S U R V I V O R 
Episode 2 – The Invocation 
Jeff: Previously on Survivor:
16 Americans were abandoned in rugged Newfoundland.  After a rough paddle to shore, the tribes discovered they'd been given no rations.  Becky tried to wrest control of the Coble tribe, but found resistance in her younger tribemates.  Over at Platz, John and Kris found themselves annoyed with the girls on their tribe.  Bob also stepped on several toes with his preaching.  At Coble, Becky showed her frustration at her tribe's laziness.  Will attempted to reconcile with Brian, but only made things worse.  Both tribes failed in making a fire, but it was Platz that took home fire and immunity after the first challenge.  Coble went to Tribal Council, where the younger players teamed up to vote Becky off the island.
15 are left.  Who will be voted off tonight?   
Theme Song    
(The sun rises over the ocean at rocky Coble
beach.  Will does sit ups next to a cedar log)
Will: (Narrating) Last night, we voted Becky off. I really didn't want to get rid of her.  I like Becky.  She has an excellent work ethic and she's good at organizing things.  But she annoyed my peers, so I had to vote with them.  Being a part of group is the most important thing at this point.
(Mary Ellen gets up and approaches Will)
Mary Ellen:  My, my.  Aren't you the little early squirrel?
Will: (Slightly annoyed) I like to have some time to myself before everyone else gets up.
Mary Ellen:  Oh, I see how you are.  You're too good for the rest of us!
(Mary Ellen laughs her braying laugh.  Will cringes)
Mary Ellen:  Well, you take it easy, Will.  I'm going to see what I can rustle up for breakfast.
Mary Ellen: (Narrating) Now that Becky's gone, I'm feeling a bit isolated.  She was the only one anywhere near my age.  And I don't know what's going on with these kids.  I get this vibe from them that they're annoyed with me for some reason.  (Braying laugh)  Now why would anyone be annoyed with me?
(Later that morning, everyone's up.  Kevin carries
a large frog.  He approaches Brian and Lora)
Kevin:  Hey, buddy.  Have you seen Becky?  I want to show her this dude.  (The frog ribbits)
Lora:   Um, Kevin, Becky's gone.
Kevin:  Oh.  Where'd she go?
Brian:  We voted her off last night, remember?
Kevin:  What do you mean, buddy?
Lora:  Kevin, you do know what the point of this game is, don't you?
Kevin:  Sure.  We go to the council and we enter the lottery for $1 million.
(Brian and Lora groan)
Lora: (Narrating) Kevin had no idea how this game worked.  We had to sit him down and explain the voting off, immunity, and everything.  I think he's taking it pretty well.
(Cut to a shot of Kevin kneeling on the ground, watching
his frog hop.  Filler shot of a frog burying itself in mud)  
(Pan in on the heavily forested Camp Platz.  Maria and Libby
are sitting on a crate, dishing about the other players)
Maria:  What do you think of John?
Libby: (shrugs) He's kind of cute.
Maria:  You really think so?
Libby: (insecure) Um, is that what you want me to think?
(Amanda walks by to get to the tools)
Amanda: (Nervously) Excuse me.
(Amanda grabs a knife and briskly walks away)
Maria:  Ohmigawd!  That girl is so weird!
Libby:  Yeah, I know.  She's, like, totally anti-social.  I don't think she's said one word to me since we've been out here.
Maria:  She's definitely not a team player.  I don't think Platz is even important to her.
Libby:  I know!
Maria:  But you know who's really weird?
Libby:  Who?
Maria:  Kris.  He really creeps me out sometimes.
Libby: (Shudders) Yeah.
(Across camp, Kris watches the girls' chat)
Kris: (Narrating) I like to observe the other players as they go about their feeble lives.  No one else is playing this Survivor game yet, but I've already started thinking long term.  As everyone knows, an alliance is key to one's victory in this game.  I'm a student of the Fox, Bear, Goat, and Bunny school.  Um, allow me to elaborate on that:
A fox is the leader of an alliance.  That's the position I hope to put myself in.  A bear is the fox's loyal right hand man.   A goat is an unlikable player that's dragged along to face in the finals to make oneself look likable by comparison.  A bunny is an unthreatening player used for an extra vote.  He or she can be dumped at any time.
So far, it's looking like my only rival foxes are Amanda and John.  They're both quite intelligent.  As for the other positions, I have several possibilities lined up.  I'm just looking for the right opportunity to approach them about the alliance.
