Episode 1 – A New Beginning   
(The camera sweeps over the ocean.  A deep fog engulfs everything, limiting visibility to a few yards.  The bow of a ship slices through the fog.  Cut to an aerial view.  It’s a long Viking ship, with a horrible dragon head on the masthead and tall striped sails.  Oars protrude from holes in the side, dipping into the water and propelling the ship forward.
Cut to below deck.  A large man pounds a drum.  Pan down the aisles.  Sixteen Americans make up the ship’s slave labor force.  They are chained down, rowing in unison with the drum.  They all look quite fatigued.
Jeff Probst walks down a staircase and faces the camera.)
Jeff:  We’re on board this authentic Viking ship making our way through the very rough waters of the Northern Atlantic.  Manning the oars, 16 Americans who are about to be marooned on Newfoundland's rugged northeastern coast.  Located hundreds of miles from the nearest civilization, this will be their new home for the next 39 days.
(Cut to a shot of a rocky coast, jutting from the fog like jagged teeth)
They'll receive no help from us.  These Survivors will be given no food, absolutely no rations.  Each tribe will leave this ship with only the barest of essentials:  Two machetes, two cooking pots, two empty water containers, one frying pan, one filleting knife, and one magnifying glass.
They'll be left to fend for themselves using the resources of a very rugged land and their own survival skills.  It is the ultimate challenge:  16 people forced to work together to create a new society, battling the elements, and each other.  They must learn to adapt, or they'll be voted off the island.  In the end, only one will remain to claim the million dollar prize..
39 days,
16 people,
One Survivor.  

Theme Song 
Jeff:  As this ship drops anchor, these 16 Americans begin the adventure of a lifetime.  In Survivor Missouri, we saw what happened when 16 previously related people engaged in the game of Survivor.  But this time, the stakes are higher.  The relationships are more distant and the pre-existing rivalries more intense.  Who knows what will happen with this group?
The Survivors have been divided into two competing tribes, Coble and Platz, named in honor of Survivor: Missouri's final two.  Each tribe will be given a crate which contains a minimal amount of supplies, but no food and no water.  They then face a difficult one and a half mile paddle to their beaches and their new homes for the next 39 days.

The Coble tribe, which will always wear grey, consists of:
Will Kraut, a student from Springfield, Missouri
Brian Terrace, a construction worker from Marvin, Missouri
Kevin Roswell, a mechanic from Sherman Oaks, Missouri
Dan Truit, a restaurant manager from Kansas City, Missouri
Lora Hart, a student from Sherman Oaks, Missouri
Mary Ellen Reeve, a realtor  from Diamond, Illiois
Becky Collins, a homemaker and youth minister from Sherman Oaks, Missouri
and Sylvia DeMille, a high school student from Sherman Oaks, Missouri
The Platz tribe, which will always wear orange, consists of:
Kris Tebalt, an army officer from Sherman Oaks, Missouri
John Russell, a student from Sherman Oaks, Missouri
Bob Compton, a pastor from Lerning, Missouri
Clint Farmer, an agrology student from Sherman Oaks, Missouri
Libby Schmidt, a high school student from Brickline, Missouri
Melissa Brennit, a high school teacher from Sherman Oaks, Missouri
Maria Hargrove, a hairdresser from Clearwater, Missouri
and Amanda Sneisser, a high school student from Sherman Oaks, Missouri   

(Coble is crammed into a tiny lifeboat, rowing along)
Sylvia: (Narrating) The paddle over was… interesting.  There was so much fog that we had no idea where we were going.
Becky:  Can anybody see anything?
Lora:  No!  This fog's just way too thick!
(Off to the right, a whale surfaces and blows water out its spout.  Kevin stares at it transfixed)
Kevin: (in awe) Wow…
(Kevin imitates the sound of water blowing out of the whale)
Sylvia:  Look at the whale, guys!
(Kevin continues to stare at the whale.  It dives underwater.  Suddenly, Kevin
flops off the side of the boat and starts dog paddling to where the whale was)
Sylvia:  Kevin!
Mary Ellen:  Uh-oh! (Giggling) Man overboard!
Brian:  S***!  What is he doing!

Mary Ellen: (Repeating herself) Man overboard!
Will:  Kevin!  Get back here!

