S U R V I V O R 
Episode 6 – A Hard Sell 
Jeff: Previously on Survivor:
With Libby gone, Kris feared he'd be the next to go.  Maria attempted to bond with Lora, but was met with the cold shoulder.  After a poor showing in the Reward Challenge by Kevin, Coble won all of Platz's personal items.  Clint expressed his anger at Kevin, but found himself on the outside when the tribe came to Kevin's defense.  At Coble, Kris hoped to woo Sylvia away from Will.  A gift of wildflowers was met with skepticism.  After seeing Maria chatting with Kevin, Lora set a plan into motion to get rid of Maria once and for all.  After losing a second challenge, Platz was set to head back to Tribal Council.   Lora bought votes from Mary Ellen and Clint, and Tribal Council turned out to be all out war.  After a tie between Clint and Maria, a revote was called for.  It was here that Mary Ellen changed her vote, resulting in Clint taking the walk of shame.
11 remain.  Who will be voted off tonight?   
Theme Song 
(It's still night.  Platz walks back from Tribal Council)
Brian: (Narrating) I wasn't very happy after Tribal Council last night.  Lora and larda** tried to get rid of my girl Maria, which just really p***ed me off. (chuckles) I put her in her place, though.
(Lora walks by herself, looking despondent.  Suddenly, Brian grabs
her by the arm.  He spins her around and pins her against a tree)
Lora:  Ow!  Brian, you're hurting me!
Brian:  Listen up, b****.  You tried to stir up some crazy s*** tonight, but that's over now.
Lora:  Brian!  Let go of me now!
Brian:  Not until you get this through your pretty little head:  Do not f*** with me.  You'll live to regret it.
(Lora stares at Brian, trembling)
Brian:  Learn your place, b****.  You just go back to smiling that pretty little smile of yours and don't try to pull any more s***.  Got it?
(Lora whimpers and nods)
Brian: Good.
(Brian releases Lora, who begins to sob)
Lora: (Narrating) Will was so right about Brian.  He really is dangerous.  And now I'm on his bad side.  The way he was looking at me last night, I thought he was going to hit me – or worse.  The best thing I can figure out to do is keep it low key until I can figure out a way to get rid of him.
(A new day rises over camp Platz.  Brian snores loudly, his arm draped around Maria,
who snuggles up to him with a contented little smile.  Mary Ellen gets sick of
the snoring and gets up.  She starts poking at the fire, trying to get it going again)
Mary Ellen: (Narrating) Last night Clint was voted off, thanks in no small part to yours truly.  We had a tie between Clint and Maria, and I changed my vote during the tie breaker.  I know I made a deal with Lora, but I just couldn't see keeping that loudmouth hick over our sweet little Maria.  Lora told me that if Maria didn't go, I'd be next, but I don't think that's the case.  I think changing my vote has probably bought me favor with the powers that be.  At least, I hope it has!  (Braying laugh)  'Cause I'm not ready to go!
(Lora gets up and approaches the fire)
Lora: (coldy) Mary Ellen.
Mary Ellen: Lora.
(The two sit in silence for a moment)
Lora:  (breaking the silence) So why'd you do it?
Mary Ellen:  Do what?
Lora:  You know.  Switch your vote.
Mary Ellen:  Honey…
Lora:  Both of us are on the chopping block now, you know.
Mary Ellen:  I don't know about that.
Lora: (sullenly) Well, we are.
Lora: (Narrating) I don't think I can trust Mary Ellen anymore.  She didn't come through for me when I really needed her.  It looks like the only person I can rely on at this point is myself.
(Mary Ellen and Lora continue to stare at the fire in silence)

