S U R V I V O R 
Episode 12 – The Powers That Be  
Jeff: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor:
Dan was gone, and Lora was becoming fed up with the unreliable Kevin.  Amanda formed a game plan that involved taking Will to the Final Two, but Will was reluctant to go along.  The Survivors grew increasingly homesick, and at the Reward Challenge, they got to see their loved ones.  Will won reward and got to bring his brother Jake back to camp.  With some prodding from Jake, Will joined Amanda's alliance.  After Sylvia won immunity, Amanda attempted to pull Lora into the new voting bloc.  Lora, however, turned on her voting partner and warned Kris and Sylvia of the plot.  Sylvia was upset with Will, but couldn't bring herself to vote against him at Tribal Council, which resulted in a 3 - 3 tie between Will and Kris.  When neither side would budge in the revote, it was Kevin who was taken out by the yellow rock of doom.
Only five are left.  Tonight, one more will go home. 
Theme Song  
(The sun rises over Camp Smallwood.  In the early twilight, Amanda rises and exits the
shelter to go run.  Kris turns over and watches her run off.  He groans to himself)
Kris: (to himself) Might as well get up...
Kris: (Narrating) Last night's Council was the worse one yet.  Will and Amanda had devised a plan to rid themselves of me, and it almost worked.  It all came down to a random tie-breaker, where that d*** yellow rock took out my strongest ally in this game.  With Kevin's unfortunate departure, my side is now down two to three.  I really see no way to keep myself in this game now, barring immunity.
(Kris walks out to the fire and begins to stir at it.  The morning passes, and Will and Amanda
go through their exercise routines.  In the shelter, Lora sits by herself, looking quite depressed)
Lora: (Narrating) This game really sucks.  No matter which side I vote with, the other side always seems to win.  Why do I always have to be in the minority?  I mean, it was complete luck who would go last night, and in the end, Kevin drew the unlucky rock.  (smiles slightly)  I guess it kinda makes sense in a way...  Kevin was such a random guy that it was only fair for him to go out randomly like that. (sighs) What am I gonna do?
(Lora continues to sit and feel sorry for herself.  Will enters the shelter
and starts rummaging through his backpack.  He notices Lora)
Will:  Hello, Lora.
Lora: (not looking up) Will.
(There's an awkward pause)
Will:  So, Kevin, huh?
Lora: (firmly) Go away, Will.
Will:  OK, then.
(Will takes his Bible from his pack and exits the shelter)
Will: (Narrating) So, Lora's still bitter with me.  She really feels betrayed by my forming that alliance with Kris.  I really would like to try to reconcile with her, but every time I attempt to talk to her about anything but survival, she completely shuts me out.  I'm trying my hardest to be civil with her, but until she opens up a bit, there's really nothing I can do.
(Will has a seat on a crate and begins reading his Bible.  Shift focus
to the background, where Sylvia's throwing rocks out into the ocean)
Sylvia: (Narrating) Last night was huge for me!  All throughout this game, I've been analyzing everyone else, and yet I've never really taken the time to analyze myself.  You see, my loyalties have been split between two guys, Will and Kris.  I like them both a lot, but like so many relationships in life, they were mutually exclusive.  I had to make a choice between the two of them at some point, and last night, I chose Will.  This was a huge personal breakthrough for me.  I know that Kris is going to be upset, but saving Will was something I had to do for me.  For better or worse, Will and I are going to be friends until the bitter end.
(Sylvia continues to chuck rocks as far out
to sea as she can.  Will walks up behind her)
Will:  Nice arm.
Sylvia: (grins) Why, thank you.
Will:  Here, let me try.
Sylvia:  Knock yourself out.
(Will picks up a flat rock and attempts to skip it.
When it hits the water, it sinks instead of bouncing)
Sylvia: (laughs) That was pathetic!
Will:  Eh.  Bad throw.
Sylvia:  Got that right. (picking up a rock) Here, try again.
(Will accepts the rock from Sylvia and skips it.  It
bounces several times and splashes in far out at sea)
Sylvia:  There you go!
Will:  Much better.
(Will and Sylvia smile at each other)
Will:  Thanks for saving me last night.
Sylvia:  You're my friend, Will.  I wasn't about to abandon you.
Will:  I know.  And it means a lot to me.
Sylvia:  Yeah, it means a lot to me, too.
(Will and Sylvia smile for a moment, then exchange a hug.  Amanda watches from a distance)
Amanda: (Narrating) Will and Sylvia are a tighter unit than ever, and after last night, I'm stuck as the third wheel in their alliance.  If I continue to vote with them, they'll use me to pick off Kris and Lora, then drop me at third place.  And as much as I dislike this arrangement, I have to stick with them and try to win Immunity at third place.  The only way I can take this game is if I'm sitting next to Will at the Final Two, so I just have to accept the risks that come with this plan of mine.
(Amanda approaches Will and Sylvia, who continue to chuck rocks into the ocean)
Will:  Hey there, Duh!  Join us!
Amanda:  OK.
Sylvia:  Think you can out throw me?
Amanda:  I don't know...  My arm's not bad.
Sylvia:  Ha!  Prepare for a repeat of the last immunity challenge.