(Kevin ignores Coble's cries and keeps swimming after the whale)
Brian:  F***!
Mary Ellen:  Man overboard!
(Brian jumps overboard and swims after Kevin.  He's a strong swimmer, and catches
up to Kevin pretty quickly.  He grabs him and starts dragging him back to the boat)
Kevin:  (Struggling)  No!  Brian!  No!
Brian:  Stop fighting me, d***it!  This is for your own good!
(Brian manages to drag Kevin back to the boat.  Everyone reaches out and pulls them back in)
Mary Ellen:  I guess he saw something he wanted.  (Braying laugh)
Kevin: (Extremely frustrated) Man!
(Will and Brian struggle to keep Kevin in the boat.  Dan
talks on his  phone.  Lora adoringly stares at Brian)
Lora: (Narrating) I was really impressed with Brian.  I've heard some bad things about him, but I don't believe they're true.  It was pretty heroic of him to dive in after Kevin like that.
(Filler shot of a seagull flying along, then pooping.  Cut to Platz)  
(The Platzes are also crammed into a tiny lifeboat, struggling to make it through the sea.
The men are doing the brunt of the work, but Melissa and Amanda are also pulling their weight)

John:  (Narrating) I was pretty annoyed at the girls during the paddle over.  Kris, Clint, Brother Bob and I were all rowing really hard, and the girls were just sitting there like they were on some kind of cruise.
Melissa: (Clapping) Great job guys!  I can see land!

(John silently seethes as he continues rowing.  Maria and Libby are chattering away)
Maria:  You have really pretty hair, Libby.  It's so straight and fine.
Libby:  Really?  Thanks, Maria!
Maria:  And I should know.  I'm a hairdresser.
(Shot of Kris rolling his eyes)
Kris:  (Narrating) At the risk of sounding cliché, hair?  That just proved to me that the females in our clan are quite...  feeble minded.  Not that that's a bad thing, but it's not the most conducive when we're trying to get to the shore.
Melissa:  Just a little bit further, guys!
Amanda:  This is hard!
Bob:  We're doing a fine job, everyone.  Just keep it up for a little longer!
Bob: (Narrating) What impressed me most about our trip over was how quick our progress was.  We were just so very efficient making it through that water.  It had to be the Lord's hand.  Even out here, He's watching over us.
(Pan up to the overcast sky.  Pan down onto Coble beach)

(Coble's beach is barren and rocky.  A grey flag is stretched between two poles embedded in the sand.
Pan out to the ocean.  Coble's boat arrives at the beach.  They all jump  out, whooping and hugging)
Will:  Woooooo!
Becky:  (Narrating) I was really glad to make it to our beach.  But it didn't take long for for the kids to start bickering and complaining.
Brian:  (To Dan) You!  Help me with the crate.
Dan: (Talking on his phone) I gotta go, honey.  (Pause) Yeah, we're on the beach.  OK.  I love you, too…  I love you too…
(Brian grows impatient with Dan)
Dan:  Honey, I gotta go.  OK.  Bye.
(Dan hangs up his phone and helps Brian move the crate onto the shore)
Dan:  This is pretty light.
Brian:  No s***.
Dan:  (Giving Brian a funny look)  You need help.
Brian: (Menacingly) What's that supposed to mean?
Becky: (Breaking in) OK, OK.  Let's just get this open.
Lora:  I hope they give us food this time.
(The tribe pries the crate open to find that it only contains a few knives and pans)
Lora:  Crap!
Lora: (Narrating) Well, they didn't give us any food, so that sucks.  What are we going to eat out here?  Do they expect us to take down a moose?  I really think we're going to starve out here.  I really do.
Mary Ellen:  I could probably go without eating for a few weeks.  My thighs are getting so big!  (Braying laugh)
(Everyone around Mary Ellen cringes)
Sylvia: (Narrating) Mary Ellen seems nice and all, but that laugh!  It sounds like a dying horse or something.
(Will is unloading pots from the crate.  He tosses one
to the side and narrowly misses nailing Lora in the head)
Lora:  Hey!  That pot almost hit me!
Will:  Oop!  Sorry about that.
Lora: (Narrating) Will and I used to go out, but then he dumped me.  I guess I've sorta been holding a grudge.  It makes it very awkward to be on the same tribe as him.
Will: (Narrating) Lora?  I'm going to try to be civil, but I can't say it's not going to be weird.
(Filler shot.  A crab sidestepping across the beach)

