S U R V I V O R 
Episode 5 –  The Best Defense 
Jeff: Previously on Survivor:
At Platz, Amanda and Melissa felt like outsiders after Kris's alliance had voted out John.  At Coble, Will and Brian clashed.  A swap completely reshuffled the teams.   At Coble, Kris and Will battled to wrest control of the tribe.  At Platz, Maria and Brian's flirtations appalled Lora.  Later, an argument broke out between Maria and Clint.  Back at Coble, Kris attempted to align with Dan and failed.  Sylvia pumped Libby and Amanda for information, and got plenty.  After the "coolest" Immunity Challenge ever, New Coble headed to Tribal Council.  Despite Kris's frantic scheming, the weak link Libby was voted off the island.
12 are left.  Who will be voted off tonight?  
Theme Song 
(It's a new day at Camp Coble.  Amanda's new running at Coble goes
right by the ocean.  The waves lap at her feet in the early morning light)
Amanda: (Narrating) Last night my new tribe went to Tribal Council and we voted Libby out.  That felt pretty good.  Libby and I didn't get along from day one.  I was just so happy to see the swap completely messing up her game plan.
(Amanda continues her run.  Kris gets up and stares out at the sea)
Kris: (Narrating) With Libby gone, I find myself completely without support in this new clan.  It is of the utmost importance that I turn someone over to my side before the next council, but I honestly have no idea where to start.  The others would appear to be a tight unit, and I really see no way to break in at this juncture.
(Will's sitting on a log studying his Bible.  Kris approaches him)
Kris:  Morning, Will.  May I have a word with you?
Will: (Not looking up) Just a sec...
(Will bows his head and prays.  Kris patiently waits)
Will:  OK.  What's up?
Kris:  I'd like to discuss my position in the clan.
Will:  OK...
Kris:  I'd appreciate it if you'd give it to me straight.  Would I be next to go if we returned to council?
Will:  Well, Kris, I'm not going to lie to you.  You almost certainly would be the next to go.  We three old Cobles are a tight unit, and I'm almost positive that Melissa and Amanda will vote with us as well.
Kris:  I see.  There's nothing I can do to stay in this game?
Will:  Well, if we win the next two challenges, you make the merge.  It's anyone's game after that.
Kris:  Right.  Well, thank you for your time.
Will:  No problem
Will: (Narrating) There's a look of desperation in Kris's eyes.  He really wants to stay in this game, and he's going to be constantly probing for some way to break in and get rid of me.  (smiles) Maybe I can have a little fun with that.
  (Filler shot of an otter back paddling through the sea)

(Lora sits on a log, looking sullen)
Lora: (Narrating) This whole situation just makes me so mad!  Here I thought me and Brian had something special, but here comes Maria with her blonde hair and her big boobs and he just forgets I exist.  And the worst part is Maria acts all innocent the whole time...
(Maria approaches Lora)
Maria:  Hey, Lora.  What's the matter?
Lora:  Nothing.
Maria:  Oh, come on, you can tell me.  We're practically sisters.
Lora:  Yeah right...
Maria:  Come on, it'd help you to talk about it.
Lora:  There's nothing to talk about.
Maria:  Well, I know that when I have a problem, I just have to spill my guts to someone.
Lora:  Yeah, well...
(Brian approaches Lora and Maria)
Brian:  Look at you two, yakking it up like old friends.  (Putting his arms around them)  My girls!  My girls right here!
(Maria smiles.  Lora struggles out from underneath Brian's arm and walks away)
Maria:  Something's definitely bothering her...
Brian:  Eh, must be her time of the month.
(Filler shot of a bee on a forget-me-not)

(Dan and Melissa go for tree mail)
Melissa:  You want to read it, or should I?
Dan:  Go ahead.
Melissa: (Reading) This may just be
                                  The best reward yet
                                  Blindly you'll search
                                  As one sits and directs
                                  Pack your bags as for council
                                  Bring all that you own
                                  The winners take all
                                  The losers will groan
Oooh!  That's mysterious!
Dan:  What?

