's time for you to go.
Kevin:  Yeah, probably....
(Kevin just stands there and stares at Jeff)
Jeff: (pointing) Kevin, I need you to go down that path.  They'll tell you what to do.
Kevin:  Oh.  OK, buddy.
(Kevin starts down the path.  He doesn't acknowledge his former tribemates at all)
Jeff:  Well, this has been a very eventful three days.  All of you are playing the game much harder than we've ever seen before, and I think your only source of relief just took the walk of shame.  I have a feeling the next three days are gonna be all-out war.  Go back to camp.  Try to find some peace.
(The Survivors exit)    
Kevin's Final Words:  Hey, buddy.  Um, they told me to come talk to this camera so um... here I go.  Tonight we were at Tribal Council, and there was a tie.  So um, Jeff told us that we had to pick these rocks out of the bag.  Mrs. Brennit told me that I had to find an orange rock... but my rock was yellow.  And... I wonder how they got the rock to be yellow?  Do you think maybe it was... feldspar?  I've never seen feldspar.  All I ever find in my yard is gravel.  I think the lawnmower throws it there when Dad mows over the driveway.  Yeah... (Kevin stares off into space, then wanders away) 
Voting Record
Amanda:  Kris
Kevin:  Will
Kris:  Will
Lora:  Will
Sylvia:  Kris
Will:  Kris  
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Extra Feature!!!
One of the members of our board, Opinionated Guy, released an
alternate episode 11 about a week before this was released.  Read it here.
~ Mumbo