(Amanda and Sylvia try to out throw each other as Will looks on
bemusedly.  Kris watches the three for a moment, then walks away)
Kris: (Narrating) As much as it pains me to say it, Sylvia can never be trusted again.  I was merely playing her at first in an attempt to overthrow Will, but over time, I've truly come to like the girl.   She's made her choice, however, and it wasn't me.  With only five people left, I've run fresh out of allies.  Perhaps the time has come for me to accept my fate.  Fifth place isn't bad for someone in the minority clan, I suppose, but I had really hoped to take my game to the end.
(Filler shot.  A moose nibbles at the grass.  A fox comes trotting out of the forest and slinks
towards the moose.  The moose notices it and bellows.  The fox shrieks and scampers away.
Will, Sylvia, and Amanda re-enter camp)
Sylvia:  Once again, Sylvia the Great triumphs!
Amanda:  Yeah.. yeah..
(Sylvia laughs as Amanda walks away)
Will:  Guess we'd better start working on lunch.
Sylvia:  Yeah.
Will:  I'll get the water boiling.  You get "the weed."
Sylvia: (laughs) OK.
(Sylvia begins to exit camp.  She notices Kris sitting by himself on the beach)
Sylvia:  Hey Kris.  You wanna help me look for food?
Kris:  Oh, I'm sorry, Sylvia.  I have other tasks I must do.
(Kris gets up and walks away.  Sylvia looks troubled.  The sun rises high in the sky
as Sylvia goes out to find food.  Later, the group sits down around the fire to eat)
Lora:  Where's Kris?
Amanda:  I haven't seen him all morning.
Sylvia:  He said he had something to do.
Will:  Well, he's missing this delicious meal.  His loss.
(Sylvia politely laughs, but scans the horizons for signs of Kris)
Sylvia: (Narrating) I knew Kris would be upset with me, but I hadn't realized that he'd avoid me altogether.  I guess it's just part of his avoidant conflict management style.
(The group finishes their meal.  After lunch, Lora and Sylvia go for Tree Mail)
Lora:  This is our last reward, right?
Sylvia:  Yeah, I think so.
(Sylvia pulls out the message)
Sylvia:  Let's hope it's a good one. (reading) Nineteen challenges
                                                                             You've been through
                                                                             We hope you've learned
                                                                             A thing or two
                                                                             If you can do
                                                                             What you've done before
                                                                             Some sweet transportation
                                                                             Could be yours
Oh cool!  I think this is for a car!
Lora:  All right!  Maybe I can at least walk away from this game with something to show for it...

Reward Challenge:  Sucha 2002 II 
(The Survivors walk onto a sandy beach, where Jeff is waiting)
Jeff:  All right guys.  You've been out here 34 days.  Covered a lot of ground, experienced a lot of things, hopefully with very few regrets.  But I know there's one or two challenges you wouldn't mind getting another shot at.
Today's reward challenge combines elements of several previous challenges.  You'll begin by throwing hatchets at five hanging pots.  One of them contains a key.  Once you break the pot with the key, you'll pick it up and  sprint down the beach, where you'll find a small treasure chest buried in the sand.  Dug it up and unlock it.  Inside, you'll find another hatchet.  Use it to chop through the rope tethering down a nearby balloon.  Once the balloon is released, take the empty chest and place it on your scale.  You'll need to fill the other side of the scale with small rocks until it balances out.  When it does, a flag will raise.  That's your cue to walk across the ocean on your balance beam.  If you fall in, you'll have to start over.  Once you make it across the beam, you'll run through a small maze.  First person to make it out of the maze wins reward.
I know how tiring 34 days is.  I hope you find the reward worthy of a very long challenge. (calling) Captain Tony!  Bring it over!
(Captain Tony Caker sails towards the shore in his boat, The Gilgamesh.
Strapped the back is a sporty red car.  The Survivors gasp in awe)
Will:  Now that is a nice car.
Jeff:  There's your reward!  On the back of that boat is a new Porshe fully loaded with all the extras.  You guys can enjoy your reward when you get home.  All right guys, take your spots, let's go.
(The Survivors take their spots.  They each have a table covered in
hatchets and a grouping of five clay pots hanging about ten feet in front of them)
Jeff:  Here we go.  Survivors ready? (doing the arm thing) Go!
(At Jeff's go, the Survivors begin chucking hatchets.  Kris
throws one and shatters a pot, but no key falls out)
Kris:  Drat!
(Lora throws a pathetic miss)
Lora:  Dangit!
(Will and Amanda throw misses.  Sylvia nails a pot, and a key clinks to the ground)
Sylvia:  Woo!
Jeff:  Sylvia!  You can move on.
(Sylvia runs and grabs the key.  She sprints down the beach.  The others keep throwing.  Kris shatters
a second pot, but still gets no key.  Amanda and Lora miss.  Will shatters his first pot and gets nothing.
Sylvia arrives at a mound of sand and starts digging with her hands.
Kris nails a third pot, but still finds nothing)
Kris:  Come on!
(Lora and Will miss.  Amanda nails a pot, and a key falls out)
Jeff:  Amanda, movin' on to the next leg!
(Amanda grabs the key and heads for the sand mounds.  Sylvia's already
got a large portion of her chest uncovered as Amanda arrives and starts digging.
Back at the pots, Kris breaks his fourth pot and is finally rewarded
with a key.  Seconds after, Will nails one and also gets a key)
Jeff:  Kris!  Will!  Move on to the chests!
(Jeff runs along the two as the sprint down the beach to the mounds of sand.
Sylvia's almost done.  Amanda's got about half of her chest uncovered)
Jeff:  Still anyone's game!
