S U R V I V O R 
Episode 3 – Fox in the Henhouse 
Jeff: Previously on Survivor:
At Coble, Will and Mary Ellen were feeling vulnerable after Becky's departure.  Lora and Brian explained the basics of the game to Kevin.  At Platz, Kris revealed his gameplan as John and Bob bonded.  Back at Coble, Will got into a tiff with Lora but bonded with Sylvia.  Brian tossed Dan's phone into the sea.  At Platz, Melissa discovered a new source of food, receiving less than rave reviews.  Coble won rations of rice at the reward challenge, which sent Platz back to a meal of boiled chickweed.  Bob's prayer was a source of conflict with Kris.  At the Immunity Challenge, Kevin came through for Coble and won them immunity.  Platz went to their first tribal council, where Bob's preaching came back to haunt him.  He was voted off the island.
14 are left.  Who will be voted off tonight? 
Theme Song    
(The early morning sun streaks through the needles of Platz’s coniferous forest.
The sound of footsteps.  Amanda runs by the camera.  Cut to an overhead shot
of Amanda running down a trail.  Continue to follow Amanda as she narrates)
Amanda: (Narrating) I like to get up and run every morning before people get up.  It helps me stay in shape and it lets me get away from all those other people.  They voted Brother Bob out last night.  I guess the non-Christians just really didn't like him praying for our meals.  I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it has.  This is just really crap.
(Amanda continues running through the forest.  Cut to Camp
Platz.  Kris tends to the fire.  He whistles a happy tune)
Kris: (Narrating) I am a very happy camper this morning.  Council could not have gone better last night had I planned it.  With Bob gone, I have free reign to carry out my master plan.  I shall make my move in these next three crucial days.  If all goes according to plan, I should be able to coast into endgame.
(Kris continues to tend to the fire.  The campsite begins to stir
and people start getting up.  Melissa shuffles out to the fire)
Melissa:  Hey!  Morning, Kris!
Kris: (nods) Mrs. Brennit.
Melissa:  What do you think we should do about breakfast?  Should I look for more chickweed?
Kris: (chuckles) I'm sure John would appreciate that.
(Cut to John lying in the shelter.  He frowns as he stares up at the roof)
John: (Narrating) I can't believe they decided to vote Brother Bob off last night!  I figure that Maria and Libby probably voted for him, and I'm sure that Kris did, but I can't figure out who the fourth vote was.  I suppose it could have been Mrs. Brennit or Amanda, but I'm not sure.  It was a dumb move regardless, and I'm going to let the guilty party know exactly how I feel.
(John and Clint are washing their faces in the stream)
John:  Can you believe they voted Brother Bob off last night?
Clint:  Yeah...
John:  That just wasn't an intelligent move.  Maria and Libby sit around all day talking about their hair and boys.  Brother Bob, on the other hand, was doing heavy work every day.  Half of our camp was built by him alone.  Man, I'd really like to know who voted him out...
(Clint hangs his head)
John: (incredulous) Don't tell me... you?
Clint:  Yeah, I did.
John: (Sputtering)  Why'd you do that?  What were you thinking?
Clint:  I was thinking I was 'bout sick of him bringing religion into everything.
John:  Oh please, Clint!  He wasn't "bringing religion" into anything.  He wanted to pray at meals, which is something we should be doing anyway.  At least he was actually pulling his weight around here.  Maria and Libby haven't done a thing since we've been out here.  Tell me why we're better off with them than we'd be with Brother Bob.
Clint:  I don't know.
John:  You don't know?  Ha!  I don't believe this!  You voted Brother Bob off and you don't even have a good reason?
Clint:  OK, OK.  Lay off!
John:  That was a really stupid move, Clint.  I'd hoped at least you had better judgment than that.
Clint:  Whatever, John.
(Clint storms away.  John just shakes his head and mutters)

