S U R V I V O R 
Episode 13 – The Best Laid Plans  
Jeff: (Narrating) 36 days ago, 16 Americans began the adventure of a lifetime.  Abandoned on Newfoundland's rugged northeastern coast, hundreds of miles from the nearest civilization, they quickly formed first impressions.  Their goal, to work together to build a new society while competing against one another for the title of sole Survivor and $1 million.  Without fire, water, or food, they utilized the resources of the land and their own survival skills.  Some quickly became the best of friends, others were quick to battle.  And everybody had to deal with the realities of a harsh sub-polar landscape.
They were divided into two tribes, Coble and Platz, and competed against one another in challenges.  And although Coble lost the first Immunity Challenge due to a fluke, it soon became apparent that Coble was the dominant tribe.  Platz went to two Tribal Councils in a row, where Kris was able to use the religious differences within the tribe to gain himself a numerical advantage.  With John's departure at the third tribal council, Kris and his alliance mates, Libby, Maria, and Clint, thought that they could coast to the Final Four.  But a reshuffling of the tribes sent the Survivors scrambling for new strategies.
On the surface, the two new tribes couldn't be more different.  New Coble stood as a shining beacon of team unity, while conflict was the name of the game at new Platz.  This was reflected in the challenges, and new Platz would go to Tribal Council twice more before the merge.  Despite being outnumbered by the hostile forces of Brian and Maria, Lora showed remarkable spirit and resilience by outlasting Clint and Mary Ellen and making it to the merge.
On this new tribe, Smallwood, the battle lines were quickly drawn.  Will's new Coble alliance, plus Lora and minus Kris, was quick to prove its superiority, and one by one the members of new Platz began to fall.  But by Day 27, Will had became bored with this arrangement and decided to stir things up.  He threw Kris a lifeline, and along with Sylvia and Kevin, they voted out the well-liked Melissa.  With this one game-altering move, stability became a thing of the past.  Alliances seemed to change at whim as Lora and Amanda struggled to survive against seemingly insurmountable odds.  And survive they did.  Dan and Kevin became victims of the unpredictable alliances, and only five survivors remained.
Last week, the question of whether Sylvia's loyalty lie with Will or Kris was answered.  Kris and Lora found themselves on the outside as Amanda was seemingly aligned with the Will/Sylvia pair.  But before Tribal Council, Kris was able to convince Amanda that Will and Sylvia's joint voting strategy made them far too powerful.  She refused to vote out Will, since she hoped to bring him to the Final Two with her, but she wasn't opposed to getting rid of Sylvia, with whom she'd had a longtime rivalry.  After a bit of prodding, Lora agreed to vote out her new friend Sylvia and the pair was separated at Tribal Council.
Only four remain:  Lora, Will, Kris, and Amanda.  Tonight, they will compete against each other in their final immunity challenges.  Two will continue on to face the jury.  One will outlast all the rest and become the sole Survivor. 
Theme Song  
(The Final Four return from the previous Tribal Council.
Will leads the procession, looking slightly disappointed)
Will: (to himself) And now I'm truly alone...
(The tribe arrives back at camp)
Will:  Night.
(Will walks away from the others into the night.  Lora rolls her eyes to Kris and Amanda)
Lora:  Going off to pout like a little boy.  I'm going to bed.
(Lora heads to the shelter, leaving Kris and Amanda alone)
Kris:  You did the right thing, Amanda.
Amanda:  I'm not so sure...
Amanda: (Narrating) Before Tribal Council, Kris convinced me to get rid of Sylvia instead of staying in the voting bloc with her and Will.  I'm still not sure if it was a wise move on my part or not.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see on that one.  I really didn't mind getting rid of her, since we hadn't ever really gotten along.  At any rate, making it to the final two with Will now is going to require two immunity wins and a lot of luck.  I just hope I have it in me.
Kris: (Narrating) Going into Tribal Council, I was certain that I would be the one to go.  I think it was a piece of master manipulating on my part to get Lora and Amanda to both come with me.  If either of them had floundered and not voted for Sylvia, my game would have been over.  I do owe them both equally for allowing me to make it into this final round. (grins) But that doesn't mean I'm going to return the favor.
Kris:  I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be big.
Amanda:  Yeah, I guess.
Kris:  It's easy for one to make miscalculations in the endgame.  I can only hope that I'll be able to keep my mind on track.
Amanda:  Yeah, that makes two of us.
(There's a pause)
Kris:  What is this plan of yours, exactly, Amanda?
Amanda: (tenses up) I can't tell you that.
Kris:  Of course.  I understand.  Just as I wouldn't tell you mine.  I truly admire your analytical mind, Amanda.
Amanda:  Um, thanks...  Hadn't we better get to bed, too?
Kris:  After you.
Amanda: (Narrating) Kris has always creeped me out somewhat.  He's a fairly nice guy, but there's just something about him that chills my blood.  I've watched his entire game play out.  Time and time again, he's taken adversity and turned it around to his advantage.  He's good, I'll admit it.  But that doesn't mean I'll ever trust him.
(Kris and Amanda settle into the shelter next to Lora.  Will never comes to bed.
The night passes, and a new day rises on Camp Smallwood.  Will and Amanda go
about their usual exercise routines as usual while Kris and Lora sleep in)
Will: (Narrating) I'm actually somewhat surprised to still be here this morning.  As soon as Sylvia saved me at the previous Tribal Council, I knew that one of us would be next.  The others would be idiots not to try to break up a pair when they had the chance.  We'd expected them to to target me, but I suppose that I can understand Amanda's reasoning.  Sylvia would have pushed for her to go, so it probably was in her best interest to get rid of her rival.
I am sorry to see Sylvia go, but I think that she was always in a bit over her head as we played this game.  She saw it more as an experiment than a contest for a million dollars.  Still, she was right about one thing:  I do need to reconcile with Lora.  It's a broken relationship, and I don't think I can really be at peace until I get that repaired.
(As Will cools down from his workout, Lora exits the shelter)
Will:  Morning, Lora.
Lora: (crankily) Shut up, Will.
(Will shakes his head and grabs a pile of firewood.  He
builds up the fire as Lora, Kris, and Amanda gather around it)
Will:  So, the final four, huh?  Who would have thought that this would be the group to make it to the end?
Kris: (chuckles) How true.
Will:  Look at us.  Two guys.  Two girls.  Two Cobles.  Two Platzes.  And if I do say so, the four best players in the game.
(Lora rolls her eyes as Kris studies his opponents)
Kris: (Narrating) As Will said, the Final Four is indeed two Cobles and two Platzes.  And Amanda is not the Platz that I would want here.  She's far too smart for her own good, a fact which I recognized almost immediately.   I was all primed to get rid of her before that d***ed swap, but that fell through.  If anyone can take this game from me now, I feel that she's the one who can do it.
Lora: (Narrating) It's gotten to the point where I can't even listen to Will talk.  How can I after what he did to me?
(Will continues talking to the group)
Will:  Who'd have thought we'd be the last two Cobles standing, Lora?
Lora: (bitterly) Oh yeah right, Will.  If you'd had your way, I'd have been gone a long time ago.
Will:  That's not true, Lora.
Lora:  Oh, whatever.  You are such a liar.
Will:  How am I a liar?
Lora: (mockingly) "Oh sure, Lora.  I'll always be there to protect you."
Will:  Lora, I meant that.
Lora: (getting up) Whatever!  I'm not even going to listen to this!
(Lora gets up and walks away)
Will: (calling after her) Lora!
(Will turns to Kris and Amanda)
Will:  What more can I do?
Amanda:  I don't know.  It's going to take something drastic.
Will:  Yeah...
(Suddenly, Will bolts off after Lora.  Amanda and Kris look at one
another and shrug.  Will begins to catch up to the fleeing Lora)
Will:  Lora!  Get back here!
Lora: (Calling back)  Leave me alone, Will!
Will:  Not until you talk to me!
(Will catches up with Lora and grabs her by the arm)
Lora: (struggling) Let go of me, Will!
Will:  I'm not trying to hurt you! (yelling into her face) Just stop and listen to me!
(Lora stops struggling and looks at Will)
Will: (angrily) Why do you refuse to forgive me?  Huh?
Lora:  I don't know...
Will:  Give me a good reason!
Lora:  You said you'd protect me...
Will:  And when have I not?  Who was there for you when Smiley was all set to rape you?
Lora:  You were... But...
Will:  But what?
Lora:  You voted against me.
Will:  No I didn't.  I voted against Mrs. Brennit and Dan.  Not once did I cast a vote your way.
Lora:  But you would have.
Will:  How do you know that?
Lora:  I don't know...
Will:  Look, I've betrayed almost everyone in this game.  It's just the way I'm playing.  Kris and Amanda aren't holding grudges, and I've betrayed both of them.
Lora:  But that's different...
Will:  No it isn't.  I know we have a history, but that's in the past now.  We're here playing this game now, and that has nothing to do with how I feel about you in real life.  (pauses) Well, actually...
Lora:  What?
Will:  The way I feel about you in real life does have an impact on this game, because I'd much rather see you win than Amanda or Kris.
Lora:  Really?
Will:  Yes!
(Lora appears to soften for a moment, then regains her determination)
Lora:  I can't believe that.