(It's early at Camp Coble.  Melissa's making a big breakfast of rice)
Melissa: (Narrating) I got up this morning and got ready to make breakfast as usual.  I got the water boiling and began pouring the rice out of the tin, but it ran out before I had a full pot.  I guess we haven't been conserving our rice properly, because we're all out now.
(Will and Amanda return from their morning exercise routines)
Melissa:  Hey guys, bad news.
Will:  What news?
Melissa:  I just used up the last of the rice.
Amanda:  Great…
Melissa:  Well, don't let that stop you from enjoying breakfast.  Dig in!
(The rest of Coble gets up and joins Melissa, Amanda and Will for breakfast)
Melissa:  Gonna have to have a little bit smaller portions today, guys.  That's the last of the rice.  Sorry.
Will: (Chewing) You know, we're going to have to start searching for food again as a tribe now.
Dan:  That's cool.
Dan: (Narrating) Today we ran out of rice, so we went out after breakfast to look for food.  It was a lot of fun.
(Coble walks through a meadow, looking for something to eat)
Melissa:  If we could only find some chickweed, we could eat just like we did over at Platz!
Kris: (chuckling) I'm sure everyone would love that.
Sylvia:  Hey!  What's this!
(Zoom in to show that Sylvia's discovered a patch of wild onions.
Kris comes up behind Sylvia to see what she's found)
Kris:  Onions.  Excellent find, Sylvia.
Sylvia:  Thanks.  Come on, let's get them out of the ground!
(Sylvia grabs an onion by its leaves and attempts to pull
it out of the ground.  Kris places his hand on hers)
Kris:  Allow me.  Your delicate hands shouldn't be wasted on such a menial task.
Sylvia:  It's OK, really.
(Will hangs back, eyeing Kris suspiciously)
Will: (Narrating) Kris is acting strange around Sylvia.  Almost amorously.  If he really was interested in her, that would be illegal.  Luckily, he's not really interested in her.  It's a thinly veiled attempt to undermine my alliance and get rid of me.  I'm pretty sure it won't work.  Sylvia's playing this game objectively enough that she's not going abandon a strong alliance just because some guy's hitting on her.
(Kris helps Sylvia pull out an onion.  She turns and smiles at him.  Will rolls his eyes)

(Brian and Maria go for Tree Mail)
Maria:  Oh, I really hope we win today!
Brian:  You and me both, babe.
Maria:  Let's see what it is.  (Reading) One to lug
                                                                  One to shatter
                                                                  One to chop
                                                                  And two to paddle
                                                                  Choose the tasks well
                                                                  Cause this one's big
                                                                  If you win here
                                                                  You'll eat like a pig
Ooh!  It's a meal!  Rock!

Reward Challenge - Viking Relay 
.(Shot of a small treasure chest, a wooden rack with many clay pots lining
the shelves, and a boat tied up in a large coniferous tree.  The tribes enter)
Jeff:  Come on in, guys.  OK.  Let's get to today's Reward Challenge.  It is a Viking relay race.  Here's how it works.  Five members from each tribe will compete.  There are four legs to the relay.  In the first leg one member of each tribe will lug a fifty pound chest down an uneven forest path.  They will carry the chest until they reach the pedestal where the second member waits.
Once the first member sets the chest on the pedestal, the second member will sprint down the path where they'll find a rack of clay pots.  Inside one of the pots is a key.  Break the pots until you find it.  Once you get the key, take it back and open the chest.  Inside is an axe.
The second member will hand the axe off to the third player, who will run to a tree where a boat is tied up.  You'll use the axe to cut the ropes and drop the boat out of the tree.
Once the boat is down, the last two members will carry it down the beach and paddle out to that platform.  First tribe to get both paddlers to set foot on the ocean platform wins reward.  Wanna know what you're playing for?
(The Survivors murmur "Yeah")
Jeff:  First thing:  A nice, refreshing Sierra Mist.
(The Survivors Ooh.  Jeff pulls out a plate with a nice meal on it)
Jeff:  Here's a little sampling of what's waiting for you.  You got your grilled chicken, corn on the cob, potato salad, and a really nice dessert.  OK.  Coble, because you have an extra member, one of you needs to sit out.
(Coble confers)
Jeff:  OK, Melissa's sitting out.  All right, first two head for the start, wait for my go.
(Dan and Brian move to the starting line)
Jeff:  Here we go, guys.  Survivors ready?  (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(Dan and Brian bend down and grab the heavy chests.  They lug them up and start waddling down the
path.  Dan actually seems to be a little stronger than Brian, and begins to take a very slight lead.
After a few minutes of lugging the chest down the path, Dan reaches Coble's pedestal, where
Sylvia is waiting for him.  He sets the chest on the pedestal, and Sylvia sprints off down the path
Not long after, Brian arrives at Platz's pedestal.  Maria is waiting.
Once he sets the chest down, she starts joggind down the forest path
Sylvia arrives at the wooden rack and grabs a pot.  She throws it down
and breaks it.  There's nothing inside.  She tries another and gets nothing.
Sylvia breaks nine pots before she finds the key.  She sprints back towards the chest
Maria arrives at Platz's rack just as Sylvia returns to the chest.  She grabs a pot and
half-heartedly drops it.  It doesn't even break all the way.  She sighs and picks it back up
Sylvia, meanwhile, unlocks Coble's chest.  She opens it up and takes out the axe, then
sprints off down the path.  Before long she meets Amanda, who she hands the axe to
Maria's still at work trying to find the key.  She's only
broken four pots, and it wasn't in any of them.
Amanda arrives at the tree and gets to work chopping ropes.  Her swipes are clean and deliberate,
and soon the boat comes crashing down.  Amanda covers her head and ducks out of the way.  Will and
Kris run up and grab the boat.  They pick it up and start down the beach.  Melissa is cheering all the while)
Melissa:  Great job, guys!  The other team's nowhere in sight!
(Maria finally finds the key.  She starts jogging back towards Platz's chest.
Will and Kris make it to the water and push the boat in.
They grab the oars from inside the boat and start paddling.
Maria arrives back at the pedestal and unlocks the chest.  She picks up the axe and jogs down the trail.
Will and Kris cut through the water.  They move towards the ocean platform at an amazing rate.
Maria hands the axe off to Kevin, who stares at it)
Kevin:  Wow!  This thing is pretty sharp!
Maria:  Kevin, go cut the boat out of the tree.
Kevin:  Um, OK, Maria.
(Kevin ambles down the path towards the tree where the boat hangs.
Kris and Will, meanwhile, are finishing the relay.  They paddle the boat up to the platform and set their
oars down.  Kris looks at Will and shrugs.  They hop out of the boat and stand on the ocean platform)
Melissa:  Great job, guys!  We skunked 'em!
Jeff:  Coble wins!  Feast!
(Coble celebrates.  Platz rounds up Kevin, who's wandered off into the woods, and walks away in defeat)

