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Episode 4 – Lost in the Shuffle 
Jeff: Previously on Survivor: 

John was feeling confrontational after Bob's ouster.   Brian's possessive behavior made Will and Dan nervous.  John bonded with Melissa, while Kris made Clint an interesting proposition.  Maria and Libby exposed Amanda for hiding a food source.  The tribes were asked to build a giant net for reward.  As they built, violence broke out at Camp Coble.  At the challenge, Platz captured all of Coble and went back to camp with shampoo and blankets.   Spirits seemed to be high as Kris bonded with the girls and John and Clint made up.   At Coble, Will hoped to get rid of Brian.  Lora expressed her vulnerability to Kevin.  At the Immunity Challenge, Maria blew it once again.  But at a shocking Tribal Council, it was John who left when Kris's new alliance reared its ugly head. 

13 are left.  Who will be voted off tonight? 
Theme Song    
(The sun rises over the coniferous forest surrounding Platz.
Kris leads Maria, Libby, and Clint through the forest)
Kris: (Narrating) Last night, my alliance voted John off.  It was nothing personal.  I have nothing but respect for John, but he was pulling to get rid of Maria and Libby, who are far too integral to my plan to sacrifice.  I have to get rid of anyone who shows himself to be an individual with intelligence.  If I can cull the herd down to the simple-minded, I should be able to control this entire game. 
(Kris stops the group in a rocky clearing)
Libby: (Whining) Why are we up so early? 

Kris:  I feel it important that we discuss how we are to conduct ourselves in this game. 

Clint:  Yeah!  We don't gotta hide what we're doin' anymore.  Right, Maria? 

Maria: (Annoyed) Whatever. 

Kris:  Listen, we've taken control of this clan, but we haven't won the game by far.  It is of the utmost importance that we not gloat in front of Mrs. Brennit and Amanda.  We may need them on our side later. 

Libby: (yawns) Whatever.  Can we go now? 

Kris:  As long as we've reached an understanding...
(Closeup of Clint, who looks troubled)

Clint: (Narrating) Votin' John off last night was one of the hardest things I ever done.  John was my friend.  I don't even like Maria and Libby, but I gotta be alligned with 'em for Kris's plan to work. 
(Kris's group breaks apart.  Elsewhere,
Amanda and Melissa are gathering chickweed)

Melissa:  I just don't get it.  Why would they vote John off? 

Amanda: (Matter-of-factly) It's an alliance. 

Melissa:  Are you sure?  I mean, it doesn't seem like any of those four really like each other. 

Amanda:  (Shaking her head) It doesn't matter.  It's strategy, and we're next. 

Melissa:  They wouldn't do that!  Would they? 

Amanda:  I think they would.  There's probably not much chance we'll make it to merge. 

Melissa:  I really hope you're wrong. 

Amanda: (Narrating) I'm not stupid.  After they voted Brother Bob out, I kind of suspected there might be an alliance among the non-Christians, and last night they proved me right.  Immunity's become a lot more important to Mrs. Brennit and I now.  If we lose another challenge, the alliance is going to vote one of us off. 

Libby: (Narrating) I'm so glad I'm in this alliance.  I hope we go to Tribal Council again so we can get rid of that weird Amanda girl.  Something about her just makes me uncomfortable. 
(Filler shot of a Canada goose landing in a stream)

(Pan in on Coble's rocky beach.  The sound of female grunting can be
heard faintly.  Lora is straining to move a jug of water.  Will walks by)

Lora:  Will!  Can you please help me with this? 

Will: (Looking around) Yeah, sure. 
(Will helps Lora move the jug over to the fire pit)

Lora:  Thanks. 

Will:  You're welcome. 
(A hand clamps down on Will's shoulder.  Brian spins him around)

Brian: (enraged) What the H*** did I say about hitting on my girl, dips***! 
(Will glares at Brian for a moment, then struggles free and walks away.
Brian grabs a pot and lobs it at the back of Will's head)

Brian:  Heads up, a**bite! 
(The pot nails Will in the back of the head.  He wheels around, rage filling his eyes)

Will: (Seething, but evenly) All right, you coward, If you're afraid to do this the right way, I'll do it your way.  Let's go! 

Brian:  Bring it on, b****! 
(Will and Brian prepare to square off.  Suddenly, Sylvia and Kevin run into camp)

Sylvia:  Guys!  Cut it out! 