(Lora turns to walk away)
Will: (yelling) Dangit, Lora!  What do you want me to do?
Lora:  All I know is that actions speak louder than any words, and your actions have told me that you don't want me.  If you want to prove me wrong, go for it.  But I'm not holding my breath.
(Lora walks away, leaving Will frustrated and saddened)
Will: (Narrating) I've tried talking rationally to Lora, and that hasn't worked.  And today, in my desire to patch up this broken relationship, I ran Lora down and basically screamed at her.  That didn't work either.  I don't know what it's going to take, but before this game is over, I have to patch things up with her.
Lora: (Narrating) I think that maybe, just maybe, Will's sincere about this. (begins crying) It just feels so bad to be rejected.  And he's done it to me twice.  He says that this time it was just part of the game, and, who knows, maybe he's telling the truth.  It's just so hard to trust someone after they've betrayed you.  And I'm not sure I can do that with Will.  I just don't know...
(Amanda and Kris go for Tree Mail)
Amanda:  Our final tree mail.
Kris:  How I'll miss these cleverly worded poems.
Amanda:  Oh, they're literary masterpieces.  Let's see how bad this one is: (reading)
                                So you four have made it
                                Here to the end.
                                Just what were the names
                                Of those "others," again?
                                Did you pay attention
                                To those no longer around?
                                If you fail at this pop quiz
                                You could be jury-bound.
(Amanda and Kris return and show the Tree Mail to Will.  Lora's nowhere in sight)
Will:  Fallen Comrades.  A man never wins this.
Kris:  Perhaps I can change that.
Will:  I doubt it.  Lora and Amanda are sharp.
(Amanda smiles slightly to herself.  She walks away from Will and Kris and digs out her
journal.  She flips through it to show that it has page after page of notes on the other players)
Amanda: (Narrating) No offense to Lora, but there's no way that I'm losing Fallen Comrades.  I love to eavesdrop on people, since no one ever suspects that I'm listening to them.  I've been taking notes on what people have been saying since the beginning of the game.  I'm not worried about leaving tonight.  It's tomorrow that concerns me.
(As the sun begins to set, Lora re-enters camp, her eyes red and puffy.  The
Survivors gather up their torches and begin to hike towards Tribal Council)
Kris: (Narrating) The endgame is what I live for.  I only despair that I make it here without a proper alliance.  There's no bunny to drop at the four spot, no bear to hand me a spot in the final two, and no goat to drag to the final two.  Well, not officially, anyway.  I suppose that I shall just have to make do with what I've been given.
(The Survivors draw near the the glaring fires of Tribal Council)

Tribal Council # 13 / Immunity Challenge: Fallen Comrades  
(The Survivors enter Tribal Council)
Jeff: Go ahead and have a seat, put your pads on your lap.  We'll bring in the members of our jury.
(Brian, Melissa, Dan, Kevin, and Sylvia enter)
Jeff:  Tonight's Immunity Challenge will take place here at tribal council.  It will be followed immediately with a vote, in which the thirteenth member of the tribe will be voted out.  Tonight's Immunity Challenge will test how well you've gotten to know your fellow survivors.  I'm going to ask you a series of questions.  They'll be based either on individuals you've all lived with who are no longer in the game or events that transpired in the last 37 days.  First person to get to ten points wins immunity.  Clear?
Amanda:  Yes.
Will:  Let's do it!
Jeff: (to Amanda) I'll take back the immunity necklace.
(Amanda gets up and hands Jeff the necklace)
Jeff:  Thank you.  The all important immunity back up for grabs.  OK, first question:.
What are the names of Melissa's three children?
(Melissa beams with pride.  The Survivors write their answers on their tablets)
Melissa's kids.  OK, reveal.
Amanda - Austin, Reid, and Emmy
Lora - Austin Reed + Emmy
Will - Austin Reid Emmy
Jeff:  She must've talked about them a lot.
Melissa:  Guilty as charged.
Jeff:  All correct.  You each get a point.  OK, next question is visual.
(Jeff pulls out a lime green tank top)
Jeff:  Whose shirt is this?
(Jeff passes the shirt around to the Survivors, who look at it and write down their answers)
Jeff:  OK.  Everybody done?  Reveal.
Amanda - Libby
Kris - MARIA
Lora - Libby
Will - Libby
Jeff:  Correct answer was Libby.  Everyone but Kris gets it right.  Amanda, Lora, Will at two points, Kris at one.  Next question: .
What is the name of Dan's wife?
(Dan smiles as the Survivors write down their answers)
Jeff:  If I could have everyone reveal.
Amanda - Susan
Kris - SARAH
Lora - Susan
Will - Susan
Jeff:  And Susan is, of course, correct.  Wrong again, Kris.  Amanda, Lora, and Will are up to three.  Kris still has one.  Next question: .
What's the name of Maria's twin sister, and for a bonus point, which one is older?
(The Survivors write their answers)
Jeff:  Need an answer.  Reveal.
Amanda - Marcia, Marcia is older
Lora - Marseah, Maria older
Will - Marcia, Marcia is older
Jeff:  You're all right.  Maria's twin sister is Marcia.  And Marcia is two minutes older, so only Will and Amanda got that.
Lora:  Crap!
Jeff:  Amanda and Will at five, Lora at four, Kris at two.  Next question's about the game: .
How many challenges have the Coble tribe or individual members of original Coble won?
(The Survivors sit there and think back to all the challenges, then write their answers)
Jeff:  Sum total of the Coble tribe's wins and any individual challenge wins.  Reveal.
Amanda - 16
Kris - 13
Lora - 20
Will - 14
Jeff:  Correct answer was 15.  Nobody gets it right.  Amanda and Will still tied at five.  Next question is another visual.
(Jeff pulls out a dirty bra)
Jeff:  Whose bra is this?
(The Survivors pass the bra around.  Will pulls it back like
a slingshot when he gets it, which causes Sylvia to stifle a laugh)
Jeff:  Reveal.
Amanda - Mary Ellen's
Lora - Mrs. Brennit
Will - Mary Ellen
Jeff:  Who is Sue Ellen, Kris?
Kris:  Is that not the obnoxious black-haired woman?
Jeff:  That's Mary Ellen.  Amanda and Will are correct.  They're tied at six.  Lora's at four.  Kris still at two.  Next question: .
We have a lot of students in our cast.  Which one is majoring in agrology?
(The Survivors write their answers)
Jeff:  Who's majoring in Ag?  Reveal.
Amanda - Clint
Kris - CLINT
Lora - Clint
Will - Clint
Jeff:  And it was Clint.  You all get a point.  Amanda and Will have seven points, Lora has five, Kris has three.  Next question, another game-related: .
How many people stayed in their original tribes at the swap?
(The Survivors count to themselves, then write down their answers)
Jeff:  Non-swapees.  Reveal.
Amanda - 5
Kris - 5
Lora - 6
Will - 5
Jeff:  Will, Sylvia, Dan, Clint, and Maria.  That's five.  Everyone got it right but Lora.  Amanda and Will now have eight points, Lora has five, and Kris has four.  Next question: .
What is Brian's current occupation?
(Brian glowers at the Survivors as they write their answers)
Jeff:  What does Smiley do?  Reveal.
Amanda - Construction worker
Lora - Construction
Will - Construction Worker
Jeff:  Construction work is right.  Amanda and Will, up to nine points, Lora at six, Kris at four.  All right, last question.  Will, Amanda, if either of you gets this wrong, the other wins.  If you both get it right, we'll have a tie..
What was Kevin's Luxury Item?
(Kevin grins at the mention of his name.  The Survivors write their answers)
Amanda - Meteorite
Lora - Meteorite
Will - Meteorite
Jeff:  Meteorite is correct. You still got that thing, Kev?
(Kevin pulls out his meteorite)
Kevin:  Yup. (holding up a small rock) Right here.
Jeff:  Very good.  OK, here's where we stand:  Will and Amanda are tied at ten points, so we'll go to a tie-breaker round.  Only Will and Amanda will answer.  Kris and Lora, you're done.  I'm going to ask a series of questions.  First one to miss loses, the other person wins Immunity.  Sound fair?
Will and Amanda:  Yeah.
Jeff:  All right.  Your first tie-breaker question: .
How many votes did Clint receive at the fifth Tribal Council?
(Will and Amanda exchange a questioning glance)
Jeff:  Neither one of you was there, so you're just gonna have to reason this one out.
(Will and Amanda write down their answers)
Jeff:  Maybe someone told you what happened.  All right, reveal.
Amanda - 4
Will - Four
Jeff:  You both say four, and you're both correct.  That was our first tie, but Mary Ellen ended up changing her vote.  All right, next question: .
How many piercings does Sylvia have?
(Sylvia grins as Will and Amanda write down their answers)
Jeff:  If one of you misses and the other gets it right, you're done.  Reveal.
Amanda - 2
Will - Two
Jeff:  Two is right.  Just the ears.  All right.  Next question: .
With which cartoon character is Dan obsessed?
(Amanda mouths "cartoon character?"  Will confidently writes down the answer)
Jeff:  OK, reveal.
Amanda:  Mickey Mouse
Will:  Scooby Doo
Jeff:  Amanda, Mickey Mouse is incorrect.  Will, Scooby Doo is correct.  Will wins immunity.