(Jeff leads Coble to a huge picnic on the beach)
Melissa:  Oh!  Look at this!  Everything looks so good!
Dan:  OK!  Let's eat!
(Coble sits down and starts to feast)
Melissa:  Mmm!  This chicken is great!
Dan:  Hey Will, can you pass me a Sierra Mist?
Will:  How much did they pay you do say that?
Dan:  What?
Will:  You just called the product by name.  You don't have to be so gratuitous about it.  How hard would it be to just ask me for a soda?
Dan:  It's called "pop."
Will:  Whatever...
(While Will argues with Dan, Kris begins to flirt with Sylvia)
Kris: (To Sylvia) Close your eyes.
Sylvia: (Closing her eyes) OK...
(Kris gets a spoonful of potato salad and attempts to put it in Sylvia's mouth.
 Unfortunately, his aim's a little off and she gets salad all over her chin)
Sylvia: (laughing) You jerk!
Kris:  Sorry, milady.  Here, you can put some on my face.
(Sylvia grabs a handful of potato salad and smears it all over Kris's face)
Kris:  Hey!  That was a bit excessive!
(Sylvia just laughs at him.  Kris smiles and grabs some corn.  He lobs it at Sylvia
and nails her in the forhead.  She picks up another piece of corn and tosses it at Kris)
Will: (breaking the food fight up) Children!
Kris and Sylvia:  Sorry.
(Will looks troubled)
Will: (Narrating) Seeing Sylvia and Kris at lunch concerned me a bit.  She really seemed to be responding to his advances.  I hope that Sylvia doesn't fall into Kris's trap.  I'll do everything in my power to prevent that.
(Pan out as Coble continues to enjoy their reward)