Reward Challenge - Blind Leading the Blind  
.(Aerial shot of a courtyard.  Several large grey and orange balloons are
tethered around the place.  The Survivors enter carrying their backpacks)
Jeff:  Come on in, guys.  Coble lost another member at the last Tribal Council.  Libby's out of the game, tribes are now even.
Maria: (To Brian) Aw...  Poor Libs.  She was such a sweetie.
Brian:  Don't worry about it, babe.
Jeff:  Today's reward challenge requires teamwork, but most importantly, trust.  Thirty balloons are tethered around this courtyard. 15 grey balloons for Coble, 15 orange ones for Platz.  Five members of each tribe will be blindfolded.  The remaining person will be your set of eyes.  This caller will direct the blindfolded members to the balloons scattered around the courtyard.  The fist tribe to untether all 25 balloons wins reward, and let me tell you, this reward is a big one.  The winning tribe takes all the personal items from the opposing tribe.
(The Survivors gasp and groan)
Jeff:  That includes everything in your backpacks.  Luxury items, clothes, everything but the clothes on your backs.  Pass your packs up.  Winning tribe takes all.
(The Survivors reluctantly pass their backpacks to Jeff, who dumps them in a pile)
Jeff:  OK, before we begin, there's just one more thing:  You're not going to choose your own callers.  Each tribe gets to choose who the opposing tribe's caller will be.
(The tribes confer)
Jeff:  OK, Platz, you've chosen Amanda to call for Coble.  Coble, you chose Kevin to call for Platz.  Let's get you guys blindfolded and begin.
(The Survivors are blindfolded and lined up)
Jeff:  This is for reward!  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(The Survivors scatter across the field)
. .
Amanda:  OK, um, Sylvia straight!  Will left!  Oh, I mean right!
(Coble is trying to follow Amanda's directions, but they aren't much help.
Platz, on the other hand, has no directions to follow.  Kevin hasn't said a word since the
challenge begun.  He's just sitting up on his stool, staring out at the challenge)
Kevin:  Woah...
Amanda:  Dan, keep going the way you're going!  OK, balloon at your feet!  Untie the knot!  Mrs. Brennit, look out!  I mean, stop!
(Melissa's about to run into a wall.  She stops at Amanda's command.  Will, Sylvia, and
Kris are groping around aimlessly.  Dan's trying to untie his knot, but is having a lot of
trouble with it.  Platz is becoming increasingly frustrated with Kevin's lack of instruction)
Brian:  D*** it, Kevin!  Give us a f***ing clue here!  Where are the balloons?
Kevin:  Huh?
Lora:  The balloons, Kevin!
Kevin:  There sure are a lot of them.
Mary Ellen:  Sweetie, you need to tell us how to get to them.  We can't see.
Kevin:  Oh, OK.  Lora, take a step back.  OK, take another step back.  OK, take another step back.
(While Lora follows Kevin's painstaking instructions, the
rest of Platz gropes around for balloons.  Dan's finally untied his
balloon for Coble.  Amanda's trying desperately to keep her team in line)
Amanda:  Will, forward!  Sylvia, go right.  Turn tight!  Kris, turn around.  All the way!  Yes!  There you go!
(Kris finds a tethered balloon and begins working on the knot)
Kevin:  OK, take a step back.  And stop.
Lora:  Now what?
Kevin:  You're at, um, a balloon.
Lora: Oh. (groping around) OK, here it is!
(Lora begins untying the balloon.  Pan up to reveal that Kevin's led her to a grey
balloon.  Kris has released his balloon now.  Will and Sylvia
are working on knots while Amanda tries to keep Melissa in line)
Amanda:  No, Mrs. Brennit!  You're going to hit the wall again!  Ahhh!  No, Kris!  Stop, stop, stop!  Everyone stop!
(Coble stops dead)
Amanda:   This is too much to keep track of!  I'm going to do you one at a time.  Will, go straight forward.
(Will stumbles towards a grey balloon)
Brian:  Kevin!  Give me something to work with here!
Kevin:  Oh, OK, buddy.  Take a step that way.
Brian:  Which way?
(Kevin holds up his hands and makes L's with them.
When he figures out which hand is his left, he responds)
Kevin:  Um, left.
(Unfortunately, Kevin's left is Brian's right.  He goes the wrong way)
Amanda:  OK, there you go, Will.  Sylvia!  Turn to your right.  OK, straight forward!  There!  Mrs. Brennit!  Turn all the way around.
(Will and Sylvia busy themselves with untying balloons.  Platz is
still completely bamboozled by Kevin's lack of directions)
Clint:  Kevin!  Help me out!
Kevin:  Huh?
Clint:  Which way do I have to go to find a balloon?
Kevin:  Oh, um go back.
(Will and Sylvia are done with their balloons.  Melissa
and Kris are working on untying balloons of their own)
Will:  I await your command, my liege.
Amanda:  OK, Will.  You need to turn right.  Good, a few steps forward.  OK, you're there.
(Will begins untying his balloon)
Kevin:  OK, Clint.  You're at a balloon.
Clint:  Finally.
(Clint begins untying.  Pan up to reveal the balloon is grey)
Amanda:  A few steps back, Dan.  Good.  Sylvia!  Come towards my voice.  Keep going...
(An aerial shot of the field shows that only three or four grey
balloons remain.  All 15 orange balloons are still tethered down)
Amanda:  Good, Sylvia.  Kris.  Turn left.  Walk forward.  We're almost done.
Brian:  Kevin!  Where the h*** am I?
Kevin:  Um, you're in a, um, courtyard.
Brian:  That's not what I meant!
Amanda:  Sylvia, good!  OK, Dan.  Come towards my voice, come, come.  Good.  Stop and turn left.
(Dan begins untying the second to last grey balloon.  Maria's felt her way to a knot)
Maria:  Kevin!  Is this the right color?
Kevin:  Oh, um, yeah.
(Maria unties the balloon.  It is, of course, grey.  As she
untethers it, the last grey balloon drifts off into the sky)
Jeff:  There goes the last grey balloon!  Coble!
Maria:  Huh?
(Maria takes off her blindfold to see the balloon floating up directly above her)
Jeff:  Coble, you're taking home all of Platz's personal items.  Come collect your bounty!
(Coble removes their blindfolds and starts picking up Platz's
backpacks.  Platz scowls as Coble walks out with all their belongings)