Will:  Wooo!!!
Amanda: (quietly) No!
(Dan smirks as Jeff gets up and places the immunity necklace around Will's neck)
Jeff:  OK, you can put your pads down if you want.  Well, this is obviously a very big vote.  Will, as it sits now, you have that immunity necklace, you cannot be voted for.  You guys look surprised.
Amanda:  I really thought that I could take that.
Kris:  I don't believe that anyone planned for Will to win immunity tonight.  This is going to screw with everyone's plans.
Jeff:  Well, does anyone need to discuss voting, then?  As always, this is an open forum.
(Kris and Amanda both begin to speak)
Kris:  Go ahead.
Amanda:  Thanks. (turns to Will) We have to vote for Lora right now and try to force a tie.
Lora: (cutting in) Excuse me?  We have to get rid of me?
Amanda: (ignoring Lora) Look at her, Will.  She's going to be good at the next immunity challenge.  She's got the body type to stand for hours.  And if she wins that, it means that one of us has to face her in the Final Two.  We can't win against her.  She's too well-liked.
Jeff:  Will, reaction?
Will:  What you're saying makes sense, Amanda.  But in the end, I'm going to have to vote the way I want to.
Amanda:  Just consider who you can win against.
Will:  I am.
Jeff:  Anyone else?  Kris, Lora, you got your strategies in order?
Lora:  Yeah.
Kris:  I believe so.
Jeff:  OK, then.  It is now time to vote.  Amanda, you're first.
(Amanda goes up to vote.  She votes for Lora)
Amanda:  Lora, like I said, if we let you go any further you're going to win Hands on the Immunity Idol and then beat any of us in the Final Two.  You have to go.
(Kris is up next, followed by Lora.  She votes for Amanda)
Lora:  You're not going to get rid of me this easily, Amanda.  I've come too far to go out like this.
(Finally, Will votes.  We don't see it.  He puts his vote in the canister and returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff leaves and returns with the canister)
Jeff:   Once the votes have been read, the decision is final.  The person will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  I'll read the votes.  First vote:
Jeff:  One vote Amanda, one vote Lora.
Last vote:
Amanda: (sighs) No...
Jeff:  Amanda, I need you to bring me your torch.
(Amanda silently grabs her torch and approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Amanda, the tribe has spoken. (snuffs her torch) It's time for you to go.
(Amanda nods and walks out of Tribal Council)
Jeff:  Well, one way or another, the three of you have made it to the Final Three.  You have a long journey ahead of you tomorrow.  You can head back to camp.
(Will, Lora, and Kris exit)

Amanda's Final Words:  Will!  I thought you were smarter than that!  I don't know what your plan is now, but I'll be very surprised if it works. (pauses) Ugh!  I can't believe I lost Fallen Comrades!  That challenge was made for me! (muttering) Stupid Dan...  (sighs) Oh well.  I knew coming into this that I had to be lucky with immunities.  That was a risk included in my plan, and it just didn't work out.  It was probably impossible for all the factors to line up exactly how they were supposed to.  I made it as far as I could on my own, and I never stopped fighting.  I think that I played the best game I could have, and my only regret is that I didn't get to at least compete in the final challenge.  Now all that's left to do is finish up with jury duty. (pauses) What kind of a grown man likes Scooby Doo?

Voting Record
Amanda:  Lora
Kris:  Amanda
Lora:  Amanda
Will:  Amanda

(It's still night.  The Final Three return from Tribal Council.
Will's grinning as he walks back into the campsite)
Will: (Narrating) It felt good to perform one last shake-up.  Going into that Tribal Council, I was completely powerless, but through that fluke immunity win, I suddenly became the swing.  Amanda had become a little too powerful, and without immunity, I would have been her good little monkey boy for the rest of the game.  I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a passive drone to be dragged to the final two.
(Lora watches Will as he prepares for bed.  She sighs slightly to herself)
Lora: (Narrating) I was surprised that Will voted out Amanda.  I really thought that they had some kind of thing going, but now I'm really thinking that Will was serious.  If he'd wanted to get rid of me, he had his chance.  But no...  He kept me around.  I really think that I've been wrong about him.
(Lora and Will enter the shelter and fall asleep almost instantly.  Kris lingers outside for a moment)
Kris: (Narrating) The game's winding down now.  My only task for tomorrow is to select which of my remaining tribemates I'd rather sit beside in the Final Two.  It's a decision that could make or break my game, and I'm not going to take it lightly.
(Kris finally goes to bed as well.  The night passes quickly.  Around 4 a.m., Jeff approaches Camp Smallwood with a torch.  He holds it into the shelter and lights it up.  The three Survivors begin to stir)
Jeff:  Hey guys!  Wake up!
Will:  The heck?  Anal?
Jeff:  Good morning.  It's day 38, and you have a very long day ahead of you.
Lora: (groggily) What time is it?
Jeff:  It's early.  Very early.  All right guys, day 38, time to prepare for your last immunity challenge.  Grab your stuff and come with me.
Kris:  All right, all right.
(The three reluctantly rise and follow Jeff.  As the sun begins to rise, Jeff leads
them through the meadow and into the forest.  They stop in a clearing.  A stream
can be seen running by, its waters sparkling in the early morning's light)
Jeff:  All right, this morning's festivites will begin by this stream.  The Vikings held a belief that running water was inherently good and could ward off evil spirits.  And that's what you're doing here today.  You're shedding any evils you've had to perform to make it this far in the game.
Will:  Do you even realize how campy that sounds?
Jeff: (Ignoring Will) The Vikings believed that by describing something, putting it into words, you gained control over it.  That's why they told their sagas, long, heroic tales of their escapades in foreign lands.  Today, you're going to tell your saga.  Using the Viking's runes, you're going to describe your game.
(Jeff pulls a piece of burlap from a stone covered in markings)
Jeff:  Here are the runes, for reference.  You'll write it on this parchment.
(Jeff pulls out three scrolls)
Jeff:  That's real sheepskin.
Will:  Not your first experience with that, is it, Probsty?
(Lora actually giggles a bit at Will's joke.  Jeff ignores them)
Jeff:  Once you've told your saga and mastered your sins in this game, you'll begin your journey to the sea.  On the way, you'll pay tribute to your former tribemates as you walk past their torches.  When you reach the ocean, you'll place your parchment in a boat, then send it off into the waves.  There, the sea will claim your tale, and you'll be cleansed of all wrongdoing.
Will:  "Cleansed of all wrongdoing."  Roight...
Jeff: (ignoring Will) I'm sure you guys are eager to write your sagas, so I'll leave you to that.
(Jeff exits.  Will looks at the rune stone, then turns to Kris)
Will:  So we're supposed to transliterate the story of our game from English into runes?
Kris: (annoyed) Yes, Will.  Had you been listening, you'd know that.
Will:  What?  You're actually taking this crap seriously?
Kris:  I think that perhaps we could all benefit from this exercise.
Will:  All right...
(The Survivors begin writing on the parchment in runes.  Will
chuckles to himself as he writes, but Kris and Lora take it seriously)
Lora: (Narrating) I'm writing the story of a girl who was forced to learn this game as she went along.  When she came out here, she didn't know anything about how to vote or form alliances.  She just did whatever her boyfriend told her.  But then the game changed, her "boyfriend" revealed his true colors, and she had to start fighting for her life.  She learned to fend for herself, and in the process, she forgot how to trust.  It would take a truly selfless act for her to regain her heart.
Kris: (Narrating) My tale is that of a clever fox who had his game planned long before he arrived on these shores.  He knew what sort of animals he was looking for: a bear, a goat, and a bunny, and he found them readily available within his own clan.  But when the fates threw him a curveball, he found himself without forces.  The fox was wily, however, and he made due.  With his silver toungue as his only weapon, he eluded the vote time after time.  As the end drew near, he knew that only an act of valor would allow him to reach the top.
Will: (Narrating) Yeah, I was going to write about my game, but... I didn't want to.  So my saga's about a Mexican peasant named Leezabeth who comes to America in search of chickweed.  Much to her dismay, the chickweed was sentient, and now she's fighting a war with the "fowl" stuff.
(The Survivors near the end of their sagas)
Will:  You guys are really getting into that, huh?
Kris:  When one signs up for this game, one realizes there will be a bit of schmaltz factor.  But there are also lessons to be learned.  Perhaps if you'd embrace this, you could learn a bit about yourself, Will.
(Will furrows his brow and seems to consider this)
Will:  Nah...
Lora:  Well, I just finished the last part of my saga.  The part where my prince falls back to his promise.
Will:  "Prince?"
Lora:  Yeah.  I believe you, Will.
Will:  w00t!
(Lora smiles)
Kris:  If you two are finished, we should begin our journey.
Will:  You mean the cheesy torch walk?
Kris:  Yes.
(The Survivors roll up their scrolls and exit the clearing.  As they walk up a hill and out of the forest, they pass a torch, stuck into the ground.  The wooden tag is labeled "Becky."  As they look at it, footage of Becky plays and she speaks her thoughts on the game)
Becky: (Narrating) I don't really think that I was an ideal candidate for Survivor.  For me, it was more about getting the camp organized than it was about getting people to like me or coming up with voting strategies.  I guess that became apparent at the first Tribal Council.