(Elsewhere, John is ripping branches off a tall pine tree.  Bob approaches him)
Bob:  Morning, John.  What are you doing?
John:  I'm gathering branches to reinforce the shelter.
Bob:  Would you like some help?
John:  Sure.  That'd be great.
(Bob joins John in stripping the pine)
John:  So, Brother Bob, what do you think of the girls on our tribe?
Bob:  Well, they seem to be nice girls, although I'm afraid some of them don't know the Lord.
John:  Yeah, right…  and how about their work habits?
Bob:   Well, I'm not sure how to answer that, John.
John:  Do you think that maybe they get away with doing a little less work than they should?
Bob:  Well, I guess you could say that.
John: (Narrating) I get pretty annoyed with the girls on our tribe.  They just sit around all day yakking it up.  I know one thing:  if we get to tribal council, I'm going to give one of them something to talk about.  Maria and Libby are the first ones out if I have anything to say about it.
(Cut back to Maria and Libby gabbing away.  Pan up to the overcast sky)  
(Pan back down on Coble beach.  Will sits in the rickety
shelter, studying the Survival Guide.  Lora enters)
Lora: (annoyed) Um, excuse me...
Will:  Yes?
Lora:  Could you go someplace else?  I'd like to take a nap.
Will:  Go ahead.
Lora:  Um, I've been using that book as a pillow…
Will:  Well, go without it.
Lora: (Sighs) What are you doing, anyway?
Will:  I'm studying this in case we ever have a quiz challenge.  It'd probably be a good idea for you to do so as well.
Lora:  Mmm... I don't think so.  All that survival stuff is so boring.
Will:  Well, whatever.
Lora:  Look, can you just give me the book and get out?
Will:  No, I don't think so.
Lora:  (Whining) Will!  Why do you have to be so stubborn!  C'mon!  Just give it to me!
Will:  OK, OK…
(Will walks out of the shelter muttering.  Sylvia stops him)
Sylvia:  Hey.  What was that all about?
Will:  Oh, Lora just always has to have things her way.
Sylvia: (Analytically) Hmmm… I'm sensing that there's something more to this.  Is there something going on between you two?
Will:  Lora and I used to date.  I thought you knew that.
Sylvia:  It's news to me.  That would explain some of the tension around camp.  Do you feel that you've resolved all your issues with Lora?
Will:  Yes.
Sylvia:  Really?  Because I'm sensing that there may still be some attraction on both sides.
Will:  You think so?
Sylvia: (Narrating) I find Will and Lora's relationship to be fascinating.  There's some definite hostility between them, but I think it stems from some deep-seeded attraction left over from their previous relationship.  I'm going to keep an eye on the situation and see how things develop.
Will: (Narrating) I find it funny that Sylvia thinks she knows more about my relationship with Lora than I do.  Still, I enjoy talking to her.  She's by far the most interesting person out here.  I'm willing to put up with being psychoanalyzed if it results in interesting conversation.
(Will and Sylvia continue talking.  Pan out.  Filler shot of a fox digging)  
(Cut to the woods around Platz.  Amanda and Melissa are
trudging through the forest.  Melissa holds a book)
Melissa: (Narrating) I've sort of made it my goal to be the food provider for our tribe.  I was out looking for more berries today, using the field guide to avoid picking poisonous ones again, and I made a really cool discovery.
Melissa:  Hey Amanda!  Check this out!
Amanda:  What is it?
Melissa:  I think this grass here is chickweed.  It's edible!  Come on, help me pick it!
Amanda:  OK...
(Amanda and Melissa uproot a bunch of grass.
They carry armloads of the stuff back to camp)
Melissa:  Hey you guys!  I found some real food this time.  I'm serious!
Clint:  That looks like grass to me.
Melissa:  It is!  It's chickweed.  The field guide says we can eat it.
(Melissa boils chickweed in a kettle hanging over the fire.  The others look on)
Melissa:  This is going to be great, guys!  You'll see.
Bob:  We know it is, Melissa.
(Melissa starts dishing out the boiled chickweed.  She
hands a bowl to John, who reluctantly tries it)
Melissa:  What do you think?  Not half bad, is it?
John: (Sputtering) It's not half bad, it's entirely bad.
Bob:  Now, now.  I'm sure it'll be fine.  Now, shall we ask the Lord to bless our meal?