(The Platzes arrive at their beach.  Platz beach is sandier than Coble, and the area is heavily forested.  Everyone disperses from the boat and wanders around the campsite.  Bob watches, swinging his arms)
Bob: (Hollering)  Everyone!  If I could have your attention!
(The Platzes turn to face Bob)
Bob:  If everyone could gather round!  (The others start moving in)  Yeah, come on in, Amanda, Clint.  Hadn't we best thank the Lord for guiding us to this beach?
(Closeups of Clint, Kris, and Maria looking nervous)
Bob:  C'mon now!  Let's form a circle.  Take the hand next to yours.  Don't be shy, now.
(The Platzes form a circle and join hands.  Kris is standing next to Maria. He nervously
reaches for her hand, which she pulls away.  Kris puts his hands behind his back)
Bob:  Let's go to the Lord in prayer.  O precious Lord.  We thank You for our safe journey through the ocean.  We know that Your Hand was guiding us, o Heavenly Father-
(Kris's narration cuts Bob off)
Kris:  (Narrating) Bob's religion is of the utmost importance to him.  It is what he does for a living.  But not all men follow his religion; a fact to which he is completely oblivious.  I know that Maria, Clint, and myself were put off by his prayer session.  It just doesn't make good sense to anoint oneself spiritual leader of one's clan at this early juncture.
(Cut back to Bob)
Bob: -For it is in Your Son's Holy Name we pray.  Amen.
Melissa:  Amen!  Thanks, Brother Bob!
Amanda: (Narrating) Well, I'm really glad Brother Bob's here.  But I don't think some of the non-Christians like him much.  I could tell that Kris and Maria and Libby were a little annoyed with him.  Maybe John and Clint, too.
(John and Clint are searching through the crate)
Clint:  They sure didn't give us much.
John: (Picking up a frying pan) Look at this piece of junk!  We're supposed to cook in this?
Clint:  (Chortles) Yeah right!
John:  Look!  The handle's already bent.  We must be on the Budget Survivor.
Clint:  Yeah.
John:  Pfft!  Survivor: Cheapskates.  And can you believe our tribal color?  Orange?
Clint: Yeah, what a gay color!
(Kris approaches)
Kris:  You need any help unpacking?
John:  (Scoffs)  Unpacking what?  The two knives, or the frying pan?  So, Kris...  What do you think about our tribe's color?
Kris:  Orange?  Orange is orange.
John:  You don't think it's a little… girly?
Kris:  Not really.
Clint:  (Laughing scornfully) Hey John, look at him!  He likes orange!
(When Clint sees John isn't laughing, he stops.  Kris walks away muttering)
John:  Kris makes me a little nervous.  With people like Clint, you can tell exactly what they're thinking.  But with Kris, it's more difficult.  I never know what the guy is thinking, and that could be a threat to my position in the game further down the road.
(Filler shot.  A squirrel runs up a tall coniferous tree)

Kevin: (Narrating) Hey, buddy.  We're gonna build a fire.  See, you have to build a fire if you want to drink the water, because it might be full of parasites.  You have to boil the water…  (Kevin stops talking and stares at the sky)  Woah! (Kevin gets up and wanders off camera)
(Coble is gathered around a pit filled with kindling.  Becky is holding the magnifying glass)
Becky:  Nope.  This just isn't going to work.  It's overcast.
Lora:  Oh Great!  Does the sun ever come out up here?
Becky:  It peeks out every now and again.  But for now we're going to have to do it the old fashioned way.
Lora:  Yeah, like that ever works.
(Lora gets up and walks away)
Mary Ellen:  Is there anything I can help you with, Becky?
Becky:  Yeah, see if you can find me two straight sticks.
Mary Ellen:  Now that sounds like a great job for Kevin.  Hey Kevin!
(Mary Ellen walks off to find Kevin.  Becky sighs in frustration)
Becky:  (Narrating)  I get a bit irritated with some of the people on this tribe.  No one really seems to want to do much work.  This is not a situation where you can just sit back and wait for things to happen.  If we're going to build any sort of working camp, people are going to have to be willing to do something.  And I'm just not seeing that right now.
(Dan sits on a cedar log, talking on his cell phone.  Will approaches him)
Will:  Hey Dan, Becky wants some help with the fire.  Could you possibly hang up and help us out?
Dan:  Just a sec… (Into his phone)  Can you hold on for a minute honey?  (Pause)  It's Will.  (Pause) Will.  Remember, I told you, he's one of the guys.  (Pause)  You remember my roommate Jake?  It's his brother. (Pause) No, honey.  Jaaaake.
(Will shakes his head and walks away.  On the other side of camp,
Brian and Lora are lounging around.  Becky approaches them)
Becky: Hey Brian, we're going to need to get have some water when we get the fire going. Could you go fill up the jugs for me?
(Brian shoots Becky an annoyed look)
Brian: Why the h*** do you need water right now?  You haven't even got the f***ing fire going yet!
Becky: No, but I plan to.  It's better to be prepared just in case.
Brian: It'll get done. Don't get your f***ing panties in a twist.
(Becky grumbles to herself and walks away.  Filler shot of a flock of geese)