(The four continue to dig.  Back at the pots, Lora has yet to break one)
Lora:  I hated this game the first time, and I still do!
(Sylvia calls Jeff over to look at her chest)
Sylvia:  Am I done?
Jeff:  You're good.  Unlock it!
(Sylvia unlocks the chest and pulls out a small hatchet)
Jeff:  Sylvia's moving on to the balloons!
(The others sigh and continue digging.  Amanda's almost done, and Will
and Kris are tight.  Sylvia runs down the beach to a grouping of balloons)
Sylvia:  Here goes.
(Sylvia runs up to one of the tethers, which is a very thick rope, and
begins hacking at it with her hatchet.  Amanda finishes digging)
Amanda:  Jeff!
Jeff:  Open it.
(As Amanda unlocks the chest, Will and Kris also finish)
Jeff:  You guys are good too.  This is very tight!
(Amanda, Will, and Kris unlock their chests and pull out the hatchets.  They run down the
beach towards Sylvia. She strikes a final blow to her tether, and the balloon is freed)
Sylvia:  Gotta go back!
(Sylvia passes the others as she runs back to her chest.  Will runs up to a tether and does
an impressive spin move, striking a blow to the chord that nearly severs it.  Kris and
Amanda make more delicate strokes.  Another massive hack, and Will's balloon is free)
Will:  Woo!
(Will runs back towards his chest.  Sylvia arrives at her chest and shrieks when she sees
Will coming.  She lugs it up and starts towards her scale.  Will grabs his chest just seconds
after and follows her.  Kris and Amanda make progress on freeing their balloons.
Back at the pots, Lora lands her first hit)
Lora:  Yes!
(There's nothing in it, but Lora celebrates regardless.  Will and Sylvia arrive at their scales and
set their empty chests in the trays.  They scatter and begin gathering armloads of rocks.
Kris frees his balloon, and Amanda does the same seconds later.  They head back to their chests)
Jeff:  Will and Sylvia tied for the lead.  Kris and Amanda coming in close behind!
(Will comes back to his scale and dumps an armload of rocks in.  The treasure chest rises quite a bit, but
not enough to balance and cause the flag to rise.  Sylvia dumps her load, which isn't nearly as big as Will's)
Jeff:  Keep going guys!  You need more rocks.
(Kris and Amanda arrive on the scene, lugging their chests.  They place
them on their scales and run off to gather rocks.  Will arrives with another
armload.  He dumps the rocks in, and the rock side of the scale becomes heavier)
Will:  Too many...
(Will begins removing rocks one by one.  Sylvia arrives back with another load of rocks.  Her scale gets
closer to balance.  Kris arrives with a huge armload that almost balances his scale.  Amanda arrives at her
scale with a smaller armload.  Will removes a final rock, and his scale is balanced.  A flag rises)
Jeff:  Will!  On to the balance beam!
(Will sprints down the beach, where five balance beams make a bridge out to a sand spit.  He jumps on and
starts to slowly move across.  Back at the scales, Sylvia and Kris arrive with more rocks.  They both tip the
balance in favor of the rocks and have to start removing them.  Kris achieves balance and his flag raises)
Jeff:  Kris!
(Kris runs to the balance beam.  Will's about halfway across, but he's looking
shaky.  Kris hops on his balance beam and starts rushing across.
He loses his balance and falls in.  This distracts Will, who also falls in)
Jeff:  Guys!  Back to the start.
(Will and Kris swim through the ocean back to the start of
their beams. Sylvia achieves balance and gets a flag)
Jeff:  Sylvia!
(Sylvia sprints to the beams.  She arrives just as Will and Kris get back onto their beams.
The three start walking across simultaneously.  Will's slow and unsteady and falls
behind.   Kris and Sylvia are neck and neck, but then Kris begins to lose his balance and has
to stop to steady himself.  Sylvia runs the last few steps and jumps off the beam onto dry land)
Sylvia:  Woo!
(Sylvia runs into the entrance of a burlap maze.  Will and Kris continue across their beams.
 Amanda finally achieves balance and runs to join them.  Lora has given up at this point)
Lora: (sighs) Would have been nice to win that car...
(Sylvia hits a dead end and groans in frustration.  Will finishes the balance
beam as Amanda and Kris close in on him.  He sprints into the maze)
Will:  I'm coming, Sylvia!
Sylvia:  You're not taking this, Will!
(At that, Sylvia turns a corner and finds the exit.  She runs out and meets Jeff)
Jeff:  Sylvia!
(Seconds later, Will comes running out of the maze)
Will:  So close!
Jeff:  I don't think that could have been closer!  Very nice work!
Sylvia: (Out of breath) Thanks.
Jeff:  Let's go have a look at your new ride.
Sylvia: (to Will) My new ride.  I like the sound of that.
(Will just grins and shakes his head.  Captain Tony pulls his boat
into the beach, where all of the Survivors have assembled)
Jeff:  Let's go aboard, shall we?
(Jeff leads the Survivors towards the cabin)
Sylvia:  Why are we going to the cabin?  My car's on deck.
Jeff:  Excuse me?  Your car?
(Jeff breaks out into a broad grin)
Jeff:  Oh, you thought that was your reward?  Now way!  That's my car.  What you win is Captain Tony's boat.
Sylvia:  What?
Captain:  The Gilgamesh?
Jeff:  That's right.