(Platz returns from the reward challenge.  They all look angry, and Brian looks the angriest)
Brian: (Narrating) Man, was I p***ed that we didn't win that reward!  Do you have any idea how hungry I am?
Brian:  This… f***ing… sucks!
(Brian punches a nearby pine tree as hard as he can.  The bark splinters a bit,
but Brian's hand is in far worse shape.  His knuckles bleed profusely)
Brian:  S***!  I f***ed up my hand good!
Maria:  Shh!  Calm down.  Let me look at it.
Brian:  G** d***!  That f***ing hurts!
Maria:  This looks pretty bad...  Let me clean it up.
(Maria pours some water on Brian's hand)
Maria: (Narrating) Brian hurt his hand pretty bad when he punched that tree, so I wanted to help him patch it up.  (Giggles) I think he may have been a little too grateful…
(Maria wraps Brian's hand with some gauze from the first aid kit)
Maria:  How's that feel?
Brian:  It feels real good, babe.
(Brian moves in and kisses Maria.  He pulls away,
and there's a look of shock and delight on her face)
Brian:  There's more where that came from.
(Brian gets up and walks away, leaving Maria in a happy daze.  Lora watches from afar
with disgust.  Elsewhere, Mary Ellen sits down next to Kevin, who's staring off into space)
Mary Ellen:  Hey there, Kevin.  What are you up to?
Kevin:  Watchin' bugs.
Mary Ellen:  What bugs?
Kevin:  (Pointing) Up there.
Mary Ellen: (Squinting) I don't see any bugs.
Kevin:  Dude!  They're huge.  That praying mantis has a car in his mandibles.
Mary Ellen:  Kevin, are the bugs in your imagination?
Kevin:  Um... yeah.  I think so.
Mary Ellen: (Braying laugh) You're pretty easily entertained, aren't you?
Kevin:  Mmm... yup.
(Filler shot of a real praying mantis grabbing a fly)

(Coble's back at camp.  Amanda's had enough socializing for one day, so she prepares to leave camp)
Amanda: (Narrating) Have I mentioned how much Dan annoys me?  I really don't understand why he has to know where I am at all times.  Maybe he's bored.  Or mabe I mean bore-ing.
Dan:  Where you headed off to?
Amanda:  I'm just going off by myself for awhile.
Dan:  Oh.  You still do that?
Amanda:  Yeah...
Dan:  I thought maybe you'd gotten over that.
Amanda:  Well, I guess I haven't.
(Amanda starts to walk away)
Dan:  So where are you going?
Amanda: (exasperated) I already told you.  I'm going off by myself.
Dan:  Oh.  Well, you know, It'd be nice to know where you are in case there's an emergency.
Amanda:  Fine.  I'll be over in the meadow.
Dan:  OK.  That's cool.
(Amanda finally gets to leave)
Dan: (Narrating) I don't know about some of these people sometimes.  Amanda always wants to be off by herself.  I just don't get that.  And then there's Melissa.  She seems really nice and all, but I don't think she knows what she's doing a lot of the time.
(Melissa's got the frying pan out.  She slices the onions that Coble gathered earlier.
Will sits and watches her prepare the onions.  Dan approaches)
Dan:  What are you doing?
Melissa:  Getting ready to make supper.  I'm going to try to fry these onions.
Dan:  Oh.  Are you sure you're cutting those right?
Melissa:  Yeah, I think so.
Dan:  It's just you're cutting them kind of small.  Shouldn't the pieces be bigger?
Melissa:  Well, I think they'll cook better this way.
Dan:  Well, OK.  That's just not how I'd o it.
(Close up of Will as he watches the scene.  He looks a bit concerned)
Will: (Narrating) I can't help but notice that there's a bit of anti-Dan sentiment around camp.  The guy is a little dense, so it's understandable that people get frustrated with him.  But I'm worried that Kris might find some way to turn this around on me.  He's already working to get Sylvia on his side.  If he can convince Mrs. Brennit and Amanda to join him in voting for Dan, he might be able to get rid of him, which would essentially destroy my alliance.  It's not a real big possibility, but it's not one I should ignore.
(Will looks at Dan, then turns around and sees Kris helping Sylvia carry firewood)
Kris:  Allow me.
Sylvia:  Um, thanks.
(Will frowns.  Cut to a shot of a flock of geese flying in a V formation)