(Platz re-enters camp after the Reward Challenge.  Everyone looks extremely angry)
Maria: (Narrating)  That challenge sucked!  We lost all of our personal belongings.  The only clothes we have left are what we wore to the challenge, and they're all smelly and damp.
Brian: (Narrating) I was as mad as anyone that we lost that challenge.  But I wasn't about to take it out on Kevin.  He doesn't know any better.
Kevin:  Hey guys, what's the matter?
Clint:  What's the matter?  What's the matter?  You stupid retard!
(The tribe collectively gasps)
Clint:  If you weren't such a retard, we could've won that challenge.  Now we lost all our clothes and all our luxury items!
(Kevin's face twists into a scowl.  Rage fills his eyes)
Kevin:  Clint...  I am not... Retarded!
Clint:  Look, Mary Ellen!  He don't even know he's retarded!
Mary Ellen:  Kevin's not retarded.
Clint:  Yeah?  Then how come he had us untying the wrong balloons?
Kevin: (Covering his ears and yelling) Clint!  Shut up!
Clint:  You gonna make me?
Brian:  Now look here, you fat little piece of s***!  You leave Kevin alone!
(The whole tribe echoes their agreement)
Clint:  I can't believe you're defending him!  He made us lose everything!
Brian: (coldly) Not everything...
(Brian slugs Clint.  He falls down and crawls
away.  Kevin's crying profusely at the sight)
Brian:  Stay away from Kevin, you fat piece of s***!
Clint: (Narrating)  This is so stupid.  Kevin is a retard.  You can't even speak the truth around here without offendin' everyone.
Mary Ellen: (Narrating) None of us is very happy with Clint right now.  That boy has absolutely no tact.  There are some things you just don't say out loud.  He has a lot to learn about how to deal with other people.
(Clint sits off by himself, rubbing his face where Brian hit him. Lora watches
him for a minute, then goes to comfort Kevin.  Maria's hugging Brian)
Maria:  You were awesome!
Brian:  Yeah, I know.
Brian: (Narrating) I see myself as the protector of this tribe.  If no one else is going to defend these ladies and Kevin, I have to step up and do it.  I can't think of a better man for the job.