Captain:  You can't take my boat!
Jeff:  Hey pal, you signed a contract.  We could take your firstborn son if we wanted.
Sylvia:  But you said I was getting a car!
Jeff:  No.  I never said that.
(Lora starts laughing uncontrollably.  Sylvia shoots her an angry glance)
Jeff:  Now, what do you say?  You wanna give these guys a ride home?
Sylvia:  I guess.
(Cut to an exterior shot of the boat.  It starts up and moves away from
Challenge Beach.  Jeff throws Captain Tony overboard as it speeds away)
Tony: B******s...

(Cut to Smallwood beach.  Sylvia's boat speeds towards the shore.  Cut back to inside the
cabin.  Sylvia's piloting the ship, and by the looks of it, she's going to run it aground)
Will:  Whoa, reduce speed there, captain!
Kris:  Yes, we wouldn't want to run aground.
Sylvia:  Yeah... I guess it'd be a shame to wreck this awesome boat.
Lora:  (laughs) Oh yeah, that would be horrible.
Sylvia:  OK, let me see how close I can get this...
(The boat closes in on the shore.  Suddenly, there's a loud scratching sound)
Sylvia:  And I guess that's the shore...
(Lora starts laughing hysterically)
Lora:  Land ho!
Will:  Shot, vick.
(The Survivors climb out of the boat and wade to shore.  Lora
and Sylvia come in side by side, laughing all the while)
Lora: (in pirate voice) Arrr!  Coble beach off the starboard bow!
Sylvia: (in pirate voice) Shiver me timbers, matey!  We've run aground!
(The girls bust up laughing as everyone else scatters away)
Sylvia: (Narrating) That reward was such a joke!  I worked my butt off thinking I was going to get a car, but I ended up with a rickety old boat instead. (laughs) I guess it serves me right for making assumptions.  But come on!  They showed us the car!
Lora: (Narrating) Sylvia winning that crappy old boat was hilarious!  I couldn't stop teasing her about it.  She knows I'm just kidding around, though.  Sylvia's such a cool girl.
(Lora and Sylvia sit by the fire to dry themselves off)
Lora:  So, what are you gonna do with your boat?
Sylvia:  I don't know.  I'll probably sell it.
Lora: (distressed) No!  You can't do that!
Sylvia:  Why not?
Lora:  Because you'd end up having to pay someone to take it.
(Lora and Sylvia break out laughing.  Will
approaches the fire, and the laughter stops)
Will:  You girls dried off yet?
Lora: (angrily) No.
(Lora gets up and stomps off.  Will looks at Sylvia)
Will:  Man!  She really hates me, doesn't she?
Sylvia: (sighs) Unfortunately.
Sylvia: (Narrating) This is so frustrating.  I've become such good friends with Lora these past few days, but I'm also really good friends with Will.  I really wish that they could get along.  It gets so old seeing them avoiding each other all the time.  If there's one thing that I'm gonna do before I leave this island, it's patching up that relationship.
(Sylvia finds Lora wrapping Clint's duct tape into a giant ball)
Sylvia:  Hey Lora, can you come with me for a sec?
Lora:  Sure thing, Sylvia.
(Sylvia leads Lora to a small patch of brush outside of camp)
Sylvia:  OK Lora, this is what I wanted to talk to you about.
(Will steps out from the bushes)
Lora: (angrily) Oh no!  Uh-uh!
(Lora spins around and starts to walk away)
Will:  Lora, would you just come back here and talk to me about all this?
Lora:  There's nothing to talk about, Will.  Actions speak louder than words.
Will:  That's a cliché and you know it.
Lora:  Did you ever stop to think that clichés become clichés because they're true? (pauses) No, you probably don't get that either.
(Lora walks away)
Will: (shrugs) I told you.
Sylvia:  I'm sorry.  I'll go talk to her.
Will: (shakes his head) Good luck.
Will (Narrating) I can't understand why Lora remains so angry with me for breaking our alliance.  It's not like I haven't broken alliances with everyone else, too.  It's how I'm playing the game.  For whatever reason, she can't seem to see past  her own anger and just forgive me, and no amount of meddling from Sylvia is going to fix that.
(Sylvia runs after Lora)
Sylvia:  Lora!  Wait up!
Lora: (turning around) That was a rotten thing to do to me, Sylvia.
Sylvia:  What?  I was just trying to help fix you and Will's relationship.
Lora:  I'm your friend, Sylvia.  Not a psychology project.
(Sylvia stops and sighs)
Sylvia:  Look, you've forgiven me.  Why can't you forgive Will?
Lora:  That's completely different.
Sylvia:  How?
Lora:  There's a whole history there.  He said he wouldn't abandon me once, and I believed him.  But then he went and broke up with me.  And then out here, he said he wouldn't abandon me again.  Part of me knew that he was going to break it off somehow, but it was still a shock when it happened.
Sylvia:  I guess I can understand that.
Lora:  Good.  Now, if you want to stay my friend, you'll drop it.
Sylvia: (sighs) All right.
Lora: (Narrating) I don't know why I can't forgive Will.  As Sylvia's told me, it was just a vote.  Voting's part of this game.  It's just the fact that he promised to protect me.  I wasn't raised to break promises, and when someone breaks one to me, I have a hard time dealing with it.