(The group reluctantly joins hands.  Kris, Maria, and Clint look particularly annoyed as Bob prays)
Maria: (Narrating) I don't mean to knock religion or anything - I mean, I believe in God - but I really hate having to pray over every single meal.  And the way Bob makes us hold hands with everyone- like Kris and Clint- that just really makes me uncomfortable.
(Bob finishes his prayer.  Pan up to the sky)  
(Dan stands on the beach, talking on his phone)
Dan: (Narrating) Sometimes I don't know about these people on my tribe.  I brought my cell phone as my luxury item so that I could keep in touch with my wife, Susan.  Today I was on the beach, talking to her about Tribal Council, when Brian came up to me…
Brian:  Hey a**wipe, get off the phone.
Dan: (Into his phone) Just a sec, hon.  (To Brian) What?
Brian:  I said get off the f***ing phone.
Dan:  Um, may I ask why?
Brian:  'Cause I said to, that's why.
Dan:  Well, that's not a very good reason. (Into the phone) I don't know, honey.  Some of these people need help.
Brian:  That does it, a**hole!
(Brian grabs Dan's phone)
Dan:  Hey!
Brian: (Into the phone) He'll call you back, b****.
(Brian winds back and hurls the phone off into the ocean)
Brian: Or not.
Dan:  Hey!  Why'd you do that?
Brian:  Because I felt like it.
(Brian walks off)
Dan:  Well that wasn't very nice.  
(Melissa is leaning against a large cedar, relaxing.  Bob approaches her)
Bob:  Hi there, Melissa.
Melissa:  Hi, Brother Bob!
Bob:  I just wanted to tell you how much we appreciated you finding food for us.
Melissa:  Well, it's my pleasure.  I'm just glad I could help out the tribe.
Bob:  Well, I think everyone really enjoyed the meal.
Melissa:  Oh, I really hope they did...  It's not the best tasting stuff in the world.
Bob:  Well, we just have to be thankful for what the Lord provides.
Melissa:  Yeah.
(Across camp, John and Clint are scrubbing the pot the chickweed was cooked in)
John:  Man!  This stuff won't even come out of the pot.  That's got to be the nastiest thing I've ever eaten!
Clint: (Chuckles) Yeah.
John:  It's like a cross between spinach and raw sewage.
Clint:  No kidding.
John:  If Mrs. Brennit tries to forcefeed us that stuff again, I don't know what I'm going to do.
Clint:  You ought to just throw it in the fire.
(John starts laughing)
John:  I dare you to do that next time she brings in an armload of the fowl stuff.
Clint:  Yeah right.
John:  C'mon, Clint.  You'll be a hero.  Burn the chickweed!
Clint:  Nah, we'd better not.
(John continues to implore Clint to actually follow
through with his idea.  Clint good-naturedly takes it)
Clint: (Narrating) I really like hangin' out with John.  We can talk man to man.  No having to act all proper in front of the ladies. 
(Will and Sylvia go for tree mail)
Will:  Our first reward.
Sylvia:  Are you excited?
Will:  Eh.
(Will pulls out the message and reads it)
Will: (reading) Under the sand
                         Is where it rests
                         You'll move it via
                         Viking express
                         Your first reward
                         You've much to learn
                         If you're quick
                         Rations you'll earn
(flippantly)  Eh.  Why not?

Sylvia:  All right!

Reward Challenge - Exposed Chests 
(Aerial view of a sandy beach.  Two large wooden carts
sit by the sea.  The Survivors approach.  Jeff is waiting)
Jeff:  Hey guys.  Welcome to your first reward challenge.  How's the food gathering effort been going?
John:  Things could be a lot better.
Jeff:  Well, here's something that will definitely make things better.  A canister of rice.  Rationed properly, it should last your team to the merge.
(The Survivors Ooh)
Jeff:  OK, here's the challenge.  In front of you are two huge wooden carts, one for each team.  At the far ends the of the beach, there are two flags.  Buried under each flag is a huge treasure chest.  This thing is very heavy.  You'll dig the treasure chest out with your bare hands, then load it up onto your cart.  Once you have the chest up on the cart, you'll roll it back across this very uneven beach back to your platforms here.  First team to get their chest onto this platform wins the rice.
Platz, since you have an extra member, you're sitting someone out.