(Shots of Becky shouting instructions as Coble unpacks its goods, leading
the tribe in a meeting, throwing her hands up to the sky in frustration
Will looks at her torch with a bit of regret.  The Survivors move on and come across Bob's torch)
Bob: (Narrating) The game of Survivor is inherently deceitful.  I would have never lied to get myself further in the game, even if the others did so and flourished because of it.  Does that make them better off than me?  Personally, I believe not.  You see, I can live without guilt after exiting the game, and I believe that I'm far richer for that.
(Shots of Bob leading the group in a prayer, studying his Bible, working on the shelter.
Kris chuckles to himself as he remembers his early Platz days.  Not far down the path is John's torch)
John: (Narrating) I'm still surprised at my tribe's choice to get rid of me, but I realize now that it was strategy.  I guess that I should have started thinking strategically earlier on.  If I could do it all again, I would have secured a majority before we ever went to our first vote.  Oh well... Live and learn.
(Shots of John holding up Platz's crappy frying pan as he mocks it, making a horrible
face as he gets his first taste of chickweed, grinning at the camera as he catches his baseball.
Kris smirks and pats John's torch.  As the Survivors crest the hill, they pass Libby's torch)
Libby: (Narrating) The swap was really what did me in.  I think that if I could have stayed with Maria, I would have made it a lot farther.  My new tribe really sucked.
(Shots of Libby getting gunned down by Matt Heracles in Survivor Missouri's
maze challenge, washing her hair with Maria, yelling at Amanda.
Kris looks wistfully at the torch.  Will just shakes his head and mutters to himself.
 The trail starts down the hill towards a grassy meadow.  Clint's torch waits at the meadow's entrance)
Clint: (Narrating) I done made the wrong choices.  Stickin' with Kris was not the way to go.  He was just in it for hisself.  You gotta be careful who you trust in a game like this, or else you get burnt.
(Shots of Clint tossing the ball around with John, spinning around to face Kris, yelling angrily at Kevin.
Kris gives Clint's torch a little bow, while Lora looks at it spitefully.  The
Survivors move through the meadow and arrive at Mary Ellen's torch)
Mary Ellen: (Narrating) I think the generation gap was my downfall.  Everyone else was just so much younger than me.  Not that I'm not young at heart! (braying laugh) I think that I just worked too hard for those kids' tastes.  I mean, I'm easy to get along with, right?  Right?  Really, it was all the kids' fault! (braying laugh)
(Shots of Mary Ellen holding Kevin's meteorite, putting her arm around Lora's
shoulder, and watching the moose.  Her braying laughter echoes over the hills
The Survivors move on through the meadow and arrive at Maria's torch)
Maria: (Narrating) To be honest, I'm not proud of the game I played.  I always try to be nice to everyone, but I guess the stress of the situation got to be too much for me.  I'm really sorry to all the people I was a b**** to.  I didn't make any friends like that, and I sure didn't win.
(Shots of Maria sunbathing in a bikini, cheering Platz on in a challenge, rolling on the ground fighting Lora.
Kris shakes his head.  Will laughs a bit as Lora kicks
Maria's torch.  The Survivors move on and pass Brian's torch)
Brian: (Narrating) What a pansy a** game!  Good god, it was pathetic to watch all the little children scrambling around trying to get rid of me.  I played hard, I never held back, and anyone who can't deal with that can suck my ****.
(Shots of Brian grinning broadly as he puts his arms around Maria and Lora, throwing punches
at Clint, Dan, and Will, letting out a yell to the sky after winning the endurance challenge
All three look at the torch in disgust.  Will puts his arm around Lora's shoulders as she
starts to cry slightly.  They move towards the end of the meadow and pass Melissa's torch)
Melissa: (Narrating) Wow!  This game really took me by surprise!  Never in a million years would I have expected to go out the way that I did. (mock anger) You voted me out!  (laughs)  No, I'm just kidding.   I think it's really cool that I was an important part the most exciting change in this game.
(Shots of Melissa carrying an armload of poisonous berries, clapping her hands excitedly,
boiling a pot of chickweed, sitting with Lora and Sylvia and throwing her head back in laughter.
The three Survivors smile fondly as they remember Melissa.  The Survivors
exit the meadow and step onto a sandy beach.  They pass Dan's torch)
Dan: (Narrating) Well, I'm probably the only one, but I think that I played this game with honor.  The people who jumped alliances really need help.  It's not right to just abandon people who have been with you the whole game.
(Shots of Dan talking on his cell phone, staring at Amanda, wolfing down sausage in the pub.
Kris doesn't even stop, but Will and Lora take a moment to pay
their respect before moving down the beach past Kevin's torch)
Kevin: (Narrating) Hey, buddy.  They um, said to talk about the game.  One time while I was playing the game, I had a dream that I was a deer, and I could run really fast on four legs.  But then I woke up and I could only run normal speed on my two legs.  That was pretty disappointing.  Yeah...
(Shots of Kevin diving in after the whale, star gazing with
Lora,holding a bullfrog, staring in awe at the fireworks.
All three Survivors smile at Kevin's memory.  They continue down the beach past Sylvia's torch)
Sylvia: (Narrating) This game is involving.  You have to keep track of everyone else's neuroses and eccentricities while trying to keep your own in check.  I think I got too swept up in the game at times, and that really got me into trouble.  I should have stayed objective, but if I did that, I wouldn't have had so much fun!
(Shots of Sylvia reading her psychology book, doing the chicken dance in a
challenge, analyzing Will and Kris, bickering with Amanda, piloting her boat.
All three Survivors fondly remember their mutual friend.  They move on and find Amanda's torch)
Amanda: (Narrating) I think that I was the only player in this game to have my whole plan mapped out.  I had a vision as to how it was going to go, but when one challenge didn't go my way, it all came crashing down around me.  I guess I should have had back up options, but in the end, I really don't think there was anything I could have done differently.
(Shots of Amanda sitting under her tree eating an apple, turning
away in disgust when Dan takes his shirt off, writing in her journal)
(The Survivors continue past Amanda's torch and spot three small boats tethered to the shore)
Kris:  Shall we send our sagas off?
Lora:  Guess so.
Will:  I want to keep mine!
(Lora laughs)
Lora:  Come on, give it up, Will!
Will:  Yeah, yeah...
(The Survivors place their scrolls in their respective boats and send
them off to sea.  Once that's done, they continue down the beach)

Immunity Challenge #2:  Hands on the Immunity Idol 
(The Survivors arrive at a small rocky island, where Jeff is waiting.  There are six small vertical
logs positioned around a thick wooden pillar.  The immunity idol is fixed to the pillar's top)
Jeff:  Well, the game is back on now.  You are about to begin your final immunity challenge.  It's very simple.  It is a test of endurance.  You'll each take a position around the idol.  You'll step up onto two logs, one foot on each log.  You'll then take one hand, either one, place it on the idol.  Those are three points of contact. If at any time any of those points of contact are broken, you're out.  Feet have to stay touching the log, hand has to stay touching the idol.  Additionally, if your other hand comes in and grabs onto the idol or the column to gain your balance, you're also out.  Last person standing wins immunity, guaranteed to go to the final two, and as importantly, gets to decide who sits next to them for the final vote.  So, before we begin, I'll take that one last time.
(Will takes off the Immunity Necklace and hands it to Jeff)
Jeff:  Guys, for the last time, immunity back up for grabs.  Take a position.
(Will, Lora, and Kris, each step onto a log)
Jeff:  All right guys, the final and most important immunity challenge.  Survivors ready? (doing the arm thing) Begin.
(The Survivors step up onto their logs and grab the idol.
As soon as they settle in, Will begins to talk)
Will:  Hands.  Yet another challenge skewed against men.
Lora:  Boy, you're a real masculist lately, aren't you?
Will:  Just stating a fact...
Jeff:  The challenge is completely fair.  It all comes down to will.  If you want immunity badly enough, hang onto that thing!
Will:  That's what you said last night, too.
Jeff:  I'd try to stay a lot more focused if I were you.
Will:  It's just standing.  How much focus can it take?
Jeff:  You'd be surprised.
(Pan around the three Survivors.  Will looks quite relaxed.  Lora holds
on to the idol with a death grip, her arm shaking as she looks around with
steely determination.  Kris is rock steady, his gaze never breaking from the idol)
Will:  So, who's up for singing the Friends theme?
Lora:  Quiet, Will!
Will:  Guess no one.
(Time passes.  Jeff comes around to pester the Survivors)
Jeff:  Look at that.  The sun's starting to peek through those clouds.  It may get hot out here yet.
Lora:  Go away, Jeff!
(Jeff chuckles to himself and walks off.  More time passes, and Jeff returns)
Jeff:  I'm happy to inform you you've just reached an hour and a half.  On a day that started around 4:00 a.m.
Will:  You hear that, Kris?
Jeff:  I think Kris is somewhere else, man.
Will:  We'll see about that.
(There's a pause for a moment, then Will turns towards Kris and
lets out a very loud high-pitched squeal.  Kris doesn't even flinch)
Lora:  Cut it out, Will!