(Maria, Brian, and Kevin sit by the fire)
Brian: (Narrating) I knew that Lora and Maria didn't like each other, but I didn't know how much my b****es hated each other until this afternoon.
(Lora and Mary Ellen enter camp with armloads of chickweed)
Lora:  Ugh!  This stuff smells awful.
Mary Ellen:  Ah, but it's the Platz way of life!  We gotta embrace the Platz way of life!  (Braying laugh)
Lora: (cringing) Yeah, I guess.
(Lora and Mary Ellen approach the fire)
Lora: (To Maria) Could you please get some water boiling?
Maria:  For you?  No way.
Lora:  O-Kay… I'll just do it myself.
Maria: (standing up) Lora, I treated you like my own sister, and you turned on me!
Kevin:  Uh-oh...
Brian: (burying his head in his hands) Here we go with the b****y s***…
Lora:  Excuse me?  You treated me like a sister?  Do you steal your sister's boyfriend?
Maria:  I didn't steal your boyfriend!
Lora:  Hmm…  so remind me again who he was kissing this afternoon?
Maria: (Scoffs) Maybe 'cause I'm not an ice princess.
Lora:  You're calling me an ice princess?
Maria:  Yeah.  What, are you deaf?
Lora:  I wish I was.  Then I wouldn't have to hear your shrill voice.
Maria: (shrieking) Shrill?  Shrill?
Lora:  That's what I said.
Maria:  I'll show you shrill!
(Maria grabs Lora by the hair)
Lora:  Ow!
Brian: (Taking notice) All right!  Now this is my kind of argument!
Mary Ellen:  Uh-oh!  Cat fight!
Lora:  Let go of me!
(Lora claws at Maria with her nails.  Maria shrieks and
pulls her face back.  She has three cuts on her cheek)
Maria: (enraged) You little b****!
(Maria pulls Lora's hair.  Lora grabs Maria's hair and pulls her to the ground.
The girls roll around in the dirt slapping at each other's faces)
Mary Ellen:  Cat fight!
Brian:  All right!
(Kevin watches the girls fight in horror)
Kevin:  Stop hurting each other!
Brian:  Relax, Kev.  It's just a girly fight.
(Lora spits in Maria's face.  Maria lets go to wipe the spit
out of her eyes.  Lora gets up and shakes herself off)
Brian:  Aw, s***!  It's over?
(Lora glares at Brian, then storms away)
Kevin: (To Mary Ellen) Are they gonna be all right?
Mary Ellen:  Yeah, they're fine, honey.
Kevin: (Narrating) I didn't like it when Lora and Maria got into a fight.  I was scared one of them was gonna hurt the other.  I'm just glad everyone was OK.
(Brian and Kevin help Maria off the ground)
Maria: (Narrating) Ugh!  I am SO mad at that little b****!  Gawd!  She thinks she's so much better than me!  We'll see who's better when we get to Tribal Council.
Lora: (Narrating) Well, my strategy of staying low key didn't really work today.  Not that I didn't get some satisfaction at seeing Maria's pretty face all scratched up.  But I'll probably pay for it if we have to vote again.
(Filler shot of a fish flopping on the beach)

(The sun begins to set.  Kris sits on a log and stares out at the ocean.  Will approaches him)
Kris:  Hello, Will.
Will:  Hey, Kris.
Kris:  What brings you by at this hour?
Will:  (Sitting down) I think it's important that we talk about what's been going on around camp.
Kris:  Yes?
Will:  Yeah.  I can't help but notice that you've been working overtime to try to sway people to your side.
Kris: (smiles)  It's only natural that I'd want to stay in this game.
Will:  Yeah, right.  And I'm just asking you to be up front about it.  You really want to get rid of me, don't you?
Kris:  Of course.  You're my biggest threat, Will.  Not to offend you, but I'd jump at the chance to get rid of you.
Will:  Oh, I'm not offended at all.  This is a game, and I respect the way you're playing it.
Kris:  The feeling's mutual. (offering his hand) May the best man win.
Will: (Shaking Kris' hand) Yeah.
Will:  (Narrating) After my little chat with Kris, I decided to go around and just confirm that my alliance is still intact.  I really don't believe that Kris could turn the tribe against me, but it doesn't hurt to be sure.
(Later that night, Will sits Sylvia and Dan down to talk)
Will:  OK, guys.  A lot's happened since the last Tribal Council, and I'd just like to confirm that we're still solid.
Dan:  Of course.
Sylvia: (Analytically) Will, what's this really about?  I've never seen you this paranoid.
Will:  I don't know.  I guess I'm a little worried that Kris might pull off some sort of coup.
Sylvia:  Hmm… so you're feeling threatened by Kris spending time with me?
Will:  Yeah, I guess.
Sylvia:  Interesting.  And why do you feel the need to compete with Kris?  Do you think that perhaps you're overcompensating for some other competition in your life?
Will:  Um, I don't think so.
Sylvia: (Narrating) I've seen this before.  Will's feelings of jealousy stem from his perceptions of Lora and Brian's relationship.  He's not over her, you can tell.  So he's projecting his feelings for Lora onto the situation with me and Kris.  Textbook.
Will:  I just want to make sure that the alliance is sound.
Sylvia:  Don't worry about it, Will.
Will:  OK, that's all I needed.
(The night passes.  Segue to the sun rising)