Melissa: (Narrating) Today, we're going to build a fire.  And I just know we can do it, because we've got a magnifying glass and I'm just positive the sun's going to come out any minute now.
(Melissa stares at the sky, but the stratus clouds refuse to part.  Maria and Libby walk past her)
Maria:  You cheer?  Wow!  That's great, Lib.  I was a cheerleader, you know.
Libby:  Really?
Maria:  Yeah.  It's great, isn't it?  Those were the best four years of my life.  I was always so proud to rally everyone to support our school.  It's so important to have spirit, you know?
Libby:  Yeah!
Maria:  It just really p***es me off when people don't care.
Libby:  Me too!
Libby: (Narrating) I'm so glad I have someone as cool as Maria on my team.  We have so much in common.  It feels so good to meet someone who feels the same way I do about stuff, you know?
(Across camp, Amanda and Clint are trying to start a fire with
two sticks.  Amanda holds while Clint rubs.  Bob looks on)
Amanda: Come on, Clint.  It can't be too difficult to get a fire started.
Clint: (Straining) I'd be able to work a lot better if you'd shut yer yap!
Bob: The Lord will provide. You just keep working at it, Clint.  The Lord's not going to turn His back on us now.
Clint: Uh, yeah.  I'll keep workin' then.
Clint: (Narrating) Brother Bob's really startin' to p*** me off.  Why's he gotta bring God into everything? What, is he gonna shoot down fire from heaven?  There's a time and a place for religion, and this is neither.
(Kris approaches with an armload of firewood)
Kris: There's no need to do that right now, you know.
Amanda:  Oh?
Kris:  The challenge tomorrow.  They'll give us fire.  Our energy could be better spent on other ventures, such as shelter building and food gathering.  No one ever gets fire on the first day.
Amanda: Well, we'll keep trying for a while and see what happens.
(Kris shrugs and goes back to collecting firewood)

(Sylvia, Brian, Kevin, and Lora are sitting around the crate chatting.  Dan's off talking on his cell phone,
while Will and Mary Ellen are no where to be seen.  Becky stands at the edge of camp frowning)
Becky: (Narrating) We had absolutely no luck with our fire earlier.  So I decided to make the best of the situation and at least get a decent shelter built.
(Becky starts walking towards the younger people, clapping her hands)
Becky:  Come on!  Get up!  There's work to be done!
Lora:  (Whining)  Why?  We can't eat anything without fire.
Becky:  We need to get a shelter built.  I am not going to sleep out in the rain.
Lora: It doesn't look like it's going to rain. Don't worry about it yet.
Becky: Those are stratus clouds, and the air's getting thick. It'll be drizzling in a couple of hours, and we need something over our heads.
Brian:  Oh, for f***'s sake!  Give it a rest, Becky. You don't have a f***ing clue what you're talking about. It isn't going to rain on us. The shelter'll get built, so stop with your constant whiny s***!
(Will returns with a jug of water as Mary Ellen comes in
excited about some mushrooms she found in the woods)
Will: Got the water. Do we have a fire yet?
Becky: Nope. And by the looks of it, I don't think we're going to have much of a shelter, either.
Mary Ellen: Well, I found some mushrooms in the woods. I bet my bottom dollar we can eat them.
Becky: That's great, Mary Ellen, but I think it's going to rain.  I really think we should work on the shelter.
Mary Ellen: That's a great idea. I'd hate to get the hair all wet!  (Braying laugh)
(Will cringes briefly, then chuckles politely)
Will: Okay, I'll go look for some poles.
(Will walks off the to woods as Becky and Mary Ellen gather mid-sized branches from the woodpile)
Becky:  I don't understand these kids.  I don't know how they expect for a camp to be built if they're not going to do any work.
Mary Ellen:  Well, you know kids today.  (Braying laugh)
Becky:  Yeah, unfortunately I do.
(Night falls.  The group mills around the newly built shelter.  Cut to Will, who looks dissatisfied)
Will:  (Narrating) When I saw that Smiley was on my tribe, I decided that he and I would have a makeup session, whether he wanted to or not.  We did not get along in high school and I consider it to still be a broken relationship.
(Will pulls Brian away from the group)
Brian:  What do you want, d***head?
Will:  We need to talk.
Brian:  About what?
Will:  When we were in high school, I hated you.  And I'm sorry for that now.  I'd like to ask that you to forgive me for the way I acted towards you.  I'd like it if we could start over.
(Brian is completely taken aback.  He's speechless for a moment,
but once he's processed this turn of events, he sputters out an answer)
Brian:  What, are you some kind of queer?
Will:  Excuse me?
Brian:  You're trying to come on to me, aren't you faggot?
Will:  No.  I'm simply asking your forgiveness.
Brian:  H*** no, faggot!  I'd knock you on your a** right now, but there's work to get done.  (Walking away) You just stay away from me!
Will:  That could've gone better.
Brian: (Narrating) D***, I hate this tribe!  I got paired up with a shrill little woman, a f***ing retard, and a couple of fairies.
(Pan up to the moon.  Segue to sunrise)