(Will stops the squealing noise)
Will:  Hey Anal!  Can we make sure Kris isn't dead?
Jeff:  Kris is fine.
Will:  Yeah, you said that last night, too.
(Jeff leaves.  Pan around the Survivors again.  Kris hasn't broken his gaze
on the idol.  Lora's becoming visibly shaky.  Will appears to be tiring)
Will:  I tell you, Lora.  A man can't win this game.
Lora:  Kris seems to be doing pretty well.
Will:  As soon as he loses his concentration, he's down like he was in the endurance challenge.
Lora:  He outlasted both of us there, Will.
(More time passes.  Will's becoming increasingly exhausted.  Jeff returns)
Jeff:  Guys, you've reached three hours.  How you feeling?
Lora:  I don't think either of us can outlast Kris.
Will:  How much can we legally mess with our opponents here?
Jeff:  Just don't touch them in any way.
Will:  All right.
(Will takes his free arm and waves it up and down in Kris's line of vision
with the idol.  Kris breaks his gaze and looks quite perturbed)
Kris:  D*** it!  Stop it, Will!
Will:  Ooh!  You don't like that?
Kris:  No!
(Will keeps waving his free arm.  Suddenly, his right foot slips)
Jeff:  Will!  Your foot!
Will:  I know.
Jeff:  You're done.
(Will hops off his stump)
Jeff:  Don't walk near Kris or Lora.
Will:  What would you do if I knocked one of them off?
Jeff:  Don't go there.
(Will carefully walks around Kris and Lora and has a seat in the sand)
Jeff:  Neither of you give up!  Immunity's still up for grabs!
Will: (Narrating) Well, I pulled an Ethan and fell off the log prematurely, so it's down to Lora and Kris.  Lora is determined, and I still think that she's better equipped to stand than Kris is.  No matter how zen he thinks he is, he doesn't have the build to outlast her.
Jeff:  You're now at three and half hours.
(Neither Kris nor Lora respond.  They just keep hanging on.  Lora's arm is
becoming jelly-like, quivering with strain.  Kris appears to still be completely focused)
Jeff:  Four hours.  Four hours.
Lora: (painfully) Fall off, Kris!
Kris: (turning to Lora) Are you willing to make a deal?
Lora:  Yes.  Yes!
Will:  Whoa.  Don't like where this is headed.
Kris:  If I hop off now, you'll take me to the Final Two, no?
Lora:  I - (looks at Will)
Kris:  Well?
Lora: (looking down) Yes.  I'll do it.
Kris:  I have your word?
Lora:  Yes.
Kris:  It is finished, then.
(Kris steps back off his log)
Kris: (to Will) You were right.  I don't have the body type to compete with our dancer.
Jeff:  All right.  (To Lora) Well-earned, you are safe, and it sounds like there's a new deal in place.  I will see you at Tribal Council shortly.
(Lora doesn't smile as Jeff puts the Immunity Necklace
around her neck.  The three exit and head back to camp) 
(The Final Three return to camp.  Lora leads the procession,
Immunity Necklace gleaming in the late afternoon sun)
Lora: (Narrating) So it turns out that I could have beat Kris in the challenge.  He's admitted that he was minutes away from collapsing when we made our deal.  Still, despite how my feelings for Will have changed, I did give Kris my word.  And I really don't think it would be right to go back on that.
(Kris stumbles over to the shelter and collapses from exhaustion.  Will watches in astonishment)
Will: (Narrating) Well, I'm screwed.  Lora's made a deal with Kris, and I don't think I have the ability to get her to change that.  Not with the history that we have.  Still, I'd always regret it if I didn't give it one last try.
(Will approaches Lora)
Will:  So, final two pact with Kris, huh?
Lora:  I guess so.
Will:  Not to be a pest, but I did save you at the last Tribal Council.  If I'd voted with Amanda, it would have been a tie, and Kris would have got rid of you to avoid the rock.
Lora:  I know.
Will:  So, any chance you might return that good deed?
Lora:  Will, I made a promise.  I wasn't raised to go back on my word.
Will:  I know.  But keep in mind it's just a game.  You're guaranteed the win if you take me to the final two.
Lora:  I don't know, Will.  It's hard for me to seperate the game from real life like that.
Will:  You did sign up so you could win the million dollars, right?
Lora:  Yeah, but...  Look, I just don't know.
Will:  All right...
(Will leaves Lora alone with her thoughts)
Lora: (Narrating) I'm so confused right now.  If I wanted to win this game, I could just break my word and take Will.  But it seems so wrong to betray Kris like that right after I've learned to trust again.  (sighs) This game really sucks.
(In the shelter, Kris painfully turns over)
Kris: (Narrating) Fact is, Lora would have a better chance against Will in the final vote than she would against me.  The jury is deadset against Will, but they have less strong emotions about me.  Surely Lora realizes this, and I took a huge risk by bowing out of the challenge.  I feel confident, however, that Lora is the sort of girl who will remain true to her word.  I can only hope that my instincts are once again correct.
(Kris limps out of the shelter as the sun begins to set.
The Final Three pack up and head for Tribal Council)

Tribal Council #15  
(Lora, Will, and Kris enter Tribal Council)
Jeff:  We'll now bring in our jury.
(Brian, Melissa, Dan, Kevin, Sylvia, and Amanda enter)
Jeff:  They're all here, including our newest member, Amanda.
(Flash to Amanda, who looks slightly bitter)
Jeff:  Well, obviously, it's been a long day.  Highs and lows for everybody.  We get to an immunity challenge where it really is about will power, ultimately.  You guys wanted it.  You held on for a long time.  And then, what happened, Will?
Will:  Instead of focusing on myself, I tried to psyche Kris out.  I was waving my hand at him, and my leg just gave out on me.  Completely unexpected, but I knew that neither of us was beating Lora at Hands.  The challenge is biased towards women.  Men simply aren't as good at standing.
Jeff:  Well, biased or not, you did fall off the stump, and Kris and Lora did make a deal.
Will: (shrugs) So it goes.
Jeff:  Lora, what was going through your mind after Will fell off?
Lora:  I just realized that once again, I was on my own.  I couldn't count on anyone else to carry me, so I had to stay on for myself.
Jeff:  Kris, any way you could have outlasted Lora?
Kris:  There was no way.  I didn't allow it to show, but I was struggling every minute to stay conscious.  The blood was pooling in my legs.  I would have passed out far sooner than Lora would have given up.
Jeff:  Lora, Kris has just admitted that he couldn't have won the challenge.  Do you look at that and say, "Hey, maybe our agreement isn't valid, since I only made it thinking I couldn't win."
Lora:  I have thought about that.  But I don't know if it's right to think yourself out of a promise like that.
Jeff:  Well, a big vote.  Will, Kris, you can't vote for Lora.  You can't vote for yourselves.  So therefore, you can only vote for each other.  You cancel each other out, so you won't vote.  Lora will be the only person casting a vote.  There is a deal in place, but who knows if it'll hold up.  Will Lora stick to her promise, or will she go for the money?  Guess we're about to find out.  It's time to vote.  Lora, you're up.
(Lora walks to the voting booth and writes down her vote.  We don't see it)
Lora:  Oh, this doesn't feel right, but I'm doing it.
(Lora puts her vote in the canister and returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the vote.
(Jeff leaves and returns with the voting canister)
Jeff:  Once this vote is read, the decision is final, the person will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  I'll read the vote.
(Jeff pulls out the vote)
The fourteenth person voted out of the tribe:
Will:  Yup.  Saw that one coming.
Jeff:  Will, I need you to bring me your torch.
Will:  All right, Anal.
(Will grabs his torch and brings it to Jeff)
Jeff:  Will, the tribe has spoken. (snuffs his torch) It's time for you to go.
Will:  I love you, man!
(Will bear hugs Jeff, who seems quite surprised)
Jeff:  All right.  Take care now.
Will: (releasing Jeff) You kids be good!
(Will exits)
Jeff: (regaining his composure) Here's where we're at.  You two have done what 14 others failed to do.  You've gone as far as you can go in this game on your own power.  This game now shifts from you to the seven members of the jury.  Seven people who you had a hand in voting out will now have a hand in deciding which one of you two wins this thing.  You have one night left.  One day tomorrow.  Drink it in.  There's nothin' left to do!  Take your torches, head back to camp. I will most definitely see you tomorrow.
(Lora and Kris exit) 
Will's Final Words:  Did Mary Ellen and I have sex?  I'm not sure how you're going to edit this, but any way you do it, it's going to be about impossible to hide the relationship. I think that's a question best left answered by the camermen. We'll see how The Evil One decides to portray it.
Sylvia? Yeah, we had some good times. Remember the jellyfish? Oh, we laughed for days over that one. And the time that Dan put those sticks in his nose and pretended to be a Walrus? Hoo boy, he had us in stitches. But seriously, I gotta tell you, it's been a wonderful experience out here. I've been in the middle of all this, well, all this nature, and it would be disingenuous of me to not say that there was just too much drama and we spent too much time out here in Mother Africa to not use uber-spoons, superpoles, and pig-stickers and not come away as better people for it. I'll always remember you people in my heart of hearts and it would do no justice to the Real Slim Shady if I didn't put in a little plug here for Sierra Mist.