(It's morning at Camp Coble.  Mary Ellen's boiling a pot of rice.  Will and Dan look on)
Mary Ellen:  Boy, I wish they'd given us a canister of coffee beans instead of rice.  I could drink this whole pot!  (Braying laugh)
(Will cringes.  Dan gives her a funny look)
Dan: You OK over there, Mary Ellen?
Mary Ellen:  Never been better, sugar.  (Giggles)  Sugar!  Now there's something I miss! (Braying laugh)
(At the sound of Mary Ellen's
laugh, Will gets up and walks away)
Dan: (Narrating) I don't know about some of these people sometimes.  Mary Ellen's a bit... strange.  She makes all these jokes that I just don't get.  I really wish I could tell Susan about it, but I can't since that Brian guy threw my phone into the ocean.  Now, I just think that was pretty rude of him.  I really think that guy needs help.  He's messed up in the head or something.
(Brian and Lora come out for breakfast.  Brian has his arm around Lora's waist)
Brian:  Is my breakfast ready yet, woman?
Mary Ellen:  Just hold your horses.  It's getting there.
Brian:  Better be.
(Brian and Lora sit down on the log next to Dan)
Brian: (To Dan) What are you looking at, buttsteak?
Dan:  Nothing.
Brian: You better not be looking at my girl.
Lora:  He's not doing anything, Brian.  Leave him alone.
Brian: OK, babe. (To Dan) But you, keep your eyes to yourself, or I'll kick your sorry a**.
Dan: OK, you need help.
(Will watches the scene from a distance)
Will: (Narrating) Smiley's jealous streak is beginning to make me nervous.  He's beginning to treat Lora like he owns her, which is not only dangerous for her, but for me and Dan as well.  I'm afraid that he may misinterpret something Dan or I say or do and fly off the handle.  Smiley's a fairly big guy, and I'm already on his bad side.  It's a pretty dangerous situation.
(Shot of Lora cuddled up against Brian.  Filler
shot of a wolf carrying a mouse in its mouth)

 (Melissa returns to camp with an armload of chickweed.  John's the only one around)
Melissa:  Hey, John!  I found lunch!
John: (wrinkling his nose) Great.
Melissa: (smiling) Oh come on, it's not that bad!
John:  Yeah, I guess not.  I mean, at least you're doing something for the tribe.
Melissa: (nods) Uh-huh.
John:  Meanwhile, we've got Maria and Libby, who just sit around eating all our food and drinking all our water.  I don't think they've helped with a single thing.
Melissa: (Narrating) John really feels strongly about Maria and Libby.  He seems to think they're not pulling their weight.  I can see where he's coming from, but I don't really like to single people out.  I like to try to see the good in people.
(Clint is gathering firewood.  Behind him, Kris emerges from the trees.  Clint doesn't notice him)
Kris: (loudly) Hello, Clint.
(Clint jumps in shock.  He wheels around to face Kris)
Clint:  Kris!  You scared the s*** out of me!
Kris:  What is there to fear, Clint?
Clint:  Um... nothin'!  I ain't scared of anything.
Kris:  Exactly.  That's what I like about you, Clint.  You're fearless.
Clint:  D*** straight I am.
Kris:  May I speak at ease with you, Clint?
Clint:  Yeah, I guess.
Kris:  I have a plan, but it's only for the courageous.  Now, if you think you'd be too afraid-
Clint:  I ain't scared.  What you got?
Kris:  Well...  OK.  Here's what I propose...
Clint:  (Narrating)  Kris came to me today with this really great plan.  If it worked the way he plans, I'd be guaranteed a spot in the final four.  Kris is a really smart guy, but I'm not sure I trust him.  He's giving me time to think over his idea, and I'm gonna use it.
(FIller shot of a tern swooping over the coniferous forest)