Kevin:  Uh... we got mail.  Fifteen minutes to get to challenge beach. 
(Brian and Will drop their combat stances)

Brain:  This isn't over. 

Will:  No. 
(Filler shot of a deer drinking from a stream) 
(Melissa and Amanda have entered camp with the
tree mail.  Melissa is reading it to Kris's alliance)
Melissa: (Reading) This one is huge 
                                  So come prepared 
                                  Your head will spin 
                                  It won't seem fair 

                                  The time has come 
                                  The swap's arrived 
                                  You'd better hope 
                                  Luck's on your side 

Clint:  Smokes... 

Amanda:  We have fifteen minutes. 

Kris: (quietly) Fifteen minutes... 

.(Aerial shot of a giant wheel, similar to what you'd see on Wheel of Fortune.
It's divided into thirteen segments, each of which is covered by a black panel.
Around the rim of the wheel are thirteen platforms.  The Survivors enter)

Jeff:  Hello, guys.  All right, today's not a reward challenge or an immunity challenge.  Arguably, the stakes are a lot higher here.  Let's begin.  Pick a platform around the rim of this wheel.  Doesn't matter where you go, it's completely random. 
(The Survivors amble about, stepping onto various platforms.)

Jeff:  OK, I'm going to spin the wheel once. 
(Jeff grabs the edge of the wheel and gives it a good spin.  It rattles around a couple times, then
comes to a stop.  There's one pie segment of the wheel directly in front of each Survivor's platform)

Jeff:  Kris, you're first.  Turn over your panel. 
(Kris picks up his black panel.  Underneath, his segment of the wheel is grey)

Jeff:  Kris, you're now Coble.  Head on over to the mat.  There's a new buff waiting for you there. 

Kris:  OK.  Cool. 

Jeff:  Brian, you're next. 
(Brian flips over his panel.  It's orange underneath)

Brian:  S***! 

Jeff:  Brian, you're Platz.  Head on over to the orange mat over there.  Next?  Melissa.  Flip it over there. 
(Melissa flips over her panel.  It's grey)

Jeff:  Melissa, you're Coble.  Join Kris over there on the grey mat.  Libby, you're next. 
(Libby flips over her panel.  It's grey)

Jeff:  Libby's Coble.  Join your teammates.  Lora? 
(Lora picks up her panel and sees orange)

Jeff:  Lora, you're Platz.  Join Brian over there. 
(Lora runs to Brian and throws her arms around him)

Jeff:  OK, Kev.  Flip 'er over. 
(Kevin flips over his panel.  It's orange)

Kevin:  That's orange. 

Jeff:  Go over there with Brian and Lora, Kevin. 
(Kevin wanders over to Brian and Lora, who welcome him with open arms)

Sylvia:  Dang!  Everyone's getting swapped! 

Will:  We might as well just exchange team names. 

Jeff:  Maria, you're up. 
(Maria flips over her panel.  It's orange)

Jeff:  OK, Maria, you remain on Platz. 
(Maria smiles and heads over to the orange mat with Brian, Lora, and Kevin)

Brian:  Hey, babe. 

Maria:  Hi! 

Jeff:  Will, you're next. 
(Will flips his panel over.  It's grey)

Jeff:  Will's Coble.  Join your new teammates. 
(Will goes over to Kris, Melissa, and Libby)

Kris:  (holding out his hand) Will. 

Melissa:  Great to have you, Will! 

Jeff:  Sylvia? 
(Sylvia flips over her panel.  It's also grey)

Jeff:  You're a member of Coble.  The new Coble. 
(Sylvia goes to Coble's mat.  She gives Will a big hug)

Jeff:  OK, Clint. 
(Clint's orange)

Jeff:  You remain in Platz. 
(Clint shoots Kris a questioning glance.  Kris merely shrugs)

Jeff:  Amanda, let's see yours. 
(Amanda flips her panel.  It's grey)
Amanda:  The unforseen! 

Jeff:  Amanda, you're Coble.  Dan? 
(Dan's segement is also grey)

Jeff:  Dan, you complete Coble.  Mary Ellen, looks like you're last. 