(The sun rises over camp Platz.  Mary Ellen's the first one up.  Everyone else lays in the lean-to sleeping)
Mary Ellen: (Narrating) The way these kids sleep in every day just really gets on my nerves.  We're trying to run a camp here, and we've only got five people.  It's hard to get Kevin to concentrate on anything for more than five minutes, so that really only leaves four people to gather food, keep the fire going, purify the water, and do all the other hundred million tasks that have to get done around camp.  I hate to be pushy, but most of the time I'm the only one doing any work at all.
(Mary Ellen approaches the lean-to)
Mary Ellen: (singsong) Oh guys.  It's time to get up…
(Kevin and Lora stir a bit, but fall back asleep instantly)
Mary Ellen:  Hmmm… (screaming) Get up, ya bums!
(All four kids jolt awake)
Mary Ellen: (Braying laugh) That'll do it!
Brian:  What the h*** are you waking us up for at this ungodly hour?
Mary Ellen:  Fire's out and we need food and water. Come on, up and at 'em!
Brian:  My Gawd!  It's like Becky all over again!
Mary Ellen:  You got that right!  (Braying laugh)
Kevin: (Narrating) Hey, buddy.  (Yawns) You see that?  I'm tired.  Mary Ellen got us up awful early…
(Camp Platz is abuzz with activity)
Mary Ellen:  Come on, Brian!  We need more firewood!
Brian: (grumbling) F***ing b****…
Brian: (Narrating) Gawd, I hate it when old women pretend to be my mother.  I don't need anyone telling me what the f*** I can and cannot do.
(It's lunch time.  Mary Ellen dishes out chickweed to the others)
Mary Ellen: Here ya go, guys.  Breakfast of champions!  (Braying laugh)
Maria:  Ohmigawd!  I am so sick of this grass.  And it doesn't fill you up at all!
Mary Ellen:  Oh, hush up.  It's good for ya.  Plus this starvation diet is great for firming up your rear end!
Maria: (Narrating) Mary Ellen is really, really getting on my nerves!  She even insulted my butt!  The nerve!  I happen to have a pretty nice butt, if I do say so myself.
Lora: (Narrating) I don't know why Mary Ellen's become so aggressive all of a sudden, but it really works to my advantage.  If she keeps it up, the others might forget about my fight with Maria yesterday.
Mary Ellen: (Narrating) I just think there's a new spirit around Camp Platz.  Whatever the challenge is today, I really think we can win it.  I have faith in these kids.
Mary Ellen:  Maria, I think we should come up with a Platz cheer.  What do you think?
Maria: (bored) I don't know.  Why don't you come up with one?
Mary Ellen:  Sure.  How do you start out?  Rah, rah!  Shish koom bah!  Platz!  Platz!
Maria: (annoyed) No one uses "rah rah" anymore.
Mary Ellen:  Oh.  Guess I'm showing how old I am, huh? (Braying laugh)
(The others roll their eyes as Mary Ellen continues to babble away.
Filler shot of a bunch of birds flying out of a tree)

(Amanda and Melissa sit in the shade.  Melissa's telling Amanda a story,
and Amanda's just sitting and nodding.  Kris approaches them)
Kris:  Morning, ladies.
Melissa:  Hi, Kris!
Kris:  I was wondering if I might have a moment of your time to discuss the game.
Melissa:  Oh, I don't know, Kris…
Kris:  Look, I realize you're a bit put off by the alliance I had on Old Platz.  I would be too if I found out I was on the outside.
(Melissa and Amanda don't make eye contact)
Kris:  But I think it's important that we stick together as Platzes.  Do you really want Coble to dominate this game?  Four out of five people voted off have been Platz.
(Melissa and Amanda share a questioning glance)
Kris:  I realize that Dan's been stepping on a few toes around here.  If we were to lose our next Immunity Challenge, I think it'd be a good idea for us to unify against him.
Melissa:  I don't know…
Kris:  Well, I'll let you ladies think about it.
(Kris gets up and walks away)
Amanda: (Narrating) Kris came to me and Mrs. Brennit today and asked us to join a Platz alliance against Dan.  I really don't know if I'd do it or not.  Dan annoys me, but Kris was ready to boot me and Mrs. Brennit back before the swap.  I guess I'll think about it more if we lose this next Immunity.
(Cut to a shot of Will, sitting in the shelter and studying the field guide)
Will: (Narrating) You know, Sylvia was kind of vague with her answers about Kris earlier.  I wonder if it might be wise for me to throw this Immunity Challenge so that I can get rid of Kris once and for all?  I just have to hope I still have enough support to do it...
(Will watches Kris walk across camp) 
(Mary Ellen and Kevin go for Tree Mail)
Mary Ellen:  OK, Kev.  Looks like we've got mail!  You want to read it?
Kevin:  Um, OK. (reading) We hope that you've studied
                                             'Cause today's the test
                                             A time to prove
                                             You know more than the rest
                                             If you know the answer
                                             You'll move towards the front
                                             If you choke under the pressure
                                             Your game may be done
Mary Ellen:  Uh-oh!  Guess I'd better put the old thinking cap on!  (Braying laugh)