(It's early morning.  Libby and Maria wander aimlessly in
the woods, trailing several yards behind Melissa)

Melissa: The field guide said there should be edible berries around here. We're bound to find something soon, you guys!

Libby: (Ignoring Melissa) So, is your sister as pretty as you are?

Maria: Oh, she's gorgeous. I just love her to death. I miss her already. It's so great having a twin. There's just a bond there that other people don't understand.

Libby: I wish I had a twin...

Maria: Well... how 'bout you just be my little sister while we're out here?

Libby: (smiles) Okay, sis!

(The two exchange a hug and giggle as Melissa yells)

Melissa: Hey you guys!  I think I found something! Come check this out!

Maria: Oh, you found some berries! I am so hungry! Rock!

Libby: Are you sure about those berries? They look kind of weird.

Melissa: Aw come on, let's at least take them back to camp.

(The trio gathers three armloads of the berries and return triumphantly to camp, where
John and Kris are making plans for a shelter as Bob sits on a stump reading his Bible)

John: If we can get enough of those pine branches, I think we can probably make a lean to for tonight at least.

Melissa: Hey you guys!  We got food!

(Kris and John inspect the berries.  They're hardly able to hide their disdain)

Kris: I imagine that if you were to check the field guide, you'd find that those are a venomous variety of berry.  I would advise against injesting them.

Maria: (crestfallen) D***! And I was really looking forward to eating them.  I'm so starved!

John: Yeah? Guess you'll have to find something else.

(John and Kris drop the berries on the ground.  The girls stare at them with obvious disappointment)
Melissa: (Narrating) I was so disappointed when the guys said we couldn't eat my berries!  I was just so sure that they'd be something good to eat.  Oh well.  I'm going to keep at it until I can find something to feed the tribe.
(Cut to Amanda.  She's sneaking away from camp.  She wanders off into the forest)
Amanda: (Narrating) Ugh!  I can't stand being around so many people all the time.  I had to get out of there and just be by myself for a while.  I decided to take a walk in the forest, and it wasn't long before I came on this clearing...
(Cut to a shot of Amanda entering a clearing in the woods.  In the middle of the clearing, there's a
very stout, gnarled tree, standing solitary.  Amanda approaches it and discovers that it's an apple tree)
Amanda: (Narrating) I found an apple tree out here in the middle of nowhere.  (laughs) I just sat there for the longest time eating my secret apples.  I'm not going to share my apple tree with the others.  It's my private apple tree. This is going to be my place to come whenever those people start to get on my nerves.
(Cut to a shot of a solitary wolf padding through the coniferous forest)