But you know what really bugs me? The true question at this point, I think in all of our minds, is this: why is it that when I visit my favorite gay porn sites, I find Jeff Probst's pictures plastered all over the place? I mean, you just can't escape the man.
On another, more serious note, it was wrong of Lora to vote me off at this juncture. To come so close and then have it ripped from your hands is disheartening, to say the least. I like to think that I could have won this game very easily if I'd done it the old fashioned-way, but I just didn't want things to be that cookie cutter. I guess my real goal was just to make the jury, and so here I am. The question becomes, which one of these clods deserves my vote for the million? Dontchu worry, Willy boy be gonna make it fun fer um. They haven't gotten rid of me yet, and I intend to have fun with this all the way to the end. So, now I'm gonna go take a shower, have some decent food, and... gee, what other cliches are there that I'm supposed to do? I dunno. Mostly I just wanna see what stuff I can get away with setting on fire around the base camp before they stop me. Phi Delt forever! Soylent Green is People! People! I am Sparticus! Uh, okay. (exhales). Dang. 
Voting Record:
Lora:  Will 
(Lora and Kris return to camp)
Kris: (Narrating) I was 90% certain going into that Tribal Council that Lora would not turn her back on our deal.  There was that one moment of dread when I wasn't sure which way she was going to go, but in the end, she was as honorable as I'd expected.
Lora: (Narrating) If you'd asked me to vote off Will just two days ago, I wouldn't have skipped a beat.  But after I realized that he really was out to protect me all along, it became the hardest thing in the world.  I really would have liked to give him second place, but I think he understood that I had to honor my deal.
(The Final Two go to sleep, and the night quickly passes.  The sun rises on Camp Smallwood,
but no one is doing anything.  Cut to the inside of the shelter, where Lora and Kris are sleeping in)
Kris: (Narrating) Yesterday was exhausting for me, both physically and mentally, so it felt quite good to just have a morning in which there was nothing to do.
(Kris continues to snooze.  Lora stretches and walks out of the shelter)
Lora: (Narrating) Our last day was really boring.  Kris and I really don't have anything in common, so there wasn't much for us to talk about.
(Lora sits and stares at the fire pit, which is now completely
dead.  Eventually, Kris comes out and joins her)
Kris:  Day 39.
Lora: (smiles) Yeah.
(The two don't speak for quite some time)
Kris:  So, how do you think the vote's going to go?
Lora:  Too close to tell.
Kris:  I suppose. (pauses) Do you think I have a chance?
Lora:  Yeah.  I think we both do.
Kris:  It might come down to the questions for some of them.  Are you prepared?
Lora:  I think so.
Kris:  Me too.
Kris: (Narrating) I cannot help obsessing over this evening's vote.  I know that it's possible for me to win, but I'm not sure on the exact mechanics of it.  I can think of three people who might go either way, and while I think there are some people guaranteed to vote for Lora, I'm not sure there are any who will certainly vote for me.  The apprehension could very well kill me before I can claim my prize.
Lora: (Narrating) Kris has played a dirty game at times, and I really want to believe that's gonna come back to haunt him tonight.  I'm almost positive that Dan and Mrs. Brennit are going to vote for me tonight, and I hope that Will and Sylvia will.  But I'm not sure.  I'm not sure at all.  I'm excited and scared and hopeful all at the same time, and I can't wait for this to be over so I can just come down off this incredible high.
(As the sun begins to set, Kris and Lora pack up and start the hike to Tribal
Council.  As they walk, the jury members share their thoughts on the Final Two)
Will: (Narrating) There was a time when it was a sure thing that I'd be a member of the final two.  If I'd let the game stay on the path it was chugging down, we'd have dropped Kris and the other Platzes long ago and I would be sitting next to Lora or Sylvia tonight on very good terms with the jury.  I really like to think that if I hadn't voted Mrs. Brennit out, I would have won this game with no problems.  But since I did make that radical change, it was inevitable that I would end up on the jury.  Both of the final two have me to thank for their positions.  I saved them both on more than one occasion.  As far as which one is more deserving, it's Lora hands down.  Kris's gameplan was in shambles without my help, but Lora was able to rise up on her own many times.  And I really respect that.
Melissa: (Narrating) Oh, I'm really happy with the final two!  I've been with Kris since the beginning, and even though I didn't always agree with the way he was playing the game, I still think he's a really neat person.  And as for Lora, well, she was always just so great to have around.  She's such a fun girl, and she's so full of life.  It's going to be a lot of fun to get a chance to talk to both of them again tonight.  I can't wait!
Dan: (Narrating) Yeah, I'm really looking forward to tonight.  It's going to be cool to hear what kind of questions everyone asks.  I'm really proud of Lora for making it to the final couple.  I think that she really deserves to be there.  I just wish it wasn't that Kris guy that was there with her.  I never trusted that guy.  He always seemed so shifty to me, and I think it's pretty dumb that he made it even to second place.  He will not be receiving my vote tonight, that's for sure.
Sylvia: (Narrating) Making a decision tonight is going to be really tough.  Not only were Lora and Kris both fascinating specimens, they were also both very good friends.  I had so many good times with both of them that I don't think I can make the decision on a purely emotional level.  Instead, I'll have to rely on my objectivity to decide which one had the more interesting psychological journey.  And even that's going to be a tough call.
Brian: (Narrating) F***!  I can't believe I have to hang around for this s***.  If I'd had my way, I would have flown home by now and forgotten all about this worthless a** game.  Who gives a flying f*** who wins out of that little goth s*** and that f***ing b**** Lora?  Gawd!  This game is f***ing pathetic.
Amanda: (Narrating) Well, my plan may have failed, but it still looks like I'm going to be a swing moving into the vote tonight.  I've been allied with, and been betrayed by both Kris and Lora, so I have reason to not vote for either one of them.  Which way I go will depend entirely on how they choose to answer my question, so it'd be in their best interests to fall all over themselves trying to impress me.
Kevin: (Narrating) Hey, buddy.  Tonight's the last night of the game.  Yeah...  And, um, I'm supposed to vote for Kris or Lora.  To, um, win the one million dollars.  That sure is a lot of money...  If I had a million dollars, I think I'd get a... Dodge Intrepid.  That thing is sweet!  And, um, if I had any money left over, I'd get a horse, probably.  Oh, and you know what else would be good?  A trampoline.  Not a little one, but one of those big ones.  The kind you can do flips on.  I could never do a flip.  I think that was probably the hardest move of all.  Yeah...

Tribal Council #15

(Lora and Kris enter Tribal Council)
Jeff:  We'll now bring in our jury.
(Brian, Melissa, Dan, Kevin, Sylvia, Amanda, and Will enter.
Will is wearing a sarong, at which Sylvia and Amanda are stifling laughs)
Jeff:  As you can see, tonight we have our full jury of seven, including Will, who was voted out at the last tribal council.  All right, before we get to the final event, I want to find out how you guys spent your last day.  Your 39th day.  Lora, how was the day for you?
Lora:  It was sort of boring.  I mean, no offense to Kris, but he's not the most exciting guy to hang around with.
Kris:  No offense taken.
Jeff:  How'd you guys occupy the time?
Kris:  For the most part, we discussed how we thought tonight would go.  Both of us are quite nervous.
Lora: (laughs) Yeah.
Jeff:  OK, you two have come as far as you can.  The focus now shifts to the seven members of the jury.  It is one of the most unique aspects of this game.  Seven people that you had a hand in voting out now get to decide your fate.  You start this game with a clean slate, and over 39 days, you build a history.  Tonight, that history is gonna be evaluated and ultimately judged.  Your behavior, good or bad, as well as how you respond to tonight's tribal council will have a big impact on the final vote.
Here's how it'll work:  We'll begin with an opening statement by each of you.  A chance to address the jury and explain why you think you're the most deserving person of the title, "Survivor" and the million dollars.  Then the jury gets the chance to address you.  They can make a comment, they can ask a question.  You'll then get a chance to make a closing statement addressing some of the things that have come up, then we go to the vote.  How you respond to these questions is very important.
It's time to begin.  Lora, opening statement to the jury.
Lora:  OK.  Why do I deserve this honor of being named the sole Survivor?  Because I've earned it.  As I look back on the person I was when I started this game, I don't really like what was there.  That Lora was scared.  She was insecure, whiney, and weak.  So much so that she latched onto what she thought was the strongest player in the game and hid behind his power.  I don't know what I ever saw in Brian.  I really don't.  When the swap came, I was faced with a new reality:  Play or die.  I had to start thinking for myself.  I had to start branching out and talking to people I wouldn't normally talk to.  I had to be my own person.  Oh sure, I was still playing on emotion.  I think I always will, since I'm such an emotional person.  But I was playing.  Time and time again, the people in power tried to keep me down.  And I struggled with it.  I really did.  But in the end, my inner strength came through, and I was able to find my own power.  That's how I made it here.  And that's why I'm a Survivor.
Jeff: (nods) Kris, why do you deserve to win this?