(Sylvia's sharpening a stick with a knife.  Kevin walks up to her)
Kevin:  Hey Sylvia, who am I?
(Kevin sticks his tongue out as far as he can)
Sylvia:  I don't know.  Who are you?
Kevin: (Retracting his tongue) Gene Simmons.
Sylvia:  Who's Gene Simmons?
Kevin:  The lead singer of K.I.S.S.
Sylvia:  Oh.  Um, neat.
(Kevin smiles at Sylvia, then begins to stare at something off in the distance. He wanders off
without saying anything else.  Sylvia shakes her head and smiles.  Will approaches her)
Will:  Hey there, Sylvae.  Qué haces?
Sylvia:  Making a spear.
Will:  Guh.  What for?
Sylvia: (Smiles) Gonna bring down a moose.
(Will and Sylvia laugh.  Suddenly, Sylvia
stops and switches into analytical mode)
Sylvia:  So tell me, Will, what's on your mind?
Will:  Well, I'm a bit worried about the Smiley/Lora situation.
Sylvia:  Oh?  You see another man moving in on your girl and you feel threatened by that?
Will:  No, she's not my girl.  But that is what's worrying me.  Smiley seems to think that Lora's a possession.
Sylvia:  Hmm... I see.
Will:  And when Smiley thinks that one of his possessions is in danger, he will defend it, often violently.
Sylvia:  Interesting.
Sylvia: (Narrating) Will has tipped me off to a potential violent offender in our tribe.  I plan to keep a close eye on the situation.  If I see any changes in Brian's behavior, I'm going to recommend that he be taken in for psychological treatment.
(Brian and Lora snuggle together)
Lora: (Narrating) I don't know why some of our tribe doesn't like Brian.  He's just the sweetest guy.  He's a real man, and he's not afraid to tell it like it is.  I feel so special when he stands up for me.  (Rolling her eyes) Unlike some boyfriends I've had.
(Cut to Will and Sylvia.  Will glances over at Lora, a look of real concern
on his face.  Lora turns away from him and smiles at Brian)

Libby: (Narrating) Today Maria and I were talking about that weird Amanda girl.  I was wondering where she disappears to all the time...
(Libby brushes Maria's hair.  They watch as Amanda grabs her backpack and leaves camp)
Libby:  I wonder where that girl's always running off to?
Maria:  Hmm...  Only one way to find out.
Libby:  How?  She won't talk to anyone.
Maria:  Easy.  We'll go undercover and follow her.
Libby:  (excited) Wow!  That sounds like fun!
Maria:  Rock!  Come on, let's go!
(Amanda hikes through the forest.  Maria and Libby follow her from a safe distance.
Amanda enters her secret clearing and walks up to her apple tree. She picks a
large red apple and bites into it.  Libby and Maria watch from the trees)
Libby:  An apple tree!
Maria:  That b****!  I bet she's known about this all along and she hasn't told us!
Libby:  That's horrible!
Amanda: (Narrating) I went to my secret apple tree as usual this afternoon.  Unfortunately, Maria and Libby somehow followed me.  When they saw that I'd been keeping food from the rest of the tribe, they were really angry.
(Maria and Libby emerge from the forest and confront Amanda)
Maria:  How long were you planning to keep this apple tree a secret?
(Amanda's speechless)
Libby:  Wait till we tell the rest of the tribe on you!
Maria:  Come on, Lib.  Let's gather up some evidence!
(Maria and Libby start picking apples.  All Amanda can do is watch helplessly.
They turn around and start walking back to camp.  Amanda follows them)
Amanda:  Wait!
Maria:  What?
Amanda:  Come on, Maria.  You don't have to get everyone all upset.  It's not that big a deal.
Maria:  You don't think hiding food from the team is a big deal?
(Maria and Libby storm back into camp.  Amanda sheepishly follows.  Melissa, John, Kris
and Clint sit around the fire.  Maria approaches them and dumps the apples on the ground)
Maria:  Look what little miss Mandy's been hiding from us!
Melissa:  Apples?
Libby:  That's right.  Amanda's known about them all along, and she hasn't shared them with the team.
John:  Is this true, Amanda?
Amanda:  Well, yeah...
Maria:  See!  She admits it!
Clint:  Yeah, she just admitted it!  Hey Amanda, what's the big idea, hidin' food from us?
(Clint gets up moves in on Amanda)
Clint:  We could've been eatin' them apples all along!
(Amanda shakes her head and runs away)
Melissa:  Guys, we really could have handled that better...
(Cut to Kris.  He's taken the whole scene in.  He smiles slightly)
Kris: (Narrating) I find Amanda's behavior to be most fascinating.  In a way, we're kindred spirits, in that I'd rather not be around these people either.  It's impressive she was able to keep a food source secret for this long.  I bear her no ill will, but I will need to watch her closer.