(Becky and Mary Ellen walk down the beach.  Tree Mail is dangling from a large cedar)
Mary Ellen:  Oh, isn't this pretty!
Becky:  Let's see what it says...
              (Reading)  So you're struggling to carve
                                 Your existence anew
                                 Food, shelter, and fire
                                 Are important, it's true
                                 But much more important
                                 Is the challenge today
                                 If you fail to win here,
                                 One will be sent away
Mary Ellen:  Uh-oh!  There's trouble!  (Braying Laugh)

Reward/Immunity Challenge:  Quest for Fire    
(Aerial view of Challenge Beach.  A line of torches
floats in the sea.  The Survivors approach Jeff Probst)
Jeff:  Welcome.  Brian, how was the journey over?
Brian: (glowering) Very funny, dips***.
Jeff:  (Ignoring Brian) Anybody have any luck with fire?
(The Survivors murmur "no")
Jeff:  Well, today you're in luck.  One of the things you're playing for today: a canister of waterproof matches.  Should make it a lot easier to get your fire started on those overcast days.  Also up for grabs today:  this.
(Jeff pulls out a small wooden statue that's
carved to look like Lindsey from Survivor: Africa)
Jeff:  This is what you wanna covet.  (Jeff passes the idol around)  Everybody put your hands on this.  Get a little feel of the Immunity Idol.
(The Survivors all reach out and touch the idol)
Mary Ellen:  She looks like me when I was younger!  (Braying laugh)
Jeff:  (Cringing)  This is your first Immunity Challenge.  Win it, your tribe is guaranteed three more days on the island.  Lose, and I'll see you at Tribal Council.  Somebody on your tribe's gonna be the first one voted off the island.  That brings us to today's challenge.  Here's how it works:
Each tribe has an miniature Viking ship outfitted with two torches.  You're looking at about 350 pounds dry.  Each member of your team must keep a hand on this ship at all times.  On my go, you're going to take your ship, run with it down the beach and swim out in the ocean to the center torch, where you'll light both your torches.  Treasure those torches.  They're very important, because you're going to turn around and start lighting your floating torches, four as you work your way back to the beach.  Once you hit the beach, it's a sprint along a very uneven and rocky beach.  On the way you're going to light three more torches.  First team to reach the end, get your ship into its stand and light the final torch wins immunity.
Jeff:  You guys ready for this?
(The Survivors yell "yeah!")
Jeff:  Get ready to start, wait for my go.  This is for immunity!
(The Survivors move into position)
Jeff:  Survivors Ready?  (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(The teams heft up their ships and start sprinting down
the beach.  Coble hits the surf slightly ahead of Platz.  Both
teams drag their ships through the waves.  Melissa and Bob slow Platz
down considerably, and Coble begins to take an early lead)
Maria:  Come on, guys!  We can do this!
(Coble reaches the center torch.  Will and Brian dip the two tribal torches into
the giant flame and insert them back into their slots atop
the ship.  Coble begins dragging the ship back to shore.
Platz struggles in the water.  Bob's having considerable difficulty keeping his head above water)
Libby:  Come on, Platz!
(Coble reaches its first torch.  Brian lights it and they begin to move on.
Platz finally reaches the center torch.  John and Kris light the tribal torches)
John:  Got it!
(Coble's lighting their second torch.  Brian manages
to get it lit without the ship having to stop.
Platz nears their first torch.  Bob goes under)
Melissa:  Bob's under!
(John dives under and finds Bob.  He brings him back to the surface)
John:  I've got him!
Maria:  Way to go, John!
(By this time, Coble's lit their third torch and is closing in on their fourth.  Platz is
moving slower, since most of John's strength is being concentrated on keeping Bob afloat.
They reach the second torch as Coble reaches their fourth.  Kris lights it)
(Coble begins to near the beach.  Platz closes in on their third torch)
Clint:  Man!  This is hopeless!
Maria:  Don't give up now, guys!
(Coble hits the beach.  They lift their ship out of the
water and plod towards the first land bound torch.
Out in the water, Platz gets its fourth torch lit.  They set their eyes to the beach.
Coble reaches the first torch on the beach.  Brian