(Coble has arrived back at camp with Platz's backpacks.  They're searching through them)
Will:  Who wants Mary Ellen's bra?
Sylvia:  This stuff is pretty useless, isn't it?
Will:  Come on, Dan.  You know you want it.
Dan:  Um, you need help, Will.
Dan: (Narrating) It's a lot of fun being in this tribe.  I really like everyone here.  Except for that Kris guy.  He just seems kind of shifty to me, and I do not like being told what to do.
. .
Kris:  Dan, could you perhaps get the knife for me?
Dan:  Um, you know where it is.
Kris: (Narrating) When approached Dan about an alliance the other day, I went about it all wrong.  I believe that that window has pretty much closed itself on me, but there are other potential alliance mates.  Take Sylvia for instance...
(Will loads a pinecone into Mary Ellen's bra)
Will: (To Sylvia) Watch this.
(Will launches the pinecone out into the ocean.  It splashes in some ways away)
Sylvia:  Pretty impressive.
Kris: (Narrating) The relationship between Sylvia and Will is purely platonic.  Perhaps a bit of romance could lure Sylvia away from Will...
( Kris pulls Sylvia aside to talk )
Kris:  How are you doing today, Sylvia?
Sylvia:  I'm doing fine.  But why would you be interested in how I'm feeling, Kris?
Kris:  Because I'm interested in you, Sylvia.  I want to know what sort of things make you happy.
Sylvia:  Interesting.  You want to know about me?
Kris:  Yes.  Is that so hard to believe?
Sylvia:  I don't know.  Why would you think I'd have a hard time believing it?
Kris:  I wouldn't.
Sylvia:  I see.
Sylvia: (Narrating) I'm trying to understand Kris's motives.  He says he's interested in me, but I have to wonder if he really is, or if he's trying to play me.  It's a fascinating proposal.  I'll have to keep an eye on him and see how this situation develops.
(The sun begins to set over Camp Coble.  Cut to a time laspse shot of the stars coming out)

(It's nighttime at Camp Platz.  Lora's hiking to Kevin's stargazing spot)
Lora: (Narrating) Last night, I went to have a talk with Kevin at the usual spot.  Guess who was already there talking to him?
(Lora stops cold when she sees that Maria's already sitting there with Kevin)
Maria:  That's so neat, Kev!  What's that one called?
Kevin:  That's Venus.  It's almost exactly the same size as Earth.  We're sister planets.
Maria:  "Sister planets?"  Like me and Marcia!  Rock!
Lora: (Narrating) First she takes Brian, and now the only person I can confide in, Kevin.  It's almost too much.  I really need to figure out how to get rid of her.  I'm going to start testing the waters, and seeing what the others think.
(Lora finds Mary Ellen in the lean-to)
. .
Lora:  Hey, Mary Ellen.
Mary Ellen:  Well, hey yourself, Lora.  What are you up to this evening?
Lora:  Well, I was going to go have a chat with Kevin, but Maria was already there.
Mary Ellen:  Yeah, she's really good with them.  They have a real bond.
Lora: (angrily) They do?
Mary Ellen:  Oh sure.  So, what were you going to talk to Kevin about?
Lora:  I'm just trying to find out who everyone would like to see go next.
Mary Ellen:  Well that's a no-brainer!  (Braying laugh)  We need to get rid of Clint.
Lora:  Clint before Maria?
Mary Ellen:  Well, yeah.  Who wants to get rid of Maria?
Lora:  Oh, I was just speaking hypothetically.
Mary Ellen: (Narrating) I didn't quite get what Lora was trying to say to me.  Is there some tension between her and Maria?  Uh-oh!  Cat fight!  (Braying laugh)
(Maria and Kevin keep chatting throught the night.  Segue to the sun rising)

