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Frequently Asked Questions 
Q:  So, what's this website all about anyway?  
A:  This website is a series of episodes detailing what would happen if 16 people from different areas of my life found themselves competing against one another in the game of Survivor.  
Q:  "Survivor?"  What's that?  
A:  I try to explain the game here.  If you need more information, head to the official website.  
Q:  Why would you write such a series?  
A:  Because I like watching how people interrelate to one another.  I've always found it fascinating that there's this vast web of people who are connected only through their mutual acquaintance with me.  I love to see what happens when these people actually meet one another.  This doesn't happen very often, however, so I've taken the initiative of writing a fictional account of their meeting.  
Q:  OK, so why'd you choose for them to meet in the game of Survivor?  
A:  Because I like Survivor.  The social interaction, the challenges, and the strategic game make for fascinating TV.  It's a good medium to force people who would never interact to do just that.  
Q:  Interesting.  Is this the first such series you've written?  
A:  No, in fact, it isn't.  I had a series called Survivor: Missouri before this one.  (I was an actual contestant in that series)  A third series, Survivor: Nicaragua, is currently being written.  
Q:  Oh.  Um, neat.  So, who are you, anyway?  
A:  Well, on the Survivor NEWF EZBoard, I go by the handle Mumbo the Caveman.  My real name is Jake, and I'm a recent college graduate.  That's all you need to know, really.  
Q:  You don't have to get snippy.  All right, so is this series complete?  
A:  Yes, it is.  It ran from April 14th, 2002 - December 17th, 2002, and much to the frustration of my normal readers, it wasn't updated as often as I'd promised.  
Q:  So I don't have to wait between episodes?  Great!  How can I read this without spoiling the end results for myself?  
A:  Read the episodes in order.  Don't scroll to the bottom of the episode if you don't want to know who gets voted off.  Use the voting history pages with caution.  If you want to see who got voted off in episode 1, click the link to the Episode 1 voting history.  Don't look at the next page if you haven't read the accompanying episode yet.  Don't look at an individual player's voting history unless that player has already been voted out.  The page tells at which Tribal Council he/she departs.  
Q:  How were the contestants chosen?  
A:  Some of them, (such as Will and Melissa) are people who'd read Survivor Missouri and asked to be included in its sequel.  The rest are people I know who have interesting personalities.  
Q:  Hey!  I'm a character in this, and you didn't ask me if I could be included!  
A:  Yeah, I guess I didn't.  
Q:  I don't like the way I'm portrayed!  
A:  Just like the real TV show, some characters get bad editing in order to create villians.  People need someone to root against.  Don't take it personally.  I poke fun at everyone who's ever been in one of my Survivor series, including myself.  
Q:  What if I want to sue you for libel?  
A:  Please don't.  If you're insulted, it's probably because I don't know you well enough to write you as a fully rounded character.  Just think of it as a character who shares your first name but is nothing like the real you.  Laugh it off.  At least I thought you were interesting enough to write about you.  
Q:  I guess.  Why was I voted off so early?  
A:  When a character is voted off doesn't reflect in any way whether I like him/her or not.  Characters are voted off only when it's logical for the other characters to get rid of them.  If you were voted off early, it's because the other characters wanted to get rid of you and has nothing to do with my opinion of you.  
Q:  Hmmph!  Well, I really like this website.  It's well-designed.  
A:  No it isn't.  I'm horrible with computers.  
Q:  That was sarcasm.  
A:  I could tell.  
Q:  So, what's up with all the gross inaccuracies in the series?  Do you know nothing about the culture and environment of Newfoundland?  
A:  I readily admit that I don't.  I did virtually no research on Newfoundland.  I don't focus on the environment itself at all.  I'm far more interested in strategizing.  
Q:  I'm profoundly insulted at the way you've portrayed the province of Newfoundland.  
A:  Get over it.  Unlike Mr. Burnett, I don't choose a location in order to glorify it.  Instead, I choose a location so that I can insult it.  The Newfoundland shown in the series only exists in my imagination.  And yes, I realize that making fun of something of which you're completely ignorant is only funny to other ignorant people.  So it goes.  
Q:  I'm fresh out of questions.  
A:  Good.  You were starting to annoy me.  
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