Mary Ellen:  Well, I'm certainly not least!  (Braying laugh) 
(Mary Ellen flips her panel.  It's orange.  She joins her
teammates.  Brian does not look pleased with his new tribe)

Jeff:  OK, join your teammates on Platz.  Here are the new tribes.  Coble, Platz.  The number of tribe members in your tribe hasn’t changed, just the members within the tribe.  Some of you guys may see this as a good thing, others might be disappointed.  Doesn't matter.  The swap is a very important part of the game.  I'll see you guys later. 
(The new tribes exit)  
(New Coble:  Will, Sylvia, Dan, Kris, Libby, Melissa, Amanda)
ClintMary EllenMaria
(New Platz:  Lora, Brian, Kevin, Clint, Mary Ellen, Maria)

(The new Coble tribe enters their campsite)
Sylvia:  Well, it's not much, but this is home. 
Melissa:  Wow!  This looks great, guys! 
Will: (Narrating) We got swapped up today.  The swap was very effective in that we have been thoroughly scrambled.  Sylvia, Dan, and I remained on Coble, but Libby, Mrs. Brennit, Kris, and Amanda have joined us as well.  If you're looking strictly at old tribal lines, Old Coble is actually in the minority now.  Luckily, I think there was more going on at Old Platz.  Someone like John doesn't get voted out pre-merge without there being some amount of Samburicide occurring. 
(Sylvia and Will are giving Amanda, Melissa, Kris, and Libby a
guided tour of the campsite.  Dan follows along grinning)

Will:  And this is our shelter.  (Bitterly) One of the things Becky got organized before we all turned on her. 

Melissa: (To Amanda) It's so much nicer than ours! 

Sylvia:  You can even stand up in here.  Well, unless you're tall like Will. 

Melissa:  I was just telling Amanda that it's so much nicer than our old shelter.  It was just a lean-to.  You could lay down under it, and that was about it. 
(Kris and Libby hang back)

Libby: (Nervously) What do we do now? 

Kris:  It's important that we not panic.  Old Platz has numbers.  We need to utilize that. 

Libby: (Narrating) Well this is just great.  Over in our old tribe, we were in control.  But now our alliance has been split up.  Kris told me not to worry about it…  I just really hope that he can take care of it. 
(Dan's off showing Melissa and Amanda Coble's
water source.  Will takes a moment to talk to Sylvia)

Will:  You do realize we're outnumbered, don't you? 

Sylvia:  The thought hasn't left my mind. 

Will:  It's important that we find out how strong Old Platz's bonds are.  I want you to keep your eyes open.  Look for any possible cracks. 

Sylvia:  I'm on it. 
(Pan over to Coble's stream.  Dan is painstakingly explaining
the water fetching process.  Amanda and Melissa feign interest)
Dan:  And so if we want water, we fill up a jug, then we take it back to the fire to boil it. 

Melissa: (Nods) Uh-huh... 

Amanda: (Narrating) It's pretty weird being back in a tribe of seven.  It kind of annoys me, really.  I was starting to like having less people around, but I guess this is a good thing.  Back at Platz, I probably would have been the next one voted out.  Here, Mrs. Brennit and I have a real chance at staying in the game. 

(Dan continues to elaborate on water fetching.  Pan down the stream.
The camera follows the stream to where it runs by Platz)

(The new Platz enters their campsite)

Mary Ellen:  Hey!  You guys have trees!  Where were our trees?  (Braying laugh) How come we didn't get any trees!?  (Braying laugh) 

Clint: Geez!  You are annoying, lady! 

Mary Ellen: (Confused) Are you talking to me? 

Clint:  Yeah, I'm talkin' to you.  You're the only one I hear cacklin' like a hen. 

Mary Ellen: (Shocked) You think I sound like a hen? 

Clint:  Um, yeah... 

Mary Ellen:  (Defensive) Well, these guys have been with me all along, and they've never complained! 

Brian:  'Cause we wanted you to just shut the f*** up. 

Mary Ellen:  Well I never! 
(Mary Ellen walks off in a huff)

Clint:  Thank God! 

Mary Ellen: (Narrating) That Clint boy is just awfully rude.  He doesn't like the sound of my laugh?  Well, at least I don't have a hick accent, you know what I mean? (Braying laugh) 
(Kevin is staring at Platz's lean-to in awe.  Suddenly he grabs one of the supports and
starts pulling on it.  Maria immediately notices him.  She runs over to stop him)

Maria: (Pulling Kevin away) Whoa, whoa, whoa, there, Kevin! 

Kevin:  (Whining) Maria... 

