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..1:  A New Beginning  - The new Survivors, who all have previous ties, are abandoned on Newfoundland.  ..2:  The Invocation A new evil is embodied.  ..3:  Fox in the Henhouse - Does a dirty game pay off? ..4:  Lost in the Shuffle - A twist affects everyone.  ..5:  The Best Defense - How can one survive in hostile territory?  ..6:  A Hard Sell - Sometimes your greatest allies need a bit of convincing.  ..7:  Sleeping Giants - The course of the game is dependent on how two "insignificant" players will vote.  ..8:  Farewell to Arms - How far is too far?  ..9:  New World Order - What happens when someone decides to tinker with the grand design?  ..10:  The Crusaders - How does one fight back when one is outnumbered?  ..11:  Fallen Angel - When it comes down to two big personalities, one must go.  ..12:  The Powers That Be - The numbers game becomes more vital at five.  ..13:  The Best Laid Plans - The final four.  Whose master plan will succeed, and whose will fall short? ................................................................................................................................................
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