Sylvia: (Narrating) I feel like such a failure as a psychologist.  I was unable to help Will and Lora reconcile.  Lora's abandonment issues run far too deep, but at least I made a breakthrough with Lora when she admitted that she had a problem.  I guess that the game's not over yet...  Maybe, just maybe, this thing will fix itself without any more prodding from me.
(The sun sets over Camp Smallwood.  The night flies by, and soon the morning sun rises.  Kris is awake before anyone else.  He stares into the fire pit and waits for Amanda to wake up)
Kris: (Narrating) If I'm to have any hope of surviving further, I must get Amanda's vote back.  Her deciding to go with Will and Sylvia is a kiss of death for my game plan.  Perhaps if I can make her see that she has no chance against such a strong twosome, that will change her mind...
(Amanda comes out of the shelter.  She begins to
stretch in preparation for her run.  Kris walks up to her)
Kris:  Amanda, may I speak to you before the others awake?
Amanda: (reluctant) I guess so.
Kris:  All right.  As you know, the last tribal council was a 3-3 tie.  On one side was Lora, Kevin, and myself.  On the other was Will, Sylvia, and you.
Amanda:  That's right.
Kris:  Amanda, I'll level with you.  If I don't win immunity today, I'm the next one gone.  I need you to come back and vote with me and Lora.
Amanda: (shakes her head) I'm sorry.  I can't do that.
Kris:  Why not?  What loyalty do you have to Will and Sylvia?  You and Sylvia can't stand one another.
Amanda:  That's true, but I still have to stick with my alliance.
Kris:  If you go with them, they'll just drop you at third place.  You know that.
Amanda:  I'm aware of that.
Kris:  If you come with me, I promise that I'll bring you to the Final Two over Lora.
Amanda:  I'm sorry, Kris.  I've thought this through.  I have to stick with my plan or I can't win.
Kris:  You're sure you can't be persuaded otherwise?
Amanda:  Yes.
Kris:  All right.
(Kris walks away, muttering to himself.  Amanda shrugs and takes off running down the beach)
Amanda: (Narrating) Kris has always been desperate to stay in the game, and even now, when it seems to be a sure thing that he's next, he continues to fight.  There's nothing wrong with wanting to save yourself, and Kris has played a really good game.  Kris has his own agenda, and I have mine.  If they lined up, I could help him out.  But they don't, so I can't.
(Amanda continues to run, and the sun rises in the sky.  When
Amanda returns, Will and Sylvia are leaving to gather food)
Will:  Hey there, Duh.  We're going for food.  You wanna come with us?
Amanda:  Sure.  I guess.
Sylvia: (under her breath) Great.
(The three head out to the meadow to search for food)
Sylvia:  I hope we can find something other than chickweed today.
Amanda:  Yeah...
(Sylvia rolls her eyes at Amanda and walks ahead.  She
enters some bushes and calls back to Will and Amanda)
Sylvia:  Hey!  Come see what I found.
(Will and Amanda run to the bushes.  Sylvia proudly gestures to some berries)
Will:  Berries!
Sylvia:  Pretty good find, huh, Amanda?
Amanda: (matter-of-factly) They're poisonous.
Sylvia:  What?  How do you know that?
Amanda: (rolls her eyes) Trust me.
Sylvia:  Why should I "trust you?"  You're not an expert on everything, you know.
Amanda:  We had them back on Platz.  They're poisonous.
Sylvia:  How do you know they're the same kind?
Will: (breaking in) Girls...
Amanda:  They're poisonous.  If you eat them, you're gonna regret it.
(Amanda turns around and starts to walk away)
Sylvia:  Get back here!  I'm not done with you!
Amanda: (turning around) What?
Sylvia:  Why do you always run away whenever there's a problem?
Amanda:  I just don't want to talk to you when you're like this.
Sylvia: (angrily) "This?"  What's "this?"
Will:  Come on.  Both of you just calm down.
Amanda:  I'm going now.
(Amanda walks away.  Sylvia stands there and fumes)
Sylvia:  Argh!  She just makes me so mad!
Will:  So I guess the berries are out.
Sylvia:  Yes.  Stupid know-it-all...
Sylvia: (Narrating) I get so sick of Amanda's smug attitude.  She just thinks she's so smart.  And the thing is, I know that she's smarter than me.  A lot of it's petty jealousy on my part, but I think I'm entitled.  It wouldn't hurt her to be a little more sociable.
Amanda: (Narrating) Sylvia just likes to overreact to every situation.  I'll admit that she gets on my nerves.  We've had a rivalry for the past several weeks, and I know that she'd love to see me go.  But that's OK, because I really wouldn't mind getting rid of her, either.
(Cut back to camp.  Lora wakes up and finds that Kris is the only one around)
Lora:  Where's everyone else?
Kris:  They went to get food.  How you holding up?
Lora:  How do you think?
Kris:  Doomed.  Like me...
Lora:  Yeah...
Kris:  Will and Sylvia are the problem.
Lora:  Will's a problem, all right.
Kris:  We're down to five, and a tight pair like that is too powerful numerically.
Lora:  Yeah, I know.
Kris:  If we get the chance, we have to get rid of one of them.
Lora:  Yeah, I understand that.
Kris:  Good.
(The day progresses.  Will and Sylvia go for tree mail)
Sylvia: (still angry) She just thinks she's so smart...
Will:  Well, she sort of is.
Sylvia:  Yeah, I know...