(Brian and Lora are laying next to the shelter.  They begin to hear a low hum)
Lora:  Hey, what's that?
Brian:  Beats the s*** out of me.
(Zoom in to reveal that it's Jeff Probst approaching in a motor boat)
Lora:  It's Jeff!
Brian:  D***!  I hate that smug b******!
(Coble begins dropping what they're doing and go out to meet Jeff.
The boat stops and Jeff hops off into the water)
Mary Ellen:  Hey there, stranger!  What brings you around?
Jeff:  I come bearing gifts!  Come on, help me get what's in the boat.
(Coble wades out to the boat.  Jeff hands
them wooden poles and rope netting)
Jeff:  These are materials for your next challenge.  You guys are going to have to build a huge net, the bigger the better.  Think of what you used to catch butterflies as a kid.  
Kevin:  Aw, sweet!
Jeff:  You aren't limited to these materials.  Feel free to get creative, use anything you can find on the island.   I wish you luck.
(Jeff hops back into the boat and speeds away)
Mary Ellen:  Thanks a lot, Jeff!
Will:  Later, Anal!

(Jeff arrives at Platz beach and gives them similar instructions.  After he takes off, they're left to try to
figure out how to build a net.  Everyone but Amanda looks on.  She's mysteriously disappeared)
John:  OK, who has a bright idea to get this thing built?
Clint:  Well, we're tryin' to build a big net...
John: (Annoyed) Yeah, we're going to need a little more than that.
Kris:  OK, OK.  How about we build two T-shaped handles, then stretch our netting between them?
Maria:  Huh?
John:  No, I understand what you're saying.  Do you think that'd be pretty maneuverable?
Kris:  I can't imagine a more maneuverable net.
Melissa: (Excited) Oh!  Great idea, Kris!
John:  Yeah.  OK, let's do this.
John: (Narrating) Well, today we were building our net for the reward challenge.  Kris had the idea of making two large handles made with perpendicular poles.  It was a really simple concept, but I simply couldn't get Clint, Maria, and Libby to understand.
(Clint, Maria and Libby are working on a handle.  They have two poles lying
on the ground, fashioned into an "X."  Maria and Libby are tying it in the center)
Clint:  OK, yeah.  Tie it nice and tight, girls.
(John comes over to inspect the project)
John:  What are you doing?
Clint:  Huh?
John:  Did you even look at our other handle?  We don't want a cross, we want a T.
Clint:  Yeah, that's what we're doing.
John:  No.  It's not.  A "T," like this.
(John forms a "T" with his fingers)
Clint:  So we gotta start all over?
John:  Yes.
Maria: (Under her breath) S***!
Maria: (Narrating) John was being a real jerk about the building.  Everything has to be just perfect for him.  Like it matters how this thing gets built.
(Platz's net begins to take shape.  Pan up to the sky)