Maria:  Why don't you leave the shelter alone?  If you need something to do, there are supposed to be moose back in the woods. 

Kevin:  Wow!  Moose! 
(Kevin wanders off towards the woods.  Maria smiles as she watches him leave.  A pair of hands
rests on her shoulders and starts massaging her neck.  She turns around and sees Brian)
Brian:  You did good, babe.  You gotta keep a close eye on Kevin. 

Maria:  Yeah, it's like watching a baby. 

Brian:  Now what would you know about babies? 

Maria:  Well, I can have them, you know. 

Brian: (Lecherously) Wanna try? 
(Maria laughs and punches Brian playfully.  Pan out to reveal that Lora's
been watching the whole scene.  She marches up to Brian and Maria)
Brian:  Oh, hey there babe. 

Lora:  Did you just send Kevin off into the woods by himself? 

Maria:  Yeah... 

Brian:  Oh s***!  He could get lost!  Come on, babe! 
(Lora starts to follow Brian, but stops when she sees that Maria is instead)
Lora: (Narrating) I don't believe this!  Brian hasn't been in the new camp for five minutes, and he's aleady trading me in for a trashier, sluttier model.  And Maria just plays all innocent.  Isn't she married?  What a load of crap! 
(Filler shot of a bear padding through the forest) 
(Coble sits around their fire, boiling a pot of rice)

Melissa:  Wow!  Rice instead of chickweed!  I just can't get over it! 

Will:  I love rice.  That was an excellent reward to win. 

Libby: (Under her breath) Rice is boring. 

Melissa: (Narrating) I just can't get over how much nicer things are at this camp!  Someone did a really great job building their shelter, and they've got rice to eat and a pretty little stream running right by their campsite.  I just love it over here. 
(The pot begins to boil over)

Dan:  Uh-oh.  When the pot starts to boil over, that means that we need to put more water in. 

Will:  Um, no it doesn't… 

Dan:  Oh. 
(Close-up of Kris watching Dan)

Kris: (Narrating) Dan fascinates me.  He's just juxtaposition of contrasts.  He's a big guy, but he lets people walk all over him.  He talks a lot, but he doesn't seem to ever really be saying anything.  I take it that Dan is a rather weak individual.  He would be a perfect ally, because he'd do anything I asked without question.  A male Libby, I suppose. 

Kris:  Dan, that fire's getting rather low, wouldn't you say? 

Dan:  Yeah, I guess it is. 

Kris:  Come on.  You can show me where one finds firewood in these parts. 
(Dan leads Kris down the beach)

Dan:  Sometimes we use driftwood, but if we can't find it we have to walk all the way over to the forest. 

Kris:  So Dan, have you considered your position in this game? 

Dan:  Huh? 

Kris:  Your position in the game.  You know, have you gave any thought as to how you might further progress yourself? 

Dan:  Uh, we just need to keep winning challenges, I guess. 

Kris:  Challenges are all well and good, but have you ever considered an alliance? 

Dan:  An alliance?  Like when a group of people vote together? 

Kris:  Yeah. 

Dan:  So wait a second… are you asking me if I want to be in an alliance with you? 

Kris:  Yes. 

Dan:  Um, hello?  Do I know you? 

Kris:  Well, I don't- 

Dan: (curtly) Firewood's over there. 
(Dan walks away)

Kris:  Interesting. 
(Back at camp, Will and Melissa are sitting in the shelter)

Melissa:  What a pretty day.  I wish the sun would come out like this all the time. 

Will: Yeah.  It's been an interesting game so far, hasn't it? 

Melissa:  Oh, I know!  I mean, I don't know what's been going on on this side, but it's just been wild over at Platz! 
Will:  Yeah.  I noticed John got voted out.  What up with that? 

Melissa:  Oh, well Amanda thinks that Kris, Maria, Libby, and Clint were some kind of voting bloc.  I'm not sure I believe it, but it does look kinda funny, you know? 

Will:  Yeah… 
(Filler shot of a school of fish) 
(Maria's using a stick to dig the dirt from under her nails)
Clint: (Narrating) Since our alliance got split up, I thought it'd be a good idea to see Maria and decide what we was gonna do. 
(Clint approches Maria)

Clint:  Maria. 

Maria:  What do you want? 

Clint:  We gotta talk strategy, now. 

Maria:  What's there to talk about? 