Will:  Let's see if this is what I think it is.  (reading) Vikings found this land
                                                                                      In the days of yore
                                                                                      Now it's time to see
                                                                                      If you can listen to their lore
                                                                                      We hope you're a good listener
                                                                                      Who can think on their feet
                                                                                      If you bomb out on this quiz
                                                                                      You might soon taste defeat
Story challenge.  I ought to be able to take this with ease.
Sylvia: (laughs) Oh yeah?  Well, I might just give you run for your money.
Will:  We'll see about that.
(Will takes off running back to camp, and Sylvia dashes after him
laughing.  When they get back, they read the tree mail to the others)
Will:  Jeff will tell us a story, and then we'll have to answer questions about it.
Lora:  Oh great...
(Kris looks determined)
Kris: (Narrating) I have to take this challenge.  If ever I needed immunity, it's going into this council.  It's not going to be easy against such sharp people.  It's times like this I really regret being unable to dispose of my toughest competitors.
 (The Survivors head off for the Immunity Challenge)

Immunity Challenge:  Viking Lore

(The sun begins to set.  The Survivors arrive in a coniferous forest.  In the twilight,
towering pines surround them on all sides. They meet Jeff in a circle of stones)
Jeff:  First things first.  Sylvia, I'll take back that immunity necklace.
Sylvia:  Sure thing.
(Sylvia hands Jeff the necklace)
Jeff:  Immunity, back up for grabs.   Have a seat.
(The Survivors sit down on a bench)
Jeff:  All right, your success in this evening's Immunity Challenge will be based on your ability to answer a series of questions from a story I'm about to tell you.  Here's how it'll work: there are seven stations spread out around the area.  Each station has a question and a wooden viking statue.  Only one person is allowed in a station at a time, so when you reach a station, take your torch, put it in the slot.  That means it is occupied and no one can join you.   Direct your answer to the statue.  If you answer correctly, it will dispense a silver charm.  Attach that to a bracelet around your wrist and you'll move on.  If you answer incorrectly, the statue will give you a chunk of ice.  You must shatter the ice and break the statue's curse before you can continue, so a wrong answer will waste valuable time as you try to break the ice.  The first person to get four out of seven correctly and cross the finish line with five charms wins immunity.
All right, story time:  For 300 years, from the 8th to 11th centuries, the Vikings took the world by storm. In search of land, slaves and precious metals, the brave warriors set sail from their homes in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. They voyaged as far east as Baghdad, as far west as America.  1000 years ago, the Viking's empire began to crumble wit the coming of Christianity, but not before they had one last exploratative hoorah.  Eric the Red, the discoverer of Greenland, had married a Christian woman who bore him a Christian son, Lief Ericsson.  Lief, it turned out,  would eventually become an even greater explorer than his famous father.
In the summer of the year 1000, Leif Ericsson and his crew left their homes in southern Greenland in search of more wooded and fertile land.  Among the crew was Leif's sister, Freydis, who turned into a sort of co-pilot, since in Viking culture, women were almost treated equally to men.   The Vikings relied on their knowledge of seabirds, fish, winds and wave patterns to find their way.  After a long and arduous journey, the Vikings arrived at L’Anse aux Meadows here in Newfoundland in the late fall.  When they arrived, they quickly constructed homes of stone and turf.  They never used timber for their homes, because they needed all the available wood for shipbuilding.  They stocked up on seal and reindeer meat and prepared themselves for a harsh winter.  The winter turned out to be far harsher than they ever could have imagined.
(Cut to shots of the Survivors.  They all listen intently)
The Inuit people, also known as the Eskimos, had been living on this island for thousands of years, and they weren't about to give up their land to the small band of Europeans.  Although ancient illustrations always depict Vikings as warriors, this band of adventurers were not warriors.  It was during the first months of the winter that the battle began.  The Viking setters had built a small establishment and contented themselves to hunting, repairing their boats, and even doing a bit of farming in the infertile winter soil.  An Inuit force, led by the chief L'uh Opaffa, raided the tiny Viking settlement in the dead of night.  The small band of farmers could do little to battle the Inuit, armed with spears and bows.  Almost half the settlement died in the massacre, including Leif's sister Freydis.
(The Survivors look saddened by this)
The Surviving Vikings fled south, never to return to Newfoundland again.  It is a testament to the Viking carpenters that their ships survived the ensuing journey.  They made their way down the coast of America, but every place they stopped, they were met by hostile native forces.  A short seven years later, they returned to Greenland.  Lief Ericsson was one of but a handful of men to survive all of the journey's hardships, which earned him the nickname "Lief the Lucky."
All right, let's see what you've learned.  I'll give you your bracelet, grab a torch, let's do this.
(The Survivors get their stuff and line up)
Jeff:  This is for immunity and a guaranteed spot in the final four.  Survivors ready? (doing the arm thing) Go!
(The Survivors fan out and head for different stations.  Sylvia's the first to arrive at a
station.  She slips her torch into the slot and walks up to the viking statue and its question)
Sylvia:  How did Lief Ericsson earn the nickname "Lief the Lucky?"
(Sylvia turns to address the Viking statue)
Sylvia:  He survived his voyage.
(A crew member grunts inside the statue, and a silver charm falls
out of a hole in the statue's crotch.  Sylvia grabs it and moves on.
.Amanda arrives at a station)
Amanda:  What was the name of the Inuit Chief?  (turns to the statue) L'uh Opaffa.