expertly lights it.  They start moving towards their second torch.
Platz arrives at the beach.  An aerial shot shows the distance between the two teams.
Suddenly, Kevin lets go of Coble's ship.  He stops
and stares at the sky.  He's transfixed by a helicopter)
Kevin: (Imitating the helicopter) Whirr whirr whirr whirr...
(Coble doesn't even notice Kevin's absence.  They light their second torch and move on)
Jeff:  Coble!  You lost a member!  Kevin has to have a hand on your ship!
Brian:  S***!
(Coble sets down their ship and runs back to get Kevin.
Meanwhile, Platz arrives at their first torch and light it.
Coble reach Kevin.  Brian and Will grab him and start pulling him towards their ship)
Kevin: (Struggling)  Guys!  No!
(Platz reaches their second torch.  They light it and move on.
Dan, Will, and Brian carry a kicking Kevin to their abandoned ship.
Brian clamps Kevin's hand to the ship, and Coble resumes the race.
Platz plods toward the third torch.  Coble is closing in fast)
Maria: (Squealing) Ooh!  Come on!
(Platz lights the third torch torch just seconds before Coble.
Both teams begin a death sprint to the finish line)
Melissa:  Dig deep!  Dig deep!
(Platz maintains its ever-so-slight lead and arrives at their stand first.  They heft the ship up.
Kris grabs a torch and barrels towards the final torch.  Coble puts their ship into their stand, and
Brian follows Kris with Coble's torch.  Kris arrives at the final torch just seconds before
Brian.  He lights the wick and the torch flares up.  Brian throws down his torch in frustration)
Jeff:  Platz!  Immunity!  Who wants it?
(Platz is elated.  They surround Jeff, hollering and screaming.  Jeff hands the idol to John)
Jeff:  You guys are staying for three more days.  (Turning to Coble) Coble, one of you is going home tonight.   We have a date at Tribal Council.  I'll see you guys in a few hours.
(Coble walks away dejected)     
Becky: (Narrating) After we lost that challenge, I thought it'd be a good idea for us to meet as a team and discuss who would be the one to go.
(Becky has called everyone into a meeting.
Brian and Lora look particularly perturbed with her)
Becky: OK guys, someone has to go tonight, and it's important that we discuss who it's going to be.
(Kevin's stomach growls loudly)
Kevin: You guys hear that?  I'm starving.
Becky: Let's worry about that later, OK Kevin? We need to decide what we're going to do tonight. The way I see it, we need to get rid of the person who is least valuable to our team as a whole.
Sylvia: (analytically) Hmm...  and who exactly do you think is the least valuable, Becky?
(Dan stands up)
Dan: Well, you guys have fun.  I need to call Susan and tell her how the challenge went.
(Dan walks away, dialing his cell phone)
Becky:  Wait!  Dan!  This'll just take a minute!
Brian: Oh, shut the h*** up, Becky. We're all getting pretty sick of your s***.
Becky: But I think it's important that-
(Suddenly, Kevin gets up and starts following a squirrel.  He stumbles over a stick and falls with a yell, distracting everyone from what Becky's saying. Will and Sylvia, glad for the interruption, run to Kevin)
Will: You okay, Kev?
Kevin: Yeah. I think this is moose poop.
Sylvia: Whoa, you need to get yourself cleaned up there, Kev-o.
(Will and Sylvia escort Kevin to the stream)
Becky: Wait, guys! If I could just-
Brian: The meeting's over, b****.
Lora: Yeah, Brian's right. Now's not a good time.  Come on.  Let's work on the shelter!
Mary Ellen: Wait, you two!
(Lora's already headed to the shelter.  She begins fumbling around
with some sticks, not having any idea what she's doing)
Becky: (to Mary Ellen) These kids are impossible.
Will: (Narrating): It's obvious that Becky doesn't know how this game works. Nobody talks strategy before the first vote and gets away with it. At this point in the game, you just can't risk alienating yourself like that. It's a shame. We need workers over here, and I know I can't expect much out of my peers.
(Cut to Brian and Lora half-heartedly working at the shelter)
Sylvia: (Narrating) I'm very interested in how the vote will go tonight.  I'm just trying to figure out how everyone would vote.  You gotta get into their heads and really figure out how they think.  Will, for instance, is probably going to vote for Brian.  You can tell they have some unresolved issues.  Brian, on the other hand, seems pretty annoyed with Kevin screwing up the challenge.   You can just tell that winning's really important to him.  And me?  (Laughs)  I've been so busy trying to figure everyone else out, I haven't made up my own mind yet.