Clint:  What do you mean, "what's there to talk about?"  We gotta decide how we're gonna stay in this game. 

Maria:  I really have no idea what you're talking about.  There is no "we." 

Clint:  What?  We both said we was gonna be in an alliance to the end. 

Maria:  Oh, that.  Kris and Libby are gone. 

Clint:  So? 

Maria:  So, I'm not voting with you. 

Clint:  What?  You dumb b****!  We had a deal! 

Maria:  Well, we don't anymore. 

Clint:  Now look here- 
(Brian approaches the two)

Brian:  What the f***?  Is this clown giving you trouble, babe? 

Clint:  Who you callin' a clown? 

Brian:  You, fat a**. 

Maria:  There's no trouble here.  Come on, I got something to show you. 

Brian:  OK.  (To Clint)  You'd better watch your back. 

Maria: (Narrating) It is so nice to finally have a real man on this tribe.  I am so glad Smiley's here to keep the little boys in line. 
(Maria's changed into a different top.  She's spinning around for Brian)

Maria:  This is my pink top.  Do you think it shows too much cleavage? 

Brian:  Not at all. 
(Lora approaches)
Lora: (To Brian) Hey, I've been looking all over for you. 

Brian: I've been around. 

Lora:  It seems like we haven't got a chance to spend much time together in this new camp. 

Brian:  Yeah, Maria's been showing me around. 
(Maria gives Lora a sly smile.  Lora glares back)
Lora: (Narrating in falsetto) Oh, what's that, Brian?  It looks like I lost my top.  Oh well, guess I'll just walk around like this.  (Normal voice) Could she be any bolder?  And the worst part is, he's actually interested in her.  This sucks so bad!  How am I going to get my boyfriend back? 
(Time lapse shot of the clouds rushing by over the coniferous forest)

(Sylvia, Amanda, and Libby are going on a water run)

Sylvia: (Narrating) This morning we needed water, so I thought I'd take Amanda and Libby and see if maybe I could get some information out of them.  What's the expression?  "When it rains, it pours?" 

Sylvia:  This is so cool!  Here I am, going on a water run with Amanda and Libby from Platz.  Did you guys hang out a lot over there? 
(Libby looks at Amanda with disgust, but turns to Sylvia and smiles)

Libby:  Well, we weren't exactly in the same circle, but you know, we got along. 
(Amanda rolls her eyes at this)

Sylvia:  Interesting.  What kind of "circles" did you have in Platz?  'Cause over here at Coble, we all hung out together all the time. 

Libby:  Well, yeah.  We did, too.  But there are subgroups, you know? 

Sylvia:  Yeah, sure. Who was in your subgroup, Amanda? 
(Amanda starts to speak, but Libby breaks in)

Libby:  Well, Amanda kind of did her own thing. 

Sylvia:  Interesting.  Would you consider yourself an outsider, Amanda? 

Libby: (Breaking in) Not an outsider!  Just… independent. 

Amanda: (Quickly) Libby was in an alliance with Kris, Maria, and Clint.  They were all set to vote everyone else on our team off. 

Libby:  No we weren't!  Don't listen to her, Sylvia!  She lies and hides food! 

Amanda:  Libby and Kris's alliance was going to get rid of me and Mrs. Brennit.  It's all part of Kris's master plan.  Libby's just a pawn. 

Libby:  I am not a pawn! 
(Sylvia just stands there and smiles as Libby and Amanda bicker)

Libby: (Narrating) Ugh!  I can't believe Amanda told Sylvia all about our tribe's dirty laundry!  She is such a loser! 
(Libby storms off.  Amanda shrugs and fills the water jug)
Sylvia:  I sense there's some hostility between the two of you. 

Amanda:  That's an understatement. 
(Shot of the sun setting)

(Night falls.  Time lapse shot of the stars appearing.  Kevin sits on
Platz beach staring up at the sky.  Lora approaches him)
Lora:  Hey, Kevin. 

Kevin:  Hi there, Lora. 

Lora: (Narrating) I am so glad Kevin got swapped with me.  He's the only person I can really safely confide in.  There's no judgement and no fear of jealousy fits because he's just Kevin.  Of course, you don't get much feedback.  I guess it's sort of like talking to a dog. 

Kevin:  You can't see the stars very good out here.  Too many trees in the way. 