(Pan back down on Coble Beach)
Kevin: (Narrating) Hey buddy.  You missed the fight.  It was sweet!  Dan and Will and Brian were all over each other.  (Kevin imitates punching) Pow!  Pow!
(Coble is constructing their net.  Two tall wooden poles are embedded in the ground.
Coble is stretching the netting between the poles.  Lora's up in a tree tying the top knots)
Kevin:  Wow!  This net is huge!
(Lora leans in to reach a loose end of her knot.  She loses her footing and slips out of the tree.
Luckily, Dan's right underneath of her.  He catches her in his arms before she hits the ground)
Dan:  You OK?
Lora:  Yes.  You can put me down now.
(Dan puts Lora down.  A finger taps on his shoulder.  He turns around,
and Brian slugs him in the face.  He instantly crumples to the ground)
Brian:  No one touches my girl, a**hole!
(Everyone drops what they're doing.  Will and Sylvia run and pull Dan up)
Sylvia:  You OK?
Dan: (glaring at Brian) Yeah, I think so.
Will:  Smiley, that was completely unnecessary!  He was rescuing Lora, not hitting on her!
Brian:  You got a problem, fairy?
Will: (angrily) Maybe I do.
Brian:  (Menacingly)  What are you gonna do about it?
(Will glares at Brian.  The tension is palpable.  Finally, Will breaks his gaze)
Will:  Come on.  We have a net to build.
Brian:  Yeah, that's what I thought, pansy.
Brian: (Narrating) This tribe's a bunch of p*****s.  I can tell they got problems with me, but none of them's man enough to stand up to me.  F***ing pathetic.
(Coble gets back to work on their net.  Brian just watches them, shaking his head) 
Reward Challenge - Net Worth 
(Aerial shot of a huge circular arena, surrounded by a stone wall.  The Survivors
drag their makeshift nets in from the sides.  Jeff's waiting for them in the middle)
Jeff:  Hey guys.  See you've got your nets ready.  Before I tell you what you're going to be using them for, do you want to see what you're playing for today?
(The Survivors murmur "yes".  Jeff pulls a sheet off a crate)
Jeff:  Something to make your stay here in Newfoundland a little more comfortable.  Pillows, wool blankets, and a flask of organic shampoo.
(At the sight of the shampoo, Maria and Libby squeal)
Jeff:  OK, here's the challenge:
Each team will select two "catchers."  These two people will man your net.  Everyone else on the team:  runners.  The object of this challenge is for the two catchers to trap all of the opposing team's runners in their net.  This is all about technique, because once you catch them, you have to keep them in the net.  Runners, feel free to try to break free from your opponents' net if you're caught.  This is where we find out how good your construction really is.
I'll let you guys confer on who you'll select as your catchers.
(The teams confer)
Jeff:  Coble, you've chosen Will and Brian to man your net.  Platz, you've chosen Kris and John.  This is for Reward.  Survivors ready!  (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(At Jeff's go, the runners scatter all over the arena.  The catchers
grab hold of their rather unwieldy nets and begin stalking their prey.
Platz's net is definitely easier to maneuver.  The horizontal bars allow
John and Kris to hold the net's handles in front of them instead of to their sides like
Will and Brian's monstrous net.  John and Kris close in on Mary Ellen, who shrieks
and tries to get away.  They close the net on her and start dragging her along.
Will and Brian are having trouble moving their very tall net around.  Platz's runners easily avoid them.
John and Kris close in on Kevin)
Kevin:  Wow!
(Kevin stares at Platz's net in fascination.  They close it on him easily.
Will and Brian close in on Melissa)
Melissa:  Oh no!
(Will and Brian bag their first runner.  They drag Melissa around as they stalk other targets.
John and Kris come after Sylvia, dragging Kevin and Mary Ellen with them)
Sylvia: (chanting)  Hey, chicken, chicken, chicken!  Ho, chicken, chicken, chicken!
(Sylvia easily eludes Platz's net.  She hops around in a little circle taunting them.
Will and Brian are closing in on Maria)
Brian:  Left, d***weed!
Will:  Yeah, OK.
Maria:  (Screaming) No!
(Will and Brian close their net on Maria.  They set their sights on
Libby, who's standing up against the wall, looking nervous.
John and Kris catch Lora while she takes a breather.  Mary Ellen and Kevin claw at
the net, but it's in vain.  John and Kris keep it closed too tightly for anyone to escape.
Will and Maria scoop up against the wall and nab Libby.
Along with Maria and Melissa, she struggles to get out of the net.
John and Kris close in on a slow-moving Dan)
Dan:  Oh no, you don't!
Kris:  Oh yes, we do.
(Dan's caught.  Platz's net is teeming with Coble runners, who are
completely unable to escape.  Only nimble Sylvia is left to capture.
Will and Brian start to get the hang of their net.  They close in on Clint,
who is completely out of breath and sweating profusely.  They close their net on him)
Clint:  You ain't gonna keep me in here!
(Clint goes on a rampage, thrashing madly to get out of the net.  His girth is to his
advantage.  Coble's weak net ruptures, and Melissa, Maria, Libby, and Clint run free)
Jeff:  Coble!  Your net's broken.  You can attempt to repair it, but you'll lose time.
Brian:  S***!
(Will and Brian frantically work at their net, trying to tie it back together.
Meanwhile, John and Kris are having a very hard time catching Sylvia)
Sylvia:  Catch me if you can!  Oh, that's right.  You can't!
(Sylvia runs in circles around Platz's net, much to John and Kris's frustration.
Will and Brian continue to frantically work at the net)
Brian:  Tie that, dips***!
Will:  Argghh!!
(Sylvia's doing a little dance, taunting John and Kris.  The Cobles continue
to struggle to get out of the net.  Clint sneaks up behind Sylvia and grabs her)
Clint:  Get her, guys!
Sylvia: (Struggling) Hey!  No fair!
(John and Brian shrug and rush in to capture Sylvia.  Both
Clint and Sylvia get thrust in the net with the rest of the Cobles)
Jeff:  Platz!  You've captured the last of Coble's runners!  Your prize:  These blankets, pillows, and shampoo!
(Brian throws down Coble's net in frustration.  Maria and Libby are ecstatic.
They hold each other's shoulders and jump up and down screaming.  John rolls his eyes.
Coble exits, patting Sylvia on the back.  Platz leaves with their new bedding and shampoo)

(Maria and Libby sit in the stream, washing their hair.  Kris approaches them)
Kris:  Salutations, girls.