(Platz confers)
Jeff:  Platz, you've chosen to sit out Libby.  This challenge is for reward.  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(The teams start pushing their carts in opposite directions towards their flags.  Coble takes a bit of a
lead and arrive at their flag several seconds before Platz.  They start digging furiously at the flag's base.
Platz reaches their flag.  Everyone but Maria begins to dig)
Melissa:  Maria!
Maria:  Well, you're all doing it!  There's no need to get sand all up under my nails.
(Melissa sighs and goes back to digging.  Both teams dig for several minutes.  The outlines of
the chests start to appear.  At Coble, Kevin stops digging when a flock of seagulls flies over)
Kevin: (Imitating the gulls)  Caw!  Caw!
(Despite Kevin quitting, Coble is doing quite well.  The chest is almost
entirely exposed.  Platz's chest is about halfway dug up)
Maria:  Come on, Platz!  Dig!  Dig!
(John glares at Maria.  Coble gets its chest entirely exposed)
Will:  Let's get this thing up on the cart!
(Will, Dan, Brian, Mary Ellen, and Sylvia all lift together
and manage to get the chest up onto the cart)
Brian:  Move it!
(Coble's cart starts barrelling down the beach)
Libby: (Biting her nails) Oooo!  Come on, guys!
(Platz's chest is almost exposed, but Coble's already halfway down the beach)
Maria:  Come on, Platz!  Keep it up!
John: (Rolling his eyes)  It's over.
Maria:  Come on!  Platzes don't give up!
(Platz ignores Maria and stops digging.  They watch as Coble reaches
their platform.  They heft up their chest and set it down on the platform)
Jeff:  Coble!  This rice is yours!
(Coble celebrates.  John glares at Maria.  Platz walks away dejected)

(After the reward challenge, Platz is sitting around cooking another pot of
chickweed.  John has an incredibly dour expression as he watches the grass boil)
Melissa:  OK.  I think this is just about ready.
Bob:  OK, everyone.  Let's bless this meal.
Kris: (Breaking in) "Bless the meal."  What does that even mean, Bob?
Bob:  Well, it means that we thank God for providing us with this food...
Kris:  Please!  "God" didn't provide this.  Mrs. Brennit did.  If anything, we ought to be praying to her.
Melissa:  Um...
Bob:  Kris, you can't pray to a person.  Only the Lord can hear and accept prayers.
Kris:  And what if one doesn't believe in this "Lord?"
Bob:  That would be a very unfortunate thing.
Kris:  I think it's unfortunate that you constantly push your religion down our throats.
Bob:  I'm not trying to push my religion on anyone.  I'm simply worshipping the Lord the best I know how.
Kris:  Surely I'm not the only one who feels this way?  Maria, Clint, you're offended by the constant praying, no?
Maria:  Well, yeah.
(Clint mumbles something)
Bob:  OK.  I suppose we could do away with the group prayers, then.
(The group falls silent.  Melissa serves up chickweed.  The conversation during the meal is awkward)
Kris:  (Narrating) I wasn't trying to bring down the clan's morale.  I just thought Bob's religiousity was an issue that needed to be addressed.
Maria: (Narrating) To tell the truth, I'm glad Kris spoke up about the praying thing.  It was really bothering me, too.
Bob: (Narrating) I feel very sorry for Kris.  He's an angry young man who has turned his back on the Lord.  I can only pray that the Spirit, in His infinite wisdom, prods at Kris to come back home.  Until then, though, I'll honor his request to stop the group prayers.
(Night falls on Camp Platz.  The sky clears up and the stars start to appear) 
(Kevin sits out in a grassy field, staring up at the
night sky.  Mary Ellen approaches him)
Mary Ellen:  Hey there, Kevin.  Whatcha doin'?
Kevin:  Lookin' at the stars.
Mary Ellen:  Oh.
(There's a pause)
Kevin:  See that one?  That's Canopus.  It's the second brightest star in the sky.
Mary Ellen:  Is that right?
Kevin:  Yeah, and over there- That's Deneb.  It's part of the Summer Triangle.
Mary Ellen:  Wow!  You're just a little encyclopedia, aren't you?  (Braying laugh)
Kevin:  Hey, wanna see my meteorite?
Mary Ellen:  Sure!
(Kevin pulls a small rock out of his pocket and shows it to Mary Ellen)
Kevin:  It's my good luck charm.