(Morning at Coble.  Amanda gets up to do her morning run.
Dan gets up just as she sprints out of camp)
Dan:  (Narrating) I got up this morning and saw Amanda running away from our camp.  I wonder what's up with that?  We've been on the same team for 5 days now, and I still don't really know her at all.
(Amanda's returned to camp.  Dan approaches her)
. .
Dan:  And how are we this morning, Amanda?
Amanda: Um, fine.
Dan:  You OK there, Amanda?
Amanda: (annoyed) Yeah...
Dan:  Here's something I've been wondering:  why do you always go off by yourself?  Why don't you want to be around the rest of us?
Amanda:  I don't know.  I just need some time to myself.
Dan:  Oh.  That's kind of weird.  Maybe you should get help.
Amanda:  I think I'll be fine.
Dan:  Well, whatever.
(Even though the conversation's clearly over, Dan keeps standing
there staring at Amanda.  She looks away, slightly unnerved)
Amanda: (Narrating) Dan really annoys me.  He sits there and talks and talks and doesn't even listen to what you're saying.  That and he pries too much.  He always has to know exactly where everyone's going and what they're doing.  What, is he my dad?
(Kris is up early.  He's strayed a way from Coble beach and found an open meadow full of wildflowers)
Kris: (Narrating) I decided to begin my wooing of Sylvia today.  Not far from Coble beach, I found this field full of wildflowers.  I picked an assortment of them to present to Sylvia.  I understand that girls typically like such gestures.
(Sylvia's sitting by the fire, attempting to make a pot of rice.
Kris returns to camp with a bouquet of flowers)
Kris:  Morning, Sylvia.  I have something for you.
Sylvia:  Flowers?  Where'd you get these?
Kris:  I found them in a secluded glade.  Perhaps you'd allow me to take you there some time?
Sylvia:  Yeah, I guess.
Sylvia: (Narrating) Well, this is certainly an interesting twist.  One of my subjects has developed an interest in me.  Of course, I can't be sure if it's genuine, but Freud did say that 90% of human behavior is influenced by thoughts of sex.  It is kind of nice to have someone pay attention to me, but it's important that I stay objective.
(Sylvia fills a pot with water and puts the flowers in.  Kris smiles slightly)

(Clint trudges through Platz's coniferous forest.  He hears a low call off to his right.  He turns and sees a huge bull moose staring at him.  The two watch each other for a moment, then the moose clops off)
Clint: (Narrating) I didn't believe Mary Ellen before, 'cause she tends to stretch the truth, but there really is a huge moose living right by our campsite.  I saw him today.  It's too bad there's no way for us to bring him down.  That'd be a lot of meat for us to eat.
(Clint returns from his sighting.  Maria's picking up twigs.  She backs into him)
Maria:  Oh!  Sorry- (seeing who it is)  Oh, you.  Why don't you watch where you're walking?
Clint:  Why don't you shut up?
Maria:  Excuse me?
Clint:  What's your problem, anyways?  We was s'posed to be a team.
Maria:  Like I'd be on a team with you after the way you treated poor Kevin.
Clint:  Poor Kevin my a**!  I bet half of it's an act.
Maria:  Oh shut up.  You are so retarded, Clint.  He's not faking anything.
Clint:  Yeah, well no one could be as fake as you.
Maria:  What's that supposed to mean?
Clint:  Nothin'.  Just stay away from me.
Maria:  Fine by me.
(Pan out to reveal that Lora's been eavesdropping on the whole argument)
Lora: (Narrating) I hadn't realized Clint and Maria hate each other so much.  I'm not the biggest Clint fan in the world, but as the expression goes, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."  Maybe Clint and I can work out some kind of agreement.
(Brian and Kevin go for Tree Mail)
Brian:  Kev, whatever challenge we get today, just don't do anything.  Let the rest of the team handle it.
Kevin:  Um, OK buddy.
Brian: (reading) So you're stranded out here
                            On this rugged coast
                            And to get off alive
                            Is what you wish most
                            Build a signal to attract
                            Any passing boats;
                            You can't make a fire
                            And if it's no good, you vote