Lora:  Uh-huh.  So Kevin, what do you think of Maria? 

Kevin:  I think, maybe... she's kinda hot. 

Lora:  Yeah, but she's such a slut, you know? 

Kevin:  Uh-huh. 

Lora:  I just can't believe the way she's been around Brian!  I mean, it should be obvious that he's my boyfriend, but does she care?  No!  She just sits there batting her big blue eyes and wearing her tight clothes and she tries- 

Kevin: (Interrupting) Shooting star! 

Lora:  Uh-huh, but you know what I'm saying about Maria?  You just don't take someone's boyfriend like that.  Espcially if you're married! 

Kevin:  Did you know that a shooting star is actually a meteorite burning up in Earth's atmosphere? 

Lora: (Sighs) Yeah. 
(The night goes by.  Filler shot of a large owl swooping
through the night.  The sun rises.  Mary Ellen's the first one up)

Mary Ellen: (Narrating) I was up early this morning boiling some water, when I heard this crashing sound off to the side of our new camp... 
(Mary Ellen goes to investigate the crashing noise.  She enters the woods and
finds herself not ten yards from an angry bull moose.  Its antler is caught
in some branches, and it's thrashing frantically in an attempt to free itself)
Mary Ellen: Looks like you've got yourself in a real pickle there, fella! (Braying laugh) 
(The moose looks over at the sound of Mary Ellen's laugh.
It responds with a similar braying sound)
Mary Ellen:  It sounds like he's laughing!  I don't see what's so funny! 
(Mary Ellen laughs while the moose moans)

Mary Ellen:  (To the camera) Maybe someone could help him? 

Mary Ellen: (Narrating) Apparently cameramen aren't allowed to mess with wildlife.  So I just had to sit there and watch him try to free himself. 
(Mary Ellen's cheering the moose on.  Brian comes up behind her)
Brian:  Where's my breakfast, woman?  What's the f***ing hold up? 

Mary Ellen:  Shhh... I'm watching this moose. 

Brian:  F*** the moose!  I'm hungry! 

Mary Ellen:  OK, OK! 
(Mary Ellen reluctanly leaves the scene.  The camera stays
on the moose until it manages to free itself)

(Kris and Libby go for Tree Mail)
Libby:  You better have some great plan. 

Kris:  Don't worry about it, Libby.  I can handle it.  Let's read our message, shall we? 

Libby:  Yeah, I guess. 

Kris: (Reading) Are you ready 
                           For the deep freeze? 
                           You'll chip away 
                           And search for keys 

                           There in the blocks 
                            Immunity awaits 
                            If you're too slow 
                            You'll meet your fate 
This challenge is important, Lib.  I ask that you try your very hardest not to mess it up. 

Libby:  When have I ever messed up a challenge? 

Immunity Challenge - Chill Pick 
(Close-up on a keyhole.  Shots of two blocks of ice, a pile of
metal picks amongst rocks.  The Survivors arrive at a rocky beach)

Jeff:  OK, first things first.  Give it up, Will. 

Will: (Handing Jeff the Idol) No problem, Anal. 

Jeff: (Ignoring Will) New tribes, maybe new energy around the Immunity Idol.  Today's challenge is really cool.  Since it's summer, you guys haven't had any experience with one of Newfoundland's most pervasive elements:  ice.  Today, that's gonna change. 
(Jeff motions to the two blocks of ice resting on pedestals behind him)

Jeff:  Encased in these ice blocks, two metal safes.  Locked inside the safes, Immunity.  It's up to you guys to chip through the ice to get to the safes.  You'll find metal picks randomly scattered along this beach to help you with that.  Once you get enough ice chipped away to open the safe, you'll need to unlock it. 

Located on opposite ends of the beach are two racks with five keys on each rack.  You're going to send one member sprinting across the beach to your rack.  They will only be able to grab one key at a time.  If they choose the correct key the first time, you're golden.  If not, they're going to have to run back and try another. 