Mary Ellen: (Narrating) Kevin showed me his very special rock last night.  There's a lot more to that boy than I originally thought.  I guess he's not as slow as I thought he was. (braying laugh)
(In the shelter, Lora snuggles up next to Brian)
Lora:  I'm cold.
Brian:  Don't worry, I'll keep you warm, babe.
Lora: (Narrating) I'm really starting to like Brian.  Sure he's a little rough, but he's so strong.  I just feel protected when I'm around him.
Brian: (Narrating) Lora?  Yeah, she's hot for me.  I'm not one to refuse the ladies.
(Will walks into the shelter and sees Brian and Lora curled up together)
Will:  Oy vey...
(Will exits the shelter)
Will: (Narrating) I'm a bit concerned for Lora.  Smiley's not the kind of guy you want to get involved with.  But I'm not going to say anything.  It's really none of my business, and if I tried to intervene, she'd probably just think I was jealous.
(Will lays down in the grass and stares up at
the sky.  The stars fade and the sun rises)

(The sound of birds chirping permeates the
crisp morning air. John and Clint go for tree mail)
John:  "Tree mail?"  I'll bet they think they're pretty clever.
Clint:  Huh?  I don't get it.
John:  They took "e-mail," then replaced "tree" for "e."  Get it?  It's supposed to be funny.
Clint: Oh.  Um, what's it say?
John:  It says, (reading)  We hope that you're hungry
                                          'Cause today you will feast
                                          On what we won't say
                                          That's the nature of the beast
                                          Be sure to come ready
                                          To eat something gross
                                           If you can't get it down
                                           Then one of you's toast
Huh.  Can't be any worse than that chickweed.

Immunity Challenge - Lauren's Revenge 
 (The Survivors enter a courtyard surrounded by a rock wall.  Jeff
stands behind a marble table, holding a huge machete)
Jeff:  Welcome!  Come on in, guys.  I think you're going to like today's immunity challenge.  Before we begin, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine.
(Jeff whistles.  A mangy dog runs in the courtyard and stops at Jeff's feet)
Jeff: (Petting the dog) Hey there, buddy.  This guy's name is Les Sachs.  You may remember him from Survivor: Missouri.  We rescued him from the dog food plant that Lauren sold him to to spite Scott.  He's going to help us with today's Immunity Challenge.  Les, you ready?
(Les Sachs barks once in affirmation.  The Survivors "aww")
Jeff:  OK.
(Jeff swings back his machete and brings it down on Les Sachs' neck.
The dog's head rolls off.  The Survivors gasp in horror)
Jeff:  No need to worry, he didn't feel any pain.  Now...
(Jeff picks up the severed head and sets it on the table.
He chops the head in its dead center and it splits in half)
Jeff:  This is what you're eating today.  Fresh dog brain.  Two of you will come up at a time and face off one on one.  If you refuse to eat, you lose.  If you can't keep it down, you lose.  Sound fair?
(Everyone's too horrified to reply)
Jeff:  OK.  Coble, since you're down one, someone's going to have to go twice.  Whoever you select to eat first will also eat last.  I'll let you guys make your decision.
(Coble chooses Brian to eat first.  Platz sends John)
Jeff:  Smiley versus John.  Let me serve you up a couple chunks here.
(Jeff hands each guy a chunk of brain.  Brian throws back his head and
drops the brain in.  He quickly chews it up and shows Jeff his tongue.
 John eats his brain slowly, cringing all the while.  He manages to get it down)
Jeff:  OK, you guys are good.  Next two.
(Brian and John step down.  Will and Bob come up next)
Bob:  Hello, Will.
Will:  Howdoo!
Jeff:  Will verses the pastor.  You guys ready?
Will:  Guh.
(Jeff serves up two chunks of brain.  Will pops it in his mouth and chews it
up no problem.  Bob's another story.  He continually gags as he tries
to chew the brain.  He begins to cough, and sprays the brain all over the place)
Jeff:  Oh!  Platz!  You're down one.
Melissa:  That's OK, Brother Bob!
(Will and Bob step down.  Kevin and Kris are next)
Jeff:  Here ya go, guys.  Still warm.
Kevin:  Mmm... that looks pretty gross.
(Kris pops the brain in his mouth and chews it up without problems)
Kris:  It's good, Kevin.  Try it.
Kevin:  Mmm.. OK.
(Kevin pops the brain in.  He sinks his teeth in and gags.  He turns and vomits right on Jeff)
Kevin:  Oh, man.  That was sick!