Maria: (Hiding her repulsion) Oh, hi Kris.  How's it going?

Kris:  All is well.  Have I mentioned how lovely you ladies are looking this afternoon?

Maria:  (Suddenly interested)  Really?  What is it about me in partic'lar that you think is lovely?

Kris: Your hair looks great tonight.

Maria:  You really think so?  ‘Cause I can’t properly condition it out here, so it's a little frizzed out.

Kris: No, I don't think it's frizzy at all.  That's just your natural curl.
Maria:  Kris, can you keep a secret?
Kris:  Of course.
Maria:  I'm not naturally curly.
Kris:  I'd never have guessed.
Maria: (Narrating) You know, I'd thought that Kris was kind of creepy, but I've changed my mind completely.  He is such a nice guy!  He came over and chatted with me and Libby for a long time, and he's so interesting.

(John is tossing his baseball into the air and catching it in his glove.  Clint approaches him)
Clint:  Hey, John.
John: (Not taking his eyes off the ball) Hey.
Clint:  Look John.  I realized you was right about voting Brother Bob off.
John: (interested) Really?
Clint:  Yeah.  That was a dumb move.  I wasn't thinkin'.
John:  Well, I'm glad to hear you've come to your senses.
Clint:  Yeah...  So, wanna play catch till it gets dark?
John:  Yeah.  That'd be fun.
(John and Clint start throwing the ball back and forth)
John: (Narrating) Well, I'm glad to have Clint back in the fold.  He's made some colossal blunders the past couple days, but he's realized what he's been doing wrong and decided to change.  And it was good to just have someone to toss the ball around with again.
(John and Clint continue playing catch as the daylight begins to wane)

. .
(Sunset approaches.  Coble's fire starts to burn low)
Mary Ellen:  Uh-oh!  Looks like we need some more firewood!
Brian: (angrily) No f***ing way!
Mary Ellen: (defensively)  What?  I didn't ask you.
Brian:  Well, you thought about it.
Will: (breaking in) Come on, Dan.  We'll get it.
Dan:  OK.
(Will and Dan are picking up sticks)
Will:  Dan - Brian.  What do you think of him?
Dan:  Oh, I don't know.
Will:  Guh?
Dan:  OK, I really don't like the guy.
Will:  OK, then I need to ask you, would you be open to an alliance to vote Smiley off the island?
Dan:  Yeah.
Dan: (Narrating) I think Will wants to get rid of Brian, which is OK by me.  That guy's a bit of a bully, and I wouldn't mind seeing him go at all.
(Later that night, Will talks to Sylvia and Mary Ellen)
Will:  I'd really like to get rid of Smiley next Tribal Council.
Mary Ellen:  Well, you have my vote, even if it would mean one less young stud around camp!  (Braying laugh)
Sylvia:  You know I'll back you up, Will.  Still, I'd hate to lose such an interesting subject.
Will: (Narrating) Right now I'm trying to work a backdoor maneuver to get rid of Smiley.  I just hope word doesn't get back to him.  I don't want to have to deal with him when he's angry.
(Meanwhile, Lora stares up at the stars.  Kevin approaches her)
Kevin:  Hey, Lora.
Lora:  Oh, hey there, Kev.
Kevin:  Wow!   It sure is clear out tonight.  Summer solstice is coming soon.  If we had an egg, we could get it to stand up on its end.
Lora:  Uh-huh.  Hey, Kevin?
Kevin:  Yeah?
Lora:  Do you ever feel... insecure?
Kevin:  Um, what do you mean?
Lora:  I mean, like there's this one person you know probably isn't right for you, but you stay with them because, I don't know, it makes you feel safe.
Kevin:  Um, I don't know.
Lora:  Kevin, can you just stay here with me for a while?
Kevin:  OK.
(Pan up to the starry sky.  Segue to dawn)

(John and Clint go for Tree Mail)
John:  I wonder what kind of stupid poem they'll have for us today?
Clint: (Chuckles) Yeah, those poems are retarded.
(John pulls out Tree Mail and reads it)
John: (Reading) How close have you come
                            To those on your tribe?
                            If you have togetherness
                            Then you will thrive
                            The ground disappears
                            So hold on tight
                            If you touch the ground
                            You could go tonight
Rhyming "tribe" and "thrive?"  That's horrible!  How hard would it be for CBS to buy one rhyming dictionary?  Guess they're using up all their good writers on Baby Bob.