(A silver charm falls out of the statue's crotch.  Amanda grabs it and exits the station.
.Will arrives in a station)
Will:  What was the name of Lief's sister?  (Turns to the statue) Hello Erdwyth.
(The statue doesn't respond)
Will:  Freydis.
(A silver charm falls out of the statue's crotch)
Will:  Bingo!
(Will grabs the charm, picks up his torch, and runs off)
Jeff:  Amanda, Will, and Sylvia, in the lead with one a piece!
(Lora enters a station)
Lora:  Where did the Vikings land in the fall of A.D. 1000?  Crap!  I don't know!  (To the statue) A little help?
(The statue is, of course, silent)
Lora:  Um, Newfoundland.
(A block of ice drops out of the statue's crotch)
Lora:  Not specific enough!
(Lora picks up the ice and throws it to the ground.  It breaks in two)
Lora:  Hope that's good enough...
(Lora grabs her torch and leaves.
Kris enters a station)
Kris:  How long was the Viking's journey? (to the statue) Seven years, of course!
(The statue dispenses a silver charm.  Kris grabs it and moves on.
Amanda enters a new station)
Amanda:  What sort of meat did the Vikings live on?  (To the statue) Seal and reindeer.
(The statue gives Amanda a charm.
Sylvia enters a station)
Sylvia:  The name of Lief's sister? (To the statue) Um... Freya, right?
(The statue gives Sylvia a chunk of ice)
Sylvia:  Crap!
(Sylvia picks up the ice, throws it down, and shatters it.  She grabs her torch and moves on.
Will enters a station)
Will:  Where did the Vikings land? (To the statue) L’Anse aux Meadows!  Give me something hard!
(The statue dispenses a charm.  Will adds it to his bracelet)
Jeff:  Amanda and Will!  Tied at two charms a piece!
(Kris enters a station)
Kris:  What was the name of the Inuit Chief.  D***!  I have no idea! (to the statue) Geronimo.
(The statue gives Kris some ice)
Kris:  As expected.
(Kris busts the ice and moves on.
Amanda enters another station)
Amanda:  Long was the Viking's journey? (To the statue) Seven years.
(Amanda receives a charm.
Lora enters another station)
Lora:  What kind of meat? (to statue) Um, moose?
(The statue gives Lora some ice)
Lora:  Not again!
(Lora breaks the ice and moves on.
Will enters a station)
Will:  What were Viking houses made of? (To the statue) Stone and turf.
(The statue gives Will a charm)
Will:  Thanks, underpaid minion of Burnett.
(Will takes off)
Jeff:  Will and Amanda at three!  It's tight!
Kris:  D***!
(Kris turns and enters a station)
Kris:  What sort of meat did the Vikings live on?  (To the statue) Seal and reindeer.
(The statue gives Kris a charm)
Kris:  Great...
(Kris attaches his charm and moves on.
Amanda enters a station)
Amanda:  How did Lief earn nickname... (To the statue) He was one of the handful of men to survive the seven year journey.
(The statue gives Amanda a charm.  She takes off running towards
Jeff.  At the same time, Will's answering a question)
Will:  Name of the Inuit Chief.  Tricky.  (To the statue) That's L'uh Opaffa.
(The statue gives Will his fourth charm)
Jeff:  Will and Amanda both have four!  You just got to get to me!
(Jeff takes his spot in the circle of stones as Will and Amanda run towards him.
Close-up of Amanda's wrist.  A charm works its way loose and falls off her bracelet.
Amanda arrives at Jeff's circle and thrusts her arm into Jeff's face)
Jeff: (hurriedly counting) That's only three!  You must have dropped one!
(Amanda doubles back as Will sprints towards Jeff.  Amanda spots her charm and grabs it just as
Will runs past her.  She narrows her eyes and begins running.  Will glances back and sees Amanda
gaining on him.  Just as they reach the circle, Amanda overtakes him and arrives at Jeff first)
Amanda: (to Jeff) Count them!
(Jeff counts as an aggravated Will looks on)
Jeff:  That's four!  It's over, guys!
(Out in the field, the Survivors stop dead in their tracks.  Will grunts in frustration)
Jeff:  Turn around here, Amanda.  This baby's yours again.
(Amanda smiles slightly as Jeff puts the necklace around her neck)
Jeff:  You cannot be voted out at Tribal Council.  The rest of you, vulnerable.
(Will looks angry with himself for losing the foot race.  Kris looks despondent
at losing.  The Survivors exit the challenge area and return to camp)

(Back at camp, the Survivors prepare themselves for the vote.  Kris is particularly restless)
Kris: (Narrating) So, I failed to win the one Immunity Challenge that I most needed to win.  But I refuse to believe that this is the end for me.  There has to be some way that I can prevent my inevitable ouster.  Perhaps if I were to talk to Amanda again?
(Kris finds Amanda dumping water into a pot for boiling)
Kris:  Amanda, a word with you?
Amanda:  What about?
Kris:  Look, I know that you've said that you need to stick with Will and Sylvia in order for your plan to work, and I respect that.  But look how uneven the playing field now is.
Amanda:  Yeah?
Kris:  We're down to five.  Two is too powerful.  If we don't get rid of one, they'll be able to target whomever they please.
Amanda:  I don't know...
Kris:  Listen to me, Amanda!  Will has to go tonight!
Amanda:  I can't do that, Kris.  I'm sorry.