(Sylvia and Amanda have returned with Tree Mail and read it to the tribe)
Will:  Hmm... A distress signal when the tribes are even?  How's this gonna work?
Kris:  Whichever clan builds the better signal will win.
Will:  Well yeah, theoretically...
Kris: (Narrating) It is of the utmost importance that our clan build a better distress signal than Platz.  If we lose even one Immunity Challenge, I'll be voted out.
Will:  So, guys.  Completely subjective challenge.  Wonder if they've already figured out the winners?
Dan:  What are you talking about?
Will:  Maybe they've already decided that Coble's going to win this one.  I wonder if they'd still give us Immunity if we didn't build a signal at all?
Kris:  No way!  We have to build a signal and it has to be d***ed good!
Will:  Well, OK.  Let me know when it's finished.
Sylvia: (Narrating) I'm not sure what point Will was trying to make by sitting out the challenge, but I could see that the others were annoyed by it.
Will: (Narrating) I decided to make the distress signal challenge into an experiment simply because it's been so suspect in the past.  Usually it gets pulled out when one tribe is down, and by some amazing coincidence, the smaller tribe always wins immunity.  Right now, the tribes are even.  I'd really like to see what would happen if the tribe slated to win didn't even bother to build a distress signal.  Oh well.  Guess we're not going to find out now...
(Will sits off to the side while Coble brainstorms)
Kris:  OK, OK.  We got this duct tape from Clint.  So we can use that to hold something together.
Amanda:  Platz has a lot of brightly colored clothing in their backpacks.
Sylvia:  So we could tape it all together to make some kind of target or something.
Melissa:  Oh!  Great idea, guys!
Dan:  Maybe we can string it up in our net and wave it back and forth?
Kris:  Yeah, that'd probably work.
(Coble gets to work on building their signal.  Will even
joins in after a little while.  Pan up to the sky)

. ..
(Platz sits around discussing what sort of signal they'll build.  Kevin's wandered off somewhere)
Mary Ellen:  So we need to build some kind of signal that they'll be able to see from a boat?
Clint:  You think?
Mary Ellen:  Just making sure.  No need to bite my head off!
Maria:  What do you think we should do, Smiley?
Lora: (Under her breath, mockingly) "What do you think we should do, Smiley?"
Brian:  H*** if I know.  Why don't you babes just flash 'em?
Mary Ellen:  I'm not sure that's a sight they'd want to see from me!  (Braying laugh)
(Everyone cringes at this mental picture)
Clint:  So what do we really do?
Brian:  What do you mean by "really?"
Clint: (Narrating) I kinda got the feeling that our group wasn't trying too hard to win this challenge.  No one really seemed to want to think up ideas, so I just threw out my best idea.
Clint:  We could always use the blankets we won.  They're white.
Lora:  Yeah, I bet they'd stand out.  What do you guys think?
Mary Ellen:  Sounds as good as anything else I've heard.
Maria:  Yeah, whatever.
Lora:  OK, so what do we do with the blankets?
Clint: Um, I dunno...
Maria:  Wait!  I have an idea...
(Pan out as Platz continues to discuss)
Brian:  You're so smart, babe.

Immunity Challenge - Distress Signal 
(Aerial shot of a crappy-looking wooden boat, covered in nets and tires.  Zoom in on the deck.  Jeff Probst stands next to a man wearing a tight green shirt and short jeans.  He has a beard down to his neck)
Jeff:  We're on board the Newfie Vessel Gilgamesh with Captain Tony Caker in the North Atlantic just off the coast of Newfoundland where our two tribes are living.  If you were marooned on this coastline, the one thing you'd want to see passing by is a ship like this one.  We've asked both tribes to build a distress signal.  The tribe whose signal is most clearly visible and in the expert opinion of Captain Tony most likely to attract attention, wins Immunity.
(The boat moves in on Camp Platz)
Maria:  Here they come, guys!
(The Platzes start running back and forth on the beach, holding their white blankets behind them
like capes.  And that's it.  They didn't bother to build a signal of any sort.  Cut to a shot from
the deck of the ship.  It's hard to even make them out against the green of Platz's coniferous forest)

Jeff:  All right, Captain, we are at Camp Platz.  Grab the binoculars and take a look.  Would this attract your attention?