First tribe to unlock their safe wins immunity, guarantees themselves three more days on the island, and you're one step closer to $1 million.  Losing tribe, Tribal Council tonight with me.  For somebody, life on the island will be over.  Big enough stakes, I’m sure.  Coble, you need to sit out a member. 
(Coble confers)

Jeff:  Melissa, you're sitting out.  Take your spots, we'll start. 
(The Survivors take their spots)

Jeff:  Survivors ready! (Doing the arm thing) Go! 
(The Survivors disperse and begin combing the beach for the scattered metal picks.  Will and Kris
each find one immediately and rush back to their ice block and start chipping away at the front.
Sylvia and Dan find ice picks and head towards the ice block.  Platz is having trouble
locating the picks.  Brian finds one wedged between two rocks and heads back to
his ice block.  Amanda finds a pick, as does Clint.  They head towards their respective ice blocks.
As Maria finds an ice pick, we're shown the progress on the ice blocks.  The
chipping is a slow and tedious business.  Coble's got a much bigger chunk of
their front missing due to their greater manpower and team efficiency.
Brian and Clint are the only ones working on Platz's ice block.  Maria, Mary Ellen, and
Lora are still hunting for picks, while Kevin's found a crab underneath a rock.  He's staring at it)
Kevin:  Look at the claws on this dude.  (Makes a snipping sound) Snip, snip, snip. 
(All of Coble continues to pick at their block.  Will knocks a huge chunk of ice away from the lock)
Kris:  We need to get all the ice cleared off the front of this. 
(Shot of Melissa cheering for her team.  Maria finally finds a pick
and heads to Platz's ice block.  She half-heartedly stabs at it)
Brian:  D*** it!  This is getting us nowhere!  We need to work faster. 

Clint:  Yeah?  We're doin' our best. 

Brian:  Your best isn't good enough, lard a**! 
(Brian runs behind the ice block)
Clint:  What are you doin'?  We need to get the front cleared out. 

Brian:  D*** it, a**munch.  Just help me push this. 
(Clint puts down his pick and helps Brian push on the back of the ice block.
At Coble, they have the front of the block almost completely cleared off)
Melissa:  Just a little bit more, guys!  You can do it! 
(Clint and Brian keep pushing on their block.  The pedestal begins
to wobble, and the block topples forward.  It falls on the ground and shatters)
Brian:  Help me flip it over! 
(Brian and Clint attempt to flip the heavy safe, but it won't budge)
Brian:  D*** it! 
(Coble's taken notice of Platz's strategy)
Libby:  Look what they did! 

Will:  By the time they get it right side up, we'll have this cleared.  Keep chipping! 
(Coble continues to chip furiously.  All of Platz [Except Kevin]
is now trying to flip the safe.  They've almost got it.
Coble chips the last chunk of ice away from the safe's front)
Jeff:  Coble!  You're good.  Send someone after the keys! 

Kris:  I'm on it! 
(Kris sprints down the beach to the rack of keys.  He grabs one and runs back.
Using their picks as levers, Platz manages to
overturn their safe.  It rolls over and lands on its back)
Jeff:  Platz, you're good.  Get your keys! 
(Brian takes off running down the beach.
Meanwhile, Coble is trying their key in the lock)
Sylvia:  It won't turn.  Get another! 
(Kris sprints back down the beach and grabs another key.  Brian's got back with Platz's key.
It doesn't work either.  He heads back down the beach as Kris arrives back at Coble)
Kris:  Try this one. 
(Sylvia fiddles around with the lock)
Sylvia:  No good. 
(Kris takes off down the beach yet again.  Brian returns with a key for Platz)
Brian:  This motherf***er better work. 
(Lora fiddles with the lock.  She stabs the key at
it several times and keeps missing the hole)
Maria:  Come on, come on! 
(Finally, the key slides in.  It clicks, and the door opens)

Jeff:  Platz! 

(Kris stops cold as he runs down the
beach.  He walks back to his team)

Jeff:  Platz.  Nice job.  You're immune.  Coble, Tribal Council.  It's been a while for some of you.  You guys can head back out this way. 
(Platz celebrates.  Coble walks out in defeat) 
 (Coble arrives back at camp)

Kris: (Narrating) Well, we lost the Immunty Challenge today, so that means I must needs take drastic action to keep Libby and myself in this game. 
(Kris pulls Will off to the side)

Kris:  Will, I think it's best you know what's to happen at Tribal Council tonight. 

Will:  Oh? 

Kris:  Yes.  The consensus amongst old Platz is that a Coble needs to go.  And honestly, you're our greatest threat. 

Will:  OK...  I guess I'm flattered. 

Kris:  But it doesn't have to go that way. 

Will:  Really? 