Immunity Challenge - Stumped 
(Two huge "O" shaped platforms, made of colored wedges sit on the beach.
A multicolored wheel is nailed to a tree.  The Survivors approach)
Jeff:  Guys, come on in.  (To Coble) I'll take back the Immunity Idol.
(Will hands Jeff the Immunity Idol)
Jeff:  Immunity is back up for grabs.  OK, here's today's challenge:
You guys are going to stand on top of these giant stumps.  Each one is made up of twelve wedges that can be taken away individually.  Each tribe is going to select a deconstructor.  The deconstructor does not stand on the stump. Instead, they will remove the opposing tribe's wedges.  I'll spin this colored wheel to indicate which colored wedge will be the next removed.  This will continue until any member of a tribe touches the ground with any part of their body.
As the stumps grow smaller, you can do whatever you want to do to make yourselves stay on the stump.  You can put people on shoulders, use clothing to lean others out - anything you can think of to last longer as your space gets smaller. The tribe to stay off the ground longest wins the challenge.  Sound fair?
(General "yeahs")
Jeff:  OK, move into positions.
(The tribes climb on top of their stumps.  They spread
themselves out of the surface of the platform)
Jeff:  Coble, you've chosen Dan as your deconstructor.  Platz, you've chosen Melissa.  OK, here goes the wheel!
(Jeff spins the wheel.  It lands on orange)
Jeff:  Dan, Melissa, remove an orange wedge.
(Melissa removes an orange wedge from Coble's stump.  Lora has to
step off before she removes it.  Dan removes a wedge from Platz's stump)
Jeff: (Spinning the wheel) Where will it land?  Purple!
(Melissa and Dan remove green wedges.  The teams are still pretty spread out at this point)
Jeff: (Spinning the wheel) Next color: blue.
(Melissa and Dan remove blue wedges)
Jeff:  Circles are a fourth of the way gone.  Next color: red.
(Melissa and Dan remove red wedges.  Dan removes Platz's wedge in such a way that the team
is divided in half.  John, Amanda, and Libby are on one side.  Maria, Clint, and Kris are on the other)
Jeff:  Platz could be in trouble.  Next color: blue again.
(The deconstructors remove blue wedges.  Coble's sticking together, while Platz's rift
becomes wider.  Maria, Clint, and Kris are on an island made of a yellow and green wedge)
Jeff:  Next color:  look at that.  Green.
(Maria, Clint and Kris are all now on one yellow wedge.  Coble's looking
pretty good.  The whole team is on an island made of three wedges)
Jeff:  Around and around the wheel goes!  Red!
(On Maria, Clint, and Kris's wedge, Clint suddenly passes gas)
Maria:  Ugh!  Clint, that's horrible.
Clint:  It's the chickweed.
(Jeff spins the wheel again)
Jeff:  Orange again.
(At this point all of Coble's on two wedges.  They're getting quite cramped.  Kevin teeters
on the edge for a moment, but Will and Brian grab him and pull him back on)
Jeff:  That was close, Coble.  Yellow!  Dan, you can't take the one that Maria, Clint, and Kris are stranded on.
(Platz is actually sitting pretty now.  Coble's all crammed together in a tiny space,
while they're spread out and able to stay put.  Until Clint passes gas again, that is)
Maria:  Clint!
Clint:  Pardon me.
Maria:  Ugh!  I can't stand it!
(Maria jumps off the wedge.  Coble breathes a sigh of relief)
Jeff:  Maria!  You touched the ground.  Coble!  You're taking home immunity again!
(Platz glares at Maria)
Maria:  What?
Jeff:  Platz, I'll see you guys tonight at Tribal Council.
(Coble celebrates.  Platz walks away dejected)