Captain: (Looking through his binoculars) Uh, nope.  Not really.  I see a bunch of pine trees, and that's about it.  If I squint, I can see some people running around.  But I guess I'd better see the other camp before I make my decision.
Jeff:  OK.  Let's go to Camp Coble, we'll let you decide.

(The ship leaves)
Maria:  Do you think it worked?
Brian: (menacingly) It better have.
(The ship approaches Coble beach)
Sylvia:  Here comes the ship, guys!
(Coble snaps into action.  Coble's net, which was huge and unwieldy in the capturing challenge, is
perfect as a distress signal.  All of Platz's brightly colored clothes have been taped to the net in a
patchwork quilt pattern.  Two people hold each pole as they march it back and forth across the beach)
Jeff:  All right Captain, we are at Camp Coble.  Grab the binoculars and take a look.  What's your call?
Captain:  Oh yeah.  I see big old quilt out there.  It reminds me of my Grandmother's house.

Jeff: So the quilt draws your attention?
Captain:  Yeah. It's different from anything else you'd see out here.  It's unique.
Jeff:  Comparing the first distress signal at Camp Platz to this one, which one would more clearly get your attention?
Captain:  Oh, this one for sure.
Jeff:  Very good.  The Captain has made his call.  Camp Coble's distress signal is most clearly visible.  It would attract the attention of a ship, therefore Coble wins Immunity.  Hold it steady, I'm gonna drop some cargo.

(The ship's horn blows.  Coble drops their signal and
runs into a group hug.  No one is more ecstatic than Kris)
(The sound of the horn is also audible at Platz)
Lora:  They won...
Brian:  What the f***?  When I get my hands on Probst...
(Jeff stands on the deck of the boat and hefts the crate marked "Immunity" out into the sea.  Kris
and Sylvia swim out and get the crate.  Coble opens the crate and pull out the Immunity Idol)

Lora: (Narrating) Well, our distress signal sucked, so we're going to Tribal Council tonight.  First thing I did was remind Kevin how voting works.
Lora:  Remember Kev.  When we get to Tribal Council, you vote for who you want to leave the tribe.
Kevin: (annoyed) I know, Lora.
(Mary Ellen is scrubbing a pot.  Lora approaches her)
Lora:  Hey, Mary Ellen.  Can I talk to you in the bushes for a minute?
Mary Ellen:  Sure, Lora.
(Lora and Mary Ellen enter the bushes, where Clint is waiting)
Mary Ellen:  Um, what's he here for?
Lora:  I need to talk to both of you.
Mary Ellen:  What about?
Lora:  We three need to form an alliance to get rid of Maria.
Mary Ellen:  Why would I want to do that?
Lora:  Because if Brian and Maria have their way, you two are the next two to go.
Mary Ellen:  I don't know...
Clint:  Why not?
Mary Ellen:  Because frankly, I don't want to allign myself with you.
Mary Ellen: (Narrating) Lora wants to get rid of Maria.  She says it's strategy, but I say it's sour grapes.  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.  (Braying laugh)  You know what I mean?
(Mary Ellen exits the bushes)
Maria: (Narrating) I see a lot of people running around camp whispering, but I'm not worried.  Me and Smiley know how we're gonna vote.  If they want to tangle with us, they're gonna get a fight.
(Platz starts gathering their torches and head out of camp)