Kris:  Hmm... Why do I deserve to win this?  I think that if one were to peer into the minds of each contestant as we went into this, one would find that mine was most prepared for the rigors it would have to face.  I know that Amanda began to speak of her master plan sometime after the merge, but I had my master plan in place well before I stepped foot on Newfoundland or even knew who any of the other contestants were.  You see, I wanted to form a perfect alliance of the easily controlled and ride that all the way to the endgame, where I would shed the unnecessary players and be declared sole Survivor.  My plan appeared to work at first, when I gained a majority in the Platz clan, but hit a snag at the swap.  Although I'd anticipated it, the raw materials to reform my alliance simply weren't there when I was shifted to Coble.  I had to completely rethink things.  I was targetted as a threat on many occasions, but the simple fact that I endured and made it here to this final two spot is proof that I have played the best game.  I implore the jury, as you question us tonight, not to look at your own petty perceptions of Lora and myself as people, but rather to look at us as players.  Thank you.
Jeff:  OK, jury.  I want you guys to take some time to think about what Lora and Kris just said, because in a moment, you're gonna ask each of them a question that will help you decide who will be the sole Survivor. 

Jeff:  It's now a chance for the jury to address Kris and Lora.  You guys have a very big vote to make tonight.  This is a chance, one last chance, to illicit a little more information before you vote for the person who will win $1 million and the title of sole Survivor.  You can ask a question or make a statement.  We'll begin with Will.
Will:  OK, yeah, you see the sarong and you think Will's going to be goofy happy.  But I'm going to be serious here.  Kris, from the moment you set foot on Coble beach, it was obvious to both of us that there was only room for one of us in this game.  It took you forever, but when you made that deal with Lora yesterday, you finally got rid of me.  At times I enjoyed watching you play, at times I dissaproved of your tactics.  But through it all, we were rivals.  And rivals we will remain.
Lora, let me just say that it was never my intention to just drop you like the others.  Sylvia and I would have brought you in and dropped Kris and Kevin when it came down to five.  I'm not going to ask you anything.  Despite what happened yesterday, Lora's getting my vote.
Kris, you told us to look at you as players.  Well, I am.  And as far as I'm concerned, Lora did play the better game.  The simple fact is, Kris wouldn't be here if I hadn't have turned around and formed the short-lived alliance with him.  He's here by my mercy.  And while I've saved Lora at times, too, she received no help from me when she was trapped on Platz with Brian and Maria.  She lived through that on her own.  And because of that, I feel that Lora deserves to be called "Survivor."
Lora:  Wow.  Thanks, Will.
Kris:  Eloquently said.  I must respect your wishes.
(Will nods and has a seat)
Jeff: (points) Smiley.
(Brian gets up and faces the Final Two)
Brian:  My god!  That was the most long-winded piece of bulls*** I've ever heard.  If everyone yakked that much, we'd be stuck here all night.  I'm gonna make this short.  Lora, I would love to see the size of that silver spoon wedged up your a**, you uptight b****.   I was d*** good to you, but you refused to put out.  You're so f***ing stuck-up!   You think your s*** don't stink?  Well guess what?  You're not getting my vote.
I mean, that Kris kid's a wispy little nerd whose books I'd like to dump right now, but he's getting my vote anyway, just because he's sitting next to s*** like you.  That's it.
(Lora looks at Kris and shrugs.  Brian sits down)
Jeff:  Thank you, Smiley.  Sylvia?
(Sylvia stands up and faces the Final Two)
Sylvia:  Hi, Lora.  Hi, Kris.
Lora and Kris:  Hello, Sylvia.
Sylvia:  Over the course of 36 days, I got to know you both really well.  And I consider you both two of my best friends.  It's going to be really hard for me to decide between the two of you, so I want you to answer my question very carefully.  OK, here it is:  What was the greatest discovery you made about yourself, and when did you make it?  Lora, you can go first.
Lora:  OK.  The greatest discovery I made about myself?  I guess it was the way that I learned to fend for myself.  I've been pretty dependent on other people my whole life, but when I was stuck over on that other side all by myself, I had to learn how to take care of Lora.  I had to learn to draw on my inner strength, instead of just having other people take care of things for me.  Is that what you wanted?
Sylvia:  That'll do.  Kris?
Kris:  My greatest moment of self-discovery...  Well, actually, that would have come from you, Sylvia.  We were quite fortunate to have such an accomplished psychoanalyst in our cast.  You see, when I came into this game, I looked at it as a game of chess.  I was to be the gamemaster, and the other players were to be my pawns.  I didn't see the humanity in my opponents.  I merely saw obstacles that I had to bowl over.  But when I met you, you helped me to move past my callous attitude.  You treated me as a true friend, and for the first time, I was really able to open up to someone.  And so whether I win or lose this game, I'll have been that much richer for having the experience of meeting you.
Sylvia:  Wow.  Do you really mean that?
Kris:  Of course.
Sylvia:  All right.  Thanks, guys.
(Sylvia has a seat)
Jeff:  Thank you, Sylvia.  Kevin, you're up, buddy.  Time to ask your question.
(Kevin stands up, but instead of facing the Final Two, he turns around and faces the jury)
Kevin:  Hey... Brian.  Remember that time we saw the, um, whales?
Jeff:  Kevin, over here!  You're addressing Lora and Kris, not Brian.
Kevin:  Oh.
(Kevin turns around and faces Lora and Kris)
Kevin:  Hey guys, remember the time me and Brian saw the whales?
Lora: (laughs) Yeah Kev.  You had a really good time that day, huh?
Kevin:  Yeah....
Kris:  That was right before we started voting together, wasn't it, Kevin?
Kevin:  I think... maybe.  Yeah, probably...
(Kevin stares off into the distance for a moment, then turns, walks back, and sits down)
Jeff:  Um, thanks, Kevin...  Amanda, you're up.
Amanda:  Kris, Lora.  I'll let you know up front that I'm not very happy with either of you for voting me off.  But, since I do have to ask a question, here goes:  Give me two reasons why I should not vote for the person sitting next to you.  Lora, you go first.
Lora:  Wow.  Why shouldn't you vote for Kris?
Amanda:  Right.
Lora:  Um, OK.  Well, Kris never really got to know anyone.  He was always so distant and hard to read.  And, um... well, he was in an alliance to vote you off.  I guess that's two reasons.
Amanda:  All right.  Kris?
Kris:  Lora shouldn't win because, one, she's played too emotionally and held grudges over non-events, and two, the only reason she's in the final two is sheer luck.  She survived by the fact that there was always a bigger target, not by any strategizing of her own.
(Lora looks at Kris, slightly hurt.  He shrugs this off)
Amanda:  Thanks.
(Amanda has a seat)
Jeff:  Thank you, Amanda.  Melissa?
(Melissa stands up and faces the Final Two)
Melissa:  First off, I just want to say great job, guys!  I am so proud of both of you!  Will and Sylvia have already explained to me why I went, so that answered my big question.  (turns to Will and smiles) Shaking up the game!  You're crazy, Will! (turns back to the Final Two)  So I guess I'll ask you, how you're going to spend the money.  You first, Lora.
Lora:  How will I spend the money?  Well, I guess I'd use part of it to pay off some of my student loans.  And the rest of it, I'd just save for a house, a car, all the things I'll need when I get out of school.
Melissa:  Cool!  How would you spend it, Kris?
Kris:  Hmm... You've caught me a bit off guard, Mrs. Brennit.  I suppose that, like Lora, I would eventually spend it on a home, vehicle, and other necessities.  I certainly don't plan to blow it.  I'd rather invest it wisely and see it grow, I believe.
Melissa:  All right!  Thanks, guys!
Jeff:  Thank you, Melissa.  Dan the man, you're up!
Dan:  Hmm... Well, I didn't really have a question prepared when I got here.  I hoped I'd think of one while eveyone else was asking theirs.   So, I think I've thought up a pretty good one as I've been sitting here.  Here goes:  Why shouldn't I give my vote to the person sitting next to you?
(The jury lets out a collective groan)
Jeff:  Um, Dan?  Amanda already asked that.
Dan:  She did?
Amanda: (annoyed) Yes!
Dan:  OK.  I guess I don't really have a question, then.  Good job making it to the Final Two, though.
(Dan shuffles back to his seat)
Jeff:  Well, that was certainly a mixed bag of questions.  You'll have a chance to address any concerns that have come up in your final comments to the jury.  Take a moment, think about what you want to say. 

Jeff:  OK.  You've heard the jury's comments.  Had a chance to think about what they had to say.  Now this is your chance to respond.  It is time for your final comments.  Kris?
Kris:  All right.  Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I implore you.  Look past your personal feelings tonight, as this is a game.  Yes, Lora is more likeable than I am.  That's simple fact.  But there's another simple fact to consider.  I have been a target this entire game.  Whether I wanted it or not, the spotlight has been on me and what moves I have made.  I have been a true player from day one, and though I may have wanted to slip into the backround at times, no one ever forgot that Kris Tebalt was playing this game.  Do not reward mediocrity.  Instead, hand the game to the one person who's consistently been its top player.  Thank you.
Jeff:  Lora, your final address to the jury.
Lora:  I'd just like to say that I am not mediocre.  I have been a force in this game ever since I came into my own, and I have been a force to be reckoned with.  I may not have had a plan to start out with, but I sure had to make one up as I went along.  Luck may have had some part in getting me here, but Kris got lucky, too.  He's played an OK game, but I really don't think he's played as well as me.  I've been through so much.  I really think I have earned the right to be the Survivor.