(Melissa boils a pot of chickweed.  On the other side of camp, John pulls Clint aside)
John:  Man!  Could you believe Maria in the challenge?
Clint:  That was pretty dumb.
John:  Every challenge we've lost has been because of her or Libby.  And they're not just physical liabilities.  I think that they really bring everyone down with their cattiness.  You are going to vote for Maria, aren't you?
Clint:  To tell the truth, I'm not sure how I'm gonna vote yet.
John:  You'd have to be a fool not to get rid of her.
(Kris approaches John and Clint)
Kris:  A little last minute strategy session, gentlemen?
John:  Yeah.  How are you voting, Kris?
Kris:  Why, I'm voting for Maria, of course.
John:  See, Clint?  At least Kris is voting intelligently.
(Elsewhere, Amanda begins to sneak away from camp.  Libby catches her)
Libby:  Where do you think you're going?
Amanda:  I have to get away from all this strategizing.
Libby:  I don't think so.
Libby: (Narrating) I think Amanda thinks we've all forgotten about the apple incident, but we haven't.  You simply do not hide food from your teammates and get away with it.
(Amanda sighs and turns back into the campsite)
Melissa: (Narrating) I'm a little concerned for Amanda tonight.  It just didn't look good when she hid those apples from us.  I'd understand completely if she got votes from Maria and Libby.  Luckily, we've got a little plan of our own.  It ought to be an interesting Tribal Council.

Tribal Council # 3  
(Platz walks into tribal council, where Jeff's waiting)
Jeff:  Guys, welcome back to Tribal Council.  Second time in a row for you guys.  How's it feel coming to Tribal Council yet again?
John:  We wouldn't be here if a certain someone would take the challenges more seriously.
Jeff:  I assume you're talking about Maria.
John:  Of course.
Jeff:  Maria, how do you justify screwing up a majority of the challenges for your team?
Maria:  I've never claimed to be a player.  I'm just here to cheer my team on.
Jeff:  Libby, cheering your team on good enough for you?
Libby:  If it's good enough for Maria, it's good enough for me.
Jeff:  Kris, at this point in the game, has strategy come into play, or is it just a simple matter of weeding out the weakest links on your team?
Kris:  Well, certainly getting rid of weak links is a strategy.  If our clan is unable to win challenges, any strategy is null and void.
Jeff:  Melissa, do you agree with Kris?
Melissa:  I don't know that getting rid of the weakest person is always the best strategy.  Sometimes it's better to get rid of someone who's hurting tribe morale.
Jeff:  Speaking of tribe morale, Amanda, I hear you were hiding food from your tribemates.  How'd that go over?
Amanda: (nervously) No one was very happy with me, but I hope they've gotten over it.
Jeff:  OK, well it's time to vote.  Maria, you're up first.
(Maria walks to the voting booth.  We don't see her vote.
She’s followed by John.  He votes for Maria)
John:  Same reason as last time.
(Libby's next, followed by Kris.  We don't see his vote)
Kris:  And so the game begins...
(Amanda's next, followed by Melissa.  She's voted for Maria)
Melissa:  Maria, you know I love you, but the challenges are just getting ridiculous.  Our tribe needs to win, and you're just not helping us.
(Finally, Clint votes.  We don't see it.  He returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the voting canister)
Jeff: Just a reminder:  once the votes are read, the results are final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  I'll read the votes:
That's three votes Maria.
. .
Three votes Maria, three votes John.  And the third person voted off the island:
Jeff:  John, I need you to bring me your torch.
(John grabs his torch and approaches Jeff.  He has a bemused little smirk on his face)
Jeff:  John, the tribe has spoken. (Snuffs his torch) It's time for you to go.
John: (smiling) OK...
(Exit John.  Kris gives a triumphant smirk as he watches John leave)
Jeff:  Voting out John, you're getting rid of someone who appears to be strong in the challenges; a team player.  Remember, this game is full of twists.  You'd better hope you made the right decision.  You guys can get back to camp.  I'll see you tomorrow.
(The tribe exits)  
John's Final Words:  Well, looks like they voted me out...  I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I guess it's what I'd expect out of this group.  They're definitely going to regret keeping Maria around, and I'm going to be there to laugh at them when Coble starts picking them off one by one.  Well, I'm looking forward to eating something other than that nasty chickweed, so I guess that's about all I have to say.  Onward! 
Voting Record:
Maria:  John
John:  Maria
Libby:  John
Kris:  John
Amanda:  Maria
Melissa:  Maria
Clint:  John 
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