Tribal Council # 1

(Aerial shot of Tribal Council.  It's a huge viking hall, with a thatched straw roof and carved wooden
pillars.  Torches border the path that the eight follow to the entrance.  Jeff is waiting for them inside)
Jeff:  Guys, come on in.  Behind each of you guys is a torch.  Why don't you find your torch and approach the flame?
(The Survivors do so)
Jeff:  Go ahead an put them back in their slots.  We do this because fire does represent life here at Tribal Council.  As long as you have fire, you're still alive.  When your fire is gone, so are you.  It's that simple.
I want you guys to take a second and look at where we're at.  Newfoundland was the site of the first European settlement in North America.  The vikings would hold their councils in great halls like the one in which we now sit.  Tonight, we're having our own council.  This is where you're going to be held responsible for your actions.  Sometimes, those actions are going to help you.  Sometimes they're going to come back to haunt you.  That's what the vote is all about.  That's what we're going to find out tonight.  But before we hold the first vote, let's talk about the first few days.
Jeff:  Lora, what were you thinking when you saw that you had no rations?
Lora:  I was thinking, "We're all going to die out here.  We really are."
Jeff:  Will, are you worried at all about the survival aspect of the game?
Will: Not particularly.  I mean, it's work to get food and water, but I don't honestly expect to starve out here.  Death wouldn't make for good TV.
Jeff:  Becky, how's the mood around camp?
Becky:  The mood could be a lot better, Jeff.  There's a lot of work that needs to be done, and I just don't see it getting done.  The work ethic really has to improve.
Jeff:  Brian, do you agree with Becky?
Brian:  Yeah, that'll be the day!
Jeff:  Am I sensing some tension there?
Brian:  She has got to be the most uptight b**** I've ever met.
Jeff:  Pretty strong words.  Sylvia, do you feel that the mental game has begun already?
Sylvia:  Oh, absolutely!  This whole thing is one big mind game.  If you can get into the other guy's head out here, you have the advantage.
Jeff:  Kevin, I've got to ask about the challenge.  As someone who didn't perhaps perform so well for his team, do you feel vulnerable?
Kevin:  Mmmm... Nope.
Jeff:  Well, OK, it's time to vote.  Becky, you're up first.
(Becky walks to the booth.  She writes down her vote, which is for Kevin)
Becky:  I really hope I don't upset this person, but he's just no help at all around camp.  His attention span's too short to get any work done, and I just think we'd do a lot better without him.
(Will's up next.  We don't see his vote.
He's followed by Lora.  She votes for Becky)
Lora:  She's just a little too bossy.
(Next up is Brian, followed by Sylvia.  We don't see their votes.
Mary Ellen votes next.  She votes for Kevin)
Mary Ellen:  Kevin, honey, you know I love ya, but you're just a little too... what's the word I'm looking for?  Special.  Maybe you could win the Special Olympics version of Survivor! (Braying Laugh)  Take care, OK?
(Dan goes up to vote next, followed by Kevin.  He votes for Kevin)
 Kevin:  Well, here's my entry.  I really hope I win the million dollars.
(Kevin returns)
Jeff:  I'll tally the votes.
(Jeff leaves and comes back with the canister)
Jeff:  Once the votes are read the decision is final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  Follow that path, there's a nice confessional where you can speak your peace.  I'll read the votes.  First vote:
That's two votes Becky, two votes Kevin.
Three votes Becky, three votes Kevin.
And the first person voted off the island:
Jeff:  Becky, I need you to bring me your torch.
(Becky brings Jeff her torch)
Jeff:  Becky, the tribe has spoken.  (Snuffs her torch) It's time for you to go.
Becky:  OK, no problem.  Later, guys.
(Becky walks out)
Jeff:  Well, you survived your first Tribal Council.  This game has only just begun.  The road ahead of you is long and bumpy.  You'd better hope this was the right way to start off.  I'll let you guys get back to camp.
(The Survivors exit) 
Becky's Final Words:  Well, as I understand it, there's a certain amount of shame in being the first one voted off.  But I'm really not too upset.  I had different goals than the rest of the team.  I wanted to get this camp up and running, and they wanted to sit around and pick at each other.  I really don't know how they're going to pick themselves up without me, but something sure needs to be done.  The team mentality at that camp is absolutely zero. 
Voting Record:
Becky:  Kevin
Will:  Becky
Lora:  Becky
Brian:  Becky
Sylvia:  Becky
Mary Ellen:  Kevin
Dan:  Becky
Kevin:  Kevin    
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