Jeff:  (Wiping himself off) Why did I leave Rock 'n' Roll Jeopardy?  OK, teams are even again.  Next?
(Lora and Clint are next.  Jeff serves them up two helpings
of brain.  Clint picks his up and downs it easily.  Lora's hesitant)
Lora:  I can't do this!  You brutally murdered that poor dog!
Jeff:  You're refusing?
Lora:  Yes.
Jeff:  Your funeral at tribal council.  Coble's down one.
(Dan and Amanda come up next)
Jeff:  Battle of the mutes.  OK guys.
(Surprisingly, neither have problems.  Amanda gives Dan a
little smile and they return.  Sylvia and Libby are the next two)
Jeff:  OK, girls.
(Sylvia eats her brain with gusto.  Libby, meanwhile, won't touch hers)
Jeff:  Libby, you gonna eat that?
(Libby looks to be on the verge of tears)
Libby:  I can't.  It's disgusting.
Jeff:  OK, Libby refused.  Teams are tied again.
(Mary Ellen and Melissa are next)
Jeff:  The ladies square off.  Got some extra big chunks for you two.
Mary Ellen:  On three.  1... 2... 2 and a half...  (Giggles)  3!
(Mary Ellen and Melissa pop their chunks in simultaneously.  Melissa gags quite a bit,
but gets it down.  Mary Ellen isn't so lucky. She bends down and coughs it out on the ground)
Mary Ellen:  That wasn't very lady like!  (Braying Laugh)  Sorry, guys.
Jeff:  Coble's down one.  Final pair.  Smiley and Maria.
(Jeff hands the two their chunks of brain.  Brian wolfs his
down without any problem.  Maria refuses to touch hers)
Jeff:  Maria, if you can get that down, your team wins immunity.
Maria:  No way!  I won't do it!
Jeff:  You give up?
Maria:  Yeah.
Jeff:  OK.  It looks like we have a tie.  Here's how a tie-breaker works:  Each team needs to choose the person they think to be most squeamish from the other team.  I'm going to get the rest of the brain out here and split it in half.  Whoever eats their pile of grey matter first wins immunity for their team.  I'll let you guys confer.
(The teams confer)
Jeff:  Coble, who do you pick?
Will:  Maria.
Jeff:  Platz?
John:  Kevin.
(Maria and Kevin approach the table)
Jeff:  OK. Maria, Kevin, first one to eat this pile of brain wins immunity.  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(Maria just stares at her pile of brain.  Coble cheers Kevin to eat
the brain.  He picks it up and takes a bite, then spits it out)
Kevin: (Whining) Guuuys!  I can't!
Mary Ellen:  Yes you can!  You've got your lucky meteorite!
Kevin:  Oh yeah...
(Kevin picks up another piece of brain and crams it in.  He forces it down.  He picks up
another chunk and gets it down.  There's one more chunk.  He shovels it in and swallows)
Jeff:  Kevin!  You just won your team immunity!
(Jeff hands Kevin the Immunity Idol.  He's absolutely beaming as his team surrounds
him and lifts him above their heads.  Maria walks back to Platz, who glare at her)
Maria:  What?
Jeff:  Platz!  We have a date at Tribal Council tonight.
(Platz walks out in defeat.  John and Clint look especially angry)

(Platz returns to camp)

Bob: (Narrating) Since we lost the challenge today, we have to vote someone off tonight.  Melissa came to me this afternoon and wanted to know how I would like to vote this evening...

(Melissa and Bob discuss the vote)
Bob:  My vote would probably have to be for Kris.  It's nothing personal, but I feel that he probably drags down the mood at our camp the most.
Melissa:  Yeah, I think I'm going to have to agree.  Boy, I just really wish we didn't have to vote anyone off, you know?
Bob:  Uh-huh.
(Elsewhere, Kris approaches John and Clint)
Kris:  Good afternoon, gentlemen.
John:  So, Kris, could you believe Maria and Libby at the challenge?
Kris:  That was pretty unbelievable.
John:  I mean, come on!  After eating that nasty chickweed, eating dog brain ought to be a cinch!
Kris:  So can I assume that's how you plan to vote tonight?
John:  Oh yeah.  I plan to write out Maria's name out tonight.
(Cut to Maria and Libby)
Maria:  Ugh!  That challenge was so gross!
Libby:  Oh, I know!
Maria:  So, how do you want to vote tonight?