Immunity Challenge -  Trivial Matters 
(Aerial shot of a rocky beach.  There are two rows of colored spots painted on the beach.  A podium stands
in front of the ocean, and two Survivor answer cubes lay nearby.  The Survivors enter and meet Jeff)
Jeff:  I'll take back the Immunity Idol.
(Will hands Jeff the Immunity Idol)
Will:  Sure thing, O condesceding one.
Jeff: (Ignoring Will) This guy is back up for grabs.  OK, well, Coble's been dominating the physical challenges, but today's challenge is mental.  It's a simple question and answer game.  There are six spots for the tribe.  You'll start at the back and move forward by filling the spots with correct answers.  Your goal:  be the first tribe to get right here on the green spot and win immunity.  Let's go.  Head down, pick the first person.
(The tribes form single file lines.  Melissa and Brian head up the lines)
Jeff:  Melissa, Brian, come on up.  First question's multiple choice:
Which of the following statements is true about animal trails?
A) They often lead to clearings and water
B) They should be avoided
C) They can lead to tar pits and quicksand
D) They can lead to populated areas
Show me your answers. Melissa says A, Brian says D.  Correct answer:  A.  Melissa, take your first spot.  Brian, back of the line for you.
Kris, Maria.  Come forward.
True or false:  Hemlock is poisonous to humans.
Kris says true, Maria says false.  Kris is correct.  Take a spot in front of Melissa.
All right.  Amanda, Kevin, come on up!
What should you do to make muddy water potable?
A) Boil it for 10 minutes with a handful of small pebbles
B) Strain out the mud using thick clothing
C) Nothing.  Drink it as is.
D) Add salt to it.
Amanda says A, Kevin says False.  Correct answer:  A.  Coble has a three point lead!
(Switch to montage mode)
Jeff:  Dan and Mary Ellen.  Correct answer was false.  Back of the line.
Sylvia, going against Lora.  Sylvia says False, Lora says True.  False is right!  Sylvia, take a spot.

Smiley and Will:

If you're being pursued by a swarm of bees, what should you do?
A) Jump into a nearby body of water
B) Drop to the ground and play dead
C) Lose them by running through tall grass and thick underbrush
D) Run in a zigzag pattern so that they're unable to follow

Smiley says A, Will says B.  Both wrong.  It's C.

(Will smiles as he takes a place at the back of the line)
(Switch back to montage mode)
Jeff:  Melissa and Maria.  Answer was false.  Both wrong.
Kris and Kevin.  B is correct!  Kris!
(Coble now has five spaces filled.  Will and Lora are squaring off)
Jeff:  Coble has five spaces filled to Platz's three.  Will, if you answer this correctly, you win your team immunity.
Which of these animals is most dangerous?
A) Black Bear
B) Moose
C) Mountain Lion
D) Gopher Snake
Will says B, moose. Lora says A, black bear.  Correct answer:  Moose kill more people each year than all other Canadian animals combined.  Coble, looks like the Immunity Idol returns to you!
(Coble breaks out celebrating.  Will looks very disappointed in himself.  Platz walks away in defeat)