Jeff:  OK.  So it comes to the vote.  Tonight's vote is a little different.  Tonight you are not voting someone out of the tribe.  The name of the person you write down on the parchment is the person you think most deserving of title of "Survivor" and the million dollars.  You are voting for a winner.  It's time to vote.  Brian, you're first.
(Brian walks up to the voting booth and writes down a name.  It's Chris)
Brian:  Like I said out there, you're a pathetic little geek who doesn't deserve a dime, but since you're up against that stuck-up b**** Lora, you win by default.  Congratulations.  Maybe you and all your little goth friends can spend it on black make-up or something.  Lousy little faggot...
(Brian returns and Dan goes to vote.  He votes for Lora)
Dan:  I never trusted that Kris guy, and Lora was always pretty cool, so she gets my vote.  Also, let me just say this:  Kevin, seek... help!  They didn't go with you to see the whales, buddy.  Get over it.
(Dan returns and Kevin goes to vote.  We don't see it)
Kevin:  Here's my vote.  I hope I did it right.
(Kevin returns and Will goes to vote.  He votes for Lora)
Will:  My vote, of course, goes to Lora. (scoffs) Like I was going to give it to Kris!  He was my blood enemy!  Lora, I was really impressed by your game.  Not so much by your answers tonight, but I hope that won't make a difference.  Good luck.
(Will returns and Melissa goes to vote.  She votes for Lora)
Melissa:  Lora, I'm giving my vote to you.  You were a constant ray of sunshine for me in what turned out to be a pretty intense game.  I always felt so bad for you when you were down on your luck, but I knew you had what it took to turn things around.  So, congratulations on making it to the end and hopefully for winning.  And Kris, no offense.  I really like you, too, but I had to vote for Lora.
(Melissa returns and Sylvia goes to vote.  She votes for Kris)
Sylvia:  Kris, I wish that I could have sided with you and Will, but in the end I had to make a choice.  I guess this is my way of making that up to you.  I'm sorry, Lora.  I just liked Kris's answers more.  You know I'll always love you, and I hope we stay really good friends outside of the game.  OK.
(Sylvia returns and Amanda goes to vote.  We don't see it)
Amanda:  It's been an intense game, and in the end, I guess you're the more deserving winner.  Congratulations.
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff leaves and returns with the voting canister)
Jeff:  OK, I know it's been a long 39 days, I know you'd like to see this settled tonight.  Unfortunately, it's gonna have to wait until we get back to the United States.  Good night.
(Wind starts to swirl around the Survivors as a helicopter descends on the Tribal Council set.
Jeff tucks the voting canister under his arm and sprints off towards the helicopter.  He climbs
in the side and it begins to ascend.  The Survivors watch in surprise.  Kevin is particularly awed)
Kevin:  Woah!
(Fade to black on the Newfoundland Tribal Council) 
  (Fade back in to the helicopter flying over the forests and plains of Missouri.  Jeff stares
out the window as the landscape flies by beneath him.  The helicopter approches
a small, rectangular town, its lights clearly visible against the surrounding dark plain.
Jeff's helicopter enters the airspace above Sherman Oaks, Missouri.  A huge crowd has
gathered in the library's park at the town's center.  The helicopter descends at the side.
People grab their hats to prevent them from being blown away.  The helicopter
touches down, and Jeff steps out the side.  The crowd erupts into cheers and applause.
Jeff waves to them and walks up onto stage.  Lora and Kris, no longer dressed in their
grubby clothes, sit on two benches in the center of the stage.  The jury sits on a bench off to the left.
The crowd continues to applaud as Jeff approaches his podium.  He motions for them to quiet down.
Jeff:  Well, we have traveled from Canada's crappiest territory to what is without a doubt the greatest state in America.  How's it going, Missouri?
(The crowd erupts into cheers)
Jeff:  I can't think of a better place for this final vote to play out than right here in Library Park in Sherman Oaks.  I have the votes.  We're gonna get to them.  But first, it's been five months since we finished this.  Five months since these votes were cast.  Nothing you two do or say tonight is gonna change these votes. Outcome already determined, just not yet revealed.
So with that in mind, anything you two want to say?  Kris?
Kris: (calm and collected) I just want to say that I'm not as bad of a guy as I appear on TV.  I'm not a robot.  I do have emotions.
Jeff:  How 'bout you, Lora?
Lora: (nervous and jittery) Just the opposite for me, I guess.  I'm not this manic-depressive emotional wreck that everyone thinks I am.  (laughs nervously)
Jeff:  Well, there's no arguing, you two played better than the other 14.  No matter what they may try to tell you later or argue otherwise, you're sitting here, they aren't.  What we're gonna find out now, of the two of you, who played the best.  I want to poll the jury.  Has anybody talked about their vote with anybody else?
(The jury murmurs "no")
Jeff:  Cool.  Votes tonight, are a little different.  You're not voting somebody out.  Tonight, you're voting for somebody.  You're voting for a winer. You want to see your name on this parchment tonight.  There are seven votes.  It takes four to win.  At stake, for the winner, brand new Dodge Caravan, color of your choice, title of Sole Survivor, and a million bucks.
I'll read the votes.
First vote:
Two votes Lora.
Two votes Lora, one vote Kris.
Two votes each.  It takes four to win.
Three votes Kris.  Two Lora.
. .
Can't get any tighter.  Three votes Lora, three votes Kris, one vote left.  The winner of Survivor Newfoundland:
. .
(Kris is stunned)
Kris: (turning to the jury) Me?  You chose me?
Jeff:  That's right!
Kris:  I won... (turns to Lora) I did it!
Lora: (saddened) Yeah.  Great...
(As it starts to sink in, Kris starts to shout and dance)
Kris:  My plans succeeded!  I am the Survivor!
(The jury gathers round to congratulate the now ecstatic Kris.  Sylvia's the first to hug him)
Kris:  Sylvia!  You voted for me!
Sylvia: (laughing) Yeah.  Even after you "used" me.
(Off to the side, Lora looks depressed)
Lora:  Sucks to be me.
(Will hears her and turns to comfort her)
Will:  At least you got a hundred thousand.
Lora: (smiles) Yeah, I guess.
(Kris continues to celebrate with the jury)
Kris:  Thank you for your vote, Brian!
Brian:  Yeah?  P*** off, nerd boy.
Kris:  I love this man!
(As Ancient Voices begins to play, Jeff snuffs Lora's torch.  Kris's family, including his cousin Matt,
races down the the stage.  On the side, all 16 castaways, starting with Becky, start to pile in.  Suddenly,
the crowd gasps as a spotlight shines on a pair of parachuters, dropping in on the festivites.
The parachuters land in the center of the stage.  The first one is fat.  She takes off her helmet
to reveal that she's Rosie O'Donnell.  She takes off the helmet of the other parachuter)
Rosie:  Look!  It's Survivor Missouri's Scott!  How you doin', buddy?
Scott:  I am doing great.
Rosie:  Well good for you, you look terriffic!  Now get off my stage, you crazy kid!
(Rosie pushes Scott off-stage.  He dives into the crowd with
a goofy "Whoa-oh!"  Rosie approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  What up, Rosie?
Rosie:  Number two, we'll see you at number three!
(Jeff shakes Rosie's hand and begins to leave)
Rosie:  Jeff Probst!  Give it up for Jeff Probst!
(Rosie turns to the Survivors)
Rosie:  The Survivors!  Here's the survivors!  How are you?
Kris:  Wonderful, Rosie!
Rosie:  I know what Lora was thinking when when it wasn't her name:  Where's Maria?  Cat fight!  Do we have that clip ready?
(A clip of Lora and Maria rolling around on the ground plays in slow-mo)
Rosie: (flushed) Wow, that's hot!
(The Survivors stare at Rosie in disbelief)
Rosie:  Oh, sorry. (regaining her composure) You know what?  You guys have all been amazing.  This has been the greatest hour on TV, because I think this is the greatest show on TV.  And I tell you what, I think you're all winners just for playing.  So...  I've arranged for each of you to receive your own check for one... million... dollars!!!
(The losers look at each other in shock, then start celebrating)
Kris: (outraged) What?
Rosie:  Well, except for you, of course, Kris.  You've already got the million G's, you know what I'm saying?
Kris:  This is an outrage!
Rosie:  Well, so was your winning, but you don't hear me complaining.  Now, what we need to kick off this reunion in a special way is a production number.  So... hit it, Ricardo!
(The band begins to play the theme from "Gilligan's Island"
Rosie starts to bob and sway in time with the music)
Offstage Voice:  She's out of control!  Snipers!
(Suddenly, gunfire erupts all around.  The Survivors duck for cover as Rosie goes down in a hail of
bullets. The music stops and the screen cuts to black.  It comes back to Jeff standing in front of the camera)
Jeff:  So, that's it for Newfoundland.  But be sure to be back here after Christmas for Survivor: Nicaragua!
(Pan out as the Survivors examine Rosie's cold body.  Credits start to roll)

Voting Record:
Amanda:  Kris
Brian:  Kris
Dan:  Lora
Kevin:  Kris
Melissa:  Lora
Sylvia:  Kris
Will:  Lora

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