Libby:  I was thinking that Kris guy.
Maria:  You were?  I was thinking-
(Suddenly, Amanda walks past.  Maria stops talking as she passes by)
Maria:  That girl always just appears out of nowhere.
Libby:  Yeah, I know.  She's just so weird.
(Amanda sits under her secret apple tree and chomps down on an apple)
Amanda: (Narrating) I'm not sure how I want to vote tonight.  I don't think that Maria and Libby like me very much.  But that's OK.  I don't really like them much either.
Kris: (Narrating) I can't really get a good sense of the vote tonight.  If things go the way I hope, this will be quite the pivotal council.  My future as a fox depends on which way the sheep choose to flock tonight.

Tribal Council # 2  
(Platz walks into tribal council, where Jeff's waiting)
Jeff:  Welcome to your first tribal council.  Since this is your first time here, we'll begin with a ritual.  Grab your torches and dip them in the flame.  We do this because fire represents life here.  These torches are your life here at tribal council.
(The Survivors light their torches and sit down)
Jeff:  OK, so it's been a rather disappointing three days for you.  After a strong showing in the first challenge, you lost the last two.  Maria, do you feel any one person is to blame for your losses?
Maria:  No, I don't think so.
(John is glaring at Maria)
Jeff:  What about you, John?  Would you be able to pinpoint a person or two who've caused you to lose?
John:  Yeah.  I believe those two people are named "Maria" and "Libby."
Maria: (Shocked) John!
Jeff:  Libby, do you feel you're a contributing member of this team?
Libby:  Sure.  I guess...
Jeff:  OK, switching gears.  How's the mood been around camp?  Kris?
Kris:  Well, there have been some issues of religion.
Jeff:  Really?  Enlighten me.
Kris:  Just some of the so-called Christians around our camp have perhaps been a bit too adamant about their beliefs.
Jeff:  Bob.  I know you're a pastor.  Do you believe that faith has a place in this game?
Bob:  Of course it does.  My relationship with Christ Jesus isn't something I turn off just because I'm playing a game.  He is always in control of my life.
Jeff:  So, as a religious person, would you ever lie to further yourself in this game?
Bob:  Absolutely not.
Jeff:  OK, it's time to vote.  Amanda, you're up first.
(Amanda walks to the voting booth.  We don't see her vote.
She’s followed by John.  He votes for Maria)
John:  Maria, you're way too prissy.  Sitting around all day working on your hair isn't helping anyone.
(Maria’s up next.  We don’t see her vote)
Maria:  What can I say?  You just don’t fit in with the team.  Sorry.
(Maria returns.  Bob's next.  He votes for Kris)
Bob:  I'm sure you're a fine young man, but you've been a little too confrontational with your beliefs or lack thereof.  I am truly sorry I have to vote for you.
(Melissa's next, followed by Libby. Kris is up next.  He votes for Bob)
Kris:  Bob, not all men appreciate having a faith thrust upon them.  Perhaps you'll take this lesson to heart even this late in life.
(Finally, Clint votes.  We don't see it.  He returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the voting canister)
Jeff: Once the votes are read, the results are final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  First vote:
One vote Bob, one vote Maria, one vote Kris.
Two votes Maria, two votes Bob, two votes Kris.
The first person voted out of the Platz tribe:
Jeff:  Bob, I need you to bring me your torch.
(Bob grabs his torch and approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Bob, the tribe has spoken. (Snuffs his torch) It's time for you to go.
Bob:  OK.  God bless you.
(Exit Bob)
Jeff:  Well, the first vote is always one of the most difficult.  I'm sure that wasn't an easy decision.  I’ll let you get back to camp.  See you tomorrow.
(The tribe exits)  
Bob’s Final Words:  Well, first off I would like to thank Christ Jesus for bringing me this far.  He is so very sweet to me.  He watches over His children every day.  He is the Lord of Heaven and Earth and all is right in God's perfect plan.  I'm sorry that they chose to vote me out tonight, but I know this is all in accordance to God's will.  I could have used the money for His ministry, but I know that He has other plans for me right now, or I'd still be in that game.  I'll keep the other players in my prayers.  Thank you for this incredible opportunity. 
Voting Record:
Amanda:  Maria
John:  Maria
Maria:  Bob
Bob:  Kris
Melissa:  Kris
Libby:  Bob
Kris:  Bob
Clint:  Bob 
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