Kris:  No one wants this tribe to lose all the challenges.  Mrs. Brennit's a physical liability.  If you could convince your fellow Cobles to vote with us, we might be willing to vote her out instead of you. 

Will:  Hmm... That's a very generous offer, Kris. 

Will:  (Narrating) Kris is trying to manipulate me, and you know what?  I like that.  His efforts are so transparent it's almost comical, but he does bring an interesting proposition to the table.  I'm seriously considering voting with him just to see which direction the game will turn. 
(Libby pulls Kris off to the side)

Libby:  What's going to happen tonight? 

Kris:  I'm not sure.  If all goes according to plan, we ought to be safe tonight.  I wouldn't worry about it were I you.  It's my neck on the line if this plan fails. 

Libby: (Narrating) I'm worried about tonight.  Kris promises me we're safe, but I'm not so sure.  If they vote Kris out tonight, that leaves me completely alone.  I don't have any friends on this tribe.  I just really, really hope he knows what he's doing. 

Tribal Council # 4 
(Platz walks into tribal council, where Jeff's waiting)
Jeff:  Guys, welcome back to Tribal Council.  For some of you, it's been a while.  Others, been just a few days.  Well, a lot's changed in the last couple of days.  Amanda, what was your reaction to the switch? 

Amanda:  Well, I wasn't all that happy to be back on a bigger team, but I guess this tribe is all right. 

Jeff:  Kris, what do you think of your new tribe? 

Kris:  Well, the atmosphere with this group is far removed from that of my old group.  I think a lot of the dischord and tension has been lifted, and that's a good thing, I think. 

Jeff:  Libby, do you agree with Kris?  Is this all one big happy family? 

Libby:  No. 

Jeff:  Oh? 

Libby:  We have all the same problems we did back at Platz.  The... losers just think they can just do and say whatever they want. 

Jeff:  Sylvia, as someone who might say something Libby doesn't like, reaction? 

Sylvia:  I'd say that it's Libby's issue.  She needs to resolve it for herself. 

Jeff:  OK.  Dan, last time I saw you, the only thing you'd bonded with was your cell phone.  Have you formed any bonds since then? 

Dan:  Yeah, Jeff.  I'm good friends with a lot of the people here.  It's going to be really hard to vote again. 
. . 
Jeff:  OK, regardless, it is time to vote.  Amanda, you're up first. 
(Amanda walks to the voting booth.  She votes for Libby)
Amanda:  Libby, you're too much of a follower.  You could learn a lot from your cousin. 
(Dan's up next, followed by Will.  We don't see his vote)
Will:  OK, Kris.  You're wondering if I took the bait?  Guess you'll find out in a few minutes. 
(Sylvia's up next, followed by Kris.  He votes for Mrs. Brennit)
Kris:  Mrs. Brennit.  It's been a pleasure.  You are a wonderful person, but in order for me to progress in the game, you have to be sacrificed.  My deepest apologies. 
(Melissa votes next, followed by Libby.  We don't see either.  Libby returns)

Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes. 
(Jeff returns with the voting canister)

Jeff: Just a reminder:  once the votes are read, the results are final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  I'll read the votes: 
Mrs. Brennit
. . 
That's two votes Melissa, two votes Libby. 

Three votes Libby. 

Jeff:  Four votes Libby.  That's enough.  The last vote will remain a mystery.  Libby, I need you to bring me your torch. 
(Libby meekly grabs her torch and approaches Jeff)

Jeff:  Libby, the tribe has spoken. (Snuffs her torch) It's time for you to go. 

Libby:  OK.  Um, bye. 
(Libby exits.  Kris looks around at his tribemates, a look of uncertainty on his face)
Jeff:  Just when you think you're in control of this game, the rug gets yanked out from under you.  If you're resourceful, you can regroup.  If not, you join Libby.  I'll let you guys get back to camp. 
(The tribe exits)  
Libby's Final Words:  I knew we shouldn't have trusted Kris, but Maria said it'd be OK.  It's not OK now, is it?  I just can't believe that the people like Amanda who don't even care are still there, and they got rid of me.  I was sure I'd make it at least to the final six.  Daddy, I didn't make it nearly as far as you did.  Oh well, I guess that's just the way it goes. 
Voting Record:
Amanda:  Libby
Dan:  Libby
Will:  Libby
Sylvia:  Libby
Kris:  Melissa
Melissa:  Libby
Libby:  Melissa

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