Tribal Council # 5 
(Platz walks into Tribal Council, where Jeff's waiting)
Jeff:  Platz.  Welcome back to Tribal Council.  Third time here as a tribe, first time here in this arrangement.  Lora, Smiley, Kevin, you guys haven't been here since Day Three.  Have you missed the voting aspect of this game, or is it something you've been fine living without?
Lora:  Oh, I've been looking forward to voting again ever since the swap.
Jeff:  Maria, is the vote something you look forward to?
Maria:  It is if we're going to get rid of someone I don't like.  And tonight's one of those nights.
Jeff:  So you've got your strategy for tonight figured out already?
Maria:  I think we all do.
Jeff:  Smiley, what's more important at this point?  Do you keep Platz strong, or get rid of the people that grate on you?
Brian:  We're plenty strong as is.  So it's definitely a chance to get rid of the people I hate.
Jeff:  Kevin, last time we were here, you voted for yourself.  Have you figured out a little bit more about how this game works?
Kevin:  Mmm... Yup.
Jeff:  OK, it's time to vote.  Maria, you're up first.
(Maria walks to the voting booth.  She votes for Clint)
Maria:  Clint, you're getting on everyone's nerves.  This team would just be a lot better off without you.
(Brian's next, followed by Lora.  She votes for Maria)
Lora:  I am so sick of your innocent act.  You knew exactly what you were doing when you took Brian from me, and now it's time to pay the price.
(Kevin's next, then Clint.  Finally, Mary Ellen votes.  She votes for Maria)
Mary Ellen:  Maria, nothing personal.  You're a super-sweet young lady.  But Lora's convinced me that if you don't go, I will.  It's self-defense, I swear! (Braying laugh)
(Mary Ellen puts her vote in the canister and returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the voting canister)
Jeff: Just a reminder: once the votes are read, the results are final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  First vote:
. .
That's two votes Clint, two votes Maria.
And look at this:
Jeff:  We have a tie.  (Sits down)  OK, here's how a tie works.  Clint, Maria, you will not vote.  The other four will vote again.  But before we vote, I'm going to give each of you guys a chance to plead your case.  A chance to say to the tribe why they should keep you around over the other person.  Clint?
Clint:  Guys, I'm a hard worker, and I don't mess up challenges for us.  I may not be the easiest person to live with, but I'm a whole lot better than Maria.
Jeff:  Maria, why should they keep you?
Maria:  Um, I think I'm easy to get along with.  I'm not mean to someone unless they're mean to me first.  Unlike Clint here, who thinks it's fun to pick on poor Kevin.  I may not be the most helpful in the challenges, but I'm a good person and this team means a lot to me.  Please keep me around.
(Lora rolls her eyes)
Jeff:  OK, we'll have a revote.  You will vote for either Clint or Maria.  You are voting to vote them out of the tribe.  All rules stay the same, but you have to vote for one of the two.  Smiley, you're up.
(Brian votes again, followed by Kevin.  He votes for Clint)
Kevin:  Clint... I am not... a retard.
(Lora votes, then Mary Ellen.  She pauses for a moment)
Mary Ellen:  Hmm...
(Mary Ellen writes down her revote and returns)
Jeff:  I'll read the tie-breaker votes.
(Jeff leaves and returns with the voting canister)
Jeff:  First vote:
Jeff:  One vote Clint, one vote Maria.
. .
And the third person voted out of the Platz tribe:
(Clint and Lora look absolutely shocked.  Mary Ellen avoids eye contact with them)
Jeff:  Clint, I need you bring me your torch.
Clint: (To Mary Ellen) I thought you was in this to win!
(Clint angrily grabs his torch and approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Clint, the tribe has spoken. (Snuffs his torch) It's time for you to go.
Clint:  Aw, what a load of crap!
(Clint exits)
Jeff:  Well, judging from tonight's vote, New Platz is clearly a tribe divided.  Keep in mind that you have to make it through one more Tribal Council before the merge.  If you go into this merge down against New Coble, I'm not sure you can avoid being picked off.  I suggest you do whatever it takes to win the next couple of challenges.  I'll let you guys get back to camp.
(The tribe exits)  
Clint's Final Words:  Boy, alligning myself with Kris was a dumb move.  When we swapped, he left me high and dry over here.  John was right 'bout Maria.  I really wish we'd voted her out when we had the chance.  If I could go back and do it all over, I would've stayed with John and never listened to Kris's stupid plan.  But since I can't, I guess I'll go join him in the loser's lounge.  I wish all luck to Lora.  I hope she finds some way to come back from this. 
Voting Record:
Clint:  Maria
Maria:  Clint
Brian:  Clint
Lora:  Maria
Kevin:  Clint
Mary Ellen:  Clint

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