Amanda: (Narrating) Kris won't give up on this Will angle.  I can't go along with his plan, because I need Will to be sitting next to me at the Final Two.  I know it's not fair, but it's the only way I can play this game.
(Kris walks away from Amanda and reports back to Lora)
Kris:  Amanda refuses to vote for Will.
Lora:  But we have to!  If we don't get rid of him now, he's going to win this game.
Kris:  I truly think that a vote against Will would be wasted tonight.
Lora:  Well, I don't care.  I'm voting for him.
(Kris sighs.  Elsewhere, Will and Sylvia talk strategy)
Sylvia:  OK, what do we do?
Will:  Kris.
Sylvia: (sighs) OK.  I guess this is finally your chance.
Will:  Yeah, I hope...
Will: (Narrating) Tribal Council tonight comes down to Amanda.  If she continues to vote with me and Sylvia, then it should be an easy task to make it to the Final Two.  If she turns and votes with Kris and Lora, I'm gone.  I hate leaving my fate in the hands of such a loose cannon, but that's the game I've set up for myself and I have to live with it.
(Close-up on Amanda as she considers her options.  Before
long, the Survivors pack up and head for Tribal Council)

Tribal Council # 12 
(The Survivors enter)
Jeff:  We'll now bring in the jury.
(Brian leads the procession into the Tribal Council area.
Kevin walks in the back of the line, looking slightly confused)
Jeff:  Brian, Melissa, Dan, and Kevin, who had the misfortune of going last time.
(Kevin walks over and takes a seat with the Survivors.
The Survivors smile, but Jeff is taken aback)
Jeff:  Kevin!  What are you doin', man?
Kevin:  We're here at Tribal Council.  It's time to, um, vote somebody out.
Jeff: (shakes his head) No, no, no.  You're on the jury now, Kevin.  You're only here to watch.
Kevin: (disappointed) Oh.
Jeff: (pointing) I need you to take a seat over there with Brian, Dan, and Melissa.
Kevin:  OK, buddy.
(Kevin stands up, walks over to the jury, and has a
seat.  Dan pats him on the back as he silently pouts)
Jeff: (smiling) OK, obviously, Kevin's part of the jury now.  And tonight, one of you five will be voted out and you'll join him.  The jury are the ones that ultimately cast the final votes to decide who is the sole survivor.  So Kris, I'm looking at the jury, and notice that most of them are original members of Coble.  Does that surprise you, as a former member of Platz?
Kris:  Not particularly.  Coble was in power at the merge, but the whole objective of this particular game has been to vote out power.  That appears to be the direction we would be taking tonight.
Jeff:  Interesting.  Lora, where would you say that the power in this tribe lies?
Lora:  The power, as always, is firmly in Will's hands.
Jeff:  Will, do you feel like you hold all of the power in this game?
Will:  Not at all.  My fate tonight lies in the hands of a very powerful swing vote.
Jeff:  Amanda, you've been unaligned for the majority of this game.  How do you choose which way to vote when you're between alliances?
Amanda:  I vote with the alliance that most closely fits with my game plan.
Jeff:  Sylvia, as we get down to the end here, obviously you have to start thinking very strategically.  Does it pay to have the game mapped out to the end, or is there a certain amount of just winging it?
Sylvia:  I've never really planned that far ahead.  So much of this game is chance that you can't plan everything.
Jeff:  All right.  Well tonight, one person's plans are going to fall through when they get sent to that other side.  It is time to vote.  Will, you're up first.
(Will walks up to the voting confessional and votes.  We don't see it.
Lora's up next.  We don't see her vote either)
Lora:  Nothing personal.  It's just a vote.
(Sylvia's up next, followed by Kris.  We don't see his vote)
Kris:  And so the dance ends...
(Finally, Amanda votes.  We don't see it)
Amanda:  For better or worse, I'm deviating from my master plan.  I just hope this will all work itself out somehow.
(Amanda returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the voting canister)
Jeff:  Once the votes are read, the decision is final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  First vote:
. . .
That's two votes Kris.
. .
That's two votes Kris, two votes Sylvia.
(Sylvia nervously looks at Lora and Kris)
The twelfth person voted off the island:
. .
. .

Sylvia:  Oh!
Jeff:  I need you to bring me your torch.
Sylvia:  I didn't even see that coming, guys!

(Sylvia grabs her torch and approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Sylvia, the tribe has spoken.  (Snuffs his torch)  It's time for you to go.
Sylvia: (to the Survivors) Great game, guys.
(Sylvia exits)
Jeff:  Well, this game has been one wild ride.  Once again, the power is shifted.  The four of you move into tomorrow on an even playing field, and the only thing that guarantees you a spot in the final two is wining two more immunities.   That begins tomorrow.   You guys can head back to camp.
(The Survivors exit)  
Sylvia's Final Words:  Well, this has been an amazing social experiment!  I made some lifelong friends, and I got to observe what happens when you take sixteen vastly different people, most of whom barely know each other, and then thrust them into this sort of high stress situation.  The results were astounding.  So much was going on that I was barely able to keep track of it all.  And now I get to wind down and reflect on all the interactions I've seen in the last 36 days.  This has been an awesome experience and I wouldn't trade one second of it. Take it to the end, Will!

Voting Record
Amanda:  Sylvia
Kris:  Sylvia
Lora:  Sylvia
Sylvia:  Kris
Will:  Kris

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