(Lora stares up at the overcast sky.  She looks worried)
Lora: (Narrating) I'm not sure how the vote's going to go tonight.  Brian and Maria are pretty much in control of the tribe, so it's just a matter of whether they want to get rid of me or Mary Ellen.  I really think Maria will want to get rid of me after our fight the other day, and she has Brian wrapped around her little finger.  The only real hope I have of staying in this game is if I can get Kevin to vote with me.
(Kevin's throwing rocks into the ocean.  Lora approaches him)
Lora:  Hey Kev.
Kevin:  Um, hey Lora.
Lora:  Whatcha doin'?
Kevin:  Seein' how far I can throw rocks.
Lora:  Oh, neat.
Kevin:  Yup.
(Kevin keeps throwing rocks)
Lora:  So, Kevin.  Do you know how you're going to vote tonight?
Kevin:  I think, maybe… I'll vote for you or Mary Ellen.
Lora:  Really?  Um, would you maybe consider voting for Brian or Maria?
Kevin:  I don't know…
Lora:  Why not?
Kevin:  'Cause they're my friends.
Lora:  Aren't Mary Ellen and I your friends?
Kevin:  Yeah…
Lora:  Well, it'd be really cool if you voted with us.
Kevin: Yeah…
Lora:  So what do you think?
Kevin:  It'd be cool if I voted with you.
Lora:  Yeah.
(Elsewhere, Maria's reclining against Brian's chest)
Maria:  I can't wait for the vote tonight.
Brian:  Yeah, me neither.
Maria:  We're just really gonna nail her, aren't we?
Brian: (laughs) Got that right.
Maria: (Narrating) Me and Brian are in control of this tribe.  The vote tonight is gonna go exactly as we plan it, and I can't wait to see it happen.  (Giggles) Tribal Council's gonna be a lot of fun!

Tribal Council # 6 
(Platz walks into Tribal Council, where Jeff's waiting)
Jeff:  Guys, come on in.  Well, this is the second Tribal Council in a row for you guys.  Last time you were here, some of you said you were looking forward to voting.  Still looking forward to voting tonight?
Maria:  Yeah.  When you know the vote's going to go your way, Tribal Council's a lot of fun.
Jeff:  Lora, as someone who may not have the vote going their way tonight, how do you feel about being here again?
Lora:  Well, I don't think anyone can be certain the vote's going to go their way.  I'm vulnerable tonight, but so is everyone here.
Jeff:  Smiley, I know that you like to win.  Has it been tough on you losing the last four challenges?
Brian:  H*** yes.  It really p***es me off every time we lose.
Jeff:  Looks like your fist is proof of that.
Brian:  Come here, smarta**.  I'll give you a closer view of my fist.
Jeff: (Ignoring Brian) Mary Ellen, do you think that you've bonded any as a tribe, or is Platz a loose federation of individuals?
Mary Ellen:  Well, I think we've really bonded as a tribe in the last couple days.  There's a real spirit that wasn't there before.  Right guys?
(No one responds)
Jeff:  OK.  Well, it's time to vote.  Smiley, you're up first.
(Brian walks to the voting booth.  We don't see his vote)
Brian:  Game over, b****.
(Lora's next, followed by Mary Ellen.  She votes for Lora)
Mary Ellen:  Lora, you're a real sweetie, but I figure this is how the rest of the group is voting.  I'm really glad I got to share this adventure with you.
(Kevin votes next. Finally, Maria votes.  She puts her vote in the canister and returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the voting canister)
Jeff: Just a reminder: once the votes are read, the results are final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  First vote:
Mary Ellen
That's one vote Mary Ellen, one vote Lora, one vote Maria.
Mary Ellen
  . .
M. E.
That's Mary Ellen.  Mary Ellen, I need you bring me your torch.
(Mary Ellen grabs her torch and approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Mary Ellen, the tribe has spoken. (Snuffs her torch) It's time for you to go.
Mary Ellen:  OK, thanks, sweetie.  (To the tribe) You guys have fun, OK?
(Mary Ellen exits)
Jeff:  Well, you four have made it through the first phase of this game.  Tomorrow, you merge, and a whole new game begins.  I just hope you're strong enough to survive phase two.  I'll let you guys get back to camp.
(The tribe exits)  
Mary Ellen's Final Words:  Well, well.  I wasn't expecting to go this early, but I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles.  (Braying laugh) Oh, I had a blast out here, so it wasn't in vain.  This game's just a lot of fun, and I'm really glad I got to know each and every one of these people.  (Giggles) Even you, Brian.  To those left in the game:  remember to keep it fun.  If you get too serious about it, feelings are going to get hurt and no one's going to enjoy playing anymore.  And no one wants that, do they?  OK, I guess that's it.  Is that it for me?  I think that's it for me!  (Braying laugh) 
Voting Record:
Maria:  Mary Ellen
Brian:  Mary Ellen
Lora:  Maria
Kevin:  Mary Ellen
Mary Ellen:  Lora

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